Can a bonus action be used as an attack action?

When you take the attack action with a light melee weapon, you can use your bonus action to make an attack with a different light melee weapon held in your other hand, but can’t add your ability modifier to the damage of the bonus action attack.

Can you attack with your bonus action first?

Can you use a bonus action before your action in D&D 5E? Yes, you can even use the first attack of your multiattack action, move, use a bonus action, second attack, move again. Any order you like.

Can you use bonus action before attack action?

The rule on bonus action timing only means that, unless the BA has a specified timing/trigger, the BA doesn’t have to come before or after action/movement.

Can you use a bonus action to attack with a bow?

If you have an ability which lets you attack as a bonus action, any weapon you have can do it, including longbows, shortbows, and all three crossbows.

What can bonus actions be used for?

In Dungeons & Dragons, bonus actions provide extra opportunities to cast spells, make attacks or disengage from a sticky situation.

Dungeons and Dragons: Basics of Actions & Bonus Actions

Can you use a bonus action and then hold an action 5e?

No. The Ready action allows you to prepare a single attack (no extras), spell, or action, but not a bonus action or movement.

Can you attack after a bonus action spell?

Bonus action spells are one of the best ways to improve your action economy during combat, allowing you to cast a powerful spell and have an action to attack or cast a cantrip on the same turn.

Can you use two bonus actions instead of an action?

You cannot use more than one Bonus Action on a single turn, no matter how many feats you have that call for the use of a Bonus Action. If you have multiple feats that must use a bonus action to be put into play, you can only use one of those feats per turn.

What is the bonus action spell rule?

A spell cast with a bonus action is especially swift. You must use a bonus action on your turn to cast the spell, provided that you haven’t already taken a bonus action this turn. You can’t cast another spell during the same turn, except for a cantrip with a casting time of 1 action.

Do spells count as an attack action?

Technically, casting a spell is an action, bonus action, or reaction depending on the spells casting time. While spells may involve an attack, they are not cast as attacks (bladesinger extra attack as an exception). Extra attack requires the attack action and (usually, see above) does not interact with spells.

Can you use an action and a bonus action in the same turn?

No. Actions and bonus actions aren’t interchangeable. In the example, the bard could use Bardic Inspiration or healing word on a turn, not both.

Can you dash as both a bonus action and an action?

Yes. You can take one action, which may be the Dash action. Many abilities and spells (Cunning Action, Expeditious Retreat) allow you to Dash as a bonus action. If you have one of these abilities, you can absolutely take the Dash action twice in one turn and move three times your speed.

Can I dash and use a bonus action?

Normally you are allowed to make one movement on your turn. The Dash action simply allows you to make an extra movement in this turn. Using a bonus action to Dash a second time results in three movements this turn. If something would change your speed, you will still make three movements, just at the new speed.

Can you only use a bonus action once?

There are no actual rules limiting this, only that you can only take one bonus action on your turn. Readied Actions don’t happen on your turn, so this limit does not apply to them.

Can you push as a bonus action?

If (and after) you have completed an attack action, you may use your bonus action to shove an enemy, either 5ft, or prone. You must attack before shoving, and you may not break up extra attacks that are part of the same attack action.

Can you dash as an action and bonus action as a rogue?

A rogue using Cunning Action and a monk using Step of the Wind can use Dash twice on a turn (action + bonus action). Don’t forget someone with Haste on it or Expeditious Retreat.

Can you triple dash as a rogue?

You don’t even need the Ready action. You can move 30′ as part of an action, you can take your normal action to Dash (doubling your speed), and thanks to Cunning Action, you get to Dash as a bonus action (tripling your speed that round).

How many bonus actions can you take in a turn?

You can take only one bonus action on your turn, so you must choose which bonus action to use when you have more than one available. You can only have one bonus action per round (and only one action, and only one reaction).

What counts as an attack action?

Attack. The most common action to take in combat is the Attack action, whether you are swinging a sword, firing an arrow from a bow, or brawling with your fists. With this action, you make one melee or ranged attack.

Does a Cantrip count as an attack?

No. You can’t cast spells as part of the Attack action, you use the Cast A Spell action for that. Part of casting that spell may involve making a spell attack of some kind, but the Attack action is just for making weapon attacks(including unarmed strikes).

Does Eldritch Blast count as an attack?

By default, Eldritch Blast is a Cantrip with a respectable 120-foot range, causing its caster to make a ranged spell attack that fires a beam of energy to deal 1d10 force damage.

Can I cast Hex and Eldritch Blast?

Sneak attack only triggers from weapon attacks, more specifically finesse or ranged weapons. You CANNOT cast Hex and Quicken Spell Eldritch Blast on the same turn. You CANNOT use Hexblade’s Curse and Quicken Spell Eldritch Blast on the same turn.

Why is Eldritch Blast considered better than Firebolt?

Eldritch blast is so good because of synergy effects. If you do nothing, an eldritch blast is just like a firebolt but with force instead of fire damge. 1 You can get the agonizing blast eldritch invocation at level 2. In effect, for every D10 you roll for damage on your eldritch blasts you add your charisma modifyer.

Can Eldritch adept give agonizing blast?

Only prerequisite for agonizing blast is that the character has eldritch blast. If the invocation has a prerequisite of any kind, you can choose that invocation only if you’re a warlock who meets the prerequisite. Establish boundaries. And if anyone crosses them, speak up.

Can you use 2 cantrips in one turn?

Yes. The rule for casting any spell with a bonus action says that the only other spells you may cast that turn are cantrips with an action.
