Abbi From 'Below Deck' Missed a Shift After a Night Out Will She Get Fired?

Does Abbi from 'Below Deck' get fired? The third deckhand missed deck duty after going out the night before, which is a big no-no for the crew.

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There are just a few major rules on any Below Deck yacht: show up for your shift on time and always have your radio on. Abbi Murphy is the least experienced yachtie on Valor, and her inexperience might just be too much for her to handle. During the first charter, she had radio issues that led Captain Lee to issue her a warning. On the Oct. 28 episode, Abbi was still in bed dealing with a hangover when the rest of the deck team was cleaning the boat ahead of the third charter.

Does Abbi from Below Deck get fired? We have the scoop on why her lack of confidence in the beginning of the season caused her to have some issues, and if breaking the cardinal rule of Below Deck might lead to her demise. 

Source: Bravo

Does Abbi from Below Deck get fired?

While the crew nights out are by far some of the rowdiest parts of Below Deck, the deck team and interior always seem to pull themselves together ahead of their next-morning shifts. On the Oct. 28 episode, Abbi enjoyed her night out, but when she woke up the following day, she was in a world of pain. While Tanner Sterback, Bryan de Saint Pern and bosun Ashton Pienaar were on deck and working, Abbi was in her bunk and only getting up to get sick.

As Ashton continued calling "Abbi, Abbi, Ash" to get her attention on the radio, she texted the deck team saying, "I don't know if I'll be up by 9 today. I need a toilet nearby."

"I'm getting frustrated with Abbi," Ashton says in the teaser trailer. "Where do you get off? You're here to be a deckhand, that's your primary job, that's what you were employed to do." Things are not going well for the sole female deckhand.

On the season's teaser trailer, Ashton is seen asking Captain Lee if he and the team can work "a man down." This has fans wondering if Abbi will be let go from Valor ahead of the end of the season. But, this storyline likely won't be airing until later in the season, as it was not included in the trailer for the Nov. 4 episode. And we have yet to see if Abbi can manage to pull herself together for the latter part of her shift.

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Abbi has struggled with finding her place on Valor. 

Being filmed while working is no easy task, let alone when it's your first experience in a position. Because the rest of the deck team had done past work on yachts, Abbi felt like she was behind on learning the ins and outs of being a yachtie. Her lack of confidence in her abilities led her to feeling overwhelmed and confused. 

Ashton has been fairly relaxed about his rules for his deck team (which is a welcome change from past bosuns like Chandler and Eddie). He only asked that his team be on time, and to show up for duty. Abbi definitely lost faith in herself after the first charter, as she had only worked on smaller boats before. 

We've seen her struggling with the uniform changes, keeping her hair up, and learning to use the radio on previous episodes of the show. Ashton spoke exclusively to Distractify about how he tried to help Abbi feel more comfortable on Valor.

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Weekend starts tomorrow, have an awesome one!!! Catch us again on Monday to sweeten the start of next week!✌🏽#belowdeck @bravotv @iambriandsp @abbilmurphy813

A post shared by Ashton Pienaar (@ashtonpienaar) on Oct 24, 2019 at 5:33pm PDT

“Abbi was being really hard on herself, and all of the little things were just building up, like pulling back her hair and the radios. When you add that on to the tasks that she took up, in terms of working on this size boat, and the things she hadn’t seen, you can understand the pressure’s gonna be there, and someone’s gonna get down," he said. "My strategy with her was to keep her laughing and make her confident."

"These things happen," he said. "It’s not out of the ordinary, we’ve all dealt with these things before. I just tried to keep her up and give her that confidence. She’s her best when she’s confident... It’s easy to get into a downward spiral when things are going against you all the time. I just didn’t want her to be too hard on herself."

While it appears as though Abbi might not get fired for missing part of her shift, we have a feeling that Captain Lee will not be too thrilled when he finds out what happened. 

Below Deck airs on Mondays at 9 p.m. on Bravo. 
