Salut j'suis un espadon
J'ai perdu mon téléphon
Vers le champs de tournesol
Je m'inquiète pour tout le monde
These lyrics are from "Death of the Phone Call" by WHATEVER DAD. The lyrics are in French and talk about a swordfish who has lost their phone somewhere in a field of sunflowers. The swordfish is worried because without their phone, they can't call anyone. The line "Il devient un champignon" (it becomes a mushroom) suggests that the phone has been lost for a while and may no longer be functional. The swordfish acknowledges that this situation is not a good sign and advises the listener to call the best swordfish if they need to make a call.
The lyrics themselves are a bit humorous, as the idea of a swordfish carrying a phone and losing it in a field of sunflowers is a bit absurd. Additionally, the swordfish's concern for others despite their own predicament is endearing. However, the overall theme of the song seems to be about the changing nature of communication and the loss of the traditional phone call, which is hinted at in the song's title. The use of the swordfish as a narrator is perhaps symbolic of the struggle many people face in adapting to new forms of communication.
Overall, "Death of the Phone Call" is a quirky and playful song that touches on larger themes of change and adaptation. The lyrics are straightforward but still manage to convey a sense of empathy and concern for others, even in the face of personal challenges.
Un, deux
The song starts with a simple countdown, emphasizing the rhythm of the music.
Un, deux, trois, quatre
The count continues, indicating the start of the song.
Salut je suis un espadon
The singer introduces himself as a swordfish, possibly referencing his role as a predator in the ocean.
J'ai perdu mon téléphon
The swordfish has lost his phone, which is an unusual situation for a marine animal to be in, as well as highlighting the importance of technology in modern life.
Vers le champs de tournesols
The swordfish specifies where he lost his phone, which is surrounded by sunflower fields.
Il devient un champignon
The swordfish suggests that his phone has become a mushroom, which is a metaphor for something that has transformed into an unexpected form.
Ah c'est que les champignons
The singer reflects on how strange and unusual it is for a phone to turn into a mushroom.
C'est inédit c'est pas bon signe
The artist acknowledges that this transformation is unprecedented, and sees it as a bad omen.
Si tu as envie d'appeler
The artist addresses someone who might want to call him.
Le mieux de tout les espadon
The artist suggests that he is the best swordfish to call, possibly because he is the only one without a mushroom-phone.
Oh, Oh, Oh ohhhhh
The song ends with a repetition of these sounds, possibly conveying the singer's frustration or dissatisfaction with his situation.
Contributed by Sadie M. Suggest a correction in the comments below.
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