Dick Vitale salary, career earnings and net worth

Dick VitaleRichard John Vitale, also known as “Dickie V,” is a basketball analyst in the United States. He is a former college and professional head coach who is best known for his 41-year stint as an ESPN college basketball broadcaster.

Last October, he was diagnosed with lymphoma, months after being diagnosed with melanoma. Vitale later developed dysplasia and ulcerated lesions on his vocal cords, requiring him to refrain from speaking for several weeks following surgery.

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How much does Dick Vitale make a year?

He earns approximately $3 million per year.

He worked as an ESPN college basketball broadcaster for 40 years, becoming known for his unique catchphrases and energetic, colourful commentary. Vitale has also written a number of books and appeared in films.

What is Dick Vitale’s net worth?

Dick Vitale is a $20 million dollar net worth American basketball sportscaster and former head coach of NBA and college teams.

Is Dick Vitale rich?

With his estimated net worth and the salary he earns annualy, Dick Vitale can be regarded as a rich person.
