A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z d l t
- A
- Aaronson 1908-1983, son of Maurice and Betty Katzsum, married to Sarah Sadie Raine
- Abbott, son of William and Isabel Baldwin
- Abraham 1775-1852, son of Thomas Basil and Jemima Jerriah Friend, married to Rachel Turpin in 1797
- Abraham 1725-1828, married to Rhoda Spencer
- Abrams 1714-1793, with Hannah Cornell
- Ackerly 1608-1658, son of George and Elizabeth Welles, with Ann x
- Ackerman 1859-1915, married to Margaret McCoy in 1880
- Ackworth 1668-1715, son of Richard and Ann Manlove
- Acres 1650-1705, son of Thomas and Priscilla Coker, married to Hannah Silver in 1673
- Adams 1875-1951, son of Charles Francis and Mary Hone Ogden
- Adams 1835-1863, son of Asahel and Lucy Mygatt
- Adams 1833-1892, son of Oliver and Fannie Stearns, married to Evelyn Sarah Pettee in 1868
- Adams 1794-1842, son of Joseph and Deborah Marsh, married to Mary S. Fairchild in 1821
- Adams ca 1772-1840/, son of John and Susanna Wood, married to Hannah Smith in 1790
- Adams 1758-, son of Amos and Elizabeth Prentice
- Adams 1703-1770, father of Ruth
- Adams 1702-1782, son of Henry and Prudence Frary, married to Jemima Morse in 1726
- Adams 1684-1753, son of Samuel and Mary Pimpleton, married to Sarah Adams
- Adams 1663-1749, son of Edward and Lydia Penniman, married to Patience Ellis in 1691, Ruth Ellis in 1697
- Adams 1657-1733, son of Henry and Elizabeth Paine, married to Prudence Frary in 1679
- Adams 1609-, son of Henry and Edith Rosamund Squire, married to Elizabeth Paine in 1643
- Adams ca 1583-1646, son of John and Agnes Stone, married to Edith Rosamund Squire in 1609
- Adams 1531-1596, son of John and Margery Squire, married to Rose x in 1554
- Adams 1517-1611, son of John and Catherine Stebbing, married to Anne Wogan
- Addington 1757-1844, son of Anthony and Mary Hiley
- Addington 1727-1787, son of John and Elizabeth Maddock, married to Sarah Elizabeth Burson
- Addington 1659-1729, married to Mary x in 1690, Elizabeth Watts in 1703
- Adford †1653, with Thomasine Manson
- Adkins ca 1730-, son of William and Elizabeth Parker, married to Rachel Houchins in 1756
- Aguayo, son of Henry Anthony and Carolina Socaria Melendez, with Margaret Mary Velvick
- Ainsworth 1834-1878, son of Roswell Moulton and Content Tiffany
- Airth 1786-1870, married to Marion Park in 1813
- Albro, married to Maria Fitch in 1861
- Alcorn 1854-, son of Mathew and Catherine Graven, married to Angeline Croan in 1873
- Alden 1767-1831, son of Ebenezer and Anne Whitaker, married to Hannah Smith in 1795
- Alden 1734-1809, son of John and Thankful Parker, married to Thankful Parker in 1762
- Alden ca 1673-, son of David and Mary Southworth, married to Deborah Streeter in 1694
- Aldrich ca 1870-, son of Josiah W. and Lucinda Gibson, with Madeline Mary Henn
- Aldrich 1820-, son of Clark and Jerusha Bidwell
- Aldridge ca 1538-1593, married to Margaret Browne in 1557
- Alexander 1868-1922, with Lucy Jane Larkin
- Alexander 1801-1894, with Nancy Ann Hays
- Alfather 1770-1843, son of Friedrich Altfather and Magdalena Freundschin, with Catherine Ziegler
- Alger 1823-, son of Asa and Abigail Sawyer
- Allard, with Sarah Rawlins
- Alleman, married to Catharine Shoemaker in 1852
- Allen 1886-, son of Henry Crocker and Marguerite de Wolf
- Allen 1681-1748, son of Jedediah and Elizabeth Howland, married to Hannah Corlies in 1702, Abigail Adams in 1714
- Allen 1680-1729, son of Henry and Judith Beers, married to Elizabeth Hewes in 1701
- Allen 1675-1728, married to Mary Udall in 1700
- Allen 1674-1728, son of Henry and Sarah Hill, married to Mercy Tibbals in 1699
- Allen 1631..1637-1690, son of George and Katherine Starkes, married to Sarah Hill in 1663
- Allen 1619-1696, married to Judith Beers in 1673
- Allen, with Emma Hinds
- Allspach 1823-1899, married to Rebecca Gildner in 1867
- Almgill 1859-1917, son of Anthony and Sarah Burton, married to Elizabeth Kimberley in 1886
- Althouse 1855-1917, with Cora Alice Cutler
- Alumbaugh ca 1800-/1840, son of John and Mary Willis, married to Elizabeth Roberts
- Alward 1775-, son of Samuel and Ruth Davis, married to Susannah Shores
- Alward 1718-1782, son of Henry and Sarah Compton, married to Mary Cox
- Alward 1698..1699-1733, son of Henry and Judith Hendrickson, married to Sarah Compton in 1714
- Alward ca 1668-1718, son of Thomas and Anne Storey, married to Judith Hendrickson in 1693
- Ambrose 1701-1746, son of Nathaniel and Sarah Eastman, with Mary Hayes
- Ambrose 1649-ca 1723, son of Henry and Susannah x, married to Susanna Worcester in 1672
- Ambrose /1613-1658, with Susannah x
- Ames 1771-, son of Joseph and Elizabeth Parker
- Amidon 1727-1798, son of Henry and Meletiah Cheney, married to Sarah Doubleday in 1751
- Amidon 1699-1778, son of Philip and Mehitable Perry, married to Meletiah Cheney in 1718
- Amos 1781-1872, married to Rosanna Joseph
- Anderson 1894 Henry Harry
- Anderson ca 1891-, with Alma Mildred Gullickson
- Anderson 1816-, with Elizabeth x
- Anderson 1680-/1734, son of Reynard and Elizabeth Skiffen, married to Prudence Stratton in 1704
- Anderson 1552-1605, son of Thomas and Katherine Hopton, with Elizabeth Bowyer
- Anderson †1688, married to Dorcas Matfin in 1681
- Anderson, married to Freda Simss
- Andree, son of Julius and Anna Ashbaugh
- Andrews 1630-1676, son of Henry and Mary Pool, married to Mary Wadsworth in 1659
- Andrews 1608-, married to Mary Pool, Mary Street
- Angle 1785-1832, married to Sarah Sally Robertson in 1812
- Angle †ca 1810, with Elizabeth x
- Annanais, with Rosetta Lefever
- Apple 1770-1835, son of Andrew and Elizabeth Catherine Palm, married to Maria Catherine Kreamer
- Applegate 1896-1969, with Flossie B. Mefford
- Applegate 1787-1850, son of John Rue and Catherine Wagner
- Applegate 1758-1820, son of Joseph and Catherine Sarah Williams, married to Sarah Furman in 1805
- Appleton ca 1490-, son of Roger and Anne Sulyard, with Margaret Roper
- Applewhite 1733-1783, son of Henry and Mary Council, married to Ann Harris in 1756
- Applewhite 1710-1739, son of Henry and Ann Marshall, married to Mary Council
- Applewhite 1685-1741, married to Ann Marshall in 1708
- Arbery, son of Sidney and X Charlotte, married to Rosina Fogden in 1893
- Arcy (d') 1532-, son of Arthur and Mary Carew, with Catherine Fermor
Arcy (d') ca 1294-, son of Norman and X d'Amory, father of Thomas- Arden (de) ca 1346-, son of Ralph and Isabel Bromwich, married to Helena x in 1372
Arderne (de) 1360..1370-, son of John, with Elen Whetenhall- Armistead 1673-1740, son of John and Judith Bowles Robinson, married to Martha Burwell
- Armstrong 1720-1761/, son of John and Rebecca Hicks, married to Mary x in 1741
- Arnold ca 1777, son of Henry and Abigail Burnham, married to Sally Kilbourne in 1806
- Arnold 1772-1825, son of Benedict and Margaret Mansfield, married to Hannah Ten Eyck in 1796
- Arnold 1722-/1800, son of John and Hannah Meakins, married to Abigail Burnham in 1750
- Arnold 1635-1724..1725, son of John and Elizabeth x, married to Elizabeth Colfax in 1680
- Arnold †1789, married to Elizabeth Smith in 1784
- Arnold, son of Henry and Sally Kilbourne
- Arnold, with Sarah Wallace Church
- Arnott 1761-1847, son of William Isaac and Hannah White, married to Elizabeth Mary Truesdell in 1780
- Arter 1799-, son of George and Elizabeth Baker
- Artz 1789-1852, son of Johan Philipp Heinrich and Catherine Lowman, married to Nancy James in 1811
- Artz 1783-1852, son of Henry and Christina x, married to Catherine Hottel
- Artz 1756-1818, son of Johannes and Elizabeth Greathouse, married to Christina x
- Asbury 1685-1740, son of Henry and Mary Durrant, married to Hannah Brown
- Asbury ca 1650-1707, son of Francis and Mary Powell, married to Mary Durrant
- Asbury, married to Adilade Sells in 1891
- Ash, with Margaret Rayman
- Ashbaugh 1866..1867-, son of William E. and Sarah Jane Dunkle
- Ashbaugh ca 1864-, son of Ephraim A. and Sarah Jane Howell
- Ashbaugh 1862-, son of George and Elisabeth Dunn
- Ashbaugh ca 1856-, son of Frederick and Mary x
- Ashbaugh 1842-1931, son of John and Eva Dorothea Whitling, married to Susanna Edinger in 1865
- Ashbaugh 1831-1897, son of Joseph and Elizabeth Musser, married to Sarah Jane Gardner in 1860
- Ashbaugh 1824-, son of William and Mary M. Shearer, married to Mary x in 1848, Nancy Jane McGeary in 1860
- Ashbaugh ca 1810-, son of David and Catherine Shoptaugh
- Ashbaugh 1808-1836, son of Andrew and Rachel Wilkins
- Ashbaugh 1802-, son of Henry and Susannah Rummel, with Catharine x
- Ashbaugh 1770-1831..1850, son of Andrew and Maria Artemesia Kuntz, married to Susannah Rummel in 1790
- Ashbaugh ca 1768-, son of Johannes and Catherine Merck
- Ashbaugh 1740/-, son of Johannes Eschbach and Anna Elizabeth Antes
- Ashby 1716-1798, son of Thomas Edward and Rose Berry, with Eleanor Bounds
- Ashdown 1880-, son of Benjamin and Edith Elizabeth Tiltman
- Ashley ca 1490-1549, with Radegan Gilbert
- Ashton 1671-1731, son of John and Grace Meese, married to Elizabeth Hardidge in 1702, Mary Watts in 1722
- Askew 1780-1850, married to Mary Polly Noble in 1808
- Astor 1832-1918, son of William Backhouse and Margaret Rebecca Armstrong, married to Malvina Dinehart in 1871
- Atherton, with Hannah x
- Atkins 1707-1728, married to Penelope Stonehouse in 1723
- Atkins 1617-1700, married to Elizabeth Wells in 1647, Bethia Linnell in 1664
- Atkinson 1749-1816, son of James Andrew and Mary Harris
- Atwell, with Lydia Burt
- Aubert, with Clara Gunderman
- Aucher 1445-, son of Thomas, married to Elizabeth Guildford in 1470
- Aucher ca 1390-, son of Henry and Elizabeth Digges, with Isabella Towne, Mary St. Leger
- Aucher ca 1365-, with Elizabeth Digges
- Aucher, son of Henry and Mary St. Leger, with Isabelle Boleyn
Audley (de) ca 1185-/1246, son of Adam and Emma FitzOrm, married to Bertrade de Mainwaring in 1210- Auten 1790-1816, son of John J. and Jane Morden, married to Sarah Cotner in 1812
- Avera ca 1622-1680..1689, married to Ann Nichols, Jane Bolt
- Averett 1685-, married to Elizabeth Simmons in 1710
- Avery 1822-1874, son of Alfred and Clarissa Smith, married to Frances Adelaide Avery in 1873
- Avery ca 1802-, son of Abel and Temperance Avery
- Avery †1781/, son of Nehemiah and Dorcas Fredericks
- Awbrey ca 1628-1694, son of William and Elsbeth Johnes, with Sarah Hoskins, Mary x
- Ax 1881-1957, son of John and Mary Fischer, married to Bertha Schmitt
- Axford †1906, married to Rachel Dunlap in 1850
- Axtell 1738-1811, son of Henry and Jemima Leonard, married to Phebe Condit in 1764
- Axtell 1715-1754, son of Daniel and Thankful Pratt, married to Jemima Leonard in 1737
- Axtell 1641-1676, son of Thomas and Mary Starr, married to Hannah Merriam in 1665
- Aye 1794-1870, son of Jacob and Anna Dutro, married to Mary James in 1824
- Ayers 1828..1829-, son of Henry and Martha Mounts, married to Eleanor Mauck in 1849
- Ayers 1794..1797-1849, son of Azariah and Mary x, married to Martha Mounts in 1817
- Ayres †1744/, with Comfort Scarburgh
- B
- Babbitt 1798-1896, son of Daniel and Rhoda Annis Cronk, married to Elizabeth Thorne in 1825
- Babcock ca 1833-, son of Amos Merritt and Martha Wells, with Hannah Jenkins
- Babcock 1799-, son of Paul and Nancy Bell
- Babcock 1771-1824, son of David and Mary Hinckley, with Annie Bull
- Babcock 1757-, son of James and Mary Satterlee
- Babcock 1736-1800, son of Joshua and Hannah Stanton, married to Mary Stanton in 1764
- Babin ca 1880-, son of Theophile and Josette Bourgeois
- Bachara, son of George Nasir and Anna x
- Bachelder 1841, married to Christena R. Locke in 1862
- Back 1785-1871, son of Joseph and Elizabeth Hoffmann, married to Susannah Maggard in 1814
- Bacon 1693-1788, son of Joseph and Margaret Bowen, married to Sarah Sabin in 1731
- Bacon 1643/-, son of Henry and Barbara Gooch, married to Sarah Castleton in 1671
- Bacon ca 1615-, son of Butts and Dorothy Warner, married to Barbara Gooch in 1643
- Bacon 1568-/1623, married to Joane x
- Bacon 1516-1568, married to Alice Calle
- Badcock 1751-, son of Samuel and Sybil Pratt
- Bagenall 1556-1598, son of Nicholas and Eleanor Griffith, with Eleanor Savage
- Bagley 1730-1796, son of Henry and Mary Currier, with Abigail Weed
- Bagley 1711-1776, son of Orlando and Dorothy Harvey, with Mary Currier
- Bagwell 1589-1663, married to Alice Hawkins in 1637
- Bailey 1745-1798, married to Margaret Losee in 1775
- Bailey 1660-1717, married to Mary Penley
- Bailey †1842, married to Rebecca J. Daniels
- Bailey, with Maria Rathbun
- Bainbridge 1791-1849, son of William and Jane Lowther, married to Mary Warin in 1812
- Baker 1774-1811, son of Andrew and Elizabeth Avent, married to Mercy Tilson
- Baker 1755-1838, son of Henry and Phebe Hedges, married to Phoebe Clark in 1779
- Baker 1728-1780, son of Daniel and Abigail Osborn, married to Phebe Hedges in 1750
- Balcom 1798-1878, son of Francis and Priscilla Kinney, with Mary Hunniwell
- Balcom 1768-1850, son of Samuel and Mary Brigham, married to Ann Morse
- Balcom 1740-1812, son of Joseph and Deborah Boice, married to Keziah Stow in 1761
- Balcombe 1640-1683, married to Elizabeth Haynes in 1666
- Baldwin 1842-, son of Sidney and Mary Maxham
- Baldwin 1833-1885, son of Henry and Mary Flora Dickson, with Katherine Irving Dayton
- Baldwin 1831-1895, son of Rufus and Pamelia Wombough, with Bella B. x
- Baldwin 1824-1825, son of Amos and Sarah Crane
- Baldwin 1813-, son of Samuel Smith and Sarah Camp, married to Amanda M. Risley in 1835
- Baldwin 1803-, son of Henry White and Marianna Norton, with Mary Flora Dickson
- Baldwin 1793-1874, son of Noah and Phoebe Hull, married to Ruth Kellogg in 1821
- Baldwin 1792-ca 1875, son of Samuel and Hannah Northrup, married to Orsa Forward in 1817
- Baldwin 1790-1833, son of Thaddeus and Abigail Rice, married to Mary Brackett in 1817
- Baldwin 1787-1863, son of Elisha and Elizabeth Cornell
- Baldwin 1787-, son of James and Susanna Vail
- Baldwin 1781-1860, son of Henry and Jane Shipman, with Submit Millard
- Baldwin 1769-1830, son of Isaac and Patience Rathbone, married to Millicent Sibyl Satterlee
- Baldwin 1759-, son of Henry and Lydia Botsford
- Baldwin 1753-1793, son of Edward and Susan Meek, married to Maria Woodward in 1790
- Baldwin 1752-1831, son of Aaron and Meriles x, married to Jane Shipman in 1779
- Baldwin ca 1733-1801, son of Theophilus and Dorothy Treat, married to Lydia Botsford in 1757
- Baldwin 1728-1799, son of Henry and Mary Richardson, married to Elizabeth Smith in 1756
- Baldwin 1718-1789, son of Henry and Mary Richardson, married to Abigail Butler in 1743
- Baldwin 1713-1780, son of Benjamin and Hannah Knowlton, married to Mercy Read in 1738
- Baldwin /1702-1727, son of Barnabus and Mary Botsford
- Baldwin 1695-1739, son of Henry and Abigail Fiske, married to Mary Richardson in 1717
- Baldwin 1693-1730, married to Mary Richardson
- Baldwin 1664-1739, son of Henry and Phebe Richardson, married to Abigail Fiske in 1692
- Baldwin 1623-1697, son of Richard and Philippi Corbman, married to Phebe Richardson in 1649
- Baldwin 1597-1661, son of Sylvester and Jane Welles, married to Mary Hurst in 1627
- Baldwin ca 1558-1558, son of Henry and Alice Kinge
Baldwin 1530-1602, son of Richard and Ellen Apuke, married to Alice Kinge in 1555- Balfour, son of Ingelram, father of John
Baliol (de) ca 1198-1246, son of Ingram and Agnes de Berkeley, with Lora de Valognes- Ball 1825-1877, son of John S. and Sarah Ayers, with Elizabeth F. Pettis
- Ball 1799-, son of Ezekiel and Elizabeth Peck, with Sarah Baldwin
- Ball 1672-1735, married to Alice Brooks in 1705
- Ballard 1575-1642, married to Elizabeth Townsend
- Ballinger 1760-, son of Samuel and Elizabeth Groff
- Ballinger 1695-1774, son of Henry and Mary Harding, married to Hannah Wright in 1726
- Ballinger 1659-1733, married to Mary Harding in 1684
- Bankes, with Frances Pembroke
- Bar 1692-1750, married to Barbara Witmer
- Bar (de) 1362-1397, son of Robert and Marie de Valois, married to Marie de Coucy in 1384
- Barber, with Marinda Franklin
- Barclay ca 1752-, son of Andrew and Helena Roosevelt
- Barger 1819-1880, married to Lydia Yarnall in 1841
- Baring 1777-1848, son of Francis and Harriet Herring, married to Maria Matilda Bingham in 1802, Cecilia Anne Windham in 1825
- Barker 1374-1438, son of William and Margery Whorwood, with Margery Lovestick
- Barkley 1776-1869, son of Robert and Eleanor Cathey, with Mary Cawthorn
- Barkley †1801, with Mary Knox
- Barksdale ca 1710-ca 1788, son of William and Sarah Collier, married to Judith Dudley
Barley 1487-1529, son of William and Elizabeth d'Arcy, married to Elizabeth Northwood
Barley 1425-1475, married to Anne Colville- Barlow 1758-1809, married to Jane Marshall in 1782
- Barlow 1700-1761, married to Susannah Collins in 1719
- Barnes 1653-1676, married to Sarah x
- Barnes, married to Mary Dunning
- Barnes, married to Susan Jennings Coolidge in 1954
- Barnhart 1763-1803, married to Elizabeth Shattuck
- Barnhouse 1826-1899, son of Andrew and Elizabeth Amos, married to Harriet Newell Straight in 1848
- Barnhouse 1775-1851, son of John and Mary Talbot, married to Anna Maria Baker
- Barnum 1864-, son of Allen G. and Elizabeth Reid
- Barr 1831-1872, son of Samuel and Rachel Weaver, married to Mary Elizabeth Smith in 1857
- Barr 1826-1892, son of John Wills and Martha Hemphill, married to Emaline Ashbaugh in 1852
- Barrett ca 1863-, son of David and Jane x
- Barrett 1841-1918, son of William and Mary Rhodes, married to Mary Wright in 1867, Helen Ann Webb in 1888
- Barron, with Elana Noyes
- Barter ca 1668-1746, with Sarah Crockett
- Bartholomew 1608-1692, with Elizabeth Scudder
- Bartlett 1814, married to Eliza Minchin in 1837
- Bartlett 1771-1850, son of William and Joanna Herrick, married to Betsey Corey in 1792
- Bartlett 1660-1713, married to Mary Bush in 1682
- Barton 1757-1810, son of James and Elizabeth Westbrook, married to Susanna Weathers in 1778
- Baskerville ca 1499-, son of John and Alice Bridges, married to Anne Rufford in 1521
- Baskett ca 1684-ca 1720, son of John and Elizabeth x, with Sarah Trigg
- Bass /1733-, son of Moses and Hannah Butler
- Bass 1704-1783, son of John and Elizabeth Neale, married to Elizabeth Church in 1735
- Bass †1813, son of Moses and Hannah Butler, married to Faith Savage in 1767, Sarah Baker in 1770
- Batchelder 1602-1679, son of Mark and Mary Fantinge, married to Martha Wilson in 1637
- Bateman 1752-1802, son of Henry and Ann x, with Elizabeth Linthicum
- Bateman 1722-, son of Henry and Sarah Powell, with Ann x
- Bateman 1690-1780, married to Sarah Powell in 1707
- Bates 1814-1889, son of Liberty and Mary Russell, married to Keziah Chapman in 1845
- Bates 1811-1885, son of Augustus and Elizabeth Blaau, married to Ann Jane Ross
- Bates 1727-, son of Henry and Mary Chatfield
- Bates 1690-1770, married to Mary Chatfield in 1712
- Bathe (de), father of Mary
- Batte ca 1642-/1720, son of John and Martha Katharine Mallory, married to Mary Lounds
- Batten ca 1773-ca 1833, married to Margery Cravens in 1808
- Batten, son of David P. and Kathleen A. Ritchay
- Batts 1809-1871, son of John and Jamima x
- Baughman 1804-1865, married to Margaret Murphy in 1830
- Baughman 1726-1755, son of Jacob and Margaretha Schwizler, married to Anna Maria Sager in 1746
- Baughman 1711-1785, married to Barbara Hunsaker
- Bauguess 1705-1785, son of Henry Boggess and Mary Bennett, married to Jane Cox in 1734
- Baum ca 1783-ca 1817, married to Magdalena Meyer
- Bayardo 1914, son of Francisco and Lotti Miramontes
Baynton 1447-, son of John and Katherine Payne, father of Joan- Beal 1851-1851, son of William and Clarissa Allen
- Bean 1756-1803, married to Maria Rickert
- Beasley 1789-1858, son of Isham and Mary Andrews, married to Mary Johns in 1811
- Beatty 1809-1874, with Lydia Yale
- Beatty 1760-1840, son of William and Mary Dorothea Grosch, married to Sarah Henning
- Beauchamp (de) 1425-1445, son of Richard and Isabel le Despencer, father of Anne Beauchamp
- Beaufort 1436-1463, son of Edmund and Eleanor Beauchamp, with Joan Hill
Beaufort (de) 1375-1447, with Alice FitzAlan- Beaumont ca 1440-1471, son of Henry and Joan Heronville, married to Eleanor Sutton
- Beaumont 1411..1413-1446..1447, son of Henry de Beaumont and Elizabeth Willoughby, with Joan Heronville
- Beaumont †1548, with Elizabeth Stowell
Beaumont (de) ca 1380-1413, son of John and Katherine de Everingham, married to Elizabeth Willoughby in 1405- Beaumont (de) ca 1366-1442, son of Henry and Margaret de Vere, with Johanna x
Beaumont (de) 1366..1368-1424, son of Henry de Bellomonte and Joanna x, married to Johanna x in 1395
Beaumont (de) 1340-1369, son of John and Eleanor Plantagenet, with Margaret de Vere
Beaumont (de) ca 1280-1340, son of Louis de Brienne and Agnes de Beaumont, married to Alice Comyn- Bechstein, with Sophia Hohman
- Bedingfield 1636-1694, son of Francis, married to Anne Crow in 1663
- Bedingfield ca 1587-1657, son of Thomas and Frances Jerningham, married to Elizabeth Howard in 1608
- Bedingfield 1564-1594, son of Robert and Mary d'Oyley, married to Margaret d'Arcy in 1589
- Bedingfield 1554-1629, son of Henry, married to Mary Daniel
- Bedingfield 1509-1583, son of Edmund and Grace de Marney, father of Henry
- Beedle ca 1675-1738/, son of Robert and Hannah x, married to Elizabeth Frost in 1711
- Beedle ca 1649-1674, son of John and Juliana Thomas, married to Sophia Ewen in 1671
- Beeker 1759-1837, married to Barbara Garner
- Beekman 1764-1856, son of Hendrick and Phebe Bloomfield, married to Rachel Bruer
- Beeman 1812-1836, son of Sylvanus Alfred and Rachel Smith
- Beemer 1781-1863, son of John and Ann Elizabeth Nagtigaal, married to Mary Elizabeth Spangenberg in 1807
- Beeson 1743-1819, son of Richard and Ann Brown, with Mary Martin
Beeston 1327-1395, son of Henry and Ellen x, married to Matilda de Thornton
Beeston 1290-1342, son of David de Bonbury and Agnes de Meschines, married to Ellen x- Begler †/1930, with Rebecca Marcus
- Behrens 1883-1963, son of Heinrich J. and Louisa Margaretha Charlotte Bucks, married to Margaretha Wellendorf in 1916
- Belanger, with Esther L. Sweet
- Belasyse 1743-1802, son of Thomas and Catherine Betham, married to Charlotte Lamb in 1766
- Belasyse /1604-1647, son of Thomas and Barbara Cholmeley
- Belasyse 1555-ca 1624, son of William Bellasis and Margaret Fairfax, married to Ursula Fairfax in 1576
- Belin 1843-1917, son of Henry and Isabella D'Andelot, married to Margaretta Elizabeth Lammot in 1868
- Belin 1804-1891, son of Augustus and Alletta Hedrick, married to Isabella D'Andelot
- Belisle 1669-1740, married to Marie Jeanne Archambault in 1712
Belknap ca 1430-1488, son of Hamon and Joan Boteler, with Margaret Knolles- Bell 1862-, with Annie x
- Bell 1853-, son of Justus Blanchard and Eleanor Isabella Henry, with Letitia Douglas
- Bell 1818-1879, married to Nancy Brewer in 1853
- Bell 1695-1748, married to Sarah Rumford in 1720
- Bellew 1520-1563, son of Patrick and Ann Dennys, with Alice Colebrooke
- Bellingham 1594-1650, son of James and Agnes Curwen, married to Dorothy Boynton
- Bellingham ca 1420-/1486, son of Robert and Elizabeth Tunstall, married to Katharine Leybourne
- Bellmonte (de) ca 1346-, son of Roger and Agnes de Querenby, married to Joanna x in 1363
Bellomonte (de) ca 1335-ca 1405, son of John and Margaret Radcliffe, with Joanna x- Belnap 1883-1978, son of William James and Eliza Ann Watts, married to Ida Loveland in 1909
- Bemis 1750-1833, son of John and Hannah Warren, married to Susannah Nurse in 1772
- Benedict 1821-1865, son of Cyrus and Hannah Barker
- Benedict 1782-, son of Peter and Susannah Norton
- Benner 1733-1813, married to Dinah Thomas
- Bennet ca 1620-1685, married to Isabella de Nassau in 1666
- Bennett 1714-1784, son of Henry and Abigail Pike, married to Abigail Moss in 1733
- Bennett 1691-1717, son of Henry and Sarah Champion, married to Abigail Pike in 1713
- Bennett ca 1664-1739/, son of Henry and Lydia Perkins, married to Margaret x in 1693
- Bennett ca 1647-1726, married to Sarah Champion in 1673
- Bennett ca 1629-1707, married to Lydia Perkins in 1650
- Bennington 1727, son of Henry and Sarah Harris, married to Elizabeth Barnes
- Bennington 1696-1776, married to Sarah Harris in 1726
- Benson 1865, son of Silas and Sallie x, married to Ellen Allen
- Benson 1839-, son of Henry and Ann Heap, married to Hannah Kemp
- Benson 1812-, with Ann Heap
- Benson 1670-1743, married to Mary Water
- Bentinck 1682-1726, son of Hans Willem and Anne Villiers, married to Elizabeth Noel in 1704
- Bergeron, with Irene Machia
- Bergey 1782-1828, son of Isaac and Susanna Hunsberger, married to Elizabeth Cassel
- Berkeley ca 1579-1666, son of Henry and Margaret Lygon, married to Elizabeth Neville in 1608
- Berkeley ca 1549-1601, son of Maurice and Catherine Blount, married to Margaret Lygon in 1576
- Berkeley 1534-1613, son of Thomas and Anne Savage, married to Katherine Howard in 1557
- Berney ca 1540-1584, son of John and Margaret Reade, with Alice Appleton
- Berrier 1772-1805, son of Rudolph John and Anna Catherina Helmsteller
- Berry 1694-1748, son of Henry and Sarah Harper, married to Sarah Porch in 1715
- Berry ca 1660-1748, son of Henry and Ann Saunders, married to Sarah Harper
- Berry 1628-1672, married to Ann Saunders
- Berry, married to Lucy Colfax in 1815
- Best 1702-ca 1780, son of John Henry and Hannah Lou McCombs, married to Elizabeth Mary Godwin
- Best 1552-1622, son of Henry and Margarita Maud, married to Grace Boithes in 1577
- Best 1527-1572, married to Margarita Maud in 1552
- Beyersdorff 1877-, son of Herman and Eliza Aldrich
- Biard 1720..1730-ca 1794, with Keranhappuch Nelson
- Bibb 1695-1750, son of Benjamin and Temperance Nancy Fleming, married to Eleanor Fleming in 1719
- Bicker 1723-1801, son of Victor and Annatjo Cregier, married to Sophia Heyer in 1745
- Bickersteth 1783-1851, son of Henry and Elizabeth Batty
- Bickersteth, married to Elizabeth Batty
- Bickford 1669-1757, son of Thomas and Joanna Libby, married to Sarah x in 1704
- Bill 1595..1600-, son of John and Anne Mountford
- Billings, with Mary Stoddard
- Billingsley 1538-1606, married to Elizabeth Bourne
- Binfield 1736-1795, married to Mary White in 1761
- Bingham 1573-1659, son of George and Cecilia Martin, married to Catherine Byrne
- Binkley 1841-1924, son of Emanuel and Elizabeth Snider, married to Rebecca Jackson Baker in 1864
- Bird ca 1517-ca 1574, son of Thomas Le Bird and Margaret Dodd, with Anne Filkin
- Birdsall 1656, son of Nathan and Temperance Baldwin, married to Ann Eliza Graves in 1691
- Birdsall 1585-1651, with Judith Kempe
- Birkenhead 1572-1646, son of Henry and Elizabeth Bunbury, married to Alice Singleton
- Birkenhead 1548-1612, married to Elizabeth Bunbury
Biset 1156-1213, with Aubreda FitzRichard- Bishop ca 1758-, with Frances Simpkins
- Bishop †1832, with Elizabeth Edwards
- Bissell ca 1838-1902, son of Alfred and Matilda Hoskins, married to Loucetta Henry in 1864, Lucinda Elizabeth Townsend in 1870
- Bitter, with Emily Schmidt
- Bittner 1818-1895, married to Mary Alles
- Bittner 1774-1824, son of Heinrich and Dorothea Brallier, married to Barbara Danner in 1798
- Blache 1769-, son of Pierre and Anne Bourgeois, married to Madeleine Payet-St-Amour in 1800
- Black 1783-1841, son of James and Jane McDonough, with Mary Sullivan
- Black 1727-1819, married to Susanna McClain in 1750
- Blackmar 1712-1789/, son of John and Jemima Kenney, married to Jane Arnold in 1739
- Blackwood 1804-1876, son of Henry and Jemima Gilbert, married to Rebecca M. Darling in 1825, Susan Mosher in 1851
- Blackwood 1780-1869, married to Jemima Gilbert in 1803
- Blagrave 1735-1809, son of Henry and Mary Knewstep, married to Elizabeth Stokes in 1756
- Blagrave 1715-1781, son of Henry and Mary Mansell, married to Mary Knewstep in 1734
- Blagrave 1680-1734, son of Henry and Sarah Ballard, married to Mary Mansell
- Blagrave 1655-1706, son of Henry and Mary Mansel, married to Sarah Ballard
- Blagrave 1633-1686, married to Mary Mansel
- Blair 1775-1842, son of Hugh and Jane Thompson, with Jane McMaster
- Blaisdell 1682-1736, son of Henry and Mary Partridge, married to Lydia Parker in 1719
- Blaisdell 1663-1707, son of Henry and Mary Haddon, married to Mary Partridge
- Blaisdell 1632-1703, son of Ralph and Elizabeth Parker, married to Mary Haddon in 1656
- Blake 1832-1891, son of Thomas and Delaney Blake, married to Sarah J. Johns
- Blake 1733-1803, married to Susanna Colby in 1755
- Blake 1385-1467, son of William and Elizabeth Powers, with Margaret Billett
- Blake 1330-1422, with Elizabeth Durant
- Blake, with Freda Montgomery
- Blakiston 1580-, son of George and Eleanor Swain, with Jane x
- Blanchard 1792-1873, son of Justus and Chloe Marshall, with Sophronia Knowles
- Blandford †1842, son of John Baptist and Elizabeth Clark, married to Elizabeth Livers in 1800
- Blaylock ca 1821-1877, son of Brewer and Elizabeth Kennedy, married to Elizabeth Betsy Vance in 1841
- Blennerhassett ca 1675-, son of Robert and Avice Conway, with Dorcas Crumpe
- Blinn 1833-1910, married to Eva Elizabeth Flinner in 1855
- Bliss 1828-1831, son of Francis and Nancy J. Harrington
- Bliss 1741-1815, son of Henry and Bethiah Spofford, with Azubah Loomis
- Bliss 1722-, son of Josiah and Sarah Collins, married to Mary Clarke in 1741
- Bliss 1701-1761, son of Nathaniel and Mary Wright, married to Bethiah Spofford in 1724
- Bliss 1681-, son of John and Patience Burt
- Bloomer 1816, married to Mary Sakers
- Bloomfield 1809-1858, son of Henry and Catherine Dement, married to Catherine Hulett in 1831
- Bloomfield 1790-1868, son of Henry A. Barker and Mary Polly Bloomfield, married to Catherine Dement in 1810
- Bloss 1856..1857-, son of Jacob and Christina x
- Blumb 1828-, father of Anna
- Blundell 1396-, son of William and Mary Catherine Hilsop, married to Agnes Sinclair in 1422
- Blythe 1773-1837, son of John and Charity Montgomery, married to Sarah E. Baxter in 1798
- Boardman ca 1804-, son of Amos and Silvia Noble, married to Lucinda Cary in 1826
- Boatman 1711-1781, son of Henry and Margaret Mary Edwards, married to Margaret Sarah Stamps
- Boatman 1682-1742, son of Henry and Elizabeth Feenstra Waterman, married to Margaret Mary Edwards
- Boatman 1648-1722, son of Henry and Sylvester Lawes, married to Elizabeth Feenstra Waterman in 1688
- Boatman 1624-1681, married to Sylvester Lawes in 1644
- Bock 1857-, son of Jacob and Eva x
- Bodenheimer, married to Annie Keller
Bodrugan 1260-1309, married to Sibyl de Mandeville- Bodwell 1654-1745, married to Bethia Emery in 1681
- Boehner 1895-, son of Henry and Dorothea Toepfer
- Boehner 1864-1907, married to Dorothea Toepfer in 1885
- Boggess 1680-1727, son of Henry and Katherine Dodson, married to Mary Bennett
- Boggess 1649-1684, son of Robert and Mary x, with Katherine Dodson
- Bohannon 1803-1877, son of Henry and Amillia Shotwell, married to Catherine Powell in 1825
- Bohannon 1760-ca 1843, son of Henry and Susanna Fretwell, married to Amillia Shotwell in 1785
- Bohannon /1740-1807/, son of Henry and Ann Booten, with Susanna Fretwell
- Bohannon ca 1680-1740, son of John Bohanan and Sarah Nevel, with Ann Booten
Bohun (de) 1176-1220, son of Humphrey and Margaret of Huntingdon, with Maud FitzGeoffrey
Bohun (de) ca 1030-, with Margaret d'Eu- Bold ca 1444-1496..1497, son of Richard and Katherine x, with Dulcia Savage
Bold ca 1401-/1479, son of Richard and Elena Halsall, father of Richard- Boldt, married to Eliza Ida Lettich
- Bolton 1787-, son of Charles and Ellen Wallis, married to Frances Newport in 1814
- Bomberger ca 1821-/1910, son of Joseph and Elizabeth Smith, married to Frances Bachman in 1842
- Bomberger 1799-1847, son of John and Catharine Schaeffer
Bonbury (de) 1219-1283, married to Margery de Beeston- Bond 1694-1745, son of Jonas and Grace Coolidge
- Bonebrake 1782-1851, son of John Henry and Christina Wooster, married to Elizabeth Schmidt
- Boner 1788-1874, father of John Quincy
- Bonham-Carter 1827-1911, son of John and Joanna Maria Smith, married to Sibella Charlotte Norman in 1862
- Bonna 1864-, married to Adelaide Jones in 1882
- Bonner 1708-1766, son of Henry and Deborah Whedbee, married to Sarah Luten in 1744, Elizabeth Hardy
- Bonner 1679-/1738, son of Henry, married to Deborah Whedbee in 1705
- Bonner ca 1649-1716, son of Henry, father of Henry
- Bonner ca 1620-1689, father of Henry
- Bonsor 1837, married to Ann Mallabone in 1865
- Booher ca 1794-, son of John Henry and Barbara Barnett
- Booher 1789-, son of Daniel J. and Elizabeth x
- Booher 1782-, son of Casper and Phoebe Shaver
- Booher, father of Daniel J.
- Boone 1793-1884, married to Mary x
- Boone 1745, married to Rebecca Smith in 1775
Booth ca 1386-, son of John and Joan de Trafford, with Isabella Findern- Boozer 1802-1884, son of Frederick and Nancy McCullough, married to Margaret Lucia Peggy Sheppard in 1824
- Boozer ca 1801-1880, married to Catherine Painter in 1825
- Borden ca 1412-, son of Thomas and Isabella Sander, father of William
- Borden ca 1367-, married to Robergia x
- Bortz 1824-1868, with Isabella Fulton
- Boston 1620-1676, with Ann x
- Bostwick 1913-1999, son of Henry and Lillian Maude Parsons, married to Elizabeth Oregon Defendorf in 1940
- Bostwick 1872-1965, son of Orasmus and Maria Snyder, with Lillian Maude Parsons
- Bostwick 1830-1877, son of Orasmus Ferdinand and Sarah Bardwell
- Bostwick 1817-1904, son of Peter and Ruth Westcott, married to Hannah Wallace in 1841, Amanda Henry in 1857
- Bosworth 1710, son of Ichabod and Sarah Stacy, married to Deborah Darling in 1732
- Boteler 1696-1760, son of Henry and Catherine Lingan, married to Sarah Magruder
- Boteler 1666-1713, son of Charles and Alice Ann Phillips, married to Catherine Lingan
- Boteler 1606, son of William and Elizabeth Crafford, married to Posthuma Rutton in 1629
- Boteler 1523-1580, son of Richard and Anne Bold, married to Elizabeth Tomson in 1563
- Botsford 1704-1782, son of Henry and Christian Gunn, married to Sarah x in 1727
- Botsford 1676-1747, son of Elnathan and Hannah Baldwin, married to Christian Gunn in 1700
- Botsford 1608-1685, with Elizabeth Wolhead
- Bottam 1796-, son of Daniel and Elizabeth Hyde
- Boucher 1759-1834, son of Johan Daniel and Eva Catharina Drog, married to Anna Maria Schumacher in 1782
- Boughan 1772-1854, married to Elizabeth Wall in 1793
- Boughton 1869-1970, son of Roger Sherman and Elizabeth Jamar
- Bourchier 1587-1654, son of George, married to Rachel Fane
- Bourchier 1406-1483, son of William and Anne Plantagenet of Gloucester, married to Isabel Plantagenet in 1426
- Bowen 1749-1830, son of Silas and Dorothy Lyon, married to Lydia Fowler in 1768
- Bowen 1738-1808, son of John and Lily McIlhaney, married to Ann Cunningham in 1763
- Bowen 1715-1784, son of Henry and Jane Carter, married to Anna Moon
- Bowen 1700-1758, son of Isaac and Hannah Winchester, married to Margaret Davis in 1721
- Bowen 1679-1755, married to Jane Carter in 1704
- Bowen 1633-1724, son of Griffith and Margaret Fleming, married to Elizabeth Johnson in 1658
- Bowerfind 1872-, son of Charles and Elizabeth x
- Bowers ca 1836-, son of Jacob and Philapena x, married to Catharine Senn in 1861
- Bowers 1818-1901, son of Jonas and Elizabeth Rader, married to Sarah Elizabeth Cobble in 1843
- Bowers 1747-1800, son of Henry and Rebecca Taber, married to Mary Meyer in 1772
- Bowers 1716-1790, son of Jonathan and Hannah Sylvester, married to Rebecca Taber in 1738
- Bowers 1665-, son of Bernanuel and Elizabeth Dunster
- Bowling 1785-1818, son of Jarret and Eleanor Garrison, married to Mary Ann Higginbotham in 1809
- Bowman 1810-1895, married to Julia Ann Shell
- Bowman 1745-1797, married to Catherine Darr in 1770
- Bowman 1730-1808, son of John, married to Eve Brenneman
- Bowyer 1733-1760, married to Mary Harrison
- Box 1770-1845, son of Robert and Mary Williams
- Box 1738-, son of Robert and Phyllis Allen
- Boyden 1802-, married to Thankful Johnson Shumway in 1833
- Boyett 1783-1860, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Langston, married to Elizabeth Rooks in 1807
- Boyle 1682-1764, son of Henry and Mary O'Brien, with Henrietta Boyle
- Boyle 1648-1693, son of Roger and Margaret Howard, with Mary O'Brien
- Boynton 1804-, with Judith Boviere
- Boynton ca 1536-, married to Ann Cavendish in 1561
- Boynton 1465-1531, son of Christopher and Elizabeth Jane Strangeways, married to Margaret de Lacey in 1482
- Boynton ca 1311-1405, son of Thomas and Margaret Speton, married to Elizabeth Merrifield in 1344
- Brabant (de) 1233-1260, son of Henry and Marie de Swabia, married to Alix de Burgundy in 1251
Brabant (de) 1189-1246, son of Henri de Louvain and Mathilde de Flandre, married to Marie de Swabia in 1223, Sophie von Thuringen- Brabant (von) 1230-1261, son of Heinrich and Maria von Hohenstauffen, married to Adelaide of Burgundy
- Brace 1710-1781, son of Henry and Ann Collier, married to Elizabeth Cadwell in 1740
- Brace 1680-ca 1751, son of Stephen and Elizabeth x, married to Ann Collier in 1706
- Brace, married to Elizabeth Leptien
- Bracken 1740..1750-1813, son of Henry and Susannah Brocken, married to Jean Moore in 1765
- Bracken ca 1699-1779, son of William and Hannah Booker, with Susannah Brocken
Bradbourne ca 1390-, with Margery Bagot- Braddick 1777-1863, son of John and Mary Fountain, with Eunice Tooker
- Bradford 1819-1870..1880, with Martha Montgomery
- Bradshaw ca 1775-1860/, son of Joel Jefferson and Mary Rebecca Montgomery, married to Sarah Elizabeth Cooper
Bradshaw 1337-1395, son of Rafe de Bradshaw and Catherine Chetham, married to Janet Risley- Bradshaw †1443, son of Henry and Janet Risley, with Elizabeth Ince
- Bragg 1682-1768, son of Henry and Elizabeth Mackallen, with Susannah x
- Bragg 1657..1660-1723, son of Nicholas and Sarah Roberts, married to Elizabeth Mackallen in 1677
- Brainerd ca 1854-, son of Lewis and Catherine Palmer
- Brainerd 1751-1828, son of Phineas and Jerusha Towner, married to Mary Bidwell in 1773
- Braisted 1750-1820, son of Andries Breestede and Wijntje Sharpe, married to Molly Chamberlin
- Bramlett ca 1787-1865, son of Reuben and Elizabeth Brown, married to Malinda Easley in 1817
- Bramlett 1729-1781, son of William and Elizabeth Callaway, married to Margaret Howe in 1751
- Brandies 1845-1919, son of Peter and Catharina Otten, married to Martha Ann Adams in 1868
- Brandling 1515-, married to Ursula Buckton
- Brandon 1916-1993, married to Mabel H. Muffie Hobart in 1970
- Brandon 1535-1551, son of Charles and Catherine Willoughby
- Brandon 1516-1534, son of Charles and Mary Tudor
- Brandt 1854..1855-, son of Diedrich and Anna x
- Branham 1789-1887, son of Phillip Spencer and Elizabeth Clark Richardson
- Branigan ca 1846-, with Mary Drumgold
- Braswell 1724-1784, son of Valentine and Jane Pope, married to Sarah Blake in 1766
- Bray 1809-1864, married to Mary Dyer in 1836
- Bray ca 1785-1845, son of John and Hannah Craven, with Martha Moody
- Bray 1755-1838, son of Edward and Sarah Maynard, with Keziah Huff Jones
- Bray ca 1741-1812, son of Henry and Mary Ann Wilson, married to Sarah Yokley
- Bray 1705..1709-1790, son of Henry and Elizabeth Jones, married to Mary Ann Wilson
- Bray ca 1683-1745, with Elizabeth Jones, Mary Wilson
- Bray 1500, married to Margery Borlase in 1534
- Brazier ca 1624-ca 1691, married to Susanna Spicer in 1644
- Bream 1748-1828, father of Jacob
- Breazeale 1810-1859, son of Drewery Buchman and Mary Anne Bushelieu, married to Martha Elizabeth Cooper in 1844
- Breazeale 1650-1720, married to Elizabeth Drury
- Breck 1605-, son of Robert
- Brees 1795-, son of Timothy and Elizabeth Doty
- Brees 1752-1835, son of John and Dorothy Riggs, with Ruth Pierson
- Breitbarth 1827-1913, son of George and Fredericka Taute, married to Louise Schlieb in 1856
- Brennan 1877-1951, married to Rachael Harlow
- Brenneman 1839-1908, son of David and Elizabeth Ashbaugh, with Nancy Clawson
- Brenneman 1791-1866, son of Abraham and Magdalena Shenk, married to Barbara Beery in 1815
- Brereton 1685-1755, son of William and Sarah Smith, with Patience x
- Brereton †1627, son of Edward and Edith Birch, father of Edward
- Brevoort 1747-1841, son of Henry and Catherine Delamater, married to Sarah Whetten in 1778
- Brevoort 1711-1782, son of Hendrick and Jacomina Bokee, married to Catherine Delamater in 1739
- Brewer ca 1760-1841, son of Oliver and Rebecca Ann Smith
- Brewer ca 1708-, son of George and Sarah Lanier
- Brewer, with Emma M. Rathbun
- Brewster 1774-1858, son of Simon and Mehitable Belcher, married to Rebecca Lester in 1796
- Brewster 1751-1830, son of Henry and Mary Smith, with Martha Halsey
- Brewster 1722-1795, son of Nathaniel and Phebe Smith, with Mary Smith
- Brewster 1565-, son of William and Mary Smythe
- Bridge 1808-1887, married to Nancy Jane Orr in 1831
- Bridgeman 1725-1800, son of Orlando and Anne Newport, married to Elizabeth Simpson in 1755
- Bridges 1537-1597, son of Thomas and Joan Sydenham, with Anne Hungerford
- Bridgham ca 1617-1670, married to Elizabeth Harding in 1644
- Briggs 1789-1837, son of Thomas Barker and Lucy Otis, with Betsy Ruggles
- Briggs ca 1662-1739, son of Henry and Mary Flood, married to Elizabeth Lucas in 1690
- Briggs 1625..1635-1686, married to Mary Flood in 1661
- Briggs ca 1580-1625, married to Mary Hinckes in 1597
- Briggs, with Nettie x
- Bright 1832-1926, son of Thomas, married to Elizabeth Diah in 1865
- Bright 1684-1756, son of Nathaniel and Mary Coolidge, married to Margaret Jackson in 1711
- Bright /1602-1686, married to Anna Goldstone in 1634
- Brightman 1709-, son of Thomas and Penelope x, married to Hannah Potter in 1731
- Brightman 1640-1728, married to Joan James in 1675
- Briney 1798-1866, married to Hannah Tawney in 1821
- Bristol 1683-1750, son of Henry and Lydia Browne, married to Desire Smith in 1706
- Bristol 1623..1625-1695, married to Rebecca x in 1648, Lydia Browne in 1656
- Brite 1787-1857, son of Albertus and Susannah Stafford, with Elizabeth G. Moore
- Britton 1772-1842, son of Henry and Elizabeth Goddard, married to Mary Ann Grier
- Britton 1740-1785, son of Francis and Ann Hyrne, married to Elizabeth Goddard in 1770
Briwere (de) 1115-1174, with Alice de Walton- Brock ca 1596-1652, with Elizabeth Barber
- Brockman 1647-1690, son of William and Elizabeth Adams, married to Rebecca Salmon
- Brockman 1502-1573, son of William and Margaret Chapman, with Rebecca Ann Chilton
- Bromfield 1607-1682, son of Arthur and Lucy Quimby, married to Frances Kempe
Bromflete ca 1385-, son of Thomas and Margaret St. John, married to Eleanor Fitzhugh in 1435- Bromley 1601-1652, son of Thomas and Anne Walshe, married to Beatrix Newport in 1627
- Bromley ca 1556-1615, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Fortescue, married to Elizabeth Pelham in 1576
- Bromley †/1428, with Alice Hawes
- Bronsther 1891-1968, son of Leon Braunstein and Belina x, married to Helen Gross
- Brooke 1618-1671, son of Basil and Ann Leycester, married to Anne St. George in 1652
- Brookens 1812-, son of Thomas A. and Jane Jarvis
- Brooker 1813-1885, married to Eliza Elphick in 1833
- Brookes 1610-1662, married to Jane Eure
- Brooks 1671-1733, son of Isaac and Miriam Daniel, married to Eleph Chappell in 1704
- Brooks ca 1625-1713, married to Hannah Potter in 1676
- Brooks 1592-1683, married to Grace Wheeler
- Brose 1898-, son of Charles Thomas and Frances A. Lucas
- Brotherton 1757-1807, son of James and Alice Schooley, married to Easter Pound in 1797
- Brotherton 1694-1727, married to Ann Shotwell in 1713
- Brounkard ca 1510-, married to Ursula Yates
- Brown 1863-1937, son of Martin Van Buren and Elizabeth Durham, married to Olive Blanche Woods in 1899
- Brown 1827-1913, married to Anna Barbara x in 1848
- Brown 1808, son of Hezekiah and Ruth Casteel, married to Mary Polly Malone
- Brown 1756, married to Sarah McNight
- Brown ca 1743-1814/, with Marie Salome
- Brown 1700, married to Mary Giles
- Brown ca 1672-1727, son of Henry and Wait Waterman
- Brown 1659-1708, son of Henry and Abigail Dunn, married to Hannah Putnam in 1682
- Brown 1642-1717, son of Francis and Elizabeth Somerset, with Barbara Walsingham
- Brown 1626-, with Wait Waterman
- Brown 1612-1701, married to Abigail Dunn in 1641
- Brown, with Wealthy Abel
- Brown, married to Rebecca Noel in 1795
- Brown, with Edna x
- Browne ca 1598-1662, married to Anne x in 1636
- Browne 1502-1546, son of Matthew and Frideswide Guildford, married to Katherine Shelley
- Brownson 1874-1876, son of Willard Herbert and Isabella Roberts
- Brubaker 1775-1848, son of John and Anna Myers, married to Elizabeth Christina Flora in 1795
- Bruce 1664-1727, son of William, with Mary Martin
- Bruce, with Augusta Wagner
- Bruder, father of Shirley Mae
- Brugge 1464-, son of Thomas and Florence Darell, married to Anne Hungerford in 1498
- Brugger 1881-1949, son of Andrew and Augusta Dora Schumacher, married to Edna Christine Frances in 1908
- Brumbaugh 1805-1886, son of Conrad and Mary Elizabeth Miller, married to Catherine Stiffler in 1829
- Brumbaugh 1777-1854, son of Johann Jacob and Mary Elizabeth Angle, with Margaret Rench
- Brunmier 1863-1920, married to Jennie M. Damron
- Brunner 1796-1840, son of Johann Heinrich and Mary Elizabeth Oster, with Sarah x
- Bryarly 1750-1795, son of John and Ann Jackman, with Margaret Webb
- Buchanan 1738-1806, son of Thomas and Jean Mclean, married to Sarah Armistead
- Buchanan, son of William Baldwin and Catherine Elizabeth Crum
- Buchner, with Catherine Green
- Buck 1838-1923, married to Elizabeth Catharina Lerm in 1864
- Buck 1801-1874, son of Joseph and Rosina Dumm, married to Agnes A. Byrnes in 1829
- Buck 1661-1712, son of Henry and Elizabeth Churchill, married to Rachel Dayton in 1692
- Buck ca 1626-1712, son of William and Margaret Good, married to Elizabeth Churchill in 1660
- Buckner 1766-ca 1822, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Taliaferro, married to Elizabeth Catlett in 1789
- Buell 1800-1861/, son of Samuel and Jerusha Griswold
- Buford 1710-1791, married to Frances Corbin in 1731
- Buhman 1811..1812-, with Irena x
- Bulgen ca 1835-1907, married to Sarah Ann Jane Welling in 1855
- Bulgerin 1889-, son of Julius and Bertha x
- Bull 1687-1774, son of Henry and Ann Cole, married to Phebe Coggeshall in 1721
- Bull ca 1660-ca 1691, son of Jirah and Katherine x, with Ann Cole
- Bull 1610-, married to Elizabeth x in 1636
- Bullion, married to Sarah Hamrick
- Bunbury 1565-1634, son of Thomas and Bridget Aston, married to Martha Norreys
- Bunbury 1509-1547, son of Richard and Blanch Poole, married to Margaret Aldersey
- Bunch 1807-1885, son of Clark and Ann Davis
- Bunch 1720-1811, son of John and Rebecca Harrison, married to Ann Calloway in 1745
- Bunch 1685-1726, son of Paul and Amy Naomi Winigum, married to Eleanor x
- Bunch 1664-1726, son of John and Mary x, father of Jesse
- Bundy 1835-1882, son of Joseph Henley and Rachel Beard, married to Sarah Nicols in 1858
- Bunker 1819-, son of Isaac and Mary Smith
- Bunn 1858-1934, son of Jacob and Elizabeth Jane Ferguson
- Bunn 1772-1859, son of Jacob and Maria Elizabetha Hohenschilt, married to Mary Elizabeth Sigler in 1808
- Burch 1765-1830, son of Oliver and Mary Ann Nevitt, married to Susannah Suit in 1791
- Burch 1747-1822, married to Susanna x in 1768
- Burdett 1829-1889, married to Catherine Stuart
- Bures 1502-1528, married to Anne Waldegrave
- Burge 1750-1817, son of Samuel and Anna Reed, married to Margaret Long
- Burgunder 1854, married to Rose Bernei in 1881
Burgundy (of) 1035-1066, son of Robert of France and Ella Ermengarde de Semur, married to Sybille of Barcelona in 1056- Burhans 1804-, son of Henry and Lydia Churchill, father of John N.
- Burhans 1766-1848, son of Henry and Zerviah Hall, with Lydia Churchill
- Burhans ca 1731-1802, son of Isaac and Neeltje Westfall, married to Zerviah Hall in 1759
- Burk 1697-1777, son of John and Ann Hutchens, married to Judith Elizabeth Clarke in 1719
- Burkett 1794-1875, married to Mary Magdaline Epley
- Burnett 1801-1876, married to Nancy Jones in 1824
- Burnley ca 1756-/1835, son of Israel and Hannah Terrell, married to Lucy Barksdale in 1782
- Burr ca 1836-, son of Henry D. and Martha Packard
- Burr 1809-, son of Nathaniel and Sally Burr, with Eliza Young
- Burr 1705-1786, son of Henry and Elizabeth Hudson, married to Mary Owen in 1736
- Burr ca 1664-ca 1743, married to Elizabeth Hudson
- Burroughs 1774-1829, with Amy Stiles
- Burt 1693-, son of Henry and Elizabeth Warriner, married to Bethia Terry in 1720
- Burt 1663-1748, son of Jonathan and Elizabeth Lobdell, married to Elizabeth Warriner in 1688
- Burt 1660-1735, son of David and Mary Holton, married to Elizabeth Alvord in 1684, Mary Thayer in 1690
- Burt 1635-, son of Richard and Jane Adams
- Burt ca 1595-1662, married to Eulalia March in 1619
- Burton 1692-, son of Isaac and Hannah Grover
Burton 1354-1396, son of Gilbert and Isabel Dunn, married to Alice de Bois- Busch 1929, son of Otto and Marion Margareth Pistor
- Busch 1849-1916, married to Mary Ellen Busch in 1873
- Bush 1781-1837, son of Zachariah and Mary Falley, married to Sarah Rockwell in 1812
- Bushe 1896-1955 Henry Harry
- Bushe ca 1826, married to Margaret Mary Donovan in 1865
- Bushman 1793-, son of John and Barbara Fishell
- Bushman 1787-1882, son of Jacob and Catherine McDaniel, married to Mary Magdalena Everly in 1809
- Butler 1838-, son of Jesse and Sarah Eliza Coddington
- Butler ca 1814-, son of Philip
- Butler 1689-1746, married to Susannah Norman in 1714
- Butler 1672-, son of John and Priscilla Norton, with Sarah x
- Butler 1626-1696, son of Nicholas, married to Anne Bishop in 1655
- Buttermann 1865-1936, married to Mary E. Harpring in 1887
- Butterworth /1599-1636, son of Edward and Mary x, married to Mary Lanbotham
- Buxton 1834-, son of Andrew and Susanna Chase
- Buzzard ca 1740-1781, son of Phillip Johannes and Eva Catherine LaRue, married to Catherina x in 1763
- Byers 1788-1865, married to Elizabeth Wylie in 1811
- Byley ca 1550-1634, married to Alice Holmes in 1583
- Byley, with Elizabeth Reade
- Byrom 1675-1717, son of Henry and Anne Callen, married to Frances Mills in 1701
- Byrom ca 1641-, son of Henry and Margaret Golden, married to Anne Callen in 1669
- Byrom 1616-1684, son of Peter and Margery Parr, married to Margaret Golden in 1639
- Byrom ca 1567-, son of Henry, father of Thomas
- Byrom 1545-1591/, son of Henry and Elizabeth Bold, father of Henry
- Byrom 1504-1559, married to Elizabeth Bold in 1529
- C
- Cabot 1783-1864, son of George and Elizabeth Higginson, with Anna Sophia Blake
- Cadogan 1642-1713, son of William and Elizabeth Roberts, with Bridget Waller
- Cady 1874-, son of George William and Maria S. Rathbone
- Cagle 1793-1843, son of Jacob, married to Celia Bullock
- Cagle 1760, son of David Johan Theobald, married to Elizabeth Wagoner
- Cain 1840-1918, married to Maria K. Jackson in 1861
- Caldebeck 1390-1444, married to Cecily Hinckley
- Caldwell, married to Velma Eugene Summers in 1940
- Calfee 1741-1785, son of John and Sarah Riggan, married to Elizabeth Rodgers
- Calfee 1680-1729, married to Eleanor Bezam in 1709
- Call, married to Mary Dixey Crowninshield in 1847
- Callis 1738-1820, married to Elizabeth Banister
- Calvert 1810-1820, son of George and Rosalie Eugenia Stier
- Cambron 1750-1828, son of John Baptist and Nancy Head, with Margaret Harbin
- Campbell 1790-1880, son of Alexander and Mary Ann Thorn, married to Rebecca x
- Campbell 1764-1836, son of George Washington and Catherine Painteur, married to Sarah Elizabeth Wright in 1786
- Canady 1766-1837, married to Matilda Barnard in 1796
- Cannon 1732-1781, son of David and Mary Frances Harper, married to Mary Mitchell
- Cantrell 1844-, son of Henry and Rachel Blanton, married to Frances Ellen Salyer in 1863
- Cantrell ca 1805-1880/, son of Elijah and Peggy Connelly, married to Rachel Blanton in 1825
- Capell 1537-1588, son of Edward and Anne Pelham, married to Katherine Manners in 1554
- Capell †1622, son of Arthur and Margaret Grey, married to Theodosia Montagu in 1600
- Carey 1711-1801, son of David Cary and Elizabeth Brackett, with Abagail Paul
- Carey /1634-1663, son of Lucius and Lettice Morrison, married to Rachel Hungerford in 1653
- Carey 1575..1576-1633, son of Edward and Katherine Knyvett, married to Elizabeth Tanfield in 1602
- Carey 1526-1596, son of William and Mary Boleyn, married to Ann Morgan in 1545
- Carleton 1778-, son of Moses and Margaret Sprake, with Polly Greeley
- Carley 1822-1826, son of Jabez and Mary Washburn
- Carpenter 1794-1876, son of Gilbert, married to Mary Stark in 1819
- Carpenter, with Mary Tuttle
- Carpentier, married to Lea Messier in 1887
- Carr ca 1771-ca 1846, son of Robert and Ann Taylor, married to Mary Couchman in 1807
- Carraway 1724-1784, son of John and Margaret Keeling, with Margaret Smith
- Carter 1754-1829, married to Mary Hustead in 1788
- Carter 1752-1835, son of Peter and Judith Norris, with Frances Penn
- Carver 1785-1848, with Sally Deyo
- Carver 1733-1774, son of William and Elizabeth Walmsley, married to Rachel Smith in 1755
- Cary 1675-1749, son of Henry and Judith Lockley, with Anne Edwards
- Cary 1650-1720, son of Miles and Anne Taylor, married to Judith Lockley in 1671
- Cary ca 1618-, son of John and Alice Hobson
- Cary 1565-1626, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Fulford, married to Wilmot Cann in 1600
- Case 1715-1767, son of Henry and Martha Payne, married to Sarah Wheeler
- Case 1684-1720, son of Henry and Tabitha Vail, married to Martha Payne in 1712
- Case 1659-1720, son of Henry and Martha Corwin, married to Tabitha Vail in 1681
- Case 1632-ca 1665, son of John and Elizabeth Purchase, married to Martha Corwin in 1658
- Cason 1815-, son of Frederick and Elizabeth Williams
- Cassels 1715-1785, married to Margaret Mitchell in 1734
- Castile (de) 1379-1406, son of John and Eleanor of Aragon, married to Catherine Plantagent in 1388
- Castle 1700-1777, son of Henry and Hannah Squire, married to Hannah Strong in 1736
- Castle 1668-1745, son of Henry and Abigail Dickerson, married to Hannah Squire in 1699
- Castle ca 1613-, married to Abigail Dickerson in 1666
- Castleton, married to Fannie Chaffee King in 1948
- Caswell, son of Peter and Martha Ashbaugh
- Cates 1879, married to Ethel Agnes Brooks in 1907
- Cathey, married to Pearl x
- Caudill 1821-1900, son of Henry and Phoebe Jane Strother, married to Susannah Back in 1846
- Caudill 1785-1856, son of James and Mary Ann Adams, married to Phoebe Jane Strother
- Caughell ca 1839-, with Ann Elizabeth Francisco
- Cavanaugh 1877..1878-, with Sarah Ella Smothers
- Cave 1550-1617, son of Brian and Margaret Throckmorton, married to Elizabeth Isham
- Cavender 1756-1803, son of Henry and Elizabeth Woodhouse, married to Mary Leggett in 1779
- Cavender 1699-1772, son of William Henry and Elizabeth Kennedy, married to Elizabeth Woodhouse
- Cavendish 1732-1804, son of Henry and Anne Pyne, married to Sarah Bradshaw in 1757
- Cavendish 1731-1810, son of Charles and Anne Grey
- Cavendish 1707-1776, son of William and Elizabeth Holt, married to Anne Pyne in 1730
- Cavendish 1659-1680, son of Henry and Frances Pierrepont, married to Elizabeth Percy in 1679
- Cavendish 1648-1698, son of Francis and Dorothy Broughton, with Mary Tyrrell
- Cavendish 1630-1691, son of William and Elizabeth Bassett, married to Frances Pierrepont in 1652
- Cavendish 1550-1616, son of William and Elizabeth Bess Hardwick, with Grace Talbot
- Cavendish, son of Henry and Grace Talbot, married to Bridget Willoughby in 1610
- Cayley 1870-1949, son of Arthur and Susan Moline, married to Kate Dixon in 1907
- Cayley 1768-1850, son of John and Sarah Cozens, married to Maria Antonia Doughty in 1814
- Chadburn 1849-1917, son of John Henry and Mary Morley, married to Mary Dorinda Lloyd in 1874
- Chamberlain 1818-, married to Hannah Dowling in 1840
- Chamberlain 1747-1828, son of Henry and Susannah Hinds
- Chamberlain 1725-1781, son of John and Rebecca Morris, married to Hannah Philena Peters in 1745
- Chamberlain ca 1716-1787/, son of Henry and Lydia Vinton, married to Susannah Hinds in 1740
- Chamberlain 1686-1718, son of Henry and Jane x, married to Lydia Vinton in 1714
- Chamberlain 1659-1688, son of John and Elizabeth Ann Browne, married to Anne West
- Chamberlain 1654-1706, son of Henry and Sarah Jones, married to Jane x in 1682
- Chamberlain 1619-1678, son of Henry and Jane Freeman, married to Sarah Jones in 1651
- Chamberlain ca 1595-1674, son of Richard and Christian Stoughton, married to Jane Freeman in 1615
- Chamberlain ca 1500-, son of Richard, father of Richard
- Chambers †1812/, father of Rachel
- Chambliss 1660-1719, married to Mary Moore
Champagne (de) 1127-, son of II Thibault and Mahaud de Champagne, married to Maria Capet in 1164- Champavere 1852-1932, married to Marie Antoinette Camille Quemet-Bancel in 1889
- Champernon ca 1538-1570, son of John and Elizabeth Blount, with Mary Edgecombe
Champernon ca 1274-1329..1330, son of William Oliver Richard de Champernoun and Joan de Ferrers, married to Joan Bodrugan in 1311
Champernoun (de) ca 1208-1281/, son of Oliver and Eva Andrea x, married to Dionisia English in 1233- Champion 1886-1985, son of Amon and Amelia Martha x, married to Katie Willcox in 1909
- Champion 1751-1836, son of Henry and Deborah Brainerd, married to Abigail Tinker in 1781
- Champion 1729-1792, son of Henry and Sarah Peterson, married to Sarah Peck in 1751
- Champion 1724-1797, son of Henry and Mehitable Rowley, married to Deborah Brainerd in 1746
- Champion 1695-1779, son of Thomas and Hannah Brockway, married to Mehitable Rowley in 1717
- Champion 1685-1780, son of Henry and Susannah de Wolf, married to Sarah Peterson in 1708
- Champion 1654-1704, son of Henry and Sarah Bennett, married to Susannah de Wolf in 1684
- Champion 1611-1708, married to Sarah Bennett in 1647
- Chance, son of Joshua and Effie Wood
- Chandler 1800-1840, son of Joseph and Patience Mary Andrus, married to Sarah Grable
- Chandler 1749-1764, son of Moses and Dorothy Marble
- Chandler 1696-, son of Henry and Lydia Abbott, married to Hannah Foster in 1723
- Chandler 1667-1737, son of Thomas and Hannah Brewer, married to Lydia Abbott in 1695
- Chandler 1565-1618, son of Thomas and Joanne Page, married to Anne x in 1590
- Chandler, with Penelope Terry
- Chandler, son of Kent and Grace Emeret Tuttle
- Channon 1897-1958, with Dorothy Mary Guinness
- Channon 1582-1605, son of John and Johan x, with Johanna Drew
- Chanon, son of Henry Paul Guinness and Ingrid Georgia Olivia Wyndham, with Henrietta Towill
- Chapin 1679-1754, son of Henry and Bethiah Cooley, married to Mary Garney in 1702, Esther Bliss in 1716
- Chapin 1632-1718, son of Samuel and Cecily Penny, married to Bethiah Cooley in 1664
- Chapman 1804-1891, son of Abraham and Elizabeth Meredith, married to Rebecca Stewart
- Chapman ca 1771-ca 1846, married to Sarah Greene in 1798
- Chapman 1768-1838, son of Thomas and Margaret Mitchell, married to Frances Gill in 1794
- Chapman 1756-1865, with Sarah Gee
- Chapman 1681, married to Mary Ward in 1706
- Chapman 1663-, son of Edward and Elizabeth Fox
- Chase 1790-1853, son of Daniel and Elizabeth Mosher, married to Rachel Pine in 1809
- Chase 1746-1831, son of Timothy and Leah Robbins, with Hepzibah Walker
- Chase 1722-/1778, son of Isaac and Hannah Berry, married to Abigail Stratton in 1746
- Chatfield 1588-, married to Jane Wickham in 1614
Chatillon (de) ca 1063-1135/, with Ermegarde de Montjoy- Cherry 1672-1699, son of John and Sarah Wickham, father of Thomas
- Chesebrough 1784-1869, son of William and Esther Williams, married to Martha Williams in 1812
- Chesebrough 1764-1842, son of Amos and Mary Christophers, married to Elizabeth Hurlbut in 1793
- Chesnut 1830-1911, married to Elizabeth Cherrington in 1876
- Cheyne ca 1390-, son of John and Katherine Fenton, father of John
- Chichester 1547-1589, son of Amyas and Jane Giffard, married to Mary Burgoine in 1572
- Chickering /1589-1671, son of Henry and Mary Austin, married to Elizabeth x in 1622, Anne Grosse in 1628
- Chickering ca 1565-1627, son of Stephen and Ann Day, married to Mary Austin in 1588
- Child, with Sarah Nason
- Childers ca 1738-1813, son of Abraham Childress and Elizabeth Cannon, married to Susannah Goolsby
- Childers /1701-1761, son of Henry and Lucretia Jones, married to Mary Farmer
- Childers ca 1675-1727, son of Abraham Childress and Annie Pugh, with Lucretia Jones
- Childs 1855-, son of Jairus and Almira Luania Hoffman
- Childs 1819-1885, married to Elizabeth Hitchcock in 1847
- Childs ca 1721-1772, son of Henry and Margaret Preston, married to Jemima Pottenger in 1743
- Childs /1689-1736, married to Margaret Preston in 1709
- Chiles 1758, son of Paul and Anne Rowland, married to Frances Nevil
- Chiles 1710-1763, with Mary Carr
- Chiles 1698-1763, son of John Henry and Eleanor Webber, married to Mercy Webb in 1735, Susanna Dicken in 1747
- Chiles 1690-1746, son of Henry and Margaret Littlepage, married to Anne Harrelson in 1718
- Chiles 1661-1720, son of Walter and Susannah Brooks, married to Margaret Littlepage in 1688
- Chittenden 1829-1880..1900, with Harriet E. Landon
- Chittenden ca 1629-1713, son of Thomas and Rebecca x, married to Elizabeth Paddock in 1656
- Cholmeley 1553-1616, son of Richard and Catherine Clifford, married to Margaret Babthorpe in 1578
- Chrisman 1749-, son of Jacob and Magdalena Hite
- Chrysler 1850-1916, son of John Matthew and Hannah Lundy, married to Anna Maria Breyman in 1871
- Chrysler ca 1799-1874..1877, son of William, married to Martha Dolsen in 1819
- Church 1795-1861, father of Mary
- Church 1779-1844, married to Mary Olive Surginer in 1814
- Churchill 1768-, son of Armistead and Elizabeth Blackwell
- Cisco 1780..1790-1845, with Abigail Meeker
- Clapp 1847-, son of Wellington and Cornelia Plumb
- Clapper 1788-1872, son of Herman and Amelia Brumbaugh, married to Sarah Moore in 1811
- Clapper 1718-1797, son of Johan Heinrich Klappert and Mary Swank, married to Christena Eve Fouse
- Clark 1872-1875, son of James Israel and Annie Penelope Thompson
- Clark ca 1869-, son of Henry and Narcissus Poore
- Clark 1851-1896, married to Elizabeth Collingston in 1872
- Clark ca 1817-, with Narcissus Poore
- Clark 1789-1863, son of Amos Dillon and Nancy Anne Duvall, married to Susannah Stephens in 1810
- Clark 1732-1823, son of Ephraim and Elizabeth Lyon, married to Sarah Jones in 1757
- Clark 1720-1773, son of Henry and Hannah Fedder, married to Sabrina Ross
- Clark 1686-1771, son of Richard and Hannah Norris, married to Hannah Fedder
- Clark 1673-1749, son of Nathaniel and Elizabeth Somerby
- Clark, father of Rosanna
- Clarke ca 1672-1738/, son of Jeremiah and Ann Audley, married to Judith Peckham in 1698
- Clarke 1400-, son of Thomas and Sarah Forde, with Matilda Echingham
- Clay 1833-, son of Henry and Julia Prather
- Clay 1826-1913, son of Thomas and Susannah Smart, married to Nancy Cooper in 1852
- Clay 1811-1847, son of Henry and Lucretia Hart, married to Julia Prather in 1832
- Clay 1777-1852, son of John and Elizabeth Hudson, married to Lucretia Hart in 1799
- Clay 1736-1820, son of Henry and Lucy Green, married to Rachel Povall in 1753
- Clay 1711-1764, son of Henry and Mary Mitchell, married to Lucy Green in 1735
- Clay 1672-1760, son of Charles and Hannah Wilson, married to Mary Mitchell in 1708
- Clay, married to Mary Ann Mallon
- Clayton 1837-1880/, with Mary Sullivan Black
- Cleaver 1805-1864/, son of Stephen and Rebeckah Smith, married to Nancy Ann Coleman in 1829, Christiana x
- Clegg 1825-1894, married to Hannah Eastham in 1844
- Clemens 1838-1858, son of John Marshall and Jane Casey Lampton
- Clemm 1818-, son of William and Maria Poe
- Cleveland 1744-, son of William and Rachel Warren
- Cleveland 1699-1779, son of Josiah and Mary Bates, married to Lucille Lucy Fitch in 1718
- Clifford 1881-1950, married to Nellie Beebe in 1901
- Clifford ca 1795-, son of John and Rhoda Thresher, with Hannah Leighton
- Clifford 1592-1643, son of Francis and Grisold Hughes, with Frances Cecil
- Clifford 1517-, son of Henry and Margaret Talbot, married to Eleanor Brandon in 1537, Anna d'Acre in 1552
- Clifford 1493-1542, son of Henry and Anne St. John, married to Margaret Talbot in 1512, Margaret Percy in 1536
Clifford 1454-1523, son of John and Margaret Bromflete, married to Anne St. John in 1487, Florence Pudsey in 1511- Clinton 1720-1794, with Catherine Pelham
- Clinton, with Eleanor Darrow
- Clodfelter 1824-1895, son of Michael and Sarah Hinkle, married to Elvira Jane Miller in 1846
- Close 1884-, son of Edward Harvey and Emma Bennett
- Clovile 1464-1513, son of John and Margery Allington, with Margaret Auger
- Clowser 1797-1870, married to Regina Rosenberger in 1820
- Clute ca 1818-, son of Frederick and Annatje Van Auken, married to Elizabeth Knight in 1847
- Clymer 1767-1830, son of George and Elizabeth Meredith, married to Mary Willing in 1794
- Coate 1770-1848, son of Marmaduke and Mary Jane Coppock, with Mary Ann Haskett
- Coate 1700-1778, son of Samuel and Mary Saunders, married to Rachel Ann Budd in 1722
- Coate ca 1590-, son of Marmaduke and Marie Skinner, married to Emily Jane Buckingham in 1614
- Coates 1745-1790, son of Samuel and Mary Langdale, with Susan Elliot
- Cobb 1798-1872, son of Thomas and Lucy Smith, married to Augusta Adams in 1822
- Cobb ca 1793-1816, son of Asa and Sarah Stephens, father of Angelina
- Cobb ca 1785-, with Elizabeth Dennis
- Cobb 1781-1850, son of Henry and Rachel Wilson, married to Ellender Paris in 1804
- Cobb 1744-1794, with Rachel Wilson
- Cobb 1737-1794, son of Henry and Jemima Morse, married to Rachel Reed Wilson in 1780
- Cobb 1710-ca 1772, son of Henry and Lois Hallett, married to Mary Babcock in 1733
- Cobb 1686-ca 1755, son of Samuel and Elizabeth Taylor, married to Jemima Morse in 1731
- Cobb 1665-1725, son of Henry and Sarah Hinckley, married to Lois Hallett in 1690
- Cobb 1596-/1679, married to Patience Hurst in 1631, Sarah Hinckley in 1649
- Coburn 1780-1835, son of Henry and Sarah Richardson, married to Martha Butterfield in 1811
- Coburn 1700-, son of Thomas Colburn and Mary Remembrance Richardson
- Coburn, son of Ephraim and Joanna Coburn, married to Sarah Richardson in 1780
- Cochran ca 1780-, married to Mary Richardson in 1805
- Cock 1736-1816, married to Elizabeth Robbins in 1760
- Cockayne-Cust 1780-1861, son of Brownlow Cust and Frances Bankes, married to Anna Maria Elizabeth Needham in 1816
- Cockburn 1859-1927, son of Francis Jeffrey and Elizabeth Ann Pitcairn, with Elizabeth Gordon Stevenson
- Cockburn 1779-1854, son of Archibald and Janet Rennie, with Elizabeth McDowall
- Coe 1842-1909, married to Lucretia Ann Merritt in 1864
- Coffeen 1738-1782, son of Michael and Lydia Lake, married to Lucy Hale in 1762
- Coffelt, with Marguerita Harrison
- Coffin ca 1716-ca 1756, son of Jonathan and Hepsabeth Harker, married to Mary Woodbury in 1739
- Coffman 1782-1846, son of Henry and Katherine Hort, married to Margaret Sells in 1808
- Coffman ca 1740-, married to Katherine Hort in 1782
- Cogan, married to Joane Boridge in 1590
- Coggeshall 1537-, son of William
Coggeshall ca 1331-1375, son of John and Margaret de Stanton, married to Joane de Welle in 1351- Cogswell ca 1816-, son of Jedediah and Mary Wallen
- Colby 1742-1805, son of Ruggles and Abigail Davis, married to Mary Herrington in 1766
Cole 1621..1627-1676, married to Sarah Ruscoe in 1646- Coleman 1776-1850, son of Martin Kohlmon and Mary Bird, married to Delilah Hocker
- Coleman ca 1640-1696/, married to Bright Lightning in 1674
- Coles 1805-1874, married to Margaret Miles Norris in 1838
- Collamore †1625, son of John and Margery Hext, married to Margaret Blight in 1563
- Collett 1849, son of William and Ann Vernon, married to Isabella Bousfield in 1870
- Collett 1638-1679, son of Philogus and Dorcus Edgar, married to Ann Bishop in 1667
- Colley 1567-1601, son of Henry and Catherine Cusack, married to Anne Loftus in 1587
- Colley 1535-1584, married to Catherine Cusack in 1566
- Colley, married to Mary Hamilton in 1719
- Collins 1812-, son of Jacob and Phebe Stuthard, married to Elizabeth Spears
- Collins 1747-1812, son of Henry and Hannah Hunt, married to Elizabeth Mendenhall in 1768
- Collins 1720-1752, married to Hannah Hunt
- Collins 1651-, son of Henry and Mary Tolman, married to Sarah Ayer in 1685
- Collins 1629-1722, son of Henry and Ann Riall, married to Mary Tolman
- Collins 1605..1606-1687, married to Ann Riall in 1628
- Colony 1869-1952 Henry Harry
- Colony 1808-1864, son of Henry and Avis x, married to Sarah C. Seeley
- Colony 1776-1856, son of John and Melatiah Fisher, married to Avis x
- Colquitt 1759-1820, son of Anthony and Christian Terry, married to Nancy Ann Singleton Holt in 1796
- Colquitt 1588-1632, father of John
- Colton 1771-1831, son of Henry and Mary Burt, married to Lydia Booth in 1797
- Colton 1738-1787, son of Ebenezer and Deborah Chandler, married to Mary Burt in 1767
- Comly 1674-1727, son of Henry and Joan Tyler, married to Agnes Heaton in 1695
- Comly ca 1641-/1685, married to Joan Tyler in 1673
- Compton ca 1584-ca 1649, son of Henry and Anne Spencer, with Cecily Sackville
- Compton 1537-1589, son of Peter and Anne Talbot, married to Frances Ann Hastings in 1559, Anne Spencer
- Coningsby 1537-1590, son of John and Elizabeth Frowick, married to Elizabeth Boteler
- Conklin 1725-1770, son of Henry and Mary Jones, married to Amy Hedges in 1751
- Conklin 1701-1750, son of Anansias Conkling and Hannah Ludlam, married to Mary Jones in 1724
- Conkling 1690-1753, son of John and Sarah Mary Scudder, married to Temperance Bailey in 1717
- Connelly 1751-1840, son of Thomas and Mary van Harlingen, with Ann MacGregor
- Connelly 1646-1687, father of Edmund
- Connyers, son of William, with Elizabeth x
- Conrad 1790-1870, son of John and Hannah Hackett, married to Sara Spindler
- Conrad 1740-1808, married to Sarah Spindler
- Conrad ca 1740-, son of Dennis and Lydia Potts, with Elizabeth Streypers
- Conrad 1689-1758, son of Thones Hecken Kunders and Elin Doors, married to Katherine Streypers in 1710
- Constable 1552-1607, son of John and Margaret le Scrope, married to Margaret Dormer
- Converse 1853-, married to Emma A. Gilbert in 1874
- Conway 1751-1812, son of Thomas and Mary Elizabeth Mauzy, married to Sarah Hundley in 1769
- Conwell, son of Richard and Eliza Beatty
- Conyers /1665-1733, married to Anne Holland in 1727
- Cook 1814-1881, married to Elizabeth Clothier Collins in 1836
- Cook 1749, married to Margaret Mitchell
- Cook 1683-ca 1740, son of Henry and Mary Hall, married to Mary Frost in 1710, Sarah Towner in 1719
- Cook 1652-1705, son of Henry Cooke and Judith Birdsall, married to Mary Hall in 1678
- Cooke 1690-1772, son of John and Hannah Jones, married to Mary Clarke in 1718
- Cooke 1615-1661, son of Francis and Hester Mahieu, married to Judith Birdsall in 1639
- Cooke ca 1542-, son of Anthony and Anne FitzWilliam
- Cooley ca 1834-1854, son of Alfred and Polly x
- Cooley 1808-, son of David Russell and Sarah Chapman, father of Laura
- Coolidge 1665-, son of Nathaniel and Mary Bright
- Coolidge 1664-, son of Nathaniel and Mary Bright
- Coombs 1644-, son of Henry and Elizabeth x, with Elizabeth Barlow
- Coombs 1607-1669, married to Elizabeth x in 1635
- Cooper 1896-, son of Nelson and Eliza Tilman, married to Adeline Jordan
- Cooper 1780-1827, son of George Frederick and Dorothy Call, with Patience Back
- Cooper 1674-1709, married to Mary Buckman in 1703
- Cooper †ca 1781, father of Joseph
- Cooprider 1815-1893, married to Melinda Langford in 1837
- Copeland ca 1722-/1789, son of William and Margery Lott, with Ann Martin
- Copley ca 1906, son of Thomas Freeman and Rhoda E. Dalton
- Corbin 1629-1674, son of Thomas and Winifred Grosvenor, married to Alice Eltonhead in 1656
- Corbin, son of Henry and Alice Eltonhead, with Alice Dodson
- Cornell 1808-1881, son of William Humphrey and Eleanor Hunt, with Hannah Veley
Cornhill (de) ca 1150-1194, son of Gervase, with Alice de Hastings- Corwith 1819-1888, with Isabelle Soulard
- Cotterman ca 1808-, son of George and Eva Ridenour
- Cotton 1801-, married to Louisa Martha Thatcher
- Coulston 1692-1783, son of William Eugene and Elizabeth Busby, married to Rebecca Braun
- Court 1823-1898, with Lavira Cross
- Courter ca 1847-, son of Montgomery and Sally Content Maria Lamb
- Courter 1752-1839, son of Hermanus Coerter and Susanna Young, married to Lea Mandeville in 1770
- Covey 1778-1857, son of Benjamin and Rhoda Holly, married to Salome Bird in 1806
- Covington 1736-1803, son of John and Mary Airey, married to Elizabeth Sands in 1760
- Cowgill 1704-1769, son of John and Rachel Baker, married to Mary Boulton in 1724, Alice Payne in 1741
- Cowles 1831-1903, son of Salmon and Polly Miner, married to Sarah A. Neal in 1870
- Cox ca 1896-/1975, with Anna Mable Dunham
- Coy 1782-ca 1846, married to Barbara Pote in 1806
- Coy 1776-1856, married to Mary Rummel in 1818
- Coyne 1774-1852, married to Ann Gardiner in 1802
- Craft 1683, married to Eleanor Nutting in 1705
- Craig †1807, with Mary Erwin
- Crandall 1855-1870/, son of Jason Wilbur and Ruth McDonald
- Crandall 1794-, son of Barney and Hannah Davis, married to Sally M. Palmer in 1817
- Crane 1784-1876, with Amarilla Hannah Moses
- Crane 1740, married to Judith Leonard
- Crane 1719-1804, son of William and Abigail Puffer, married to Abigail Lyon in 1744
- Crane 1708-1760, son of Ebenezer and Mary Tolman, married to Melitiah Vose in 1727
- Crane 1694, son of John and Hannah Leonard, married to Bathsheba Tiffany in 1744
- Crane 1677-1741, son of Henry and Concurrence Meigs, married to Abigail Flood
- Crane 1658-1718, son of Henry and Tabitha Kingsley, married to Elizabeth Vose in 1683
- Crane 1635-1711, son of John and Mary Daggett, married to Concurrence Meigs in 1663
- Crane ca 1625-1710, with Tabitha Kingsley
- Crane ca 1546-1586, son of Robert and Bridget Jermyn, married to Catherine Jerningham
- Craven 1850-, married to Martha A. Highsmith in 1880
- Crawford 1814-1880, with Rachel Fedderley
- Creasey 1801, son of Joseph and Sarah Puttock, married to Ellen Nye
- Cremer 1795-, with Elizabeth x
- Crichlow 1797-, son of Charles and Hannah Prescod, with Charlotte Pierrepont
- Crichlow 1735-, son of Henry and Mary Skeen, with Rebecca Branker
- Crichlow 1709-, son of James and Ann Perryman, with Mary Skeen
- Crichlow, with Susannah Cutting
- Crine 1748-, married to Margaret Noyes in 1774
- Crippen ca 1818-, son of Alanson W. and Eunice Brooks
- Crispe 1546-1594, son of Henry and Anne Haselhurst, married to Anne Colepepper
- Crispe 1514-1575, son of John and Avice Denne, married to Anne Haselhurst
- Crispe †1426, son of John and Anne Phettiplace, with Joan Dyer
- Crispe †1387/, with Matilda de Harcourt
- Criss 1804-1877, son of John Michael Crist and Sarah Tolan, married to Bathsheba Walton in 1827
- Crist 1806-1892, married to Nancy Jane Kesler in 1839
- Crist 1764-1844, son of Nicholas Heinrich and Sarah Jane Cartmell, married to Rachel Ann Cartmell in 1788
- Crittenden ca 1708-1783, son of Henry and Frances Upshaw, with Margaret Butler
- Crittenden ca 1675-1716, son of Richard and Ann Forrest, with Frances Upshaw
- Crittenden †/1716, with Frances Forrest
- Crofts 1797, married to Phebe Sutton in 1831
- Cromwell 1628-1674, son of Oliver and Elizabeth Bourchier, married to Elizabeth Russell in 1653
- Cromwell 1539-1592, son of Gregory and Elizabeth Seymour, married to Mary Paulett in 1560
- Cromwell ca 1524-, son of Richard and Frances Murphy, with Joan Warren
- Cronkhite 1745-1823, married to Elizabeth x in 1784
- Cross 1739-1840, married to Lydia Morris
- Crouch ca 1779-, son of Thomas Frink and Mary Buell
- Crowder 1797-1869, son of Philip and Rachael Sanders, married to Polly Ann Locke in 1815
- Crowl, son of Michael and Mary Elizabeth Haines
- Crum ca 1779-ca 1840, son of Wilson and Nancy x, married to Martha Horn in 1795
- Crumley 1837-1905, son of John and Anna Kellogg
- Crutcher 1740-1807, son of Henry, with Susannah Dupree
- Crutcher 1694-1780, son of Thomas and Margaret x, father of Henry
- Crutchfield 1743-1787, son of William and Jane Stapleton, married to Milly Terrell in 1765
- Crutchfield ca 1705-, father of Elizabeth
- Cubbon 1776-1842, married to Ann Quirk in 1801
- Cubitt 1867-1947, son of George and Laura Joyce, married to Maud Marianne Calvert in 1890
- Culbert 1824-1910, son of Isaac and Elizabeth Williams, married to Eleanor Margaret Schell
- Culp 1781-1838, son of Henry and Dorotha x, married to Frances Funk in 1798
- Culp 1762-1844, son of Johann Phillip Kolb and Katherina Wagner, married to Dorotha x in 1780
- Culpepper ca 1758-ca 1815, son of Henry and Christian Warren, married to Edith Miller Cox in 1780
- Culpepper ca 1729-, son of Henry and Mary J. Bruce, married to Christian Warren in 1752
- Culpepper ca 1694-1733/, son of Henry, married to Mary J. Bruce in 1725
- Culpepper ca 1667-1699, son of Henry and Elizabeth Green, father of Henry
- Culpepper 1633-1675/, son of John Culpeper, with Elizabeth Green
- Culver 1854-, with Mary D. Sprague
- Cummings 1779-, son of John and Rebecca Reed, married to Abigail Carley in 1803, Experience Carley in 1810
- Cummings 1768-1820, son of Jotham and Anna Brown, married to Jane Merrill in 1794
- Cundiff ca 1833-, son of Richard Brown and Mary Ann Moberly
- Cunningham 1819-1860, married to Hannah Stuttard in 1858
- Curie 1665-1731, son of Jean and Suzanne Colin, married to Catherine Bourgogne in 1693
- Currier 1706-1757, son of Samuel and Dorothy Foote, married to Elizabeth Morrill in 1727
- Curry 1803-1877, married to Lucinda Boucher in 1824
- Curtis 1798-, son of Elnathan and Violet Brown
- Curtis 1706-1745, with Silence Janes
- Curtis ca 1649-, son of Henry and Jane x
- Curtis 1643-, son of Henry and Jane x
- Curtis 1621-1661, married to Elisabeth Abel in 1635
- Curtis 1608-1678, married to Mary Guy in 1638, Jane x in 1642
- Curtiss 1709-1804, son of Ephraim Curtis and Elizabeth Stiles, married to Ann Thompson in 1738
- Curwen 1568-1604, son of Nicholas and Anna Musgrave, father of Magdalen
- Curwen 1528-1592, son of Thomas and Agnes Strickland, married to Mary Fairfax
- Curzon ca 1365-, son of John and Margaret Montgomery, father of John
- Custis 1677-, son of John and Margaret Michael, married to Ann Kendall in 1721
- Cutler 1622-, son of John and Mary x
- Cuyler 1744-1767, son of Henry and Alida Reijinders, married to Elizabeth Pierce in 1763
- Cuyler 1715-1770, son of Henry and Maria Jacobs, married to Alida Reijinders in 1743
- Cuyler 1677-1766, son of Hendrick Abrahamse and Annetje Janse Schepmoes, married to Maria Jacobs in 1710
- D
- Dade ca 1705-1754, son of Robert Townshend and Mary Margaret Birkett, married to Elizabeth Massey in 1726
- Daggs, with Adda x
- Dagood 1649-, married to Judith Hunt in 1705
- Dailey, married to Lydia Stowe in 1828
- Dalton 1821-, son of John Dorton and Clara Newman, with Nancy E. Lee
- Dalton 1794-, son of Henry Dorton and Eleanor Russell, married to Eleanor Hill in 1809
- Dalton, married to Mary Holloran
- Damon 1595-, son of Henry and Anne x, with Abigail Batchelder
- Damon ca 1562-1637, with Anne x
- Damrow ca 1901-ca 1957, son of Fred and Elizabeth Catherine Hartman, with Geraldine Fritz
- Dana 1762-1817, son of Caleb and Sarah Ballard, married to Sally Wilson in 1786
- Danner 1806-1900, son of David and Magdalena Elizabeth Stambaugh, with Catharine Senft
- Danvers 1573-1643, son of John and Elizabeth Neville
- Darling 1889-1926, son of William Albert and Nancy Marinda Terrell, with Susie Viola Kelley
- Darling ca 1825-, son of X
- Darling 1675-, son of George and Katherine Mower, with Joanna Mitchell
- Darnall 1855-1935, son of Andrew Jackson and Elizabeth Williams, married to Martha E. Thweatt in 1874
- Darnall 1780-1860, son of Nicholas and Susanna Howlett, married to Jane Goodbread Henson in 1800
- Darnall 1725-1772, son of Henry and Ann Mary Talbot, married to Rachel Brooke in 1748
- Darnall 1703-1787, son of Henry and Ann Digges, married to Ann Mary Talbot in 1728
- Darnall 1682-1737, son of Henry and Eleanor Hatton, married to Ann Digges, Elizabeth Lowe in 1718
- Darnall 1645-1711, son of Phillip and Mary Calvert, married to Eleanor Hatton in 1679
- Darnall 1564-, son of John and Susannah Mynne, with Mary Tooke
- Darwin 1789-1790, son of Erasmus and Elizabeth Collier Sacheveral-Pole
- Dashwood 1736-1789, son of George and Margaret Peyton, married to Frances Rous in 1771
- Daubeney ca 1590-1656, son of George and Elizabeth Coker, married to Edith Symonds in 1615
- Davenport 1882-, son of Francis Henry and Elizabeth Annie Brewster
- Davenport 1718-1791, son of Thomas and Grace Terry, with Nancy Ann Pemberton
- Davenport 1677-1731, son of Henry and Elizabeth Talbot, married to Barbara Ivory in 1715
- Davenport 1630-1698, son of Henry and Lettice Maddocks, married to Elizabeth Talbot in 1665
- Davenport 1607-1664, son of William and Jane Bromley, with Lettice Maddocks
- Davenport /1564-/1603, son of William and Grace Dutton, with Jane Leycester
- Davenport, with Caroline Howe
- Davenport †1627, son of Edward and Maria Harford, with Winifred Barnaby
Davenport (de) ca 1256-, son of Roger and Mary Salmon, father of Mary Davenport- Davidge 1718-, father of John Beale
- Davies /1731-, son of Michael and Rebecca Elizabeth Rogers
- Davis ca 1873-, son of James Matthew and Caroline Browning
- Davis 1788-1840, son of Thomas and Mary Conklin, married to Mary Ann Pollard in 1821
- Davis 1775-/1847, married to Susannah Dowell
- Davis 1775-1831, son of Thomas and Keziah Terrell, married to Nancy Potts
- Davis 1758-1837, son of Henry and Sarah x, married to Catharina Anna Rupert in 1829
- Davis 1732-1804, married to Jane Crockett in 1779
- Davis 1729-, son of Henry and Deliverance Slocum, married to Sarah x in 1750
- Davis 1708-1767, son of James and Elizabeth Warren, married to Mary Marriott in 1732
- Davis 1695-ca 1755, son of William and Frances x, married to Deliverance Slocum in 1727
- Davis 1694, son of Simon and Elizabeth Woodis
- Davis, with Louise Chase
- Davis, with Sarah x
- Dawes 1804-1867, with Sarah Cutler
- Dawes 1804-1867, son of William Mears and Abigail Kendall Holden, married to Sarah Cutler in 1829
- Dawson 1828, married to Frances Emily Wheeler
- Day 1854-ca 1856, son of William Henry and Lucy Maria Scribner
- Day 1835-1835, son of Sherman and Elizabeth Ann King
- Day 1692-1752, son of John and Rebecca Taylor, married to Mary Walston
- Day, married to Phoebe Lucretia Lord in 1849
- Dayton 1728-1803, son of Henry and Abigail Norton, married to Ruth Marvin in 1758
- Dayton 1702-1762, son of Abraham and Katherine Swayze, married to Abigail Norton in 1727
- DeBra ca 1844-, son of David and Elizabeth x
- DeForest 1710-ca 1777, son of David and Martha Blagge
- DeVilliers 1818-1887, married to Mary Hands in 1838
- DeWald 1733-1817, married to Mary Catherine Greaver in 1760
- DeWalt ca 1856-, son of Thompson and Matilda Wynn, with Agnes x
- DeWalt 1774-1864, son of Henry DeWald and Mary Catherine Greaver, with Elizabeth Gross
- DeWeese 1746-1831, son of Garrett and Mary Streeper, married to Elizabeth Hughes in 1768
- DeWitt 1823-1904, son of Solomon Coy and Nancy Fowler, married to Nancy x in 1845, Sarah Landrus in 1853
- DeWitt 1816, son of Isaac and Jane Jenny Masterson, married to Nancy Artman in 1833
- DeWitt 1758-1810, son of Paulus and Catherine Depuy, married to Ann Orr in 1777
- DeWitt /1750-1827, son of Henry and Maria Ten Broeck, married to Hannah Dean in 1772
- DeWitt 1746-1821, son of Martinus and Saertje Joons, married to Sarah Friend
- DeWitt /1714-1753, son of Tjerck and Anna Pawling, married to Maria Ten Broeck in 1738
- DeWolf, son of William and Charlotte Finney, with Annie Elizabeth Marsten
- Deal 1822-1878, married to Anna Stroup in 1850
- Dean 1832-1902, son of Moses Perry and Mary Jane Binkley, married to Elizabeth Mary Matlock in 1852
- Dearborn 1797-1883, son of Jonathan and Sarah Page, married to Pamela Bailey in 1822
- Dearborn 1712-1783, son of Samuel and Mercy Batchelder, married to Margaret Sherburne in 1737
- Dearborn 1688-1756, son of Henry and Elizabeth Marion, married to Hannah Dow in 1708
- Dearborn 1633-1725, son of Godfrey and Lucy Richardson, married to Elizabeth Marion in 1665
- Deardorff 1762-1844, son of Peter and Christina Anna Swyer, married to Margaret Watson in 1798
- Death 1714-1759, son of John and Waitstill Vose, married to Rachel Leland
- Deck 1798-1864, married to Mary Long in 1822
- Decker 1834-1907, son of Peter M. and Chloe R. Allyn, married to Orinda Mary Fenton in 1864
- Decker 1780, married to Elizabeth Betty Welch in 1797
- Deen 1827-1913, son of Martin and Francis Elizabeth Higgs, married to Lydia Ann Elizabeth Stephens in 1850, Nancy Miles in 1865
- Deering 1684-1750, son of Henry and Elizabeth Michelson, married to Elizabeth Packer in 1709
- Deering 1639-1717, married to Elizabeth Michelson in 1676
- Delaunay 1653-1715, married to Françoise Creste in 1679
- Delay 1749-1811, son of Henry, married to Elizabeth Crouch in 1771
- Delay ca 1727-, father of Henry
- Dell ca 1790-ca 1865, son of Henry and Anna Marr, with Abigail Thomas
- Dell ca 1754-ca 1802, son of Bassnet and Hannah Burris, married to Anna Marr in 1782
- Dell 1699-1755, married to Jean Lion in 1730
- Dellinger 1740-1820, son of Johan Philip and Anna Maria Brandstetter, married to Anna Johanna Rudisill
- Delon 1723, married to Hannah Overman
- Delves 1440-, son of John and Ellen Egerton, with Ellen Swinnerton
- Demarest 1816-1897, son of David J. and Magdalena Christie, married to Elisabeth Zabriskie
- Deming, with Lucia O'Brien
- Denig 1876/, son of Henry and Maria Wrence, married to Terese Victoria Black in 1899
- Denig, married to Maria Wrence
- Denison 1793-, son of Beebe and Prudence Holmes
- Denison 1753-1835, son of Daniel and Esther Wheeler, with Mary Gallup
- Denney ca 1774-1860/, son of Azariah and Sally Wise Felton, married to Elizabeth Hill in 1793
- Denninney, with Mary Rathbun
- Denny 1595-1658, son of Edward and Margaret Edgecombe
- Denny 1540-1573, son of Anthony and Joan Champernowne, married to Honora Grey
- Denslow 1618-1676, son of Nicholas and Elizabeth Dolling, married to Susannah x in 1645
- Dering 1732-1795, married to Elisabeth Long
- Déry 1827-1890, married to Paméla Leclerc in 1857
- Deshon 1729-1818, son of Daniel and Ruth Christophers, married to Bathsheba Rogers in 1752
- Devault 1733-1817, married to Catherine Maria Graver in 1762
- Devers ca 1846-, son of William and Nancy Coy
- Dewey 1773-1859, son of Josiah, married to Mary Harmon in 1799
- Dewing 1724-1805, son of Henry and Mehitable Ellis, married to Elizabeth Tolman in 1752
- Dewing 1690-1765, son of Andrew and Dorothy Hyde, married to Mehitable Ellis in 1716
- Dewsbury, with Alice Pendleton
- Dibble 1725-1804, son of Joseph and Elizabeth Parsons, married to Abigail Bullmore in 1748
- Dick ca 1809-, with Rachel Litterest
- Dick 1775-1847, son of Peter and Mary Elizabeth Linton, married to Eleanor Kenny in 1795
- Dicken 1883-1973, son of Robert and Ann Marsden, married to Ada White in 1904
- Dickens ca 1760-1828, son of Joseph and Elizabeth Yancey, married to Lydia Hews in 1791
- Dickens 1512-1542, son of Richard, with Alice Ray
- Dickerson 1755-1825, son of John and Ruth Adams, married to Ann Nancy Cullum in 1770
- Dickerson ca 1690-, son of Thomas and Elizabeth x, with Susannah Surratt
- Dickinson 1825-1910, son of Zebulon and Esther Dean, with Almira Hibbard
- Dickinson 1750-1818, son of Henry and Agnes Jennings, with Mary Powell
- Dickinson 1715-1790, with Agnes Jennings
- Dickman 1910-1951, married to Ruth Eleanor Krumholz in 1937
- Dickson 1817-, with Minerva x
- Diebel 1859-1917, married to Caroline Schleppi
- Diehl 1787-1860/, with Elizabeth Sell
- Dietrich 1821-1904, married to Catherine Peschong in 1844
- Digby 1770-1842, son of William and Charlotte Cox, married to Jane Elizabeth Coke in 1806
- Dillard 1673-, son of George and Martha Williams
- Dillingham 1624-1705, son of Edward and Ursula Carter, married to Hannah Perry in 1652
- Dillingham 1568-1625, son of William and Katherine Marston, married to Oseth x in 1591
- Dillon 1831-1895, with Jane Reed
- Dillon 1732-1798, son of Thomas and Mary Robinson, married to Mary Byrn in 1751
- Dillon 1705-1787, married to Charlotte Lee in 1744
- Dimke 1883-, son of Augustus C. and Carolyn Pfefferle
- Dimke 1860-1910, son of Martin and Anna x, with Josephine Jonas
- Disborough †1559, with Katherine x
- Disbrow 1664-1747, son of Peter Disborough and Sarah Knapp, married to Mary Hannah Barker
- Disney 1569-1641, son of Daniel and Mary Katherine Molyneux, married to Barbara Thornhaugh, Eleanor Grey in 1593
- Dittman, with Ruth Allen
- Dittmore 1836-1893, married to Rachel Smuin in 1864
- Dixon ca 1740-1781, son of Henry and Elizabeth Abernathy, with Martha Frances Wynne
- Dixon 1723-1795, married to Elizabeth Abernathy
- Dixon 1692-/1742, son of William and Ann Gregg, married to Ruth Jones in 1715
- Dixon 1633-1710, married to Rose Harlan in 1660
- Doane 1772-1824, son of John and Pheobe DeMoney, married to Catherine Evans
- Dockstader 1735..1740-1794..1795, son of Cornelius and Catherine x, with Sarah x
- Dodder 1771-1804, son of Jacob, with Alice Wintermute
- Dodge 1819-1857, son of James and Electa Seward
- Dodge 1817-, with Lucretia Degau
- Dodge 1756-, son of Samuel and Helena Amerman, married to Sarah Rosenkrans
- Dodge 1747, son of Daniel and Jerusha Herrick
- Doherty, with Bridget Dunn
- Dolcater 1843, father of William Chauncey
- Dole 1663-1690, son of Richard and Hannah Rolfe, married to Sarah Brocklebank in 1686
- Donahue ca 1705-1775/, married to Rachel Smithson
- Donnell 1602..1608-/1693, married to Frances Reading in 1635
- Doolittle 1833-1909, son of David and Electa C. Baker
- Doolittle 1790-1869, son of Jonathan and Mary Wells, married to Mehitabel Briggs in 1840
- Doolittle 1704-1733, son of Theophilus and Thankful Hall, married to Abiah Tyler in 1730
- Dorsey 1712-1770, son of Joshua and Ann Ridgely, married to Elizabeth Worthington in 1735
- Dorst, married to Rhoda Mary Kellogg in 1867
- Dorton †1836, son of Anne Dorton, married to Eleanor Russell in 1781
- Dorwart 1781-1845, married to Elizabeth Hoffman in 1805
- Dossett 1805-1861, son of Thomas and Nancy Cates, married to Betsy Thompson
- Doud /1611-/1668, son of Henry Doude and Christian x, married to Elizabeth Dadson in 1635
- Doude 1582-1638, son of Richard and Elizabeth x, married to Christian x in 1609, Elizabeth Woolett in 1626
- Douglas ca 1652-1703, son of Andrew and Jean Hume, married to Martha Lockhart in 1672
- Douglas ca 1409-, son of James and Elizabeth Stewart
- Douglas ca 1400-, son of William and Marjory Lindsay, with Elizabeth Erskine
- Douglas ca 1345-/1393, son of John and Agnes de Munforde, married to Margery Stewart in 1381
- Dow 1766-1843, son of John and Elizabeth Burton, married to Rebecca Dow in 1787
- Dow 1748-, son of Joseph and Judith Butman
- Dow 1729-1772, son of Isaac and Charity Berry, married to Martha Perkins in 1752
- Dow 1674-1739, son of Joseph and Mary Sanborn, married to Mary Muzzy in 1694
- Dow 1670-1712/, son of Thomas and Dorcas Kimball, married to Elizabeth Colby in 1692
- Dow 1633-1707, son of Henry and Jane x, married to Hannah Page in 1659
- Dow 1606-1659, son of Henry and Elizabeth March, married to Jane x in 1628, Margaret Cole in 1640
- Dow 1577-1613, married to Elizabeth March in 1594
- Dowling, married to Nancy Ann Billington
- Dowling, son of William, father of Matthew
- Downhour 1821-1901, son of Jacob and Elizabeth Binkley, married to Christiana Ashbaugh in 1841
- Downing 1735-1799, married to Jemima Searing in 1754
- Downs ca 1766-, son of Thomas and Gulielma Gooden
- Doyle 1866-1874, son of John Thomas and Catherine Kate Jefferies
- Dozier 1855-1910/, married to Pauline Lippas in 1879
- Dozier 1842, married to Minerva A. Walker
- Drake 1909, with Selma Seeley
- Drake †1864, son of Benjamin and Judith Marvin, with Laney Corselius
- Draper 1862-, son of George W. and Huldah Hart
- Draper, with Sophia x
- Driesbach 1826-1909, son of Michael and Nancy Covert
- Driesbach 1824-1868, son of Henry and Lydia Hartman
- Driesbach 1791-1872, son of Henry and Catherine B. App, married to Lydia Hartman in 1821
Driesbach 1762-1841, son of John Dreisbach and Elizabeth Waltman, married to Catherine B. App in 1784- Drummond 1786-1860, married to Henrietta Hay-Drummond in 1807
- Drury 1824-1921, married to Lydia Barret
- Drury 1414-1455, son of Nicholas, married to Elizabeth Eton
- DuBois 1774-1844, son of Mathusalem and Gertrude Bruyn, with Elizabeth Helen Deyo
- Dudley ca 1533-1557, son of John and Jane Guildford
- Dudley 1515..1517-1556/, son of John Sutton and Cicely Grey, with X Ashton
- Duggan, married to Mary Ann Crane
- Duke 1781-1853, son of Taylor and Sarah Brown, married to Salley Pearman
- Duke 1668..1671-1718, son of Henry and Elizabeth Soane, with Elizabeth Taylor
- Duke 1640-1714, son of Thomas and Mary Barham, married to Elizabeth Soane in 1667
- Duke 1534-1595, son of George and Anne Blennerhassett, married to Anne Moore
- Dulverton ca 1525-, father of Evelyn
- Dundas 1742-1811, son of Robert and Ann Gordon, married to Elizabeth Rennie in 1765
- Dunham 1856-1880, son of Azel
- Dunham 1824-, son of Henry Dayton and Sarah Ellison, married to Mary Whittinger in 1843
- Dunham 1822-, son of Lucas and Matilda Lovell
- Dunham 1817-1867, son of David and Hannah Brummage, married to Mary Jane Walker in 1837
- Dunham 1809-, son of Ephraim and Christina Cole, with Rhoda Goslee
- Dunham 1804-, son of Ephraim and Hannah Butler
- Dunham 1752-1820, married to Elizabeth Medlin in 1776
- Dunkle 1777-1857, son of Melchoir and Maria Barbara Wilhelm, married to Mary Elizabeth Emerich in 1809
- Dunn 1828-, son of Henry and Esther Clark
- Dunn 1797..1798-, married to Esther Clark in 1827
- Dunster 1650-, son of Henry and Elizabeth Atkinson
- Dunster /1620-1658, son of Henry and Isabel Kaye
- Dunster 1609-1659, son of Henry, married to Elizabeth Harris in 1641, Elizabeth Atkinson in 1644
- Dunster 1592-/1646, son of Henry and Elizabeth x, married to Isabel Kaye in 1615
- Dunster ca 1577-, son of Robert and Jony Scholes, father of Rose
- Dunster ca 1560-, son of Henry and Elizabeth Undsworth, married to Elizabeth x
- Dunster 1530-1592, married to Elizabeth Undsworth in 1549
- Dupertuis 1886-1980, son of Henri Louis and Louise Guillerman, with Berna L. x
- Dupertuis, son of Henry and Berna L. x
- Durham 1634-1690, married to Judith Hunt in 1660
- Durrant 1638-1677, son of Francis and Elizabeth Nichols, with Sarah x
- Durst ca 1769-ca 1844, son of Johan Casper and Anna Elizabeth Lightfoot, married to Anna Barbara Garlitz in 1789
- Duvall 1815-, with Diadema Wells
- Duvall 1778-1822, son of Zachariah and Jemima Selby, married to Mary Winchester in 1810
- Duxbury ca 1330-ca 1375, son of Adam and Ellen x, with Agatha de Standish
- Dwight 1676-1723, son of Timothy and Anna Flynt, married to Lydia Hawley in 1702
- Dwinel 1732-1813, son of Jonathan Dunnell and Mehitable Kenney, married to Hannah Daggett in 1757
- Dyer 1739-1800, son of Henry and Sarah Ridley, married to Elizabeth Simonton in 1762
- Dyer 1717-1798, son of Henry and Anna Small, married to Sarah Ridley in 1739
- Dyer 1703-1755, son of Henry and Mary Rice, married to Mary Royce in 1725
- Dyer 1693-/1767, son of William and Mary Taylor, married to Anna Small in 1715
- Dyer ca 1676-1742, son of Samuel and Anne Hutchinson, married to Mary Rice in 1695
- Dyer, married to Anna Elizabeth Ashbaugh in 1849
- Dyess 1838-1919, son of Joshua and Salina Hamrick, married to Tabitha Mixson in 1867
- Dykes ca 1709-1797, son of Henry, father of John Isham
- Dykes ca 1651-1725, son of Henry and Mary Bouchier, father of Henry
- Dykes ca 1602-1689, married to Mary Bouchier in 1647
- E
- Eads 1720-1782, son of Henry and Mary x, married to Mary Pengelly in 1752
- Eads 1668-1727, married to Mary x in 1720
- Eagerton 1791-1820, married to Mary Simpson
- Eaker 1807-, son of Peter and Jane Kiser, married to Catherine Mauney
- Eames ca 1787-, married to Roxanna Watson in 1832
- Eames 1726, son of Henry and Ruth Newton, married to Lois Howe in 1750
- Eames 1698-1761, son of John and Elizabeth Eames, married to Ruth Newton in 1722
- Earhart 1819-, son of David and Catherine Elizabeth Altman
- Earle ca 1705-, married to Hannah Rose in 1726
- Earnest ca 1800-ca 1850, married to Catherine Shynn in 1825
- Easterling 1733-1800, married to Elizabeth Ellen Bennett in 1753
- Easthope 1849-/1910, married to Agnes Harris in 1872
- Eastman 1786-1838, son of Abiather and Phebe Merrill, married to Esther Eastman in 1815
- Eastman 1765-1845, son of John and Judith Jewell, father of Jeremiah
- Eaton 1775-, son of Peter and Abigail Greeley, married to Sally Stevens in 1799
- Eaton 1703-1790, son of Ephraim and Mary True, married to Mary True in 1727
- Eborn 1818-1862, son of Richard and Mary Clark, married to Amelia Martin in 1841
- Eborn 1705-1789, married to Martha Smith in 1741
- Eckel 1800-ca 1860, son of John and Magdalena Hartzell, with Maria x
- Eckel 1744-1839, with Mary Magdalene Moser
- Ecroyd 1837-1910, son of John Haworth and Sarah Warner, married to Mary Jane Paxton in 1862
- Edes 1778-1851, son of Edward and Elizabeth x, married to Catherine Cravath May in 1805
- Edon ca 1515-1545, son of Thomas and Joan Gates, with Elizabeth Heigham
- Edwards 1805-, married to Margret Grant
- Edwards 1513-1593, married to Agnes Twitchell
- Edwards, with Anne x
- Edwards, son of William Edwardes and Agnes Blewitt
- Eighme, with Edith Atwood
- Eimers, with Friedericka Nitz
- Einsel, married to Barbara Seitz
- Eisenberg 1827-, with Lisette Wilhelmine Selhorst
- Eldridge 1770-, married to Hannah Rathbun in 1794
- Elithorpe 1685-1790, son of John and Mary Todd, married to Mehitable Aspinwall in 1717
- Elkins 1729-1812, son of Thomas and Hannah Fogg, married to Mary Moore
- Elkins 1610-1668, married to Mary Jane Sleeper in 1636
- Eller ca 1760-1832, son of Henry and Elizabeth Bigler, married to Fronica Grabill in 1783
- Eller ca 1728-ca 1788, married to Elizabeth Bigler in 1750
- Elliott 1838..1839-, son of Simeon Newton P. and Eliza Ann Randle
- Elliott 1650-1701, married to Deborah Bell in 1679
- Elliott ca 1550-, married to Alice x in 1575
- Ellis 1804, married to Martha Burge
- Ellis 1646-1726, married to Joanna Willis
- Ellsworth ca 1770-1801, married to Charity Turner in 1790
- Ellsworth ca 1754-, son of John Aylesworth and Ann Gardiner, with Sarah Grimes
- Ellsworth, with Harriet B. Pierce
- Elsey 1777-1844, son of John and Ann Weeks, married to Susannah Hill in 1806
- Elway 1827-1913, son of James and Sarah Prosser, married to Hannah Root in 1853
- Embra †/1763, with Martha Patteson
- Embra †ca 1752, son of Henry and Martha Patteson, with Priscilla Wilkinson
- Emenheiser 1841-1922, son of Sampson and Maria Smith, married to Elizabeth Ellen McCoy in 1864
- Emery 1825-1881, son of George and Frances Rhodes, married to Elizabeth Brewerton in 1851
- Emigh 1798-1855, son of George H. and Rachel Dennis
- Emigh, with Charity Emigh
- Emmes 1649-1724, married to Elizabeth Moore
- Emmons 1785-1837, son of Noadiah and Elizabeth Brainerd, married to Mary Newton in 1810
- Engel 1826-1900, married to Luzetta Peterman
England (of) 1207-1272, son of John and Isabella de Taillefer, married to Eleanor of Provence in 1236- England (of) 1155-, son of Henry and Eleonore of Aquitaine
England (of) 1132-1189, son of Geoffrey d'Anjou Plantagenet and Mahaut of England, with Ida Isabelle de Toeni, Eleonore of Aquitaine in 1152- English 1793-1863, son of Parmenas and Sarah Haynes, married to Lucinda Williams in 1829
- Ennalls 1722, son of Thomas and Ann Skinner, married to Mary Nevett
- Ennalls 1674-1734, son of Bartholomew and Mary Warren, married to Mary Hooper in 1695
- Enoch 1720-1797, with Elizabeth Ross
- Epling ca 1804-1872/, with Jessica Jane Adkins
- Erb ca 1814-, with Catherine x
- Erdington (de) ca 1240-1282, with Maud de Somery
- Erskine 1741-1793, son of Michael and Jane Thompson, married to Jean Thompson
- Erskine 1646-1693, son of David and Anne Hope, with Catherine Stewart
- Erskine 1605-1628, son of John and Mary Stuart, with Margaret Bellenden
- Esse ca 1565-, son of Richard and Prudence Rudgley, with Lovedy Moyle
- Esten 1726-1798, son of Henry and Jemima Salisbury, married to Mary King in 1748
- Esten 1697-1730, son of Henry and Sarah Harding, married to Jemima Salisbury in 1723
- Esten 1651-1710, son of Thomas and Ann Thomas, married to Elizabeth Manton, Sarah Harding in 1694
- Estes ca 1724-1792, son of Benjamin and Elizabeth Long, married to Mary Varney in 1745
- Estill ca 1596-1658, with Ursulla Pope
- Evans 1909, son of John Henry and Martha Ann Mattie Johnson
- Evans 1837, married to Laura Beatrice Una Gaines in 1889
- Evans 1798-1865, married to Mary Emily Hart in 1828
- Evans 1734-1792, son of John and Lydia Doolittle, married to Abigail Reynolds in 1766
- Evans, with Sarah Ann Taylor
- Everard 1500-1551, son of Thomas and Joane Mary Cornish, married to Mary Cornish
- Everett 1789-1827, married to Sarah A. Cole in 1816
- Ewalt 1754-1829, son of Johannes and Sarah Dunkley, married to Elizabeth Frye in 1782
- Ewell 1615-1688, married to Sarah Annable in 1638
- Ewers 1753-, son of Henry and Tabitha Fox, with Tryphena Scott
- Ewers 1716-1757, son of Henry and Susannah Ball, married to Tabitha Fox in 1743
- Ewers 1689-1726, married to Susannah Ball in 1716
- Eyler 1790, married to Elizabeth Luckenbach
- Eyring 1901-1981, son of Edward Christian and Caroline Cottam Romney, married to Mildred Bennion in 1928
- Eyton 1485-1580, son of Lewis and Anna Savage, married to Jane Cressett
- F
- Fackler 1805-1887, son of Abraham and Elizabeth Houack, married to Catherine Crall in 1831
- Fairbanks, married to Rhoda Ann Davis in 1852
- Fairchild, with Hannah Woodworth
- Fairfax 1659-1708, son of Henry and Frances Barwick, married to Anne Harrison in 1684
- Fairfax 1631-1688, son of Henry and Mary Cholmeley, married to Frances Barwick in 1652
- Fairfax ca 1602-, son of Thomas and Catherine Constable
- Fairfax ca 1562-, son of Thomas and Dorothy Gale
- Fairfax 1538-1598/, son of William and Isabel Thwaites, with Dorothy Aske
- Fairfax †1665, son of Thomas and Ellen Aske, with Mary Cholmeley
- Fairweather 1805-, son of Jedediah and Jane Selleck, married to Susan Warner
- Falconbury 1680-1762, son of Hendrick Jacobs Falkenburg and Anna x, with Judith Parr
- Falkenborough 1690-, father of Isaac
- Fane 1669-1726, son of Francis and Hannah Rushworth, married to Anne Scrope in 1697
- Fane 1650-1706, son of George and Dorothy Horsey, married to Elizabeth Southcott
- Farley 1792-1855, married to Olivia Ann Webb in 1817
- Farley ca 1757-ca 1832, son of Thomas and Judith Clay, married to Sarah Elizabeth Chitwood
- Farmer 1785-, with Caroline x
- Farmer 1745..1750-1835, son of Henry and Agnes Burton, with Sarah Echols
- Farmer ca 1690-1753, son of Henry and Hester Bass, married to Sarah Ward in 1710
- Farmer 1657-1734, son of Thomas, married to Hester Bass in 1684
- Farmer, with Agnes Burton
- Farmerie 1878-, son of George A. and Annie x
- Farnham 1804-1863, son of Samuel and Sarah Balcom, with Lorena Conant
- Farnham 1742-1823, son of Henry and Sarah Knight, with Abigail Rudd
- Farnham 1715-1799, son of Henry Farnum and Phebe Russell, married to Sarah Knight in 1741
- Farnham ca 1626-, son of John and Elizabeth Holcrofte, married to Joan Ruck in 1661
- Farnsworth 1842-, son of Erving and Harriet Nichols
- Farnsworth 1740-, son of Henry and Mary Brinson, with Elizabeth x
- Farnsworth 1692-1758, son of Thomas and Susannah Smith, married to Mary Brinson in 1715
- Farnsworth, with Margaret McKeegan
- Farnum 1687-1732, son of Ralph and Sarah Sterling, married to Phebe Russell in 1712
- Farrar 1525-1565, with Anne Barcroft
- Farrington 1470-1551, married to Anne Radcliffe
- Farris 1670-1761, son of Ian Esom and Emily Jane Cameron, with Alicia McGuiver
- Farwell 1795-1873, son of Simeon and Hepzibah Farwell, married to Nancy Jackson in 1819
- Farwell 1674-1738, son of Joseph and Hannah Learned, married to Susanna Richardson in 1695
- Farwell ca 1605-1670, married to Olive Welby in 1629
- Fauls ca 1761-, with Elizabeth Slack
- Feake 1594-/1658, son of James and Judith Thomas, with Jane Woolstone
- Featherstone 1582-1648, son of Cuthbert and Katharine Almond, married to Katherine Heneage
- Felch ca 1610-1699, son of Henry and Margaret x, married to Hannah Sargent in 1649
- Felch ca 1590-1670, married to Margaret x in 1609
- Feltner 1797-1862, son of John Lewis and Elizabeth Watson, married to Jane Baker in 1816
- Fenton ca 1502-1562, son of Thomas and X Burgh, married to Cecily Beaumont in 1538
- Fenwick 1449, son of John, married to Margaret Byron
- Fenwick 1401-/1459, son of Alan and Margaret de Percy, married to Joan Leigh
- Ferguson 1753-1835, son of James and Margaret Stot, married to Elinor Parramore in 1776
- Fermor 1486-, with Margaret Wode
- Ferneaux (de) 1174-1216, with Joan FitzWilliam
- Fernung ca 1862-, son of Andrew and Margaret x, married to May Belle Thomas in 1886
- Ferrers ca 1440-1500, son of Thomas de Ferrers and Elizabeth Freville, married to Margaret Hextall in 1460
- Ferrers (de) ca 1394-/1463, son of William and Philippe de Clifford, with Isabel de Mowbray
Ferrers (de) 1355-1388, son of William and Margaret d'Ufford, married to Joan de Hoo in 1371
Ferrers (de) 1303-1343, son of William and Margaret Ellen de Segrave, married to Isabel de Verdun in 1328
Ferrers (de) ca 1036-1088, son of Walchelinde, married to Bertha Roberts in 1061- Ferris 1763-1808, son of Japeth and Hannah Peck, married to Ellen Allison
- Ferror ca 1468-, father of Henrie
- Fey 1906-1963, son of Charles and Bettie Roessling, with Mildred Ada Ritchie
- Field 1895-, son of Marshall and Albertine Huck
- Field 1734-1787, son of Henry and Esther James, married to Mary James in 1760
- Field 1718-1778, married to Anne Lightfoot in 1770
- Field 1700..1702-1785..1788, son of Daniel and Mary Allday, married to Esther James in 1724
- Field 1611-1662, son of John and Ellen Hutchinson, with Alice x
- Fielding 1707-1754, son of Edmund and Sarah Gould
- Fielding ca 1675-/1712, father of Frances
- Fiennes 1487-, son of Thomas and Anne Urswick
- Fiennes de Clinton 1544-, son of Edward and Ursula Stourton
- Filkins /1723-, son of Henry and Elizabeth Smith
- Filkins 1698-1757, son of Henry and Catherine Vonck, married to Elizabeth Smith in 1722, Catherine Lewis in 1736
- Filkins 1651-1713, married to Catherine Vonck in 1695
- Fillmore ca 1781-1863, son of Cyrus and Jemima Kneeland
- Fillmore 1760-1837, son of Henry and Thankful Downer
- Fillmore 1733-1813, son of John and Mary Spiller, married to Thankful Downer in 1756
- Filmer 1600-1671, son of Edward and Elizabeth Argall, with Elizabeth x
- Finch /1633-1704, with Mary Hammond
- Finch 1553-1625, son of Thomas and Catherine Moyle, married to Ursula Thwaites
- Finkle 1760-1808, married to Lucretia Bleecker in 1788
- Finley 1896-1969, father of Elizabeth Rebecca
- Fisher 1767-1824, son of Joseph and Catherine Minear, married to Magdalena Farley
- Fisher 1734-, son of Thomas Fish and Ruth Butler, with Susanna Vincent
- Fiske 1707-1790, son of Nathan and Sarah Coolidge, married to Mary Stone in 1738
- FitzAlan 1512-1580, son of William and Ann Percy, married to Catherine Grey
- FitzGerald-de-Ros 1761-1829, married to Charlotte Boyle Walsingham in 1791
FitzHerbert 1365..1370-, son of William and Alice de Longford, father of Nicholas- FitzHugh 1773-1830, son of Henry and Elizabeth Buckner Stith, married to Elizabeth Conway in 1792
- FitzHugh 1749-1815, son of John and Alice Eliza Catlett Thornton, married to Elizabeth Buckner Stith in 1770
- FitzHugh 1706-1742, son of William and Ann Lee, married to Lucy Carter in 1730
- FitzHugh 1686-1758, son of William and Sarah Tucker, married to Susannah Cooke in 1718
- FitzHugh 1418-1472, son of William Fitzhugh and Margery Willoughby, married to Alice Neville
FitzHugh ca 1358-, son of Henry and Joan le Scrope, married to Elizabeth de Grey in 1384
FitzHugh 1337..1338-1386, son of Henry and Joan de Forneux, married to Joan le Scrope in 1350
FitzHugh ca 1292-1352, son of Henry and Eva de Bulmer, married to Joan de Forneux
FitzHugh ca 1273-1356, with Eva de Bulmer- FitzJames 1673-, son of James of England and Arabella Churchill
FitzLangley 1369-, father of Alice
FitzRoger 1318-, son of Roger de Martel FitzPiers and Joan de Urtiaco, married to Elizabeth de Holand in 1340- FitzRoy 1663-1690, son of Charles of England and Barbara Villiers, married to Isabelle Bennet in 1682
- FitzRoy 1519-1536, son of Henry Tudor and Elizabeth Blount, with Mary Howard
- Fitzmiles ca 1128-, son of Miles of Gloucester and Sybil de Neufmarche
- Fleet 1648-1733, son of Henry and Sarah x, married to Elizabeth Wildey in 1682
- Fleet /1610-/1691, married to Sarah x
- Fleetwood 1595-, son of Richard and Margery Leigh
- Fleetwood 1553-, son of Thomas and Barbara Andrews
- Fleetwood ca 1440-, father of Edward
- Fleming 1568-, with Sarah Dawkins
- Flesher 1758-1821, married to Susan Catherine Penninger
- Fletcher 1603-1681, son of Lancelot and Susannah Davy, married to Elizabeth Richardson in 1628
- Flett 1781-, married to Diana Steven in 1809
- Flick 1812-1885, married to Louisa Miller
- Flick 1771, married to Hannah Castle in 1811
- Flint 1862-1928, son of Henry and Esther Ann Sharp, with Charlotte Celeste Walsh
- Flint 1836-1911, son of Ebenezer and Elizabeth Linfield, married to Esther Ann Sharp in 1859
- Flint 1724-1775, son of Thomas and Mary Brown, with Sarah Wheeler
- Flood 1788-1825, son of Henry and Elizabeth Lewis, married to Abigail Spearing in 1811
- Flood 1752-1834, son of James and Abigail Thomes, married to Elizabeth Lewis in 1780
- Flora 1798-1889, son of Abraham and Nancy Overholt, married to Marylis Pagan in 1825
- Flower 1634-1709, son of William and Frances Weldon, married to Joan Purnell in 1661
- Flowers ca 1748-1796, son of Henry and Martha Patsy Savage, married to Rachel Stewart in 1788
- Flowers ca 1722-ca 1794, son of John and Mary Burwell, married to Martha Patsy Savage
- Flowers ca 1670-1745/, married to Jane Underwood
- Floyd 1891-, with Hazel Eugenia Cranston
- Flynt ca 1606-1668, married to Margery Hoare
- Fogel 1867-1932, with Rose Rudman
- Folger 1787-, son of Henry and Elizabeth Baker, with Polly Hazell
- Folger 1762-1811, son of James and Mary Aldridge, with Elizabeth Baker
- Foljambe 1477, son of Henry and Benedicta Vernon, father of Elizabeth
- Foljambe 1425-1499, son of Thomas and Jane Ashton, married to Benedicta Vernon
- Folliott 1569-1622, son of Thomas and Katherine Lygon, married to Ann Strode in 1606
- Fontenot ca 1906, son of Clement and Amazine x
- Force 1719-, son of Thomas and Mary Spencer
- Force 1697-, son of Benjamin and Elizabeth Bunn
- Ford 1917-1987, son of Edsel Bryant and Eleanor Lowthian Clay, married to Anne McDonnell in 1940, Maria Cristina Vettore in 1965, Kathleen DuRoss in 1980
- Ford 1863-1947, son of William and Mary Litogot, married to Clara Jane Bryant in 1888
- Ford 1841-1892, son of George and Alice Good, married to Maria Jackson in 1867
- Ford 1830-, son of John and Thomasine Smith
- Ford 1780-1839, son of Richard and Mary Gillis, married to Susanna Armstrong in 1805
- Ford 1748-1782, with Rachel Gillan
- Ford, son of Edsel Bryant and Cynthia Layne Neskow
- Foreman 1784-1862, son of Jacob and Mary Anna Boughman, married to Mary Magdalena Schnatterly
- Forrest 1773-1839, son of Zepheniah and Mary Ann Fenwick, married to Ann Jane Love
- Forster 1889-1989, son of Frederick and Edith Allen, married to Helena Livingston Fish in 1920
- Forsyth 1907, son of Cory Lonie and Bama Hubbard
- Forsyth 1861-1930, son of Lafayette and Nancy Ellen Elizabeth Head, married to Sarah Thompson in 1880
- Forsythe 1804-1860/, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Hasgood, married to Mary Ann Dorsey in 1826
- Fort 1728-1780, son of John and Rebecca Page, married to Martha Patty in 1764
- Fortescue ca 1415-, son of William and Mabel Falwell, father of Margaret
- Foster 1766-1852, son of Jacob and Hepzibah Prentice, married to Susannah Hooper
- Foster 1763-1821, son of Thomas and Virginia Lucille Clements, married to Rachael Means in 1781
- Foster 1762-1849, son of John and Elizabeth Elley, married to Mildred Schultz in 1780, Esther Whittington
- Foulis 1607-1643, married to Maria Layton
- Foulis 1515, married to Mary Haldane
- Foust ca 1775-, with Mary Olds
- Fowle 1830-1905, married to Apollonia Jane Fowle in 1851, Mary A. Fair in 1899
- Fowler 1834-/1900, married to Martha Jane Cooper in 1860
- Fowler 1834-, married to Martha Jane x
- Fowler ca 1824-, son of Reuben Warren and Sibel Sawyer, with Mary Page
- Fowler 1822-1904, son of William and Catherine Speed
- Fowler 1717-1762, son of Henry and Ann Drake, married to Tamar Budd
- Fowler 1702-, son of William and Mary Anne Thorne
- Fowler 1679-/1734, son of Henry and Abigail Haight, married to Ann Drake
- Fowler 1657..1658-1734, son of Henry and Rebecca Newell, married to Abigail Haight in 1679
- Fowler 1632..1633-1688, son of Henry and Sarah Kevington, married to Rebecca Newell in 1655
- Fowler 1590-1661, son of Henry and Annis Knight, with Sarah Kevington
- Fowler 1560-1590, son of Thomas and Sarah Kevington, married to Annis Knight in 1580
- Fowler /1380-, son of John and Margaret Loveday, married to Isabel Barton in 1400
- Fox 1818-, with Mary Magdelena Giltner
- Fox 1801-1854, married to Catherine Ann Bruce in 1840
- Fox 1699-1770, son of Henry and Mary Kendrick, married to Mary Godwin
- Fox 1674-1750, son of Henry and Anne West, married to Mary Kendrick in 1697
- Fox ca 1650-1714, son of John and Margaret Thomas, married to Anne West
- Fox ca 1610-1640, married to Margaret Clarke in 1638
- Fox 1578-1625, with Elizabeth Pickernell
- Fox, with Georgiana Caroline Lennox
- Fox-Strangways 1747-1802, son of Stephen and Elizabeth Horner, married to Mary Theresa O'Grady in 1772
- Frakes 1760-1801, son of Henry and Eleanor Watkins, married to Hannah Daugherty
- Frakes 1727-1798, son of Henry, married to Eleanor Watkins
- Frakes 1695-1784, son of Henry Friggs and Mary Noble, father of Henry
- France 1806-1888, married to Elizabeth Rambo in 1829
- France ca 1770-, with Elizabeth x
- France 1730-1812, father of Sarah
- France (of) 1553-1610 Henry the Great
- France (of) 1551-1589, son of Henry and Catherine de Medici
- France (of) 1519-1559, son of Francis and Claude of France, married to Catherine de Medici in 1533
- Francisco 1745-, son of Johannis and Aeltje Doremus
- Franklin 1715-1792, married to Margaret Hensley
- Franklin ca 1573-1631, married to Agnes Joanes in 1595
- Franklin, father of Mary Jane
- Franks, with Hannah Daugherty
- Frantz 1814-1874, son of Jacob and Elizabeth Hershey, married to Anna Herr in 1836
- Freeman ca 1763-1849, son of Henry and Mary Read, married to Mary Bloodgood in 1787
- Freeman 1717-1784, son of Henry and Elizabeth Benue, married to Mary Read in 1742
- Freeman 1711-, son of Henry and Barbara Calthorpe, with Elizabeth x
- Freeman ca 1700-1776, married to Isabel x in 1720
- Freeman 1697-1753, son of Nathaniel John and Elizabeth Stokes, married to Prudence Jones in 1714
- Freeman 1675-1720, son of Henry and Martha Elizabeth Hopkin, married to Barbara Calthorpe in 1701
- Freeman 1672-1763, married to Elizabeth Bowne in 1695
- Freeman ca 1669-1763, married to Elizabeth Benue in 1695
- Freeman ca 1646-/1676, son of Bridges and Bridget Evelyn Fowler, married to Martha Elizabeth Hopkin in 1670
- Freeman 1625..1626-1672, son of Samuel and Apphia Quick, married to Hannah Stearns in 1650, Mary Sherman in 1656
- Freeman ca 1560-, married to Margaret Edwards in 1591
Freeman 1515-, son of Lawrence and Anne Frebodye, with Mary Wintershall- French 1743-1810, son of Henry and Rebecca French, married to Miriam Jewell in 1766
- French 1704-1792, son of Henry and Elizabeth Collins, married to Rebecca French in 1732
- French 1673-1752, son of Samuel and Abigail Brown, married to Elizabeth Collins in 1695
- French, married to Rebeckah Smith in 1712
- Friedman ca 1860-/1910, married to Rose Wohl in 1882
- Friend 1817-, son of Jesse and Susanna Hoover
- Fries 1848, married to Trina Brasch
- Friesen 1894-, son of Jacob P. and Maria Klassen
- Friggs 1665-, with Mary Noble
- Frillman 1813-1898, married to Dorothy Dorsey in 1842
- Frowyke 1452-1505, son of Thomas and Joan Stourton, married to Joan Danvers in 1473, Margaret Leigh in 1478
- Frye 1874, married to Lena Morton Lander in 1896
- Frye 1724-1812, son of Benjamin and Anna Christena Markley, married to Fanny Littler in 1758
- Fulbright 1774-, son of Jacob and Barbara Elizabeth Weiser, married to Susannah Mingers in 1814
Fulford 1374-1429, married to Wilhelma Langdon- Fuller ca 1855-, son of Benjamin F. and Phebe x
- Fuller ca 1796-, married to Mary Ann Babb in 1816
- Fuller ca 1725-1800/, son of Ezekiel and Sarah Vinson, married to Judith Spivey in 1755
- Fuller, father of Deborah
- Fullhart †1819, with Mary x
- Fulmer 1810-1874, son of Jacob Fred and Catherine Rhoads, married to Hester A. Gardner
- Funk 1732-1800, married to Martha Ann Kilheffer in 1756
- Funk ca 1728-1817..1822, son of Henry and Anna Christina Meyer, married to Susannah Simon in 1748, Barbara Showalter in 1760
- Funk 1702-1760, son of Heinrich and Fronica Frey, married to Anna Christina Meyer in 1725
- Fuqua ca 1741-1819/, son of Ralph and Priscilla Owen, with Tabitha x
- Furnier ca 1765-1837, son of David and Jeanne x, married to Judith Horine in 1784
- Furr 1762-1851, son of Heinrich Furrer and Rosina Rossor, married to Catherina Wysell
- G
- Gabbard 1834-, son of Michael and Mary Margaret Polly Peters, married to Lucinda Cundiff in 1854
- Gabbard ca 1768-ca 1856, son of Michael, married to Barbara Hunsecker
- Gadsden 1644-1710, son of Henry and Elinor Pampline, married to Mary Addison
- Gadsden 1608, son of Arthur, married to Elinor Pampline in 1635
- Gage 1878-, son of David and Anna Sophia Scribner
- Gage 1761-1808, son of Thomas and Margaret Kemble, married to Susanna Maria Skinner in 1789
- Gaines 1737-1830, son of James and Mary Pendleton, married to Mariah Woods in 1751, Sarah Elizabeth George in 1761
- Gaines ca 1706-, son of Richard and Dorothy Rawlings
- Gaines 1610-, with Jane Partridge
- Gaither 1724-1783, son of Benjamin and Sarah Maria Burgess, with Martha Ridgely
- Gale 1818-1891, with Sarah Ann Wills
- Gallois ca 1905, son of X and Florence Foy
- Galt, with Anna Eliza Annan
- Gambill 1714-1775, married to Mary Davenport in 1735
- Gamble ca 1827-, son of John and Elizabeth Rathbone
- Gardiner 1849-1923, with Effie Gardiner
- Gardiner 1837-, married to Annie Warville
- Gardiner 1799-1875, married to Mahala W. Briggs in 1819
- Gardiner 1775-1835, son of William and Esther Denison, with Lucretia Gallup
- Gardiner 1714-1751, son of Henry and Desire Havens, married to Ann Champlin in 1736
- Gardiner 1704-1791, son of Nicholas and Mary Northrop Littlefield, married to Abigail Eldred in 1726
- Gardiner 1691-1768, son of Henry and Abigail Richmond, married to Desire Havens in 1710
- Gardiner 1645-1744, son of George Gardner and Herodius Long, married to Abigail Richmond in 1688
- Gardner 1858-1936, son of Archibald and Tarjer Serene Torjussen, with Elizabeth Margaretta Martell
- Gardner 1835-1924 Henry Lewis
- Gardner 1698-, son of Henry and Elizabeth Lane, with Lucy Fowle
- Gardner 1657-1713, son of Richard and Anna Rolfe, with Elizabeth Lane
- Gardner 1503-, son of Thomas and Joan x, father of Thomas
- Garland 1791-1842, son of William and Elizabeth Reid, married to Joyce x
- Garland 1736-1791, son of George and Anne Davis, married to Elizabeth Matilda x
- Garlick ca 1695-, with Elizabeth Buckingham
- Garner 1773-1848, son of Henry and Mary Adair, married to Nancy Poole
- Garner ca 1716-1811, son of Henry and Jane Gatley, married to Mary Adair
- Garner ca 1689-/1751, son of Henry and Catherine Bradley, with Jane Gatley
- Garner 1664-1745, son of John and Susanna Keene, with Catherine Bradley
- Garnsey 1679-1759, son of John and Elizabeth Titus, married to Sarah Wheelock in 1700, Hannah Dyer
- Garrett 1763-1816, with Sally Starling
- Garrett 1745-1814, son of William and Elizabeth Ashton, married to Mary Elizabeth Johnson in 1770
- Garrett, with Elizabeth Pierce
- Garst 1801-1887, with Elizabeth Light Wenger
- Gascoigne 1566-, son of Francis and Elizabeth Singleton, married to Anna Hobbes in 1589
- Gascoigne ca 1496-, son of Nicholas, with X Gournay
- Gascoigne 1418-1467, son of William and Joan Wyman, with Margaret Bolton
- Gassaway 1723-1776, son of Thomas and Susanna Hanslap, married to Rebecca Chapman in 1746
- Gaston 1870-1870, son of Frederick and Mary Learn
- Gates 1805-, son of John George
- Gates 1777-1850, son of Jonathan and Mary Shed, married to Mary Burtch in 1801
- Gates 1777-1860, son of Aaron and Elizabeth Johnson, married to Clarissa Emmons in 1803
- Gates 1757-ca 1778, son of Bezaleel and Mary Brainerd
- Gatewood 1718-1799, son of Henry and Dorothy Dudley, married to Mary Crutcher
- Gatewood 1692-1777, son of John and Amy Magraw, married to Dorothy Dudley in 1714
- Gaue, with Elizabeth x
- Gay ca 1758-1830, son of John and Mary x, married to Jane Henderson in 1785, Margaret Russell
- Gay ca 1740-, married to Elizabeth x in 1769
- Gay ca 1704-1779, married to Martha Baxter in 1729
- Geddes, with Janet x
- Geiger, with Cora Vanderlip
- Geismann, married to Minnie Betes
- Gellar 1909-1993, son of Leo and Sarah Levinson, married to Beatrice H. Glaser in 1936
- George 1862-1916, son of Henry and Annie Corsina Fox, married to Marie Morelle Hitch in 1897
- George 1839-1896, son of Richard S. H. and Catharine Pratt Vallance, married to Annie Corsina Fox
- George 1829-1906, son of Joseph and Mary Pershing
- George 1797, son of Jesse and Nancy Crow, married to Mary Jane Reese in 1820
- George 1766-1817, married to Elizabeth Reisswig in 1785
- Gerl 1811-1875, married to Caroline Schneider in 1852
- Germain 1820-, married to Mary Ann Williams
- Germany (of) 1086-1125, married to Mahaut of England in 1114
- Germany (of) 1050-1106, son of Henry and Gunhilda x
- Germany (of) 1017-1056, with Gunhilda x
- Gesner 1824-1890, son of Henry and Rachel Townsend, with Christina Clark
- Gesner 1785-1851, married to Rachel Townsend in 1806
- Ghostley 1844-1887, son of Henry and Ann Parslow, married to Margaret Anna Shields Walker in 1873
- Ghostley 1804..1806-1869, son of James Tucker and Mary Parslow, married to Ann Parslow in 1839
- Gibbons ca 1633-1701, with Ellen x
- Gibson 1705, married to Elisabeth Watson in 1735
- Gidley 1692-1793, son of Hezekiah and Annis Bradstreet, married to Elizabeth Sherman, Content Wilbur in 1767
- Gilbert 1754-1831, son of Henry and Sarah Domer, with Dorcas Ballou
- Gilbert 1719-1798, son of Ebenezer and Deborah Hinds, married to Sarah Domer in 1741
- Gilbert 1660-1740, son of Thomas and Catherine Chapin, married to Elizabeth Belding in 1682
- Gilbert 1619-1681, married to Gertrude St. Leger
- Gilleland 1818, married to Margaret Gilleland
- Gillette 1824-1824, son of Henry and Anna H. Backus
- Gillette 1797-1831, son of Caleb and Civil Huntington, with Anna H. Backus
- Gilliam 1795..1802-, with Sarah Ann Teters
- Gillis 1728-1763, son of Ezekial and Mary Hill, married to Agnes Belt
- Gingell 1821-1883, son of Joseph and Mary Johnson, married to Jane E. Given in 1843
- Ginger 1802-1902, son of Henry and Chana Jane Luster, married to Nancy Tetrick in 1821
- Ginger 1758-1842, son of Ludwig, married to Chana Jane Luster in 1794
- Gingrich ca 1813-, with Louisa Withers
- Gini, with Leslie Kay Fulkerson
- Glander 1840-1920..1930, married to Wilhelmina x in 1867
- Glascock 1582-1634, son of Henry and Grace Eumio, with Margery Fitch
- Glascock 1548, son of John and Johanna Pownde, married to Grace Eumio
- Glascock ca 1445-, son of Henry and Grace Eumio, with Margery x
- Glascock ca 1419-, son of John and Alice Trenchfield, with Grace Eumio
Glasshowse (de) ca 1255-, father of Matilda- Glenham ca 1562-, son of Thomas and Amy Parker, with Anne Sackville
- Glenn, with Rhoda N. Rathbone
- Glenz ca 1874-, son of Gustaf and Alvira x
- Glover 1785-, son of Christopher and Sarah Benedict
- Glover 1670-, son of Henry and Hannah x, married to Mary Crehore in 1696
- Glover 1641..1642-1714, son of Henry and Ellen Wakeman, married to Hannah x
- Glover 1603-1689, son of Thomas and Margery Deane, married to Ellen Wakeman in 1647
- Goddard 1809-1878, married to Laura Esther Edgerton in 1836
- Goddard 1668-1746, son of Daniel and Ann x, married to Mary Howland in 1693
- Godding 1642-1720, married to Elizabeth Perry in 1663
- Godsey, son of Thomas and Phoebe Lacy
- Godsey, son of George A. and Tanye Dora Beshera
- Gofton, married to Anne Clavering in 1730
- Goins, married to Ida Noah
- Goldman ca 1858-, son of Marcus and Bertha Goldman
- Goldsbrough ca 1836-, married to Ellen Jackson in 1861
- Goldstone /1591-1638, with Ann x
- Golinghorst 1865-1902, married to Dora Bumgardner
- Gollaher 1814-1878, son of Thomas Gallagher and Mary Zell, married to Eliza Jane Dunlap in 1853
- Gomer †1782, with Mary Kirkpatrick
- Gomillion 1786-1854, married to Mary Jane Spradley in 1815
- Gooch 1635-, son of William and Elizabeth Baspoole, married to Millicent Goodwin in 1656
- Good 1824-, son of Christian and Elizabeth Shearer
- Goode ca 1540-, son of Richard and Isabelle Penkewille, with Joan Doan
- Goodlander 1805-1883, son of Christian and Margaret Bellman, married to Margaret Breon in 1826
- Goodloe 1730-1820, son of George and Diana Ellinor Minor, married to Frances Diana Kemp in 1751
- Goodloe 1675-1748, son of George and Mary Weeks, married to Elizabeth Weeks in 1698
- Goodman 1823, married to Elizabeth Pourtney in 1841
- Goodman ca 1802-1879, with Maria Earnest
- Goodman 1700-1780, son of Henry, married to Charity x
- Goodman ca 1658-, son of Benjamin, father of Elizabeth
- Goodman, married to Jessie Rosenstein
- Goodnight 1758-1845, son of Hans Michael and Mary Landis, married to Elizabeth N. Chisholm
- Goodrich 1788-1841, son of Simeon and Sarah Howard, married to Thankful Senna Watson
- Goodrich /1619-1619, son of John and Margerie Howe
- Goodricke 1487-1556, son of William Henry and Jane Williamson, with Margaret Rawson
- Goodsell 1840-/1930, with Sarah Helen Savidge
- Gordon 1734-1809, son of George and Sarah Forbes, married to Sarah Johnston
- Gordon, with Sarah Walker
- Gore ca 1789-1869, son of Henry and Ann Catherine Keller, married to Susanna Swinney in 1808
- Gore 1789-/1869, son of John Ambrose and Elizabeth Grigsby, with Mary Carmack
- Gore 1736-1791, son of John and Mary Medaris, married to Mary Margaret x in 1756, Ann Catherine Keller in 1779
- Gore ca 1606-1651, son of Paul and Isabella Wycliffe, with Mary Blayney
- Gore, son of John and Margaret x
- Gorges 1581-1649, son of Robert and Anne Webb, married to Barbara Baynard
- Gotwals 1749-1832, married to Elizabeth Funk
- Goucher 1894-, son of Charles Edward and Bridget Mary Dowling
- Gould 1757-1820, son of Henry and Elizabeth Mirick, with Mary Stearns
- Gould 1689-1730, son of Henry and Sarah Ward, married to Rebecca Cole in 1712
- Gould 1652, married to Elizabeth Leagatt in 1677
- Gould ca 1640-1730, son of Zaccheus and Phebe Deacon, married to Sarah Ward in 1675
- Gould †1770, son of Henry and Rebecca Cole, married to Elizabeth Mirick in 1755
- Goulden 1862-, son of William and Harriet Louisa Sturges
- Gowdy 1809-1890, son of Hill and Roxana McGregory, married to Charlotte Augusta Allen in 1833
- Graham 1867-1867, son of Hiram Pease and Mary Jane Cowen
- Graham ca 1739-, father of Sophia A.
- Graham 1640..1645-1684, married to Mary x in 1661
- Graham 1480-1571, son of Patrick and Isobel Erskine, with Giles Arbuthnott
- Grambert, with Clara Finke
- Gramsley, married to Harriet A. Dowling in 1881
- Gransdsen /1562-1623, married to Alice Harris in 1609
- Grant 1827-1899, married to Ellen Hagerty in 1852
- Grant, with Alice Bristowe
- Gratiot 1789-1836, son of Charles and Victoire Liguest, married to Susan Sukey Hempstead in 1813
- Gravenor ca 1385-1435, son of Richard, with Alice x
- Gray 1803-1867, son of Thomas and Nancy Kennedy, married to Abigail Chase in 1826
- Gray 1781-1863, son of Joseph and Lucy Bancroft, married to Margaret Carpenter in 1808
- Gray 1769-1829, married to Eunice Emma Goodwin in 1794
- Gray 1645-1731, son of Henry and Lydia Frost, married to Margaret Carpenter
- Gray 1613-1658, married to Lydia Frost in 1639
- Gray, with Rosanna Sprague
- Greathouse 1696-1745, son of Harman Georg Groethausen and Marie Clair Elisabeth von Ostendorf, with Ann Puffin
- Green 1775-1834, son of William Marion and Drucilla McBrayer, married to Nancy Elizabeth Reaves
- Green 1757-1848, son of Henry Amos and Abigail Whitmore, married to Sarah Sherwood in 1781
- Green 1696-1781, son of Henry and Hannah Flagg, married to Judith Guile in 1721
- Green 1683-1719, married to Ann Saunders in 1711
- Green 1673-1748, son of Henry and Esther Haase, married to Hannah Flagg in 1696
- Green 1638-1717, son of Thomas Greene and Elizabeth Lynde, married to Esther Haase in 1672
- Green 1620-1671, married to Mary x in 1646
- Greene 1788-1825, son of Benjamin and Johanna Reynolds, married to Almira Rice in 1806
- Greene 1769-1852, son of Amos and Amy Knowles, married to Ruth Lillibridge in 1792
- Greene 1761-1849, son of Job and Merebah Carr, married to Abigail Moon in 1782
- Greene 1696-1752, son of Benjamin and Humility Coggeshall, married to Margaret Rathbone in 1724
- Greene 1553-1578, son of John, father of Robert
Greene 1310-1369, son of Thomas and Lucy la Zouche, married to Catherine Drayton in 1334
Greene (de) ca 1349-1399, son of Henry Greene and Catherine Drayton, married to Matilda de Mauduit in 1370- Greenwell 1784-1819, son of John and Mary Thompson, married to Rachel Harned
- Greer 1851-1851, son of James Madison and Mary Elizabeth Autry
- Greer 1820-, son of James Madison and Rachel Bracken, with Laura Ann Fitzgerald
- Greer 1681-1756, son of James and Eleanor Rea, married to Sarah Henderson in 1698
- Greer 1627..1629-1675, son of James Grier and Mary Browne, married to Mary Turner in 1649
- Gregory 1835-1887, with Annie Eliza Wilson
Gregory 1586-1655, son of John and Alice Alton, married to Mary Abigail Goody in 1603- Gregson 1583-1611, son of Thomas and Ann Merry, married to Edith Alestree in 1607
- Grenville 1717-1784, son of Richard and Hester Temple, with Margaret Eleanor Banks
- Gresley 1575-, son of Thomas and Katharine Walsingham
- Grey 1758-1822, married to Susanna Liggett
- Grey 1691-1749, son of John and Margaret Pearson, married to Hannah Wood in 1720
- Grey 1671-1740, son of Anthony and Mary Lucas, married to Jemima Crew
- Grey 1611-1686, son of Ambrose and Margaret Prince, with Mary Wolryche
- Grey ca 1599-1673, son of John and Elizabeth Neville, married to Anne Cecil in 1620
- Grey 1594-1651, son of Anthony and Magdalene Purefoy, with Amabel Benn
- Grey 1547-1614, son of John and Mary Browne, married to Anne Windsor
- Grey 1517-1554, son of Thomas and Margaret Wotton, with Frances Brandon
- Grey †1444, son of Richard and Elizabeth Basset, with Margaret Percy
- Grey (de) 1419-1450, son of John and Joan de Cherleton, married to Antigone Plantagenet in 1435
Grey (de) 1340-1396, son of Reynold and Maud de la Vache, with Elizabeth Talbot
Grey (de) 1331-/1392, son of John and Alice de Lisle, with Joan de Cobham
Grey (de) 1282-1342, son of John and Anne de Ferrers, married to Anne de Rockley in 1310
Grey (de) 1256-1308, married to Eleanor de Courtenay in 1279
Grey (de) 1176-1219, son of John and Elana de Clare, married to Isolda Bardolf in 1199- Griesedieck 1858-1943, son of Anton August and Johanna Valhaus, married to Anna Kaup
- Griffin 1773-, married to Elizabeth Trotter
- Griffin, with Sylvia Marilla Perry
- Griffing 1798-1885, son of Stephen and Elizabeth Uhl, with Margaret Lindsay
- Griffith 1767-1837, son of Henry and Elizabeth Sarah Warfield, married to Mary Riggs in 1790
- Griffith 1745-1809, son of Henry and Elizabeth Dorsey, married to Elizabeth Sarah Warfield in 1766
- Griffith 1720-1794, son of Orlando and Katherine Howard, married to Elizabeth Dorsey in 1741, Ruth Hammond in 1751
- Griffith 1603-1647/, son of Henry and Elizabeth Throckmorton, with Margaret Willoughby
- Griffith 1557-1620, married to Elizabeth Throckmorton in 1583
- Griffiths 1820-1896, son of James and Elizabeth Hopkins, married to Caroline Berwick in 1844
- Grimes 1745..1750-/1824, son of John J. and Mary Sterling, married to Catherine Gore in 1768
- Grimes 1691, son of Joseph and Deborah Stebbins, married to Mary Seymour in 1711
- Grimes 1636-1684, married to Mary x in 1662
- Grimm 1839-1921, married to Marie Suter in 1865
- Grimm 1824-1895, son of John and Margaret Everhart
- Griswold ca 1847-, son of Samuel and Elizabeth Hoffman
- Griswold 1800-1877, son of Elisha and Ann Shoemaker, married to Elizabeth Snell in 1822
- Groff 1819-1902, son of Peter and Sarah Shott, married to Helen Marr Henderson
- Groom 1808-1842, married to Elizabeth Philpot in 1827
- Grooters 1832-1879, married to Anna Gertrude Dahling in 1855
- Groscup, with Susan Alice Van Dyke
- Grosvenor 1525-, son of Randall and Anne Charlton
- Grow 1817-1891, son of Henry and Mary Riter, married to Mary Moyer in 1837
- Grow 1768-1826, son of Georg Friederich and Maria Barbara x, married to Mary Riter in 1804
- Guenthart 1851-1917, married to Minnie Dorthea Burmeister in 1887
- Guernsey 1620..1625-1692, married to Hannah Munning in 1648
- Guffy 1813-1854, son of John McDowell and Nancy Ann Pennington, married to Almira Burtch in 1835
- Guffy 1760-1816, son of James McGuffey and Margaret Kerns, married to Margaret Jane McDowell
- Guinness 1829-1893, son of Robert Rundell and Mary Anne Seymour, married to Emelina Brown in 1858
- Gurney 1548-1615, married to Ellen Blennerhassett
- Guyon, with Angeline T. Munn
- H
- Hackett 1832-1918, son of John and Sophia Evans, married to Eliza Charlotte Jane Gutteridge
- Hackman 1847-1854, son of Jacob and Margaret Rebecca Stamm
- Hackthorn 1818..1819-, with Catherine Jane Hampton
- Hadley 1845, married to Jane Slater in 1891
- Hagen 1884-1964, son of John George and Margaret Arbogast
- Haggett 1637-1730, son of Henry and Anne x, married to Elizabeth Younglove in 1678, Lydia Scahwell in 1711
- Haggett ca 1594-, with Anne x
- Hagle 1794-, son of Henry and Hannah Christina Miner
- Hagle 1753-1834, son of Henry, married to Hannah Christina Miner in 1782, Elizabeth x in 1827
- Hagle ca 1730-, father of Henry
- Hahn, married to Elenor Meyer
- Hainline 1847-1943, son of George and Christiana Bumbarger, married to Catherine Ashbaugh in 1872
- Hainline 1758-, son of Johannes Valentin Henlein and Catherine Kuhn
- Hair 1796-1881, married to Eliza Hawthorne in 1829
- Halbert 1780-1852, son of Isaac Newton and Levina Elizabeth O'Daniel, married to Sarah Nixon in 1807
- Hale 1707-1792, son of Henry and Sarah Kelly, with Mary Bartlett
- Hale 1666-/1724, son of John and Sarah Somerby, married to Sarah Kelly in 1695
- Hale ca 1575-1630, married to Joanna x in 1595
- Haley 1745-1817, son of John and Mary Anderson, married to Nancy Rivers
- Hall 1866-, son of Clinton and Nancy x, with Lee x
- Hall ca 1864-, with Mary x
- Hall 1832-1903, with Julia Roberts
- Hall ca 1813-, with Lucy E. x
- Hall 1803-1895, son of Isaac and Mary Doudna, married to Phebe Watson in 1824
- Hall 1740-, son of Henry and Joanna Sargent, with Elizabeth Bradley
- Hall 1737-1788, father of David
- Hall 1736-, son of Benoni and Elizabeth Gardner
- Hall 1712-1785, son of John and Mary Kimball, married to Joanna Sargent in 1734
- Hall ca 1658-1715, son of Henry and Honor Rogers, married to Constant Maxson in 1679
- Hall ca 1637-1705, married to Honor Rogers in 1657
- Hall, son of William Brad and Julia Elizabeth Scarlett Louis-Dreyfus
- Halley 1678-1723, married to Mary Boazman
- Halsall 1521-1574, son of Thomas and Jane Stanley, married to Ann Molyneux in 1544
- Halsall 1460-1522, son of Richard and Jane Tempest, married to Margery Stanley
- Halstead 1626-1685, son of Nathaniel and Isabel Denton, married to Bridgett x in 1652
- Halstead †, son of John and Mary Sellers, married to Margaret x in 1584
- Hamblin, son of William Haynes and Mary Amelia Leavitt
- Hamby 1783..1789-1847, married to Sarah Cross in 1810
- Hamilton ca 1796-ca 1831, son of Henry and Catherine McGlum, married to Anna Mary Magdalena Hess in 1819
- Hamilton †1691, son of James and Jane Baillie, father of James
- Hamilton †, married to Catherine McGlum
- Hammond 1800-1833, married to Rachel Orr
- Hamner 1790-1865, son of Henry and Sarah Decker, married to Elizabeth Elliot in 1815
- Hamner 1759-1844, son of James and Sarah Baskerville, married to Sarah Decker in 1781
- Hampton /1734-1794, son of William and Demeter x, with Anna Margaret Wolfe
- Hampton 1721-, son of John and Margaret Wade
- Hancock 1682-, son of Anthony and Sarah Wilson, married to Elizabeth Robinson in 1711
- Hand 1734-1811, son of John and Hannah Leek, married to Sarah Miller
- Haning 1832-, with Sarah Jane Parker
- Hankins, married to Jemima Washburn in 1821
- Hanks ca 1844-, son of Isaac and Lucinda Wheden
- Hannon 1758-1835, son of John and Grace x, married to Sarah Orlean Robertson in 1780
- Harbaugh 1800-, son of John and Elizabeth Winters
- Harben 1770-1831, married to Mary Woodgate in 1791
- Harbour ca 1840-, married to Ruth Elizabeth Persinger in 1860
- Harcourt †1743, son of Simon and Mary x, married to Frances Bard
- Harcourt (de) 1258-, son of William and Hilary de Hastings
- Hardaway 1834, married to Mason Hurt
- Harder 1846-, son of Jeremiah and Lucy Ann Vaughan
- Hardesty 1774-1852, son of Adam, with Elizabeth Matheny
- Hardesty 1762-1825, son of Francis and Susannah Denune, married to Hannah Howard
- Hardgrove 1809-1901, son of John Hargrove and Catherine Walker, married to Mary Hynes in 1832
- Hardie 1642-, son of David and Elizabeth Whyt, married to Margaret Dennistoun in 1665
- Hardiman ca 1837-1879, married to Mary Edwards in 1873
- Hardin ca 1712-/1797, son of Mark and Marie Madelaine Hogue, married to Judith Lynch
- Harding 1777-1812, son of Nicholas and Nancy Ann Ashby, with Catherine Funk
- Harding 1736-1796, son of Henry and Wilmouth George, married to Rebecca Netherton in 1776
- Harding 1723..1724-1764, son of Thomas and Mary Comly, married to Mary Shaw in 1747
- Harding 1715..1720-1779, son of Henry and Ann Belcher, married to Wilmouth George in 1736
- Harding 1690-1737, son of Henry and Mary Jane Arledge, with Ann Belcher
- Harding 1673-1764, son of John and Elizabeth Adams, married to Mary Allen in 1698
- Harding 1668-1697, son of Thomas and Ann Moseley, married to Mary Jane Arledge in 1688
- Harding 1622-1658, married to Jane Stratton
- Hardman 1801-1879, son of Peter and Margaret Hacker, married to Mary Searl in 1821
- Harrington 1808-1865, son of Benjamin and Hannah Upson, married to Eliza Blinn in 1828
- Harrington 1712-1791, son of John and Elizabeth Cutter, married to Sarah Laughton in 1734
- Harrington ca 1550-, son of James and Lucy Sydney, with Ruth Pilkington
- Harrington, married to Eliza Woods in 1858
- Harris 1843-, son of Zachariah and Mary Elizabeth Cariker
- Harris 1790-1872, son of Henry and Susanna Collins, married to Sarah Hart in 1818
- Harris 1788-1850, son of Frank and Nancy B. Macon, with Mary Starnes
- Harris 1763-1820, son of Henry and Sarah Adams, with Susanna Collins
- Harris ca 1733-1775/, with Sarah Adams
- Harris 1714-1746, son of Henry and Lydia Olney, married to Hope Hopkins in 1736
- Harris 1707-1754, son of John and Hannah Mainwaring, married to Mary Lester in 1730
- Harris 1705-1779, married to Mary Harris
- Harris 1702-1787, son of Thomas and Phebe Brown, married to Tabitha Westcott in 1727
- Harris 1675-1727, son of Thomas and Elnathan Tew, married to Lydia Olney in 1708
- Harrison 1882-1915, son of Edward and Elizabeth Hargreaves, married to Jane Thompson in 1902
- Harrison 1847-1924, married to Mary Elizabeth Lucas in 1878
- Harrison 1823-1912, son of Carter Henry and Jenetta R. Fisher, married to Jane St. Clair Cochran in 1844
- Harrison ca 1680-, son of Benjamin and Hannah Churchill
- Harrison, father of Mary
- Hart 1839-1910, married to Sarah H. x
- Hart ca 1796-1880/, married to Elisabeth Miller
- Hart 1770-, married to Ann x
- Hart 1750-1815, son of Miles Henry and Delilah Rice Burris, married to Mary Broughton
- Hartley ca 1843-, son of James Hodghon and Lydia x, married to Millie Crowther Ough in 1864
- Hartley 1827-1917, son of Joseph and Sarah Hall, married to Mary W. Webster in 1855
- Hartley ca 1656-, son of Henry and Mary Tayler, father of Grace
- Hartley 1644-, son of John and Grace Hartley
- Hartley ca 1635-, married to Mary Tayler in 1655
- Hartley, father of Grace
- Hartman 1844-1890, married to Caroline Shirey in 1871
- Hartman 1786-1835, son of Frantz and Maria Catharine Haffner, married to Mary Ann Leib
- Harvey 1708-, son of William and Hopestill Briggs
- Harwood ca 1605-/1657, with Elizabeth x
- Hascall 1819-, son of Safford and Betsey Carver
- Hashinger, with Margaret Ziegman
- Haskell 1706-1779, son of Henry and Ruth York, married to Huldah Smith in 1731
- Haskell 1678-1739, son of William and Mary Browne, married to Ruth York in 1704
- Hassall 1839, son of Edward and Ellen Plant, married to Sarah Ann Thompson in 1860
- Hastings 1717-1797, son of John and Mary Worsham, married to Mary x
- Hastings 1701-1786, son of Richard and Sarah Sleath, father of George
- Hastings 1605-1654, son of Henry and Mabel Faunt, married to Jane Goodall in 1641
- Hastings 1586-1643, son of Francis and Sarah Harrington, married to Elizabeth Stanley
- Hastings ca 1555-1629, son of Edward and Barbara Devereux, with Mabel Faunt
- Hastings 1536-1595, son of Francis and Katherine Pole, married to Catherine Dudley in 1553
Hastings (de) ca 1235-1269, son of Henry and Ada of Huntingdon, married to Joan de Cantelou in 1255
Hastings (de) ca 1197-/1250, son of William and Margaret Bigod, with Ada of Huntingdon- Hatch 1700-1782, son of Nicholas and Erin Susanna Hansel, married to Sally Beard
- Hatch 1642-, son of John and Alice Dent
- Hatcher 1689-1762, son of Henry and Dorothy Hardaway, with Margaret Janet Butler
- Hatcher 1670-, son of Benjamin and Elizabeth Greenhaugh, father of Samuel
- Hatcher 1661-1743, son of Henry and Ann Lound, married to Dorothy Hardaway in 1690
- Hatcher 1637..1640-/1677, son of William and Mary Smith, married to Ann Lound in 1660
- Hathaway 1755-, son of John and Elizabeth Chase, father of Henry Pierce
- Hatt 1768-1831, married to Sophia Fitch in 1685
- Hatton ca 1458-1511, son of Peter and Margaret Bostock, with Elizabeth Holdenby
- Haughton 1782-1849, son of Jonathan Houghton and Mary Allen, married to Joanna Townsend in 1801
- Haughton 1764-1845, son of Samuel and Lois Clark, married to Lucretia Lavina Cook
- Hauser ca 1896-, son of Frank A. and Mary Franciska Neu
- Hautau 1849-1892, married to Emma Stephani in 1876
- Havens 1876-, son of Edmund Turner and Maria Ann Tinklepaugh
- Hawes ca 1711-1759, with Rachel Palmer
- Hawes, son of Henry and Rachel Palmer, with Elizabeth Barry
- Hawk 1720-1804, with Catherine Wren
- Hawkins ca 1825-, son of Abijah and Hannah Bartholomew, married to Henrietta Hotchkiss in 1851
- Hawkins 1665-1702, son of Henry and Eleanor Wamsley, married to Sarah Smith in 1688
- Hawkins 1627-/1699, married to Eleanor Wamsley in 1662, Elizabeth Holland in 1683
- Hawkins ca 1617-, married to Alice Crouch in 1640
- Hawks ca 1845-, son of Samuel and Roby Jones
- Hawley ca 1780-, son of Henry and Sarah Scott
- Hawley 1767-1826, son of John and Abigail Sanford, married to Mary Wooden in 1799
- Hawley 1755-1848, son of Jonathan Holway and Deborah Everett, married to Phebe Simpson in 1779
- Hawley 1723-1779, son of Henry and Mary Pickett, with Sarah Scott
- Hawley 1687-1752, son of John and Deborah Pierson, married to Mary Pickett in 1713
- Haworth 1610-1645, married to Elizabeth Seager in 1636
- Hayden 1926-2013, son of George Charles and Mary Ann Welch, with Donna Lee Robbins
- Hayes 1833-1922, married to Louisa Permilla James in 1853
- Hayes 1750-1832, married to Catharina Bellinger in 1776
- Hayes 1667-1745, married to Rachael Margaret Cloud in 1690
- Hayman 1702-1767, son of William and Mary Toadvine, married to Mary Euphamia Stouton
- Hayman 1634-1685, married to Elinor Smith in 1663
- Haymlin 1809-, married to Sybil B. Sears in 1841
- Hayward 1651-1711, married to Diana Bartlett in 1675
- Hayward ca 1623-1709, married to Sarah Stone in 1648
- Hazel 1745-1838, married to Sarah Johnson in 1774
- Head ca 1843-, son of James Madison and Elizabeth Cureton Walker
- Head 1842-, son of Daniel and Fannie Rathbun
- Head ca 1815-, son of Richard and Sarah Hatcher, married to Mary A. Mobbs in 1834
- Head 1709-1766/, son of Henry and Elizabeth Palmer, married to Anna Paddock in 1730
- Head 1695-1765, married to Frances Spence
- Head 1680-1755, son of Henry and Elizabeth Ketchum, married to Elizabeth Palmer in 1709
- Head 1663-1728, son of Edward and Annis Whitborne, married to Mary x
- Head 1641-1716, son of Richard and Elizabeth Merrick, married to Elizabeth Ketchum in 1677
- Hearn 1630-1695, with Elizabeth Boazman
- Heasley 1783-, son of Leonard Haussli and Anna Maria App
- Heath 1789-1875, son of Hezekiah and Dorothy McLean, married to Mary Casler in 1810
- Heathorn 1790-1879, with Sarah Henrietta Thomas
- Heberling 1798-1857, son of Jacob Kendall and Anna Magdalena Eisenhauer, married to Elizabeth Miller
- Heidelk 1872-1948, married to Emma Noltensmeyer in 1892
- Heinrich 1861-1946, son of Wilhelm and Marianna Gass, married to Emma Bartels in 1884
- Held 1854-1895, married to Eleanora Magdalena Roederer in 1887
- Held 1790-1866, married to Catharine Miller
- Helferstay 1756-1852, married to Rebecca Margaret Poisel
- Helmken 1900-1969, married to Ann Amenda Wagner in 1930
- Heltzel 1762-1817, son of Johann Tobias and Angela Elizabeth Mohr, with Eva Stiffler
- Henderson 1843, married to Elizabeth Updike
- Hendrick ca 1630-/1684, with Hannah x
- Hendricks ca 1698-1786, son of Jacobus and Lucy Duckett, father of Daniel
- Hendrix ca 1802-/1880, married to Emmaline Dowling in 1842, Mary Ann Dowling in 1848
- Hendrix 1709-1779, son of Tobias Hendricks and Catherine Boyer, married to Ann Linville
- Henkel, married to Margaret May
- Henley 1625-, son of Richard and Sarah Darby, married to Ann Elliott
- Henn ca 1857-, son of Thomas Rice and Jane Isabella Blackburne
- Henson 1845-, son of Jesse and Jemima Cobb, married to Martha Johnson in 1867
- Hentges, with Josephine Ceryes
- Herbert 1741-1811, son of William and Catharine Elizabeth Tewes, married to Elizabeth Alicia Wyndham in 1771
- Herbert 1734-1794, son of Henry and Mary FitzWilliam, with Elizabeth Catherine Hunter, Elizabeth Spencer in 1756
- Herbert 1693-1751, son of Thomas and Margaret Sawyer, married to Mary FitzWilliam in 1733
- Herbert ca 1539-1601, son of William and Anne Parr, married to Catherine Grey in 1553, Mary Sidney
- Hereford 1740-1813, son of John and Jane Barnes, married to Frances Elizabeth Ann Minitree
- Herr 1732-1780, son of Rudolph and Barbara Brubaker, married to Esther Hershey in 1750
- Herrick 1777-, son of Henry and Mary Foster
- Herrick 1748-, son of Henry and Anna Batchelder
- Herrick 1741-1820, son of William and Mary Tuck, married to Mary Foster in 1765
- Herrick 1737-, son of Zachariah and Abigail x
- Herrick 1732-1736, son of Zachariah and Abigail x
- Herrick 1716-1780, son of Henry and Joanna Woodbury, married to Anna Batchelder in 1738
- Herrick 1688-1755, son of Joseph and Mary Dodge, married to Joanna Woodbury in 1709
- Herrick 1672-1747, son of Zachariah and Mary Dodge, married to Susannah Beadle in 1694
- Herrick 1639-1702, son of Henry and Edith Laskin, married to Lydia Woodbury in 1660
- Herrick 1604-1671, married to Edith Laskin in 1629
- Herring 1753-1840, with Anna Margaret Warner
- Hershey 1829-1904, son of Jacob and Nancy Hershey, married to Veronica Snavely in 1856
- Hershey 1820-1902, son of Benjamin and Nancy Anne Long, with Caroline Good
- Heskeyes, married to Ruth Graves in 1656
- Hess 1786-1858, married to Anna Maria Baker
- Hess 1765-1830, son of Christian and Ann Sternaman, married to Margaret Fisher
- Hestand 1796-1860, married to Mary Polly O'Neal in 1818
- Heuler, with Judith Ann Stewart
- Hewett 1708-1764, son of Ephraim Hewitt and Katherine Acres, married to Mary Root in 1764
- Hewitt 1763-1851, son of Henry and Sarah Kinne, married to Phebe Morgan in 1786
- Hewitt 1739-, son of Henry and Joanna Denison
- Hewitt 1730-1821, son of Elkanah I. and Hannah Sterry, married to Sarah Kinne in 1751
- Hewitt 1704-1776, son of Benjamin and Marie Ellen Fanning, married to Joanna Denison in 1735
Heydon ca 1440-1504, son of John and Eleanor Winter, married to Ann Elizabeth Boleyn in 1461- Heymann 1839-1916, married to Rosalie Bacharach
- Hez (de) ca 1815, married to Alexandrina Gerard
- Hibbert 1702-1764, married to Elizabeth Betty Rogers in 1726
- Hickman 1815-1887, married to Lydia Tucker in 1837
- Hicks 1869-, married to Ellen x in 1894
- Hicks ca 1722-/1796, with Mary Ann Willis
- Highly, with Sarah x
- Hightower 1796-1861, son of Jonathan, married to Lucy Green in 1819
- Hildyard 1637-, son of Henry and Anne Leke, with Dorothy Grantham
- Hildyard 1608-1673, with Anne Leke
- Hill 1840, married to Mary Henrietta Killick in 1867
- Hill 1744-1797, son of Henry and Anne Meredith, married to Alice Ridgely
- Hill 1693-1773, married to Anne Meredith
- Hill 1673-1739, son of Richard and Milcah Clarkson, married to Mary Denwood in 1697
- Hill 1661-ca 1722, son of Jonathan and Mary Bassett, father of Ann
- Hill, with Clarissa Gray
- Hillman 1791-1827, son of Henry and Sarah Mayhew, with Dorothy Avery
- Hillman 1764-1850, son of Silas and Susanna Mayhew, married to Sarah Mayhew in 1790
- Hilty ca 1816-1880/, son of George M. and Rachel Tawney, married to Mary Elizabeth Erb in 1840
- Hinckley 1808..1811-, son of Luther and Eunice Burdick
- Hinckley 1778-1850, son of Wyatt and Lucy Randall
- Hinkle 1760-1826, son of John Peter and Elizabeth x, married to Catherina Losch in 1787
- Hinkle 1752-1782, married to Anna Magdalena Rudolph in 1764
- Hinkle 1747-1812, son of Jacob Anthony and Anna Margaret Whitthaus
- Hinkson 1819-ca 1890, son of William and Sarah x, with Mary Follman
- Hinrishsen 1924-2001, with Marilyn June Anderson
- Hinzman 1762-1827, married to Charity Coon in 1794
- Hitchcock 1816-1884, son of Henry and Betsey Kimberley, married to Martha Arms in 1841
- Hitchcock 1792-, son of Samuel and Lucy Caroline Allen, with Anne Erwin
- Hitchcock 1783-1861, son of Justin and Mercy Hoyt, married to Betsey Kimberley in 1810
- Hoagland 1794-1877, married to Katherine Thompson in 1816
- Hoagland 1726-1782, son of Jacobus Jansen and Marey x, married to Jemima Newkirk
- Hoare 1866-1956, son of Henry and Beatrice Ann Paley, married to Geraldine Mariana Hervey in 1898
- Hoare 1838, son of Henry and Mary Marsham, married to Beatrice Ann Paley in 1865
- Hoare 1807, son of William Henry and Louisa Elizabeth Noel, married to Mary Marsham in 1836
- Hobart 1657-1698, son of John and Mary Hampden, married to Elizabeth Maynard in 1684
- Hobart 1563-1625, son of Thomas and Audrey Hare, married to Dorothy Bell
- Hobart, married to Mary Towner Burnap
- Hobbs ca 1836-, son of James and Martha Lawson
- Hobbs ca 1786-, with Nancy Pippin
- Hobbs ca 1670-ca 1724, son of Henry and Hannah Canney, with Mary Sheldon
- Hobbs ca 1638-1698, son of X, married to Hannah Canney in 1661
- Hobson 1565-1635, son of John Valentine and Isabel Overton, married to Alice Davis
- Hochstetler 1773-1846, son of John and Catherine Hertzler, married to Sarah Yoder in 1816
- Hockenberger, with Emelia Louise Metz
- Hodge ca 1802-ca 1847, son of Robert Thomas and Nellie Northern, married to Sarah D. Rutter in 1823
- Hodge 1745-1824, married to Catherine Bryant in 1772
- Hodge, with Sarah Welch
- Hodges ca 1687-ca 1755, son of Henry and Esther Gallup, married to Sarah Leonard in 1711
- Hodges 1652-1717, son of William and Mary Andrews, married to Esther Gallup in 1674
- Hoelting 1876-1948, son of John and Elizabeth Fraune, married to Elizabeth Schroer
- Hoffman 1874-1940, son of Kalman and Sadie Krainin, married to Katie Rich
- Hogan 1874..1875-, son of John F. and Sarah x
- Hohf, with Mary Danner
- Hoke 1750-1832, married to Nancy Susan Fox
- Holby, with Catherine x
- Holcombe 1762-1824, son of Grimes and Elizabeth Busbee, with Frances Tanner
- Holdom 1874, son of Charles Henry and Emma Mansfield, married to Emily Mileman in 1896
- Holladay ca 1725-1800, son of Robert and Miriam Haines, married to Mary Fayle in 1746
- Holland 1660-1747, son of John and Elizabeth Oudelant, married to Margaret Elizabeth Carr
- Holland 1527-, son of Henry, with Holly Barwarde
- Holland 1485-1561, son of Thomas, father of Henry
- Holland 1430-1473, son of John and Anne Stafford, with Anne Plantagenet
- Hollenbeck 1804-1855, son of Jacob and Helena Van Wie, married to Margaret McFadden in 1825
- Hollingsworth 1715-1790, son of Steven and Anne Robinson, married to Mary Ann Murray
- Hollingsworth 1658-1721, son of Valentine and Ann Ree, married to Lydia Elizabeth Atkinson in 1688
- Hollinshead 1857-, son of James and Permelia Jenkins
- Holman 1760-, married to Elizabeth Barbara Branch in 1786
- Holman 1735-1789, son of Edward and Hannah Emery, married to Mary Elizabeth Rennick, Jane Gordon Lynch in 1778
- Holman 1702-1750, son of James and Sarah Woodward, married to Mourning Bowles
- Holmes 1824-, son of Eliakim and Jane Robinson, with Ann x, Mary E. x
- Holt 1891-1966, married to Bertha Virginia Wardle in 1912
- Holt 1889-, son of Henry and Florence Taber, married to Elizabeth Cabot in 1922
- Holt 1840-1926, son of Daniel and Ann Eve Siebold, married to Anna Eve Hochlander in 1863, Florence Taber in 1886
- Holt 1672-1751, son of Henry and Sarah Ballard, married to Martha Marston
- Holt ca 1643-1716, son of Nicholas and Elizabeth Short, married to Sarah Ballard in 1668
- Holton 1663-1747, son of Joseph and Sarah Ingersoll, married to Abigail Flint in 1688
- Holtsclaw 1765, married to Sarah Shirley in 1786
- Honor ca 1574-1623, with Elizabeth Raunce
- Hooker ca 1709-1776, son of Henry and Elizabeth Hilliard, married to Mary Parker in 1733
- Hooker ca 1683-1754, married to Elizabeth Hilliard in 1708
- Hooper 1665-1726, son of Robert and Elizabeth Fletcher, married to Mary Collins in 1692
- Hooper 1643-1720, son of Henry and Sarah Rycroft, married to Elizabeth Denwood in 1669, Mary Woolford in 1684
- Hooper ca 1600-1649, married to Sarah Rycroft
- Hooten 1765-1852, married to Elizabeth Boulton in 1784
- Hoover 1833-1864, married to Mary Ann Price
- Hoover 1795-1872, son of Henry and Anna Wertz, married to Margaretha Smith in 1820
- Hoover 1788-1868, son of Andrew Fouts and Elizabeth Waymire, married to Susannah Clark in 1810
- Hoover 1773-1842, son of Andrew and Anna Margaret Catherine Pfautz
- Hoover 1748-1798, with Anna Wertz
- Hoover 1740-1798, married to Susanna Maria Metzler
- Hope 1699..1700-, married to Mary Burwell in 1725
- Hope 1581-, son of Henry and Jacquelina de Tott, married to Katherine Galbreath in 1608
- Hope ca 1540-, married to Jacquelina de Tott
- Hopkins 1804-1834, son of Archibald and Mary Curtis
- Hopkins 1767-/1788, son of Mark and Electa Sargeant
- Hoppin 1789-1835, son of Benjamin and Anna Rawson, married to Amy Harris Bowler in 1810
- Horn 1744-1785, son of Henry and Anne Patience Purcell, married to Sarah Battle in 1765
- Horn 1716-1798, married to Anne Patience Purcell
- Hornblower 1863-1941, son of Edward Thomas and Martha Boyd Whiting, married to Harriet Frances Hattie Wood in 1886
- Horsfall 1819-1862, with Martha Farrand
- Hosch 1813-1862, married to Matilda Camp in 1837
- Hoskins 1712-1796, son of Henry and Abigail Godfrey, married to Hannah Packard in 1734
- Hoskins 1686-1771, son of William and Sarah Caswell, married to Abigail Godfrey in 1710
Hoskins 1591-1634, married to Anne Winthrop in 1612- Hotchkiss 1799-1880, son of Stephen and Mary Upson
- Hotchkiss 1737-1821, son of Henry and Sarah Benham, married to Esther Smith in 1739
- Hotchkiss 1715-1799, son of John and Mary Chatterton, married to Sarah Benham in 1736
- Houghtaling 1758-1827, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Whitbeck, married to Elizabeth Staats in 1779
- Houghton 1704-1777, son of Henry and Abigail Barrow, with Elizabeth Randall
- Houghton 1676-1756, married to Abigail Barrow in 1700
- Houghton 1556-1630, son of Richard and Alice Morley, married to Agnete Coggreve in 1576
- Houghton (de) 1352, son of Adam and Ellen Venables, married to Jeanette Radcliff
- Howard 1818-1884, married to Caroline Richards in 1838
- Howard 1729-1781, married to Priscilla Isabel Farrar in 1762
- Howard 1713-1787, son of Bernard and Anne Roper, married to Juliana Molyneux in 1764
- Howard 1711-1774, son of George and Sarah Smith, with Mary x
- Howard 1710-1753, son of Jonathan and Sarah Dean, married to Mary Howard in 1733
- Howard 1703-1773, son of Joseph and Hannah Dorsey, married to Sarah Dorsey in 1731
- Howard 1694-1758, son of Charles and Anne Capell, married to Frances Spencer in 1717, Isabella Byron in 1743
- Howard 1665-, with Elizabeth Moss
- Howard 1628-1684, son of Henry Frederick and Elizabeth Stuart, married to Anne Somerset in 1652
- Howard /1620-1663, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Cecil, father of Alice
- Howard 1564-, son of Thomas and Margaret de Audley
- Howard 1532..1577-1614, son of Henry and Frances de Vere
- Howard 1517-1546, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Stafford, with Frances de Vere
Howard 1387-1436, son of John and Alice Tendring, with Mary Hussey- Howard, with Jane x
- Howard, with Hannah Sharpless
- Howe 1816-, son of Hezekiah and Sarah Townsend, with Frances Tuttle
- Howe ca 1810, son of William L. and Mary Cook, married to Hannah Hill in 1833
- Howe 1789-, son of Israel and Sally Moore
- Howe ca 1577-1618, son of William and Mary Newman, married to Temperance Moores in 1601
- Howell 1684-1754, son of John and Mary White, married to Martha Deming in 1709
- Howes 1786-1874, married to Eliza Maria House in 1847
- Howes 1612-, son of John Howse and Alice Lloyd
- Howland 1793-1871, son of Knowlton and Sarah Wright
- Howland 1757-1817, son of David and Zerviah Russell, married to Rhoda Chase in 1777
- Howland 1672-1729, son of Zoeth and Abigail October, married to Deborah Briggs in 1698
- Howland ca 1624-, son of John and Elizabeth Tilley
- Howland 1604-1670, son of Henry and Anne Margaret Aires, married to Mary Newland in 1624
- Howland 1564..1570-1635, married to Anne Margaret Aires in 1600
- Hoxsie 1857-1908, son of Hinman and Mary x, with Viola M. Sanford
- Hoxsie 1779-1842, son of John and Bridget Tripp
- Hoyles 1829-1912, married to Eleanor Simpson
- Hoyman 1783-1850, son of Christian Heimann and Catherine Korns, with Elizabeth Uhl
- Hoyt 1794-, son of Peter and Ester Weed
- Hubbard 1751-1825, son of Abraham and Sarah Jenkins, married to Lydia Dickson in 1771
- Huddleston 1833-1914, son of John and Susannah Moyer, married to Sarah Jane Jones in 1855
- Huddleston 1706-1780, son of Henry and Elizabeth Cooper, married to Mary Wilkinson in 1733
- Huddleston 1673-, son of Valentine and Katherine Chatham, married to Sarah Case in 1702
- Huddleston 1660-1706, son of Richard and Mary Bostwick, married to Elizabeth Cooper in 1701
- Huddleston 1595-1659, son of Henry and Dorothy Dormer, married to Mary Elizabeth Havers
- Huddleston 1570-1617, son of Edmund and Dorothy Beconsall, married to Dorothy Dormer in 1593
- Hudson 1826-1883, with Eliza Campbell
- Hudson ca 1770-1812, son of Abraham, with Sally Chapin
- Hudson 1695-1760, son of Robert and Mary Farguson, married to Mary Russell in 1725
- Hudson 1669-1720, son of Henry and Lydia Smith, married to Elice Dennis in 1686
- Hudson 1642-1707, son of Richard and Mary Hayes, married to Lydia Smith
- Huff 1873-, son of William Carter and Sue F. Mitchell
- Huffman 1829-1914, married to Caroline Moore in 1859
- Huffman 1757-1835, married to Marie Eva Propst
- Huffman †, with Barbara Beery
- Hughes, married to Alice Mary Edgerton in 1881
- Hull, married to Betty Boyles
- Hultz 1765-1851, son of Henry and Jane Bell, married to Jean Collins
- Hultz 1737-1810, son of Ebenezer Hulse and Ruth White, married to Jane Bell
- Humiston 1626-1663, married to Joan Walker in 1651
- Humpe 1877-1947, married to Hedwig Frances Krisch
- Humphrey 1755-1838, son of Henry and Sarah Wingfield, married to Mary Gurney
- Humphrey 1726-1789, son of Henry and Mary Hopton, married to Sarah Wingfield in 1758
- Humphrey 1687, son of Henry and Mary Goathier, married to Mary Hopton in 1712
- Humphrey 1657-1729, son of Henry, married to Mary Goathier in 1681
- Humphrey 1635, son of Richard and Mary Potter, father of Henry
- Hunt 1808..1809-, with Catherine x
- Hunt 1726-1794, son of Nathaniel and Hannah Tewksbury, married to Hannah Eastman in 1747
- Hunt 1704-1750, son of William and Sarah Wyche, married to Agnes x in 1722
- Hunt ca 1545-ca 1620, son of William and Ellen Crochrode, with Jane de Vere
- Hunt 1355-1437, son of Thomas and Eden de Stafford, married to Mary Ann Smith
- Hunt, with Elizabeth Rice
- Hunter 1768-1823, son of John and Barbara Bowman, married to Barbara Bollinger in 1789
- Hunter 1746-1785, married to Frances Starke
- Hupfeld 1872-1948, son of Henry and Martha Elizabeth Ruepple, married to Martha Elizabeth Tille in 1895
- Hupfeld 1838-1908, with Martha Elizabeth Ruepple
- Hurst ca 1763-1825, son of Joseph and Winifred Nutt, married to Judith Hudnall in 1796
- Hurst 1729-1801, son of John James and Margaret Elizabeth Beeler, married to Ann Pyke in 1750
- Hurst ca 1618-, with Mary Batte
- Hurst 1561-1608, son of William and Rose Marshe, married to Joann Powell in 1583
- Hurst 1503-1538, married to Agnes Dalton
- Hussey 1786-, son of Albert and Rebecca Shove
- Hussey 1743/-, son of Christopher and Mary Coffin
- Hussey ca 1418-, father of William
- Hussey 1358-1408, son of Richard and Isolde Corbet, with Margery de Verdun
- Hussey 1343-1408, son of Marcus and Margaret de Verdun, father of Mark
- Hussey 1292-1349, married to Katherine FitzAlan in 1317
- Hussey 1240-1290, son of Henry and Agnes Sanford, married to Joan Fleming
- Hussey 1203-1290, son of Matthew and Cecily de Stanton, married to Agnes Sanford
- Hussey 1147-1211, married to Clementina de Port
- Huston 1843..1844-, son of Bennet Houston and Louzilla Engle
- Hutchins 1816-1889, married to Polly Livermore in 1837
- Hutton 1754-1808, married to Susanna Elizabeth Barber in 1780
- Hyde 1672-1753, son of Laurence and Henrietta Boyle, married to Jane Leveson-Gower in 1692
- Hyde 1638-1709, son of Edward and Frances Aylesbury, married to Theodosia Capell in 1661
- Hyde ca 1563-1634, son of Lawrence and Anne Sybill, married to Mary Langford in 1597
- Hyde ca 1550-, father of Mary
- Hyden 1735-1794, son of William Hayden and Mary Todd, married to Lydia Hoskins
- Hylton 1767-1810, son of John Breyent and Obedience Turpin Cox, married to Elizabeth Hilton in 1792
- I
- Ianke 1883-1902, son of Leopold and Matilda Jaeger, with Rosie x
- Iddings 1727-1819, son of William and Mary Moore, married to Mary Wynne in 1752
- Imel 1756-1848, son of x, married to Margaret Disher in 1778
- Imel, son of Jacob and Martha Minerd
- Ingalls 1800-1875, son of Joseph and Sarah Tilton, married to Lois Royce in 1824
- Ingalls 1738-ca 1813, son of Ebenezer and Elizabeth Wheeler, married to Sybil Carpenter in 1761
- Ingalls 1689-1749, son of Henry and Abigail Emery, with Hannah Martin
- Ingalls 1656-1699, son of Henry and Mary Osgood, married to Abigail Emery in 1688
- Ingalls 1627-1718, son of Edmund and Ann Tripp, married to Mary Osgood in 1653
- Ingalsbe 1845-1913, son of John and Sybil Farmer, married to Mary J. Hollinshead in 1867
- Ingersoll 1785-1872, son of Jonathan and Eunice Pixley
- Ingley 1823..1824-, with Eliza Jane Wood
- Ingman 1777-1863, married to Henrietta Rigby in 1802
- Ingraham ca 1639-1714, son of Richard and Elizabeth Wignall, married to Lydia Dowse in 1671
- Inman 1758-1845, son of Abram and Nettie Lee, married to Esther Powers in 1784
- Iron (of) 1319-1369, married to Anna of Plock in 1337
- Isbell 1724-1798, son of Henry and Hannah Cox, married to Hannah Borton
- Isbell 1690-1755, married to Hannah Cox
- Isham 1628..1632-1677, son of William and Mary Brett, married to Katherine Banks in 1656
- Ivey ca 1851-1910/, father of Elizabeth
- Izard 1717-1748, son of Ralph and Magdalene Elizabeth de Chastaigner, married to Margaret Johnson in 1739
- J
- Jackson 1842-, son of Titus and Elizabeth x, with Emmaline G. x
- Jackson 1830-1880, with Nancy Mancel
- Jackson ca 1798-, with Sally Nance
- Jackson 1745-/1824, son of John and Ruth Ellen Beall, married to Elizabeth Stump in 1761
- Jackson 1718-1779, married to Mary Parham
- Jackson ca 1679-1771, son of Samuel and Jedidiah Higbee, married to Mary Wheeler in 1704
- Jackson ca 1606-1686, married to Mary Abbott in 1637
- Jackson, with Elizabeth Montgomery
- Jacoby 1870-, son of X
- James ca 1847-, son of George and Lucinda x
- James ca 1839-, son of Alvinza Lee and Almira Sawyer
- James 1745-, son of Joseph and Mary Field
- James 1539-, with Bridget Lyttleton
- Jansen ca 1819-, with Mary x
- Janss 1863-1913, married to Clara Belle Jewett in 1897
- Jaques 1618-1687, married to Anna Knight in 1648
- Jarboe ca 1693-1743, son of Henry and Monica Joy, father of Henry
- Jarboe 1672-, son of John and Mary M. Tattershall, with Monica Joy
- Jarboe †1795, son of Henry, married to Elizabeth Hendley in 1739
- Jarvis 1762-1840, son of John and Catharine Raymond, married to Ann Jarvis in 1778
- Jayne 1754-1822, son of Isaac and Mary Jones, married to Abigail Wheeler in 1773
- Jefferson ca 1801-1877, son of Henry and Anne Tweedie, married to Ann Davidson in 1825
- Jefferson 1750-1827, son of Robert and Martha Skelton, married to Anne Tweedie in 1780
- Jeffery 1856-1926, son of Thomas and Betsy Kellow, married to Eliza Jane Cowling in 1878
- Jefts 1658-1738, son of Henry and Hannah Borth, married to Mary Baldwin in 1681
- Jefts 1605-1700, married to Hannah Borth in 1649
- Jenney, son of John and Elizabeth Spring, married to Mary Smythe in 1583
- Jennings 1877-1920, son of Cyrus Morgan and Hannah Jane Hanson, married to Elizabeth Mary Shumway in 1897
- Jennings 1715, married to Mary Margaret Hosmer
- Jernigan 1710-1783, son of Henry and Phebe Blackman, married to Ann Hunter
- Jernigan 1655-1736, son of Thomas and Ann Arlington, married to Phebe Blackman
- Jerningham 1613-1680, son of John and Anne Moore, married to Mary Hall
- Jerningham 1579-1646, son of Henry and Eleanore d'Acre, married to Eleanor Throckmorton
- Jerningham 1536-1619, son of Henry and Frances Baynham, married to Eleanore d'Acre
- Jerningham 1512-1572, son of Edward and Mary Scrope, married to Frances Baynham
- Jessup 1681-1736, son of John and Elizabeth x, with Bethia x
- Jocelyn 1549-1587, son of Thomas and Dorothy Gates, married to Ann Torrell in 1565
- Johnson 1836-1903, married to Elizabeth Tiney White in 1867
- Johnson 1820-, with Mary Rutledge
- Johnson 1791-1852, married to Rebecca Smith in 1812
- Johnson 1788-, with Delilah Brown
- Johnson 1776-, son of Samuel and Anna Hopkins
- Johnson 1772-, son of John and Elizabeth Carr
- Johnson 1748-1835, married to Rebecca Franks in 1782
- Johnson 1708, son of Isaac and Margaret Miller, with Abiah White, Abigail Hubbard in 1733
- Johnson ca 1648-/1703, married to Mary Taliaferro in 1675
- Johnson, with Jean Maribel Stirratt
- Johnson, with Catherine Driesbach
- Johnson, son of Hogan and Olina Emerson
- Johnston 1858-, son of Richard B. and Elizabeth Herner
- Joiner ca 1805-, with Elizabeth Wittingham
- Jolley 1789-1850, married to Frances Manning in 1806
- Jones ca 1904-, son of John W. and Annie Kelly
- Jones 1850, married to Ada Maude Wickham
- Jones 1825-1889, son of William and Sarah Buckley, with Mary Spurlock
- Jones 1810-1883, son of John and Elizabeth Turner, married to Frances Ferguson in 1845
- Jones 1802-1870, married to Matilda Johnson in 1848
- Jones 1791-1871, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Cox, with Rachel Corken
- Jones ca 1790-, with Harriet Sherwood
- Jones 1752-1815, married to Elizabeth Beasley
- Jones 1730-1791, son of Elijah and Mary Main, married to Eunice Miner in 1749
- Jones 1693-1750, son of Francis and Rachel Newton, married to Eleanor Parke in 1730
- Jones 1680-, son of Thomas and Catherine Gammon, married to Hannah Hill in 1705
- Jones, married to Mary x
- Jones †, father of Florence Marie
- Jones, son of David and Ursula Wynwood, father of Thomas
- Jones, son of Henry L. and Mary Tyler
- Jones, with Hope Lippincott
- Jones, with Grace McVicker
- Jordan ca 1800-, son of Thomas and Priscilla Applewhite
- Jordan ca 1665-1710, son of Arthur and Elizabeth Bevin, married to Ann Stubbs
- Jordan, with Nancy Elizabeth Ashbaugh
- Josselyn 1697-, son of Henry and Abigail Stockbridge, married to Hannah Oldham in 1718
- Josselyn 1652-1730, son of Abraham and Beatrice Hampson, married to Abigail Stockbridge in 1676
- Joyce 1755-1826, married to Martha Stafford in 1784
- K
- Kaiser, with Malwe x
- Kamp 1907..1908-1910..1920, son of Joseph H. and Margaret Franz
- Karrer 1873-1955, with Estella Pinney
- Kartchner 1866-1868, son of William Decatur and Elizabeth Gale
- Kauffman 1774-1860, son of Christian and Anna Herr, married to Anna Bar in 1798
- Keaton ca 1660-1715, married to Mary x in 1694, Elizabeth Mayo in 1712
- Kebble 1508-1588, married to Alice Kingston
- Keck 1710-1782, married to Hannah Catherine Peters in 1732
- Keefer 1765-, with Barbara Rigle
- Keeler 1792-1874, married to Mary Gray in 1817
- Keeler 1777-1866, married to Elizabeth Tufts in 1802
- Keller 1759-1823, son of Hans George and Anna Barbara Hottel, married to Margaret Snapp
- Keller 1755-1838, married to Catherine Seitz in 1784
- Kelley 1778-, son of Robert and Lydia Marr
- Kelley, married to Jane Catherine Hunt in 1805
- Kellogg 1836-, son of John and Sally Kellogg
- Kellogg 1816-1862, son of Hiram and Anna Tremain, married to Nancy Loomis Kellogg in 1836
- Kellogg 1801-, son of Jeremiah and Catherine Sammis
- Kellogg 1797-1876, son of Julian and Mary Molly Pool, married to Susan Broad in 1822
- Kellogg 1797-1879, son of Thomas Wright and Mary Hubbard, married to Elethea Birge in 1821
- Kellogg 1794-1873, son of Daniel and Mercy Eastman, married to Ann Maria Hubbell in 1831
- Kellogg 1791-1825, son of Solomon and Ruth Kellogg, married to Sarah Ann Reynolds in 1811
- Kellogg 1782-, son of Ezra and Mary Whiting
- Kelly 1860, married to Nora T. Flynn
- Kelly, with Ellen Walsh
- Keltner 1763-1832, married to Catherina Peters in 1787
- Kemyell 1240, father of Peter
- Kendall 1553-1592, married to Helen Sacheverell
- Kendig 1763-1825, son of Henry and Anna Groff, married to Maria Groff in 1784
- Kendig 1735-1787, son of Henry and Katherine x, married to Anna Groff in 1755
- Kendig ca 1700-1736, son of Henry and Barbara x, with Katherine x
- Kendig ca 1672-1725, son of Jagli and Adelheit Meyer, with Barbara x
- Kenecke, with Alice Pixley
- Kennedy 1797-1878, son of Henry and Isabel Sill, married to Sarah Ann Sill in 1820
- Kennedy ca 1765-, son of Hugh and Catherine Hughes, with Isabel Sill
- Kennedy ca 1750-, father of Catherine
- Kennedy 1734-1786, married to Priscilla Mayhar
- Kenney 1669-1731, son of Henry Kinne and Ann Putnam, married to Priscilla Lewis in 1691
- Kent 1652-1685, son of Henry and Thomasine Parker, married to Martha Brashear in 1674
- Kent 1625-1677, son of Humphrey and Joane Arundel, married to Thomasine Parker in 1651
- Kephart 1767-1845, son of Henry and Anna Wismer, married to Anna Elizabeth Epley in 1794
- Kephart 1747-1781, son of Johann George and Elizabeth Fretz, married to Anna Wismer
- Keppel 1809-, son of William Charles and Elizabeth Southwell
- Ker ca 1355-/1399, son of John and Mariot x, with Elizabeth St. Michael
- Kerley 1658, son of Henry and Elizabeth White
- Kerley ca 1632-1713, son of William and Ann White, married to Elizabeth White in 1654, Elizabeth Ward in 1677
- Kern 1843-1910, married to Marie Louise Alexandrine Cardon in 1884
- Kern 1842-, son of Joseph and Sara Mayer, married to Fanny Kakeles in 1872
- Kern 1802-, son of Jacob and Sarah Ryan
- Kerr 1633-1699, son of Robert and Margaret Patterson, married to Lilias Rutherford
- Kerschner 1803-, son of John and Catherine Roth
- Kershner 1844..1845-, son of Henry A. and Harriet M. x
- Kesey 1805-1842, married to Sarah McGrew
- Kessenich 1838-1890, married to Christine Worringer in 1863
- Kested 1763-1843, married to Arah Locke
- Ketner 1772-1829, son of Francis and Elizabeth Miller, married to Susannah Zinn
- Key, son of John and Mary Lenman
- Kighley ca 1524-1553, son of Henry and Cicely Boteler, with Elizabeth de Osbaldeston
- Kighley 1495-1551, son of Henry and Margaret Hesketh, with Cicely Boteler
- Kighley ca 1455-1526, son of Richard and Joan Leigh, married to Margaret Hesketh in 1479
- Kilham ca 1558-1631, son of William and Clemens x, married to Alice Goodale in 1582
- Kilheffer 1705-1764, married to Barbara Stauffer
- Killam 1789-1863, son of Eliphalet and Submit Abbe, married to Abigail Pease in 1811
- Killigrew ca 1572-, son of Henry and Katherine Cooke
- Killigrew 1531-1603, son of John and Elizabeth Trewinnard, married to Katherine Cooke in 1565
Killigrew ca 1509-, son of Robert and Elizabeth Morys, married to Elizabeth Bond- Kimball 1656-1697, son of Henry and Mary Wyatt, married to Hannah Marsh in 1677
- Kimball 1615-1676, son of Richard and Ursula Scott, married to Mary Wyatt in 1640
- Kimball ca 1590-1648, son of Henry and Joan x, married to Susanna Stone in 1629
- Kimball 1564-1619, with Joan x
- Kimberley 1818, married to Sarah Pallister in 1855
- Kime 1759-1833, married to Hannah Rudolph
- Kinder 1860-, son of John Jay and Caroline Bush
- King 1796-1882, son of Joseph and Zilphia Powell, married to Elizabeth Betsy Lee in 1817
- King 1765-1837, son of Frederick and Mary Ayers, married to Charlotte Morrell in 1789
- King ca 1681-1740, son of Robert and Frances Gore, married to Isabella Wingfield in 1722
- King ca 1656-ca 1716, son of Michael, married to Catherine Clarke in 1678
- King †1819, married to Martha Brickham in 1778
- King, with Alice Grover
- King, with Betsey Dodd
- Kingman 1668-1738, son of John and Elizabeth Edson, married to Bethiah Howard in 1693
- Kingman 1664..1675-1731, son of Thomas and Rebecca x, with Elizabeth Sargent
- Kingman 1595-1677, married to Joanna Drake in 1617
- Kingsbury 1614..1618-1687, son of Henry and Jane Waryn, married to Susanna Gage in 1635
- Kingsbury ca 1587-ca 1631, son of James and Ann Francis, married to Jane Waryn in 1613
- Kingsley 1582-, son of Edward and Margaret Bond
- Kinne 1624-1696, son of John and Sarah Cheever, married to Ann Putnam in 1649
- Kinney 1816-1854, married to Maria Louisa Walsworth in 1847
- Kinter 1811-1882, son of Philip and Susannah Gross, married to Elizabeth Blystone in 1837
- Kip 1718-1789, son of Jacobus and Cathalina de Hart, married to Helena Louw in 1742
- Kirby 1833-1910, married to Margaret M. Kail in 1856
- Kirby 1765-1829, son of John and Jemima Bolling, married to Susanna Wright
- Kirkendall 1757-1830, son of Leur Kuykendall and Caecilla Roos, married to Hulda Jones
- Kirkham 1780-1856, son of Robert and Jane Boyd, married to Stacy Ann Tuell in 1813
- Kirkham 1720-1765, married to Margaret Hall
- Kirkham 1690, son of Thomas and Jane Butler, married to Martha Burr
- Kirkley, married to Sarah Elizabeth Sells in 1875
- Kirks ca 1831-, son of William
- Kistler 1776-1841, son of John and Christina Deitrick, married to Mary Hester Kraemer in 1795
- Kitchen 1750-1822, son of Wheeler and Mary Heath, with Rachel Hixon
- Kitchen 1685-/1745, married to Anne Wheeler in 1720
- Kittredge 1844-, son of Jerome and Elizabeth Tuttle
- Kitts 1855-1919, son of John, married to Ellen Hélène Françoise Massia in 1886
- Kitzmiller 1840-1893, son of Jacob Unger and Nancy Ann Kelly, married to Mary Ann Shook in 1866
- Kleensang 1861-, married to Minnie x in 1895
- Kleinschintz ca 1888-, son of George J. and Mary Magdom Uhl
- Kline 1775-1823, married to Catharina Klingensmith
- Klister 1874-1926, married to Anna Vandeyacht
- Knapp 1753-ca 1795, son of Caleb and Abigail Bracy, with Elizabeth Russell
- Knapp 1660-1719/, son of John and Sarah Young
- Knauff 1871-1946, married to Fredericka M. Mulfinger in 1897
- Knight 1837-1919, son of John and Sarah Barnhart, married to Clara Ann Switzer in 1858
- Knight 1697-1773, son of Richard and Elizabeth Jaques, married to Priscilla Merrill in 1722
- Knight 1480-, married to Mary Vane in 1503
- Knight, married to Elizabeth Howe in 1594
- Knightley 1731-1785, son of Edward and Elizabeth Barker, married to Martha Morris in 1754
- Knightley 1675-1748, married to Mary Chesham
- Knollys 1542-1583, son of Francis and Mary Catherine Carey, with Margaret Cave
- Knollys, father of Philadelphia
- Knowles 1708-1800, son of Henry and Mary Case
- Knowles 1675-1740, son of William and Alice Fish, with Mary Case, Susannah Boss
- Knowles 1609-1670, married to Susanna Potter
- Knowles, son of Walton Lee and Josephine x
- Knudtson 1892-1910, son of Erick Olson and Kari Hansdatter Hagen
- Knyvett ca 1539-1598, son of Henry and Anne Pickering, married to Elizabeth Stumpe in 1563
- Knyvett 1506..1510-1547, son of Thomas and Marcella Howard, married to Anne Pickering in 1537
- Kober 1899-1956, married to Rose Marie Juenge
- Kobp, with Lois Thomas
- Koehler 1827-, with Ottilie Schlapp
- Koetting 1855-1918, married to Margaretha Kohloester in 1883
- Koger 1853-1944, son of Charles Cagle and Sytha Rice, married to Cynthia Jane Sells in 1875
- Koonce 1777-1836, son of George and Susannah Franck, married to Elizabeth x
- Kopenhosky, with Anastasia Kruesell
- Korson, married to Abigail Adams Scott in 1938
- Kott 1854-1924, son of Johann and Wilhelmina Margarethe Rech, married to Elizabeth Krause in 1878
- Krack 1844-1911, son of Johannes and Anna Barbara Mattheis, married to Elizabeth Catharina Schott in 1867
- Kraft 1777-1862, married to Barbara Upperman in 1808
- Kramer 1897-, son of Albert and Annie Wolf
- Krebs 1893-, with Marian Esser
- Kreider 1746-1779, son of John Jacob and Barbara Yoder, father of John
- Krider 1799-1868, son of Christian Kreider and Susanna Annie Ellenberger, married to Susannah Custer in 1819
- Kring ca 1801-, married to Matilda Sprague in 1823
- Kriphy, with Mary Alice Ayers
- Kuechle, with Cecilia Kramer
- Kynnersley, father of Elizabeth
- L
- Lacey 1733-, son of Isaac and Elizabeth x, married to Sarah Briant in 1759
- Lacy 1699-1782, son of William and Amy Batts, married to Angelica Armistead
Lacy (de) 1251-1311, son of Edmund and Alicia di Saluzzo, with Margaret de Longespee- Ladd 1716-1768, son of Nathaniel and Abigail Bodwell, married to Abigail Lillie in 1740
- Lail 1753-1830, son of Hans George and Maria Elizabeth Rudes, married to Elizabeth x
- Laird 1855..1856-, son of Thomas Reed and Salinda Morrison
- Lake 1635-1733, married to Priscilla Wild in 1681
- Lake 1611-, married to Alice x in 1641
- Lakin 1630-1696, married to Margery Muse
- Lamb 1697-1761, son of Joshua and Susan Sanders, married to Gulielma Elizabeth Henby in 1719
- Lambart 1702, son of Charles and Castillina Gilbert, married to Dorothea Higgison
- Lambert 1447-, son of Robert, father of Elizabeth
- Lambert 1307-1360, son of William and Jane Cresley, with Isabella Lambert
- Lambert 1135-1154, son of Hugh FitzLambert and Maud de Ros, father of John
- Lamberton 1757, son of Robert and Hannah Fleming, married to Parn Nichols in 1771
- Lambton 1612-1693, son of William and Jane Curwen, married to Margaret Davison in 1635
- Lampert 1868-1941, son of Henry and Jeanette Smith, married to Edna Edgerton in 1893
- Lampert, with Jeanette Smith
- Lamprey ca 1616-1700, married to Julien x
- Lancaster 1796, married to Mary Burgess
- Lancaster 1773-1817, son of William and Mary Webb, married to Sarah Hannah Booth in 1797
- Lancaster 1717-1790, son of John and Mary Hoyt, married to Dorothy Harvey
- Lancaster 1682-1709, son of Joseph and Mary Carter, married to Sarah Bagley in 1703
- Lancaster 1605-1705, with Sarah x
- Lancaster (of) 1366-1413, son of John Plantagent of Gaunt and Blanche Plantagenet, married to Mary de Bohun in 1380, Joanna of Navarre in 1403
- Lander 1794-1862, son of William and Letitia Strode, married to Nancy Brasfield in 1818
- Lander 1770-1823, son of Henry and Hannah Skinner, married to Ruth Littler in 1793
- Lander 1725-1782, married to Hannah Skinner in 1753
- Landers 1779-, son of Samuel and Sarah Fuller
- Landess 1789-1855, son of Jacob and Mary Reynolds, married to Catherine Moler in 1811
- Landis †, son of Henry Groff and Maria Erb, father of Joseph A.
- Lane 1764-1797, son of Joel and Martha Hinton, married to Mary Hinton in 1786
- Lane, with Lucy Ann Tuttle
- Langford ca 1862-, son of James H. and Mary Ann Dameron
- Langford ca 1839-1868, son of Liberty and Sarah Hay
- Langford 1829-, son of William and Sarah King, married to Mary Frances Higgenbotham in 1869
- Langstaff 1686-1762, son of John and Martha Martin, married to Esther Smalley in 1712
- Langstaff 1605-1705, son of Edward and Elizabeth Collins, married to Sarah x in 1629, Josephine Knight
- Langston 1769-, son of Solomon and Sarah Bennett
- Langston 1603-1680, son of Anthony and Judith Bayley, with Elizabeth Worrall
- Langston †1591, son of William and Elizabeth Bruerton, with Ann Darston
- Langton ca 1430-1480, son of Ralph de Langton and Johanna de Balderstone, with Johanna de Balderstone
- Langton (de) 1371-1419, son of Ralph and Johanna Radcliffe, with Agnes Davenport
Langton (de) 1275-1342, son of Alan, with Margery de Fulthorpe- Lankford 1815-1891, son of Jesse and Tabitha Kemp, married to Margaret R. Gregory in 1837
- Lankford 1790-, son of Moses and Martha x, married to Elizabeth Lowell in 1821
- Lankford ca 1790-, son of Parrish and Sarah Lawrence
- Lankford ca 1757-, son of Henry and Catherine Williams
- Lankford 1729..1734-1830/, son of James and Sarah Brown, married to Catherine Williams in 1758
- Lansford 1750-1818, married to Elizabeth Edwards
- Lapham 1846-, son of Increase Allen and Anna Maria Alcott
- Lascelles 1767-1841, son of Edward and Anne Chaloner, married to Henriette Saunders Sebright in 1794
- Latour, with Anna Mary x
- Laubach 1915-1918, son of Frank Charles and Effa Emaline Seely
- Laudenschlager 1790-1871, son of Johan George Lautenschlager and Mary Catharina Agel, married to Lydia Gertrude Hamman
- Laurens 1763-1821, son of Henry and Eleanor Ball, married to Eliza Rutledge in 1792
- Laurens 1724-1792, son of John Samuel and Esther Grasset, married to Eleanor Ball in 1750
- Lauth 1844-1918, married to Sophia Reichscheidier in 1889
- Law 1797-1884, son of George Henry and Jane Adeane
- Lawhorn, son of William Laughon and Agnes Still, married to Sarah West in 1827
- Lawrence 1800-1869, son of David and Sarah Ellis, with Fanny Wells
- Lawrence 1751-1831, son of Henry and Elizabeth Standley, married to Elizabeth Parrish in 1775
- Lawrence 1725-1767, son of Michael and Susannah x, married to Elizabeth Standley in 1748
- Lawrence 1644-1739, son of Robert and Elizabeth Adkinson, married to Elizabeth Edey
- Lawrence 1601-1664, son of John and Elizabeth Waller, with Amy Peyton
- Lawrence 1586-1638, son of John and Joan Furstenden, married to Mary West in 1606
- Lawrence ca 1539-, son of William and Margaret Kaye, with Elizabeth Hager
- Lawson 1663-1726, son of John and Catherine Howard, married to Elizabeth Knightley
- Lawson 1595-1636, son of Roger and Dorothy Constable, married to Anne Hodgson
- Lawyer 1847-1893, married to Effie A. Boltz
- LeCrone 1807-1892, son of Mathias LeCron and Catherine Silveus
- Leach †1924, married to Delia Baldwin in 1896
- Leadbetter 1702-1762, son of Increase and Sarah Davenport, married to Priscilla Swift in 1732
- Leadbetter 1636-1722, married to Sarah Tolman in 1659
- Leader 1705-, son of Henry and Margaret Radley, married to Christabella Philpot in 1741
- Leader 1660..1670-ca 1738, son of Henry, married to Margaret Radley in 1689
- Leader ca 1625-, son of John and Alice x, father of Henry
- Leaf 1811-1881/, married to Elizabeth Anniss in 1836
- Learn 1861-1927, son of Adam D. and Lucretia Ann Cook
- Learn 1826-1893, son of Johannes and Elizabeth Ashbaugh, married to Catherine Emma Kunkle in 1862
- Leatherman 1823-1896, son of Jacob and Magdalena Landis, married to Elizabeth Yoder in 1849
- Leavenworth 1783-1834, son of Jesse and Catharine Conkling, married to Elizabeth Eunice Morrison
- Leavitt, son of George and Lovica Whitcomb
- Leavitt, son of Bradbury and Nancy Paul
- Lebost 1876-, with Minnie x
- Lebow 1757-1831, son of Isaac and Sabinia Whitley, with Mary Blair
- Ledbetter 1789-1860, son of Rowland and Sarah Vaughn, with Anna Phillips
- Ledbetter 1769-1852, son of Charles and Frances Mary Randle, married to Anne Pritchard in 1806
- Ledbetter 1721-1785, son of John and Frances Tedstall, with Edy Clark
- Ledbetter ca 1690-1751, son of Francis and Martha Jones, married to Edith Williamson in 1730
- Ledbetter ca 1625-1700, with Mary House
- Lee 1848-1872, son of Henry and Elizabeth Perkins Cabot
- Lee 1817-1898, son of Henry and Mary Jackson, married to Elizabeth Perkins Cabot in 1845
- Lee 1815-1900, married to Virginia Jane Copeland in 1835
- Lee 1782-1867, son of Joseph and Elizabeth Cabot, married to Mary Jackson in 1809
- Lee 1781..1786-1864, son of John and Eleanore Elizabeth Thompson, married to Nancy Ann Norris in 1805
- Lee 1756-1818, son of Henry and Lucy Grymes, married to Ann Hill Carter in 1793
- Lee 1738-1808, son of John and Rachel Mashburn, married to Sarah Sholar
- Lee 1729-1787, son of Henry and Mary Elizabeth Bland, married to Lucy Grymes in 1753
- Lee 1691-1747, son of Richard Henry and Letitia Corbin, married to Mary Elizabeth Bland in 1723
- Lee 1686-1745, son of Joseph and Mary Woodis, married to Rebecca Heywood in 1708
- Lee 1645-1693, with Alice Davis
- Lee 1635-1674, married to Mary x in 1656
- Lee 1633-1659, married to Ann Danvers in 1655
- Lee 1578-1647, son of Robert and Jane Reswold, with Elizabeth Fletcher
- Lee, with X Taylor
- Leedes 1770-1828, with Elizabeth x
- Leeke 1711-1780, son of Henry and Elizabeth Ward, married to Cassandra Iams in 1736
- Leeke 1679-1721, with Elizabeth Ward
- Leerburger 1859-1919, married to Matilda Newborg in 1885
- Lehman 1822-1855, son of Abraham Löw Lehmann and Hava Seligmann, married to Rosa Wolf
- Leland 1678-1732, son of Hopestill and Abigail Hill, married to Mary Morse in 1705
- Leland 1625-1680, son of Hopestill and Elgin Hatherly, married to Margaret Babcock in 1652
- Lennard 1569-1616, son of Sampson and Margaret Fiennes, married to Grysegone Baker in 1590
- Leonard 1700-1772, son of Henry and Hannah Johnson, married to Hannah x
- Leonard 1656-1725, son of Henry and Mary Johnson, married to Hannah Johnson in 1698
- Leonard 1618-1695, son of Thomas Lennard and Lydia White, married to Mary Johnson in 1656
- Leslie 1651-1733, son of James and Jane Echlin, with Margaret Beachan
- Leslie 1580-1661, son of James and Jane Hamilton, with Jane Swinton
- Lester 1876-1951, with Clara Hesketh
- Lester 1739-1804/, married to Ann Norris
- Lethbridge 1690-1754, son of Christopher and Elizabeth Myldon, married to Mary Molland in 1715
- Letson 1807-1870, married to Nancy Halsey
- Levy 1815-1895, son of Samuel and Frances Nathan, married to Brina Aarons in 1836
- Lewis 1843-1910, married to Janet Lawson in 1870
- Lewis 1811-, son of Henry and Molly Chesebrough
- Lewis 1788-1871, son of Frederick and Sarah Scott, married to Grace Amelia Beardsley in 1800
- Lewis 1783-1878, son of William and Abigail Middleton, with Molly Chesebrough
- Lewis 1733-1804, son of Henry and Martha Kendall, married to Ann Buford
- Lewis ca 1700-, son of Zachary and Mary Walker, father of Ann Elizabeth
- Lewis 1689-1785, son of Henry, married to Martha Kendall in 1730
- Lewis 1671-1731, married to Mary Taylor in 1693
- Lewis 1668-, son of John and Sarah Nichols, father of Henry
- Lewis, married to Bertha Field
- Lewis, father of Horace
- Libby 1647..1648-1732, son of John and Mary x, married to Honor Hinkson
- Light 1770-1823, son of Lazarus and Elizabeth Langdon, married to Lydia Hathaway in 1792
- Light 1760-1830, son of Henry and Barbara Landis, with Magdalena Wenger Funk
- Light 1740-1803, with Jemima Barrett
- Light 1738-1806, son of Johannes Peter and Maria Kreider, married to Barbara Landis in 1758
- Lightfoot 1801-1865, son of John and Mary Bedall, married to Jane Calvert in 1825
- Lightfoot 1683-1754, with Patience x
- Ligon ca 1768-, son of Joseph and Judith Watts
- Ligon 1733-1778, son of Henry and Sarah Ligon, married to Elizabeth East in 1756
- Ligon ca 1687-1762, son of Richard and Mary Worsham, married to Sarah Ligon
- Limbaugh 1772-1833, son of George Frederick and Anna Katharina Ritter, married to Mary Margaret Hise
- Lincoln 1831-1887, son of Mordecai and Jane Gilpin
- Lincoln 1810-, son of Benjamin and Elizabeth Oaves
Lincoln ca 1370-, father of Isabella- Lindall 1646-, son of Henry and Rosamond Street
- Lindall 1630..1632-1660, with Rosamond Street
- Lindsay †1622, son of David and Margaret Bethune, with Helen Chisholm
- Lines ca 1863, son of Henry and Elizabeth Ann White, married to Florence Amy Hodsdon in 1881
- Lines ca 1841, married to Elizabeth Ann White in 1861
- Linnington 1616-1692, married to Catherine Ellison in 1640
- Linsley ca 1790-, married to Nancy Harrison in 1838
- Linville ca 1786-1860..1870, son of Moses and Elizabeth Hester, married to Louisa x in 1812
- Lipp 1784-1856, son of Henry and Eva Elizabeth Offenbacher, married to Elizabeth Surface in 1816
- Lipp 1758-1847, son of Heinrich and Mary Elizabeth Brooks, married to Eva Elizabeth Offenbacher in 1783
- Lippitt 1818-1891, son of Warren and Eliza Seamans, married to Mary Ann Balch in 1845
- Liter 1806-1880, son of Henry and Catharine Boyer
- Liter 1776-1863, son of John and Sophia Catharina Rebecca Niemann, married to Catharine Boyer in 1800
- Little 1789-1848, son of Nathaniel and Mary Toppan, married to Phoebe Little in 1816
- Little 1710-1786, son of Tristram and Sarah Dole, married to Lydia Little in 1738
- Littlefield 1791-1863, son of Joseph and Anna Eaton, married to Susan Mildram in 1817
- Littlejohn ca 1694, married to Sarah Pratt in 1718
- Litz ca 1867-, son of Adam and Chileta x
- Livers 1769-1801, son of Anthony and Mary Wickham
- Livingston 1791-, son of John and Maria Anna LeRoy, with Ann Eliza Van Ness
- Livingston 1764-1834, son of William Todd and Sarah Elizabeth Ware, married to Susannah Carmack in 1793
- Livingston 1748-1828, son of Henry and Susannah Conklin, married to Sarah Welles in 1774, Jane Patterson in 1783
- Livingston 1719-, son of Philip and Catherine Van Brugh
- Livingston 1714-1799, son of Gilbert Robert and Cornelia Beekman, married to Susannah Conklin in 1742
- Llewellyn 1765-1820, son of Phillip and Mary Oldacre, married to Mary Barnett
- Lloyd 1685-1763, son of James and Grizzell Sylvester, married to Rebecca Nelson in 1708
- Locke ca 1830-, son of Henry and Patience Lamb
- Locke 1815-, with Patience Lamb
- Lockwood 1843-1925, son of Gideon Weed and Mary Ayres, married to Helen Maria Davenport
- Lockwood 1815-1856, married to Ann Elizabeth Cross
- Lockwood ca 1730-1810, son of Ezekial, married to Anne Lean
- Loeb 1907, son of Carl Morris and Adeline Moses
- Loehr, with Sophie Klocke
- Loker 1604-1688, son of Henry and Elizabeth French, married to Hannah Barber in 1647
- Loker 1576-1631, married to Elizabeth French
- Long 1650-1733, married to Anne Churchill in 1674
- Long 1544-1573, son of Richard and Margaret Donington, with Dorothy Clark
- Long ca 1481-1556, son of Thomas and Margery Darell, married to Eleanor Wrottesley
- Long, son of Henry and Anne Long, father of Ellen
- Long, with Anne Long
- Long, married to Emeline French in 1874, Laura Brown in 1877
- Longaker 1766-1796, with Elizabeth Sells
Longchamp (de) 1210-1264, son of Hugh and Georgia de Columbaris, with Joan de Longchamp
Longchamp (de) 1150-1212, son of Hugh, married to Maud de Cantelou in 1170
Longchamp (de) ca 1130-, son of Hugh and Eve de Lacy, father of Margaret- Longcrier 1760-1798, married to Christina Eslinger
- Longhurst 1815-1897, married to Honora Ann Wholohan in 1843
- Loomis 1859-1860, son of Burdett and Lucretia M. Tucker
- Loomis 1818-1844, son of Russell and Elizabeth Veitch, married to Clarissa Loomis in 1842
- Loomis 1818-, son of Luther and Harriet Bradley
- Loomis 1701-1778, son of James and Mindwell Drake
- Loop 1793-1867, son of Peter Henry and Rebecca Gilbert, married to Elizabeth Marsh in 1814
- Lord 1880-1886, son of Charles Elliott and Susan Booth Furman
Lord 1468-1500, son of William, married to Sioned Bagot- Loring 1792-, son of Joseph and Anna True, with Elizabeth Farris Tracy
Lorraine (of) 1021-1075/, son of Lambert and Oda de Lorraine, with Adele de Beteau- Lostock (de) 1200-1260, son of Gralam and Letitia de Moreton
- Lott 1707-1784, son of Pieter and X Nische, married to Mercy Croesen in 1730
- Lounsbury 1722-1797, son of John and Anne Guion, married to Cynthia Hewitt in 1747
- Lounsbury 1684-1758, son of Richard and Elizabeth Pennoyer, married to Mercy Scofield in 1709
- Louvel, married to Suzanne du Mesnil Eury in 1679
- Loveall 1694-1778, married to Mary Martha Vinnett in 1719
- Lovejoy 1683-1776, son of William and Mary Farnum, married to Sarah Farnum in 1712
- Lovel †1489, with Elizabeth de la Pole
- Lovett 1797-1870, son of William and Mary Bowman, married to Sarah Margerum
- Lovett 1564, son of Henry and Alice Gates, married to Susan Harding in 1588
- Lovett 1542-1579, son of Thomas and Anne Danvers, married to Alice Gates
- Lovewell 1757-1812, son of Nehemiah and Rachel Farwell, married to Prudence Lewis
- Low ca 1830-, with Eliza J. x
- Lowe 1818-1906, married to Frances Edith Kilgore in 1849
- Lowe 1652-1717, son of John and Katherine Pilkington, married to Susannah Maria Bennett in 1686
- Lowe 1628-1700, son of Vincent and Anne Cavendish, married to Prudentia Lowe in 1651
- Lower 1751-1830, son of Johann Michael Lauer and Anna Barbara Frey, married to Christine Writesman in 1785
- Loy 1745-1798, son of Martin Luther and Catherina Faust, with Margaret Tilghman
- Luce 1700-1779, son of Henry and Sarah Looke, married to Phoebe Cathcart in 1722
- Luce 1678-1743, son of Henry and Remember Litchfield, married to Sarah Looke in 1699
- Luce 1640-1688, son of Israel and Remember Munson, married to Remember Litchfield in 1664
- Luddington 1679-/1727, son of William and Martha Rose, married to Sarah Collins in 1700
- Ludington 1824-1889, son of Zalmon and Lovila Hagans, married to Louisa H. Ferguson in 1846
- Ludington ca 1787-1842, son of Samuel Luddington and Ruth Ann Galpin, married to Jane Northrup in 1808
- Ludington 1739-1817, son of William Luddington and Mary Knowles, with Abigail Luddington
- Ludlam 1669-1737, son of Henry and Jane Shaw, married to Rachel Halsey in 1690
- Ludlam 1638-1681, son of William and Clemence Fordham, married to Jane Shaw in 1665
- Ludlam 1577-1658, son of William, with Letitia West
- Lufkin 1684-, son of Thomas and Mary x, with Mercy x
- Lunt 1673-1738, son of John and Mary Skerry, married to Sarah Brickett in 1701
- Lunt 1669-1725, son of Daniel and Hannah Coker, married to Mary Wingate in 1694
- Lunt 1652-1709, son of Henry and Ann x, married to Jane Browne in 1676
- Lunt 1610-1662, married to Ann x in 1638
- Luther 1796-, married to Abigail Gifford Hicks in 1826
- Lutterloh 1840-1921, married to Friedricke Schmick
- Lutwidge 1724-1798, son of Thomas and Lucy Houghton, married to Jane Molineux in 1767
- Luxembourg (de) 1274-1313, son of Henri and Beatrice de Avesnes, with Marguerite de Brabant
Luxembourg (de) ca 1112-1196, son of Godefroy de Namur and Ermesinde de Luxembourg, with Agnes of Guelders- Lyday 1783-1843, son of Andrew and Mary Davis, married to Mary Williams in 1802
- Lyman 1490-1527, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Lambert, married to Alice Hyde in 1517
- Lynch ca 1795-, with Cynthia Frisbee
- Lynex /1807-1875, son of John and Ann Reynolds, married to Maria Harvey in 1830
- Lyon 1623..1624-1708, son of Richard and Margaret x, married to Elizabeth Bateman in 1652
- Lyons ca 1703-1782, married to Anne Rochfort in 1743
- Lyons 1670-, son of Samuel, married to Sarah Winthrop in 1690
- Lyons †, son of Henry and Sarah Winthrop, married to Amy Parry Symes in 1723
- M
- MacDonald ca 1858-, son of Alexander and Grace E. Perkins
- MacDonald 1836-1891, son of George Browne and Hannah Jones
- MacEachern, son of Scott and Ashley Kaiser
- Mace 1785-1850, married to Clarilla Drinkwater in 1790
- Mace 1785..1786-, with Lavina x
- Mace 1776-1866, son of Henry and Sarah Berger, married to Drusilla Andrews in 1802
- Mace 1750-1830, son of Nicholas and Ann x, married to Sarah Berger in 1772
- Machado, with Helena Kalokuokamaile Wilcox
- Machen 1745-1821, son of Henry and Grace Greenwood, married to Frances Ballinger in 1772
- Machen 1716-ca 1793, son of Thomas and Mary Chelton, married to Grace Greenwood in 1736
- Machir 1777-1828, married to Martha Woodson in 1801
- Macon 1727-, son of William and Mary Hartwell
- Macon 1721-1785, son of John and Anne Hunt, married to Rebecca Mayo
- Macy ca 1824-, married to Oleane Dunham in 1856
- Maddern 1834-1901, married to Melissa Ophelia Jones
- Maddison 1574-1634, married to Elizabeth Barker in 1594
- Maddock 1641-1706, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Simcock, married to Elizabeth Kenerley in 1666
- Maddocks 1641, married to Mary Wellington in 1662
- Madison 1745-1811, son of Henry and Elizabeth Coleman, married to Martha White in 1764
- Madison ca 1700-1757, son of John and Isabella Minor Todd, married to Elizabeth Coleman in 1740
- Madison, married to Sylvia A. Baldwin in 1880
- Maggard 1787, son of Henry and Margaret x, married to Nancy Jane Darnell in 1806
- Maggard 1761-1842, son of David and Margaret Mauck, married to Margaret x
- Magoon 1635-1684, married to Elizabeth Lissen in 1657
- Mainwaring ca 1526-, son of Randle and Agnes Cholmondeley, with Mary Ellen Venables
- Mallett 1848-1909, son of William and Elizabeth Glover, married to Mary Jane Cole in 1873
- Mallette 1851-1937, married to Mary O'Malley in 1870
- Mandeville 1765-1827, son of David and Mary Coerter, married to Fytje Sophia Gillian in 1794
- Mandeville 1759-1848, son of William and Elizabeth Nederman, with Catalina Debow
- Manifold 1772-, son of Edward and Lydia Cowgill, with Belinda Rowe
- Mannering 1670-1737, father of Sarah
- Manners 1824-, son of Benjamin and Hannah Hughes, married to Ann Emmet in 1847
- Manners 1652, son of James and Edith x, married to Ann Duck in 1678
- Manners 1526-1563, son of Thomas and Eleanor Paston, with Margaret Neville
- Manning 1815, married to Henrietta Reynolds in 1837
- Manning ca 1520-1594, son of John and Agnes Petley, with Catherine Kerkener
- Mansfield 1802-1855, married to Martha Ann Hill in 1826
- Mapes ca 1737-, son of William and Eunice Loring, married to Anna x in 1752
- Mapother 1891-1941, son of Henry H. and Wilhelmina Clifton Warren, with Evelyn L. Waters
- Marcus, with Sophie Lewis
- Marker 1790-1869, son of Henry and Anna Maria Heiter, with Judith Judy
- Marker 1749-1814, son of Matthias and Anna Catharina Schreyerin, with Anna Maria Heiter
- Markley, son of Henry and Barbara Frick
- Markley, with Barbara Frick
- Marks 1843/-, son of Joseph Porter and Lucy x
- Marney 1447-1523, with Thomasine Arundel
- Marquardt 1887-1962, son of Julius Ernst and Emilie Raasch, married to Margaret M. Radloff in 1914
- Marsden 1807-1867, son of Godfrey and Elizabeth Swinscoe, with Ann Roper
- Marsh 1760-1830, son of William and Mary Jefferis, with Elizabeth Cooper
- Marshall, with Martha Porter
- Marston ca 1540-ca 1603, father of William
- Martens, married to Mary Huber
- Martin 1822-1909, son of David S. and Esther Shelly Martin, married to Martha Jane Miller in 1847
- Martin ca 1789-, married to Mary Reel in 1811
- Martin 1770-1868, married to Priscilla Payne in 1811
- Martin 1732-1818, married to Frances Sly
- Martin ca 1720-1780, son of Johann Jost Merten and Maria Catherine Otterbach, married to Mary Ann Ridgeway in 1740
- Martin 1693-1745, married to Judith Holland
- Marvin 1807-1846, son of Seth and Sally Newman
- Marvin ca 1776-, son of Matthias and Huldah Hamilton
- Massengill 1730-1798, married to Mary Cobb in 1755
- Masters, married to Ann Boghurst
- Matejowsky 1843, married to Mary Rose
- Mather 1777-, son of Samuel and Lois Griswold
- Matter 1796-1868, son of John Michael and Anna Maria Romberger, married to Anna Marie Dietrich in 1816
- Matteson 1696-1754, son of Henry and Judith Weaver, married to Ruth Sweet in 1720
- Matteson 1670-1752, son of Henry and Hannah Parsons, married to Judith Weaver in 1693
- Matteson 1646-1684, married to Hannah Parsons in 1670
- Mattoon 1807-, son of Eli and Mary Kellogg
- Mauldin 1700..1710-, son of Francis
- Mauzy 1721-1804, son of John and Hester Connyers, married to Bridget Ann Withers in 1744
- Maxwell †1798, son of John and Judith Barry
- Maxwell, son of Robert and Margaret Echlin, married to Anne Stewart
- May 1806-1884, son of Henry and Catherine Snyder, married to Elizabeth Greenwood in 1828
- May 1780-1818, married to Catherine Snyder in 1798
- Maynard 1708-1790, son of Henry and Sarah Hopkins, married to Laraday Hammond in 1741
- Maynard ca 1675-1738, married to Sarah Hopkins in 1703
- Mayner 1710-1760, married to Susannah Cole
- Mayr, with Eva Catherine Sell
- McAdams ca 1835-, with Isabella x
- McAlpin 1793-1857, son of Alexander and Jane Farnsworth, married to Elizabeth Jane Farnsworth in 1812
- McCall, son of Christian and Louisa Bush
- McCarthy 1845-1929, son of Ellen McCarthy, married to Mary O'Donnell
- McCarty 1859-1881 Henry Billy the Kid
- McCausland 1722-1829, son of Robert and Hannah Moore, married to Elizabeth Wayman in 1749
- McCormick 1810, married to Sarah Ann Brasher
- McCoy, with Esther O'Brien
- McCoy, married to Mary W. Johnston in 1847
- McCrory, married to Margaret McCreash
- McDanolds 1799-1854, son of William and Jane Hopkins, married to Catharine Stivers
- McDonald 1918-/1926, son of Henry Webster and Ruth Daisy Cone
- McDonough ca 1730-1758, with Margaret McClellan
- McDowell, with Margaret Nelson
- McGee ca 1772-1818, married to Mary Polly Kilburn in 1794
- McGonigeley, with Desire Pixley
- McGraw 1810-, married to Mary Ann Matilda Jackson in 1833
- McHenry 1798-1860, son of Matthew and Anna Dodderer, married to Mary Rathbone in 1819
- McIver 1883-, son of George Walter and Elizabeth Mciver Mauldin, with Mariana Hayne
- McKiernan 1836-, son of Ruben and Nancy Murray, with Lydia Spivey
- McKinney 1823-1914, son of Charles Ephraim and Margaret Peggy Lowery, married to Sarah Wiseman
- McKinney 1781-1870, married to Mary Polly Dups in 1799
- McKown 1814-1845, with Clarissa White
- McLaughlin 1845-1917, married to Jane Liddy in 1874
- McMillan 1801-1835, married to Gatsey Ann Moye in 1826
- McNeil 1755-1820, married to Dorothy Pryor
- McRoy 1811, married to Martha Woodul in 1837
- Meacham 1721-1806, son of Henry and Frances Banks, married to Anne Dudley
- Meacham 1688-1757, son of Joshua and Elizabeth Banks, with Frances Banks
- Mead 1775-1848, son of John P. and Geertruy Jacobus, married to Elizabeth Doremus in 1798
- Mears 1810-, son of Stephen and Hannah Crittenden
- Mecklenburg (von) 1479-1552, son of Magnus and Sophie of Pomerania, married to Ursula of Brandenburg in 1505
- Mecklenburg (von) 1417-1477, son of John and Catherine of Saxe-Lauenburg, married to Dorothea of Brandenburg
- Mecklenburg (von) 1266-1329, son of Henry and Anastasia of Pomerania, married to Anna of Saxe-Wittenberg
- Mecklenburg (von) 1230-1302, son of John and Luitgard of Henneberg, married to Anastasia of Pomerania
- Meddaugh, with Sarah Ann Olmsted
- Medley 1533-1578, son of George and Mary Dannett, married to Frances Throckmorton in 1556
- Meese 1618-1682, father of Grace
- Meigs 1782-1861, son of Josiah and Clara Benjamin, married to Julia Austin in 1806
- Mellen 1735-1813, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Wood, married to Sarah Torrey in 1757
- Mellen 1691-1767, son of Thomas and Mary x, married to Abigail Pratt in 1712
- Menefree 1754-1844, son of Jonas and Elizabeth Chew, married to Sarah Dollins in 1773
- Meredith, with Mary Bingham
- Merrill 1719-1804, son of John and Deborah Hazeltine, married to Priscilla Lowell in 1748
- Merritt 1699, son of John and Elizabeth Pinson, married to Margaret Dwelley in 1726
- Merritt 1689-1730, son of Henry and Deborah Buck, married to Hannah Cowing in 1712
- Merritt 1663-1732, son of John and Elizabeth Weyborn, married to Deborah Buck
- Merritt ca 1590-, with Deborah Goody
- Merriweather 1825, married to Nancy Bell Maywather
- Merrow 1625-1685, married to Jane Lindes in 1661
- Merry 1828-1890, son of George and Elizabeth Woodward, married to Sarah Ray in 1854
- Mershon 1672-1738, married to Hannah Haughton in 1698
- Mertz 1782-1844, son of Georg Heinrich and Eva Barbara Guth, married to Hannah Dorney
- Merwin 1803-1880, son of Orange and Tryphena Warner, married to Susan Gaylord in 1828
- Merwin 1715-, son of Daniel and Joanna Stevens, married to Sarah Mott in 1742
- Messenger 1695-1750, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Mellows, married to Esther Cheever in 1719
- Messenger 1618-1672, son of Andrew and Sara x, married to Sarah Callowe in 1640
- Metcalfe 1620-1705, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Slingsby
- Metz 1854-, married to Catherine x in 1877
- Meyer ca 1890-, son of Henry and Sophia x
- Meyer 1868-1928, son of Charles Hermann, married to Carrie Goodwin
- Meyer 1860-, with Sophia x
- Meyer 1760-1836, son of Christian Lenhard and Elizabeth Kauffman, married to Barbara Brillhart
- Meyer 1752/-, son of Peter and Magdalena x
- Meyer ca 1733-1809, with Maria Eschbach
- Meyers, with Anne Maria Coffin Price
- Meyers, son of X and Leona Elizabeth Weaver
- Meysey-Thompson 1845-1929, married to Ethel Adeline Pottinger in 1885
- Michel 1869-1963, son of John and Eva Mary Hill, married to Sophia E. Smith in 1894
- Middagh /1766-, son of Jacob and Elsjen Beatty, married to Mary Graham in 1791
- Middleton 1770-1846, son of Arthur and Mary Izard, with Mary Helen Hering
- Middleton 1717-1784, son of Arthur and Sarah Amory, married to Mary Baker Williams in 1739
- Middleton /1612-1654, married to Hester Jackson
- Milbury 1625-1695, married to Mary Dixon
- Mildmay 1618-1692, son of Henry and Amy Gordon, with Cecily Barker
- Mildmay 1578-1639, son of Thomas and Alicia Winthorpe, married to Amy Gordon in 1616
- Miles 1752-1795, son of William and Elizabeth Jewett, married to Elizabeth McNamara in 1773
- Miles 1723-1774, married to Eleanor Pidgeon
- Miles 1691-1761, son of Henry and Winifred Waggamann, with Rebecca Revell
- Miles ca 1637-1735, with Winifred Waggamann
- Milford 1793-1868, son of John and Mary Fleming, married to Sarah Elizabeth Blair in 1817
- Milford 1755-1811, son of Robert and Margaret Mitchell, married to Agnes Elizabeth Douglass in 1783
- Miller 1830-1919, son of John and Mary Crill
- Miller 1828-, with Katrina x
- Miller ca 1800-, married to Lydia Shoup in 1823
- Miller 1800-, son of Amasa and Eliphal Swaddle
- Miller 1796-1843, married to Nancy Susan Simmons
- Miller 1792-1841, married to Hannah Crawford
- Miller 1787-1843, married to Mary Spicknall in 1820
- Miller 1750-1820, son of Patrick William and Patience Haines, married to Martha Wylie in 1774
- Miller 1740, married to Catherine Bigler in 1764
- Miller 1732-1796, son of Thomas and Margaret Wallace, married to Hannah Boone Winter in 1764
- Miller 1698-1783, father of John
- Miller ca 1688-, son of Robert and Elizabeth Sabin
- Miller, married to Elizabeth Wisdom
- Miller, married to Anna Weatherwax in 1811
- Millis 1814-1909, son of John William Melius and Christina Knickerbocker, married to Lemira Coon in 1845
- Mills 1786-1873, son of Ebenezer and Lois Bates, married to Mary Brill in 1806
- Mills 1786-1867, son of John and Chloe Wines, married to Maria Moore Barkins in 1816
- Milton ca 1504-1558, son of Richard, with Agnes x
- Miner 1789-, son of Asa and Lois Munson
- Miner, son of John and Joan Roe
- Miskell ca 1700-1761, son of William and Elizabeth Jeffries, married to Winifred Dalton
- Mitchell 1835-1920..1930, son of Samuel, married to Julia Durfee in 1855
- Mitchell 1694-1754, married to Tabitha Branch in 1717
- Mitchell 1680-1742, son of Henry and Elizabeth Foulds, married to Sarah Gove in 1706
- Mitchell 1655-1699, married to Elizabeth Foulds in 1675
- Mix, with Rachel O'Brien
- Moak, with Anna Houghtaling
- Mohler 1754-1833, son of Henry and Elizabeth Landis
- Mohler 1728-1774, married to Elizabeth Landis in 1750
- Molson, son of Geoffrey Eric Geoff and Katherine Brigid Kate Finn
- Molyns, son of John and Elizabeth Hymerford, married to Alice Skilling
- Monger 1754-1829, son of William Henry and Maria Susannah Brodbeck, married to Anna Margaret Zellers
- Monk 1682-1759, son of Stephen and Mary French, married to Sarah Collins in 1709
- Montagu ca 1565-1642, son of Edward and Elizabeth Harrington, married to Catherine Spencer in 1601, Margaret Crouch in 1620
- Montford ca 1816-1882, married to Margaret Charlotte Flint in 1863
- Montfort (de) 1238-1265, son of Simon and Eleanor Plantagenet
- Montgomery 1906, son of Miles and Lillie Branham
- Montgomery 1868-1922, son of Archibald and Margaret Edminston, married to Mary Weed Barney in 1900
- Montgomery 1815..1816-, son of James and Barbara Moon, married to Catherine Jane Hampton in 1855
- Moody ca 1855-, with Grace A. Hall
- Moody 1730-1792, son of Henry and Ann Ward, married to Elizabeth Marshall
- Moody 1705-1787, son of Robert and Ann Blanks, married to Ann Ward
- Moor 1897-1899, son of William Jasper and Henrietta Virginia Savage
- Moore 1887-, son of Robert and Fanny x
- Moore ca 1843-, son of Samuel and Anne Maria Furnier
- Moore 1784-1856, son of Ponsonby and Catherine Trench, married to Lucie Currie in 1814
- Moore 1776-1842, with Sarah Wilsey
- Moore 1771-1827, married to Sarah Cornell
- Moore 1665-, married to Sarah Smallwood in 1693
- Moore 1441-1496, married to Jane Rich
- Moore, married to Lucy Churchill in 1782
- Moore †1714, son of Henry and Alice Spencer, married to Mary Cole in 1675
- Moore †1676, son of Charles and Alice Loftus, with Alice Spencer
- Moore, married to Harriet Babcock in 1867
- Moore, married to Abigail Sarah Cobb in 1812
- Moores 1744-1811, son of William and Phoebe Conger, married to Jean Brown Ross in 1775
- Morain 1831..1832-, son of James
- Morchower 1884-1950, married to Rose Frohman
- Mordaunt 1621-1697, son of John and Elizabeth Howard
- Mordaunt 1568-1608, son of Lewis and Elizabeth d'Arcy, married to Margaret Compton in 1593
- Morgan 1741-1808, son of Elijah and Eunice Williams, married to Hannah Whitney in 1768
- Morgan 1727-1824, son of Morgan and Catherine Garretson, married to Deborah Poole
- Morgan ca 1635-1688, son of Robert and Rebecca Smith, with Mary Elizabeth Morgan
- Morgan, son of Henry Sturgis and Fanny Gray Little
- Morgenthau 1917-2018, son of Henry and Elinor Lehman Fatman
- Morgenthau 1891-1967, son of Henry and Josephine Sykes, married to Elinor Lehman Fatman
- Morgenthau 1856-1946, son of Lazarus and Babette Guggenheim, married to Josephine Sykes in 1882
- Morris 1784-1842, son of Robert and Mary White, with Eliza Jane Smith
- Morse 1822-1875, son of Ephraim Hall and Statira Baldwin
- Morse 1703-1766, son of Joseph and Prudence Frary Adams, married to Sarah Kibby in 1725
- Moseley 1801-1872, son of William Willis and Margaret Jackson Robins, married to Harriet Nottidge in 1835
- Moseley 1615-1655, son of William and Dorothy Helmes, with Ann Knott
- Moser 1819-1892, married to Anna Schacher
- Moser 1790-1863, with Mary Broom
- Moses, son of Levy and Adeline x
- Mosher 1803-1835, son of Gideon and Sarah Billings, married to Nancy Guthrie in 1824
- Mosher 1760-1838, son of Nicholas and Elizabeth Wilbur, married to Levina Westover
- Moss 1777-1837, son of Henry and Mary Epps, married to Sarah Gardner in 1802
- Moss 1747-1815, married to Mary Epps in 1767
- Mott 1657-, son of Adam and Jane Hewlett
- Mott 1623-, son of James and Grace x
- Moulton 1624-1701, son of John and Anne Green, married to Sobriety Hilton in 1651
- Mouser 1780-1850, son of Johann Frederick and Mary Hauck, married to Marguerette Mary Stover
- Mower 1824-1902, son of Henry and Mary Amick, married to Ruvinia Jane Mount in 1866
- Mower 1798-1878, married to Mary Amick in 1817
- Mowry, married to Maria Turner
- Moyer 1802-1869, son of John and Maria Oberholtzer, married to Annie Tinsman in 1828
- Moyle 1568-1611, son of John Richard and Jane Moody, married to Anna Snelling in 1594
- Moyle 1405-1470, son of Thomas and Isabel Knollys
- Mudd 1729-1810, son of Thomas and Ann Gardiner, married to Alice Blanche Spalding
- Mudd 1685-1736, son of Thomas and Sarah Boarman, married to Elizabeth Lowe in 1702
- Mulford 1700-, with Mary Hand
- Mull 1750-, married to Elizabeth Fox
- Mullenix 1774-1840, married to Catherine Barrack in 1796
- Mumford 1762-1839, son of Henry and Sarah Filley, married to Sarah Thompson in 1792
- Mumford ca 1739-, son of Andrew and Mary Moorehead, with Sarah Filley
- Mumma 1760-1809, son of George Anthony and Barbara Weber, married to Juliana Heckman in 1780
- Mumper 1787-1835, son of Michael and Anna Burkholder, with Elizabeth Kiner
- Munday 1682-1752, married to Susanna Temple in 1725
- Mundhenke 1863-1865, son of Henry and Elizabeth Compton
- Mundhenke 1830-1890, son of Frederick John Heinrich Conrad and Caroline Wilhelmine Langen, married to Elizabeth Compton in 1861
- Munn ca 1839-1841, son of John Graves and Kahoukolu x
- Munter 1564-1638, with Julian Farley
- Murdock 1581-1625, married to Aphra Audria Cook in 1616
- Murray 1727-1785, son of William and Sarah Ennalls, married to Rebeckah Orrick in 1750
- Murray, with Mildred Frost
- Musgrove 1750-1819, son of Benjamin and Mary x, married to Rachel Owen in 1771
- Musick 1825-1884, son of Robert and Sarah Roach, married to Elizabeth Jane Ewing in 1843
- Musk 1799-1871, son of John and Ann Edwards, married to Charlotte Lane in 1824
Musters (de) ca 1315, son of John and Alice de Harcourt, married to Elizabeth Thornhill- Myers 1761-1849, married to Mary Sarah Stroble in 1783
- Myers, with Elizabeth Frazer
- N
- Nagel 1718-1806, married to Catharyna Blauvelt in 1745
- Nail 1771-1827, son of Caleb Gottlieb and Margaret Barbara Zimmerman, married to Mary Keller
- Nail 1755-1831, married to Mary Tannehill in 1786
- Narup 1863-, married to Sarah Clark in 1874
- Nash 1819-1906, son of William J. and Mary Coffin
- Nash 1806-, son of John and Deborah Cushing
- Nason, with Helen Maria Alden
- Navarre (of) 1503-1555, son of Jean d'Albret and Catherine de Foix, with Marguerite of Navarre
- Nave 1736-1787, son of Hans Conrad and Anna Neff, married to Margaret x
- Naylor 1629-, son of Robert
- Neace 1760-1815, married to Ann Bush in 1779
- Neale 1713-1766, married to Anne Gardiner in 1733
- Neale 1617-1688, son of Henry, married to Hannah Pray in 1655
- Neale 1595..1600-, father of Henry
- Nealeigh 1767-1848, with Elizabeth Wertz
- Nearing 1758-1845, son of John Henry and Elizabeth Murray, married to Lois Blakeman in 1778
- Neddermeyer 1827-1899, married to Marie Neuman in 1857
- Neel 1878-, son of Kiser and Louisa Susan Runyon
- Neff 1829-1874, son of Joseph and Anna Maria Schmuck, married to Rebecca Hamm in 1850
- Neff 1754-1833, son of Johann Christian and Veronica Howry, with Barbara Funk
- Neff 1749-, son of Daniel and Christina Erb
- Neff 1685-1750, with Barbara x
- Neher, son of Johannes Kaspar and Barbara Herreth
- Nelson 1680-1742, married to Alice Wildman in 1719
- Nelson 1673-, married to Sarah Ann x in 1720
- Netherton 1710-1788, son of Henry and Sarah Tucker, married to Sarah Rhodes in 1737
- Netherton 1680-1717, with Sarah Tucker
- Nettleship 1839-1893, son of Henry John and Isabella Ann Hogg
- Neubauer ca 1869-/1922, married to Mancueala x in 1902
- Neville 1580-1614, son of Edward and Rachel Lennard, married to Mary Sackville in 1601, Catherine Vaux
- Neville 1564-1615, son of Henry and Elizabeth Gresham, married to Anne Killigrew
- Neville 1530-1587, son of George and Mary Stafford, with Frances Manners
- Neville ca 1520-, son of Edward and Eleanor Windsor, married to Elizabeth Gresham in 1560
- Neville 1437..1438-1469, son of Edward George de Neville and Elizabeth Beauchamp, married to Joan Bourchier
- Newby 1772-1851, son of Whaley and Elizabeth Thomson, married to Susannah Pryor in 1796
- Newby 1683-1741, married to Mary Whaley
- Newcomb 1793-1882, son of John and Anna Chase
- Newcomer 1744-1795, son of Wolfgang and Elizabeth Mandelin Weber, married to Barbara Garber in 1766
- Newhouse 1833-, married to Abigail C. Wicks in 1858
- Newkirk 1740-1800, son of Henry and Mary x, married to Lydia Raridan
- Newkirk 1721-1772, son of Barent and Rebecca Van Buntschoten, married to Mary x
- Newton 1850-, son of Sidney Augusta and Lovina Elizabeth Weed
- Nichols, married to Sarah Fuller in 1776
- Nicholson 1701, married to Hannah Spencer
- Nicoll 1756-1790, son of Benjamin and Mary Magdalen Holland, married to Elizabeth Woodhull in 1781
- Nicols 1680, married to Elizabeth Gatchell
- Nicolson 1897-1960, son of Albert and Sarah Frances Barrett, married to Marjorie Winifred Nelson in 1920
- Nienaber ca 1835-/1900, married to Philomena Linschmidt in 1862
- Niesel 1842, married to Sarah M. Palmer in 1873
- Nimmo 1855, son of Alexander and Grace Stevenson, married to Agnes Ross
- Nimmo 1801-1867, married to Elizabeth Dougal in 1825
- Nissley 1719-1786, son of Jacob and Mary Funk, married to Mary Reiff in 1744
- Nixon 1813-ca 1853, son of Henry and Maria Morris
- Nixon 1776-1840, son of John and Elizabeth Davis, married to Maria Morris in 1802
- Nixon 1725-1805, father of Absalom
- Noble 1825-1833, son of Chauncey B. and Caroline Baldwin
- Noble 1778-, son of Peter and Abigail Eggleston
- Noble 1772-1852, with Mary Swazey
- Noble 1768-, son of Peter and Abigail Eggleston
- Noble 1764-, son of Peter and Abigail Eggleston
- Noel 1850-1924, son of Benjamin and Marie Antoinette Fauteux, married to Susan Ann Jamison in 1873
- Noel †1677, son of Baptist and Hester Wotton, with Elizabeth Wale
- Nolf 1773-1831, son of Casper and Philipina Phoebe Bossardt, married to Sarah Madaline Silvius in 1792
- Nolte 1879-, son of Charles and Hannah Brinkman
- Noon, father of X
Norbury ca 1410-1464, son of John and Elizabeth Boteler, with Anne Crozier- Norman 1752-1808, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Duncombe, married to Ann Cockerham in 1772
- Norman, son of Wilson and Nancy Willis
- Norreys 1525-1601, son of Henry and Mary Fiennes, with Margaret Williams
- Norreys ca 1490-1536, son of Edward and Fridiswide Lovel, married to Mary Fiennes in 1520
Norreys ca 1351-1429/, son of John and Katherine Balderstone, with Alice de Ernys- Norris 1817-1880, with Elizabeth Johnson
- Norris ca 1645-1706, married to Abigail Stratton
- Northrup 1663-1740, son of Stephen and Elizabeth Harrington, married to Mary Kingsley in 1686
- Northrup †/1762, son of Stephen and Mary Thomas, with Hopestill Smith
- Norton 1845-1865, married to Nancy Caroline Phillips in 1864
- Norton 1843-, son of David B. and Eliza x
- Norton ca 1837-, son of William and Dorcas x
- Norton 1793-1869, son of Henry and Polly Brace, married to Lucy Hardy in 1821
- Norton 1756-1827, son of Charles and Mary Gould, married to Polly Brace in 1781
- Norwood ca 1523-1556, married to Katherine Throckmorton in 1547
- Noyes 1784-1850, son of Henry and Frances Cooke, married to Catherine Crine in 1804
- Noyes 1743-1811, son of John Henry and Ann Masters, married to Frances Cooke in 1769
- Noyes 1650-1737, with Joan x
- Null 1754-1835, married to Susannah Airy
- Nunning 1821-1884, married to Frances Johanna Arndt
- Nutley 1851, son of John and Hannah Matthews, married to Mary x
- Nutt 1808-1881, son of William and Ann Roberts, married to Louisa Frink
- Nutter 1680-1740, son of Anthony and Sarah Langstaff, married to Mary Shackford in 1703
- O
- O'Brien 1896-, son of James and Margaret Dowd
- O'Brien /1644-1678, son of Henry and Anne O'Brien, married to Katherine Stuart in 1661
- O'Brien ca 1620-1691, son of Barnabas and Anne Fermor, married to Anne O'Brien in 1641
- O'Brien ca 1588-ca 1639, son of Donough and Elizabeth FitzGerald, married to Mary Brereton in 1608
- O'Bryan 1783-1858, married to Mary McAtee
- O'Bryne, son of Patrick and Rosanna Kershner
- O'Byrne 1813-1865, son of George and Mary x, with Rebecca Bruner, Mary Ann Barbour in 1846
- O'Hara 1818-1900, married to Mary Langan
- O'Hara, with Nancy Bushman
- O'Neill, with Mary O'Reilly
- O'Rourke, son of Robert Francis Beto and Amy Hoover Sanders
- Oborn ca 1676-1736, married to Hannah Cooke in 1698
- Ockelman 1857-1934 Henry Harry
- Odell 1694-1738, son of Thomas and Sarah Ridgely, married to Anne Prather in 1724
- Offley †1613, son of Thomas and Joane Nichols, with Mary White
- Ogden, son of Edward and Sybil Ludington
- Ogle 1600-1669, son of Luke and Isabelle Craster, with Jane Forster
- Ogle ca 1525-, son of John and Sybil Heron, with Margaret Forster
- Ogle ca 1446-1541, son of William and Margaret x, father of Luke
- Oldacre 1708-1785, married to Helenore Borden in 1732
- Oldaker 1822-, with Mary Crosby
- Olin 1745, son of Henry and Martha Remington, married to Sarah Comstock in 1770
- Olin 1719-1813, son of John and Susannah Spencer, married to Martha Remington in 1790
- Oliver 1857-1937, married to Frances Mary Ann Burnett in 1882
- Oliver 1832-/1910, son of Joshua and Rachel Elizabeth Duff, married to Eliza Jane Mann in 1864
- Olyphant, son of Timothy David and Alexis Knief
- Oman 1801-, son of William and Elizabeth Bentley, married to Ann Howland in 1823
- Oman 1742-1800, married to Rebecca Elizabeth Marshall in 1766
- Orndorff ca 1806-1849, son of Henry and Eve Miller, married to Elizabeth Ashbaugh in 1831
- Orndorff 1760/-/1834, with Eve Miller
- Ornsby 1707, married to Catherine Rippon in 1735
- Osborn 1849-, son of Amos and Hannah Bunnell Winans
- Osborn 1802-1828, son of David and Ann Benedict
- Osborn, father of Katharine
- Osborne 1836-1908, son of Leonard and Elizabeth Malone
- Osborne 1810-1886, son of Henry and Mary Ward, married to Louisa Shreve in 1848
- Osborne ca 1766-ca 1820, son of Stephen and Mary Cooke, married to Mary Ward in 1796
- Ostrander 1754-1830, son of Cornelis and Jannetje Swartwout, married to Martha Nicholson in 1779
- Ottmann 1833-1904, married to Adelaide Wilzbacher in 1856
- Otto, with Zelda Bolen
- Overholt 1797-1859, son of Marcus Overholtz and Margaret Armentrout, married to Sarah Sprinkle in 1820
- Overing, with Mary Whitehorne
- Overton ca 1821-, son of John and Susan B. Hagler
- Overton 1792-, son of John and Jane Price
- Overtstreet 1735-1790, with Jane Braswell
- Owen 1835-, son of Daniel and Deborah Sprague
- Owings 1692-1763, son of Richard and Rachel Beall, married to Helen Stinchcomb
- Owsley 1755-1811, son of Thomas and Mary Middleton, married to Martha Bayne in 1783
- Oxley ca 1769-, son of John and Catherine Lewis
- Oxley 1699-1777, married to Mary Everett in 1722
- P
- Packard 1825-1852, son of Noah and Sophia Bundy
- Packham 1803-1878, married to Phebe Jarrett in 1825
- Paddock 1791-1854, son of Henry and Rhoda Huddleston, father of Byron Densmore
- Paddock 1758-1821, son of Benjamin and Mary Tompkins, married to Rhoda Huddleston in 1785
- Page 1834, married to Mary Ann x
- Paget 1797-1869, son of Henry William and Caroline Elizabeth Villiers, married to Henrietta Maria Bagot in 1833
- Paget 1744-1812, son of Nicholas Bayly and Caroline Paget, married to Jane Champagné in 1767
- Paget ca 1713-, with Deborah Checkley
- Paget 1643-, son of William and Frances Rich, with Mary O'Rorke
- Pakenham 1787-1883, son of Edward Michael and Catherine Rowley, married to Eliza Catherine Sandford in 1822
- Palgrave ca 1470-1516, son of John and Margaret Yelverton, with Anne Glenham
- Palmer 1857-ca 1910, son of Theophilus and Alice Gale, with Melissa x
- Palmer ca 1820-, son of X
- Palmer 1786-, son of Amos and Catherine Husted
- Palmer 1615-1661, son of William and Frances Blossom, married to Katherine x
- Palmer 1602-1680, with Elizabeth Parker
- Palmer, with Ann Benoist
- Parge 1879-1924, married to Elizabeth Price in 1899
- Paris 1750-1847, with Talitha Morgan
- Parker 1787-1858, son of Aquilla and Elizabeth Amos
- Parker ca 1513-, son of Henry and Alice St. John, married to Grace Newport in 1523
- Parker 1486-1556, son of William and Alice Lovell, married to Alice St. John in 1509
- Parkinson 1741-1820, married to Janet McCurdy in 1778
- Parks 1758-1845, son of John and Lucy Ann Toney, married to Martha Elizabeth Justice in 1782
- Parmelee 1814-, son of Elias and Fanny Fitch, with Jane Seeley
- Parnell 1839-1906, son of Henry William and Sophia Bligh, with Elizabeth Peter Dove
- Parris 1894-, son of Moses Clifton and Lucretia Fleming
- Parris 1861-1918, son of William and Mary Luchford, married to Ellen Tomkin in 1885
- Parris 1762-1835, son of Francis and Elizabeth Arnell, married to Elizabeth Hallons in 1785
- Parrish 1765-1811, married to Elizabeth Strother
- Parrish 1740-1800, son of Joel and Sarah Woodfolk, married to Mary Ann Monk in 1770
- Parrish 1701-1753, son of Humphrey and Mary Walker
- Parsons 1866-1930/, son of George and Sarah E. Eddy
- Parsons 1721-1815, son of Henry and Margaret Sinkler, married to Elizabeth Berry in 1744
- Parsons 1694, married to Margaret Sinkler in 1721
- Paschel, married to Anna Maria Kerberg
- Patillo 1725-1801, married to Maria Amelia Anderson in 1755
- Patrick 1805-1880, married to Rachel Maria Smith in 1832
- Patrick, with Elizabeth x
- Patterson 1895-, son of Wilbur Carpenter and Grace Adele Alleman
- Patterson 1805, married to Winifred x
- Pattison 1818-1893, son of John and Emma Gardner, married to Josephine Cushman in 1848
- Patton 1659-1743, married to Sarah Lynn
- Patton, married to Rachael Wampler
- Paul 1781-1846, married to Susanna Brumbaugh in 1805
- Paul 1682-1762, son of Thomas and Grace x, married to Elizabeth Brereton in 1729
- Paul ca 1570-1643, with Elizabeth x
- Pauley 1767-1840, son of David and Agnes Adkins, married to Athaliel Mullins in 1792
- Pawling 1714-ca 1791, son of Henry and Jacomyntje Kunst, married to Eleanor Pawling in 1738
- Pawling 1689-1739, son of Henry and Neeltje Roosa, married to Jacomyntje Kunst in 1713
- Pawling 1645-1692, married to Neeltje Roosa in 1676
- Paxson 1722-1819, son of William and Mary Watson, married to Martha Shinn in 1739
- Paxson 1722-1799, son of Henry and Ann Plumley, married to Elizabeth Lupton in 1745
- Paxson 1683-1756, son of James and Jane Gurden, married to Ann Plumley
- Payne 1832-, son of John and Margaret Bennett, married to Paulina F. Thompson in 1860
- Payne 1753-1828, son of Edward and Ann Holland Conyers, married to Anne Lane in 1775
- Peacock 1753-1800, married to Rossetta Jane Artice in 1769
- Peak, married to Lotty J. Hartford in 1884
- Pearce 1862-, son of John H. Pierce and Elizabeth x, married to Alice Maria Ashbaugh in 1893
- Pearmain, son of Edward Paget and Jane le Bouve
- Pearsall 1741-, son of Nathaniel and Sarah Todd, married to Elizabeth x in 1772
- Pearsall 1690-1749, son of Thomas and Mary Seaman, married to Mary Titus in 1718
- Pearsall ca 1611-1667, son of Thomas and Mary Brent, married to Anne Pankhurst
- Pearson 1734-1812, married to Rebecca Walton
- Peck 1709-1790, son of Jathniel and Sarah Smith, married to Rachel Whitaker in 1732
- Peck ca 1615-1654, son of Robert and Anne Lawrence, married to Joan Hull in 1642
- Peck, with Nancy x
- Peckenpaugh 1800-1860, son of George Peter and Barbara Ridenour, married to Frances Amelia Parker in 1819
- Peckham 1757-1779, son of Philip and Mary Taggert
- Pedigo 1765-1810, son of Edward and Hannah Elkins, married to Lucinda Cochrane in 1790
- Peers 1816-1895, son of Henry and Elisabeth Sweet, married to Lucy Susan Sturtevant in 1838
- Peers 1789-1835, married to Elisabeth Sweet in 1809
- Peirce 1803-1823, son of Andrew and Lucy Davis
- Pelham 1694-1754, son of Thomas and Grace Holles
- Pelham 1656-1721, son of John and Lucy Sidney, married to Frances Byne in 1683
- Pell 1886-1961, married to Grace Valerie James in 1906
- Pell 1765-1861, son of Richard, married to Sarah Williams in 1768
- Pelletier, son of Henry O. Peltier and Eva Genevieve Gagnier
- Peltier 1911-1967, son of Edward Paul and Grace Evalyn Skillen
- Pendleton 1760-1841, son of William and Judith Carr, married to Rebecca Alden in 1781
- Pendleton 1733-1798, son of James and Elizabeth Anderson Coleman, married to Anne Thomas
- Pendleton 1724-1818, son of Phillip and Elizabeth Pollard, with Martha Curtis
- Pendleton 1683-1721, son of Phillip and Isabella Elizabeth Hart, married to Mary Bishop Taylor in 1701
- Pendleton 1638-, son of Henry and Hannah x
- Pendleton 1614-1693, son of Henry and Susan Camden, married to Hannah x in 1636, Elizabeth Douglas in 1649
- Pendleton 1575-1635, married to Susan Camden in 1605
- Penn 1583-, with Katherine Hull
- Pennebacker 1717-1792, son of Heinrich and Eve Umstat
- Pennell 1632-, son of Robert and Isabel x, with Mary x
- Penner 1840-1922, son of William and Anna Marie Greenman, married to Mary E. Tuttle in 1867
- Pennington 1775-1838, son of Robert and Rebecca Benn, married to Margaret Potter in 1796
- Pennington 1632-1678, son of Henry and Joane Leggat, married to Eliza Jane Mumford in 1658
- Pennington 1618-1679, son of Isaac and Abigail Allen, married to Joane Leggat in 1632
- Penny 1754-1841, son of John and Elisabeth Loosmore, married to Hannah Brown
- Penny 1571-/1630, married to Jane x in 1593
- Pennypacker ca 1745-, son of Jacob Umstat and Margaret Tyson
- Penrod 1855-, son of George W. and Mary Ann Harmon
- Percy 1683-1720, son of Anthony and Mary Emerson, married to Elizabeth Paul
- Percy 1604-1659, son of Henry and Dorothy Devereux
- Percy 1564-1632, son of Henry and Catherine Neville, married to Dorothy Devereux
- Percy 1522-1585, son of Thomas and Eleanor Harbottle, married to Catherine Neville
- Percy 1502-1537, son of Henry Algernon and Catherine Spencer, with Mary Talbot
- Percy ca 1449-1489, son of Ralph de Percy and Eleanor de Acton, with Constance x
Percy 1449-1489, son of Henry de Percy and Eleanor Poynings, married to Maud Herbert in 1476- Percy 1387-1432, son of Thomas and Elizabeth de Strathbogie, married to Elizabeth Bardolf in 1411
Percy ca 1235-1272, son of William de Percy and Ellen de Baliol, married to Eleanor de Warrenne in 1268
Percy (de) 1421-1461, son of Henry and Eleanor de Neville, married to Eleanor Poynings in 1445
Percy (de) 1392-1455, son of Henry and Elizabeth de Mortimer, married to Eleanor de Neville in 1412
Percy (de) 1364-1403, son of Henry and Margaret de Neville, married to Elizabeth de Mortimer in 1379
Percy (de) 1341-, son of Henry and Mary Plantagenet, married to Margaret de Neville in 1358
Percy (de) 1321..1322-1368, son of Henry and Idonea de Clifford, married to Mary Plantagenet in 1334
Percy (de) 1300-1352, son of Henry and Eleanor FitzAlan, with Idonea de Clifford
Percy (de) 1273-1314, son of Henry Percy and Eleanor de Warrenne, with Eleanor FitzAlan
Percy (de) 1156..1160-/1198, son of Josceyln de Louvain and Agnes de Percy, with Isabel de Brus- Peregoy, with Amy Greene
- Perkins 1799-, married to Nancy Veluzat in 1821
- Perkins 1555..1557-, son of Thomas and Alice Kebble, married to Elizabeth Sawbridge in 1579
- Perkins ca 1484-/1546, son of Thomas and Alyse de Astley, father of Thomas
- Perkins ca 1329-/1412, son of Pierre de Morlaix and Agnes Taylor, father of John
- Peronneau 1667-1743, son of Samuel and Jeanne Marie Collin, married to Desiree Barreaud in 1698
- Perrin, with Elizabeth Lee
- Perrine 1669-1734, son of Daniel Perrin and Maria Thorell, married to Marie Anne Fountaine
- Perry 1851-1934, with Mary Jane Ridges
- Perry 1808-, son of Cornelius and Mary Perry, married to Olive Comstock in 1829
- Perry 1759-/1831, with Margaret x
- Perry ca 1650-1734, son of William and Susanna Carver, with Susanna x
- Peters 1851-1919, married to Anna Gertruda Arens in 1877
- Peters 1763-1859, married to Mary Polly Waite in 1788
- Peters †1732, married to Captivity Jennings
- Peterson 1658-1719, married to Mary Wood in 1683
- Pettit 1833-1917, son of Amos and Elizabeth Jenkins, married to Elizabeth Jane Kellogg in 1853, Mary H. x in 1876
- Pettit ca 1590-, son of Valentine and Martha Cleve, father of Thomas
- Pettit ca 1518-, son of Valentine and Joana Beurley, with Denis Thatcher
- Pew 1643-1711, married to Jane Milner in 1660
- Peyton 1743-1814, son of John and Anne Waye, married to Susanna Fowke in 1764
- Peyton 1725-1781, son of Valentine and Sarah Randolph, married to Margaret Gallahue
- Peyton 1656-1695/, son of Henry and Ellen Partington, married to Ann Thornton in 1686
- Peyton 1629-ca 1659, son of Henry and Catherine Clifton, with Ellen Partington
- Peyton 1590-1655, son of Henry, with Catherine Clifton
- Peyton 1560-1622, father of Thomas
- Peyton, with Katherine Bathman
- Pfaff 1822-1907, married to Elizabeth Keller
- Phelps ca 1813-, son of Wilson and Polly Gillett
- Phelps 1766-1852, son of Henry and Hannah Herrick, married to Mary Forbes Coffin
- Phelps 1751-1840, son of John and Deborah Lovejoy, married to Hannah Blodgett in 1784
- Phelps ca 1745-1786, son of Henry and X x, married to Hannah Herrick in 1769
- Phelps 1725-1752, son of Jonathan and Elizabeth Tomes, married to Margaret Newby in 1748
- Phelps 1720-1786, son of Henry and Rachel Guppy, married to X x in 1744
- Phelps 1673-, son of John and Abigail Antram, married to Rachel Guppy in 1697
- Phelps ca 1622-, son of X, married to Eleanor Tresler in 1643
- Phillips 1796-1868, married to Elizabeth Reeder
- Phillips 1785-1842, with Catherine Dunlap
- Phillips 1766-1848, son of Thomas and Susanna Nancy Kittle, married to Lydia Harris in 1787
- Phillips 1623, married to Mary Waters
- Phillips 1613-1682, son of Nicholas and Abigail Sewall, married to Mary Dwight in 1653
- Phillips, married to Rhody Phillips
- Phippen 1495-1562, son of John and Joana Malet, with Alice Peirce
- Phipps 1839-1930, son of Henry and Hannah Franks, married to Anne Childs Shaffer in 1872
- Phipps, married to Hannah Franks in 1824
- Pickelsimer 1765-1828, married to Elizabeth Biffle
- Pierce 1803-, son of Charles and Abigail Ayer, with Fidelia Quint
- Pierce 1739-1791, son of Ebenezer and Mary Hoskins, married to Salome Hinds in 1768
- Pierce 1725-ca 1789, son of Joseph and Mary Jackson, married to Ann Bayly
- Pierpont 1629-1689/, son of Amos Pierpoint and Ellena Kirby, married to Elizabeth Larkin in 1649, Anne Summerland in 1672
- Pierpont ca 1547-1623, son of George Pierrepont and Margaret Cook, married to Agnes Harvey in 1573
- Pierrepont 1545-, son of George and Winifred Thwaites, married to Frances Cavendish in 1562
- Pierrepont ca 1408-1457, son of Henry and Ellen de Longford, married to Thomasin Melton in 1452
- Pierrepont ca 1384-/1453, son of Edmund de Pierrepont and Frances Franke, married to Ellen de Longford in 1406
- Pierrepont (de) 1298-, son of Robert and Sarah Heinz, married to Margaret FitzWilliam in 1320
Pierrepont (de) 1244-1292, married to Annora de Manvers in 1267- Pierson 1690-1748, son of Benjamin, married to Jemima Ogden in 1712
- Pierson 1678-1747, son of Joseph and Amy Barnes, married to Abigail Ludlam in 1702
- Pierson 1652-1701, son of Henry and Mary Cooper, married to Susanna Howell in 1683
- Pierson 1618-1680, son of Abraham and Christina Johnson, married to Mary Cooper in 1640
- Pierson 1615-1681, son of William and Wyborowe Griggs, married to Mary Fuller in 1639
- Pigg 1840-1911, married to Sarah Ann Ames in 1871
- Pigg 1740-1797, son of Paul and Rebecca Clements, married to Susannah Corley
- Pilkenton 1833-1865, son of Henry and Delilah Rouse
- Pilkenton 1802-1875, son of John and Pheraby Caps, married to Delilah Rouse in 1823
- Pilkington, with Anna North
- Pinder 1577..1578-, married to Mary Rogers in 1614
- Piper ca 1790-ca 1835, married to Elizabeth Williams in 1814
- Pirtle 1781-1861, son of Henry and Mary Linder Viney, married to Sarah Jones in 1807
- Pirtle 1748-1834, married to Mary Linder Viney in 1771
- Pitcairn 1470-1528, son of Henry and Elizabeth Ramsey, married to Egidia Melville
- Pitcairn 1440-, married to Elizabeth Ramsey
- Pittenger 1764-1827, son of Henry and Myrtle Maria Wyckoff, married to Mary Barcus in 1785
- Pittenger 1735-1825, son of Hendrick and Marytje Lowe, married to Myrtle Maria Wyckoff in 1759
- Pitts 1716-1759, son of Henry and Hannah Cary, married to Sarah Pitts in 1746
- Pitts 1687-1764, son of Samuel and Sarah Bobet, married to Hannah Cary in 1714
- Pixler 1832-1884, son of John and Anne Butterbaugh, with Martha Anna Fortune
- Pixley 1852-1852, son of Arcalus and Sarah Walkins
- Pixley 1795-, son of Alexander and Hannah x, married to Betsy Buffam in 1817
- Place 1796-1858, son of Jacob and Mary Whisler, married to Rachel Tustin
- Plantagenet 1421-1471, son of Henry and Katherine of France, married to Margaret of Anjou in 1445
- Plantagenet 1387-1422, son of Henry of Lancaster and Mary de Bohun, married to Katherine of France in 1420
Plantagenet 1300-, son of Henry and Maud Chaworth, with Isabel de Beaumont
Plantagenet 1281-1345, son of Edmund Crouchback and Blanche d'Artois, married to Maud Chaworth- Platner 1797, married to Lucinda Noble
- Plimpton 1787-1860, son of Asa and Mary Smith, married to Susanna Gay in 1814
- Plimpton 1684-1731, son of John and Elizabeth Fisher, married to Mary Smith in 1706
- Pole 1492-1539, son of Richard and Margaret Plantagenet, with Jane de Neville
- Pollexfen 1632-1691, married to Mary Duncombe in 1664
- Pomeroy 1843-, son of Jude and Laura Ann Root
- Pomeroy /1786-, son of William and Eleanor Root
- Pomeroy 1416-1481, son of Edward and Margaret Bevile, with Alice Raleigh
- Pomeroy, son of Arthur and Mary Colley, married to Mary Grady in 1778
- Pond /1860-, son of William H. and Elizabeth x
- Pont (du) 1812-1889, son of Eleuthère Irénée and Sophie Madeleine Dalmas, married to Louise Gerhard in 1837
- Poole 1564-1632, son of Edward and Margaret Walton, married to Griselda Neville
- Poole 1541-1616, son of Gyles and Elizabeth Whittington, married to Anne Wroughton
- Poole ca 1498-ca 1537, married to Anne Baynton
- Poor 1682-1722, son of Henry and Abigail Hale, married to Mary Holmes in 1703
- Poor 1650-1741, son of John and Sarah x, married to Abigail Hale in 1679
- Poor ca 1620-, son of Daniel, married to Mary Elinor in 1645
- Pope 1806-, son of John and Elizabeth Regan, married to Margaret x
- Pope 1790-1866, son of Henry and Margaret Goodnight, married to Peternella Flesse in 1816
- Pope 1759-1802, son of Hans George and Maria Christina Hill, married to Margaret Goodnight in 1782
- Pope 1748-1810, son of William and Mary Dawson, married to Charity Hinton
- Pope 1746-1807, son of Sampson and Susannah Thomas, married to Delilah Williams in 1766
- Pope 1663-1728, son of William and Marie Bridgers, married to Sarah Watts in 1683
- Pope, father of Mary
- Poppa 1832-1900, married to Catharine x in 1878
Port (de) 1072-1152, son of Hugh and Orence x, married to Hawise x in 1108- Porter ca 1845-, son of John and Mary Antoinette Maraman
- Porter 1780-1856, son of Jonah and Keziah Cutting, married to Rachel Phelps in 1801
- Porter 1778-1868, son of Henry and Anna Durbin, married to Nancy Bowles in 1808
- Porter 1740, married to Anna Durbin in 1765
- Porter 1728-, son of Thomas and Ann Calvert
- Porter, with Eveline Pixley
- Post 1831..1832-1916, son of John and Hester Hardin, married to Catherine A. Shirk in 1860
- Post 1825-1902, married to Mary Pickert
- Post 1774-1847, son of Henry and Mary Titus, married to Mary Minturn in 1806
- Post 1733-1816, son of Richard and Mary Willis, married to Mary Titus in 1761
- Potter 1620-1658, married to Elizabeth Argent in 1642
- Pottkamer, with Elizabeth x
- Potts 1727-1775, son of John and Elizabeth McVeagh, married to Margaret Sheets in 1756
- Powell 1802-1862, son of Charles and Sarah Leah Goldman, married to Matilda Hilton in 1825
- Powell 1786, married to Priscilla Beeson in 1811
- Powell 1767-1840, son of Moses and Mary Williams, married to Mary Elizabeth Pope in 1792
- Powell, father of Elizabeth
- Pratt 1818, married to Harriet Helena Newell
- Pratt 1812-, son of Ezekiel and Meriel Lincoln, married to Eunice Burr Lothrop in 1840
- Pratt 1807-, son of Jeremiah and Jennet Pratt
- Pratt 1771-1841, son of Noah and Hannah Stearns, married to Rebecca Jewell in 1795
- Pratt 1746-1801, son of Henry and Sarah Fuller, married to Elizabeth Murdock in 1769
- Pratt 1745..1746-1769, son of Oliver and Sarah Willard
- Pratt 1717-1745, son of Henry and Hannah Wilson, married to Sarah Fuller in 1741
- Pratt 1685-1750, son of Aaron and Sarah Pratt, married to Hannah Wilson in 1709
- Pratt 1565..1570-, son of John, with Hannah x
- Prentice ca 1732-, son of Henry and Katherine Fitch, with Mary Walker
- Prentice 1711-1797, son of John S. and Mary Smith, married to Susanna Brown in 1737
- Prentice 1707-, son of Thomas and Mary Batson, married to Katherine Fitch in 1728
- Prentice 1693-1778, son of Solomon and Hepzibah Dunton, with Elizabeth Rand
- Prentice 1651..1652-1713/, son of Henry and Joanna Savage, married to Mary Gove in 1682
- Prentice ca 1612-1654, married to Joanna Savage in 1644
- Prentiss 1767-1843, married to Elizabeth Gill in 1800
- Prescott 1809-, son of Meshack and Rachel Prescott
- Presson ca 1839-, son of Thomas and Lavina x, with Elizabeth L. x
- Preston 1895-, son of Henry and Nellie Carson
- Preston 1861-1921, son of Henry and Anne Carter, married to Nellie Carson in 1890
- Preston 1839-1881, son of Moses and Elizabeth Haney, with Selina J. Brown
- Preston ca 1490-, son of John and Margaret Redmayne, father of Grace
- Preston 1467-1505, married to Margaret Mary Napier in 1493
- Preston ca 1355-, with Elizabeth Lindsay
- Preston, married to Anne Carter in 1852
- Preuitt, married to Bernice Eldora Deardorff in 1936
- Prewitt 1722-, son of Uriah and Elizabeth Stone, married to Rebecca Copeland
- Prewitt 1654-1722, son of Thomas and Sarah Lessene, married to Mary Ann Fields, Rebecca Ann Dabbs in 1691
- Price 1790-1860, married to Elizabeth Wooten in 1845
- Prideaux 1853..1854-, son of Henry
- Prideaux 1825-1905, son of Stephen and Mary Carther, father of Henry
- Priebus 1912-1968, son of Frederick and Amilia Kroll
- Primrose 1490-1576, father of David
- Procter 1845-, son of Thomas Harley and Ann x, with Olive Mary Foster
- Procter 1693-1767, married to Sarah Harley in 1725
- Propp 1866-1940, son of Johann Gustav Christian and Dorothea Mernitz, married to Eva Barbara Walters in 1893
- Propst ca 1750-1820, son of Johann Michael and Catherine Elizabeth MacLaughlin, married to Mary Crummett
- Provost 1810, married to Mary Ackerly
- Pulis 1800-1879, son of Conrad and Elizabeth Nelson, married to Caroline Whitmore in 1830
- Pullen 1660-1698, married to Mary Stott
- Purswell 1781-1867, with Catherine Rachel Bright
- Puryear ca 1835-, son of Mariah Puryear, with Ellen x
- Putnam 1778-1827, son of Henry and Mary Hawkes, with Catherine Hunt Palmer
- Putnam ca 1766-, son of Eleazer and Mary Crosby
- Putnam 1755-1806, son of Daniel and Hannah Ingalls, married to Mary Hawkes in 1775
- Putnam 1737-, son of Henry and Hannah x
- Putnam 1712-1776, son of Eleazer and Elizabeth Rolfe, with Hannah x
- Putnam †1526/, son of Nicholas, father of Richard
- Putt, with Sarah Shoup
- Puttenham 1403-1473, son of William and Margaret Warbleton, married to Elizabeth x in 1430
- Q
- Quackenbush 1824-1868, son of Jacob and Ruthy McPherson, married to Elizabeth A. Norwood in 1846
- Quenell 1562-, married to Beatrix Carter
- Queripel, married to Adeline Veldran
- Quick 1820-1883, son of George and Sarah Fall, married to Mary Gilmore in 1847
- Quick, with Eunice Chappell
- R
- Radabaugh 1755-1818, married to Catherine Buzzard
- Radcliffe 1185-, son of William de Radclyffe and Cecilia de Montbegon, father of John
- Radcliffe (de) ca 1380-, son of John and Margaret de Trafford, father of Ann Radcliffe
Radclyffe (de) 1122-/1190, with Joan Margaret Boothe- Rader 1768-1851, son of Casper and Regina Rachel Gerhardt, married to Catherine Etter in 1790
- Raff, married to Lillian E. Cummings
- Raines 1854-, with Celia Pettit
- Raines, with Mary x
- Ralph 1751, son of John and Anne Craft, married to Elizabeth Stagg in 1780
- Ramsey, married to Sallie McBride
- Ramsey, son of Henry Bassette and Blanche Farmer
- Ramsour 1770-1828, son of David and Mary Magdalene Warlick, married to Magdalene Mary Shuford
- Randolph 1721-1771, son of Henry and Elizabeth Eppes, married to Tabitha Poythress in 1742
- Randolph 1689-1726, son of Henry and Sarah Swann, married to Elizabeth Eppes in 1714
- Randolph 1687-1687, son of William and Mary Isham
- Randolph 1665-1693, son of Henry and Judith Soane, married to Sarah Swann in 1687
- Randolph /1623-1673, son of William and Dorothy Lane, married to Judith Soane in 1661
- Rash, with Betty x
- Rathbone †/1830, son of Alfred T. and Sophia Sargeant
- Rathbun 1865-1871, son of William C. and Sally Ann Jackson
- Rathbun 1853-1854, son of Henry and Elizabeth Ross
- Rathbun ca 1838-1865/, son of John Ruel and Martha Ann Eddy
- Rathbun 1833-1852, son of Solomon and Hannah Quinby
- Rathbun 1825-1875, son of Patrick and Elmira Frost, married to Elizabeth Ross in 1852
- Rathbun ca 1822-ca 1870, son of Henry and Elizabeth Loomer, married to Matilda J. x in 1843
- Rathbun 1819-1872, son of John and Elizabeth Babcock, married to Betsey Thwing in 1848
- Rathbun 1816-, son of Samuel and Jane Vroman, with Marian Owens
- Rathbun 1780-1850/, son of Thomas and Priscilla Baldwin, married to Elizabeth Loomer in 1805
- Ratliff 1789-1845, son of Reuben and Phoebe Ratliff, married to Mary Ratliff in 1810
- Ratto 1910-1975, son of Antonio and Margarita Caviglia, married to Edith Pucci
- Ravenel 1790-1867, son of Rene and Charlotte Jacques Mazyck, married to Catherine Stevens in 1813
- Ravenel 1729-1785, son of Rene Louis and Elizabeth Susanne le Noble, married to Mary de St. Julien in 1750
- Rawlinson, father of Maria
- Ray, with Tabitha Missouri Sharp
- Read 1821-, son of William W. and Lydia Rathbone
- Read 1794..1801-1887, son of Joseph and Sebria Knight, married to Phebe Waite in 1823
- Read /1662-1725, son of Charles and Catherine Russell, with Mary Molines
- Reagan 1762-1829, son of Charles and Elizabeth Henry, married to Phoebe Hinds in 1783
- Reardon ca 1715-ca 1795, married to Mary Searcy in 1757
- Reavis 1752-1837, son of Thomas and Ann x, married to Polly Bicketstaff in 1827
- Rector 1808-1893, son of John and Hannah Fuller, married to Nancy Gage in 1834
- Rector 1715-1799, son of Hans Jacob Richter and Anna Elizabeth Fishbach, married to Anne Nancy Robinson in 1740
- Reddocke ca 1612-, married to Mabel Burroughs in 1656
- Redner 1770-1850, married to Catherine Bentzel in 1792
- Reed, married to Hannah Pratt Hayward in 1847
- Rees 1727-1772, son of Thomas and Margaret Bowen, married to Sarah Ann Neill in 1762
- Reese ca 1814-, with Tracy Wells
- Reeves 1861-1935, son of Pleasant and Mary Jane Smith, married to Missouri Catherine Allen in 1888
- Reeves 1665-1728, married to Sarah Lee
- Reinberg 1821-, with Catherine Beck
- Reis, with Caroline Blass
- Relyea ca 1849-, son of David D. and Mary x
- Reno 1874-1943, son of Joseph and Elisabeth Perreault, married to Anna x in 1898, Rose x
- Repps 1448-, married to Elizabeth Grimston
- Reynolds 1808-, son of George and Freelove Northrup
- Reynolds 1776-1839, son of Joseph and Experience Davis, married to Esther Rose
- Reynolds 1751-, son of John and Abigail Sherman
- Reynolds 1686-1726, son of Henry and Sarah Greene, married to Mary Jenkins in 1710
- Reynolds 1656-1717, son of James and Deborah Jordan, married to Sarah Greene in 1685
- Reynolds 1655-1724, son of William and Margaret Exton, with Prudence Clayton
- Rhoads 1858-1935, son of William and Martha Jane McMorris, married to Margaret D. Bell in 1882
- Rhoads 1772-1840, son of Henry and Elizabeth Stoner, married to Elizabeth Noffsinger in 1808
- Rhoads 1754-1828, married to Catherine Cramer
- Rhoads 1739-1814, son of Heinrich and Katherina Rinehart, married to Elizabeth Stoner in 1760
- Rhodes ca 1835-, with Margaret x
- Rhodes 1781-1855, son of Henry and Elizabeth Brenneman, married to Elizabeth Good
- Rhodes 1747-1827, married to Elizabeth Brenneman
- Rhodes 1674-1752, son of Josiah and Elizabeth Coates, married to Elizabeth Paul in 1694
- Rhodes 1608-1675, son of Walter and Elizabeth Joanna Barstow, married to Elizabeth White in 1640
- Rice ca 1810-, married to Lydia Louisa Babcock in 1838
- Rice 1794-ca 1858, son of Gershom and Susanna Howe, married to Mary Lee in 1829
- Rice 1786, son of Noah and Hannah Palfrey, married to Maria Burroughs in 1816
- Rice 1759-1818, son of Abraham and Susanna Wilds, married to Helen x
- Rice ca 1702-ca 1746, son of Thomas and Ann Marcy Hewes, married to Margaret Bohannon
- Rice /1621-1711, son of Edmund and Thomasine Frost, married to Elizabeth Moore in 1643
- Rice 1558-1621, son of William and Thomasine Mynne, married to Margaret Baker in 1579, Elizabeth Frost in 1605
- Rich 1626-1676, son of Henry and Isabel Cope, married to Barbara Thrall in 1644
- Rich 1590-1649, son of Robert and Penelope Devereux, married to Isabel Cope in 1614
- Rich, with Martha Pennoyer
- Richards 1735-1793, married to Jane Gaunt in 1762
- Richards †1949, married to Laura Elizabeth Howe in 1871
- Richardson 1762-1812, son of William and Mary Davis, married to Elizabeth Morgan in 1782
- Richardson 1714-1793, son of John and Elizabeth Farwell, father of Olive
- Rickard 1700-1771, son of Samuel and Rebecca Snow, married to Alice Oldham in 1723
- Rickard 1666-1726, son of Giles and Hannah Dunham, married to Mercy Morton in 1708
- Rickenbach 1696-1741, married to Barbara Thommen in 1723
- Ricks ca 1875-, with Martha Elizabeth Baldwin
- Riddlesdale 1566-, son of Henry and Joan x
- Riddlesdale 1520..1528-1591, son of Jasper and Elizabeth x, married to Joan x
- Ridenour 1834-, son of Daniel Webster and Margaret x
- Ridenour 1804-, son of Daniel and Barbara Kershner, married to Mary Ann Highland in 1830
- Ridenour 1793-, son of John Nicholas and Christina Walthers
- Ridenour 1791-1861, son of Henry Thomas and Mary Magdalena Schmidt, married to Elizabeth J. Veach in 1810
- Ridenour 1757-1823, son of Mathias and Anna Eva Waldi, married to Eve Eckenberger in 1778
- Ridenour 1713-1781, son of Nicholas and Anna Magdalena Arnett, married to Anna Catherina Fuhrer in 1737
- Ridgely 1793-1849, son of Westall and Sarah Templin, married to Mary Ferguson in 1818
- Ridgely 1690-1750, son of Henry and Katherine Greenberry, married to Elizabeth Warfield in 1722
- Ridgely 1669-1700, son of Henry and Sarah Warner, married to Katherine Greenberry in 1689
- Ridgely ca 1627-1708..1710, son of Henry, married to Elizabeth Howard in 1664, Sarah Warner in 1665
- Ridgely 1601-, father of Robert
- Rife 1790-1833, son of Joseph and Margaret Catherine Carpenter, married to Tabitha Martindale in 1811
- Ringer 1801-1888, son of Michael and Mary Catharine Knaup, married to Mary Catherine Ament in 1824
- Ringo 1724-1803, son of Phillip and Janet Cook, married to Margaret Major in 1748
- Rishton 1483-, son of Nicholas and Margaret Radcliffe
- Rishton (de) 1425-1489, married to Agnes Sherburne in 1448
- Rittenhouse 1700-1776, son of Nicholas and Wilhelmina Dewees, with Susanna Wool
- Ritter 1795-ca 1845, married to Mary Beatty in 1818
- Ritter 1712-1761, son of George and Anna Maria x, with Barbara x
- Ritz, married to Harriet May Schumaker in 1962
- Ritzert 1844, married to Louise Russette
- Roach 1710-1791, married to Catherine x in 1730
- Robbins, with Amanda Rathbun
- Roberts 1811-1889, son of Richard and Elizabeth Doty, married to Elizabeth Warren in 1834, Sarah Perdue Piper in 1876
- Roberts ca 1807-1901, son of James and Margaret Woods, married to Susannah Sizemore in 1829
- Roberts ca 1730-1774, son of William and Mary Vaughn
- Robertson 1791-1881, married to Hulda Hill Fanton in 1822
- Robertson, with Elizabeth x
- Robie 1617-1688, son of Thomas Roby and Mary Coxon, married to Ruth Moore in 1639
- Robinson 1821-1899, married to Sarah Jane Leek in 1842
- Robinson 1773-1850, married to Rhoda Haddasah Holly in 1804
- Robinson 1557-1625, son of William and Anne Withers, married to Elizabeth Orvice in 1580
- Roby 1841-, son of Henry and Anna Hoagland
- Roby 1801-1860, son of Jacob and Jemima x, married to Anna Hoagland in 1822, Nancy Shepherd in 1847
- Rockafellow 1781-1863, son of John Rockefeller and Margaret Kitchen, married to Susannah Taylor in 1804
- Rockefeller 1747, son of Johann Peter and Mary Bellis
- Rockwell 1827-1904, son of Moses and Hannah Burroughs, married to Elizabeth Adelia Dalaba in 1849
- Roddenberry 1803-1861, son of George and Mary Knight, married to Nancy Ellis in 1832
- Roe 1826, son of John C. and Hannah Denike, father of Charlotte d'Olier
- Roe 1816-1896, son of Henry and Mary x, married to Maria Lydall in 1835
- Roe 1795-1867, married to Mary x
- Roesch 1880-1943, son of Henry and Anna Haffner, married to Martha Jane Scheinert in 1904
- Roesch ca 1839-1900/, married to Anna Haffner in 1864
- Rogers 1823-, son of William Kissane and Aphra Lloyd
- Rogers 1772-1820, son of Josiah Hill and Frances Elizabeth Hargrove, married to Nancy Crutchfield in 1794
- Rogers 1728-1795, son of Henry and Sarah Remington
- Rogers 1687-1764, son of Henry and Mary Excell, married to Sarah Remington in 1716
- Rogers 1649-1724, married to Mary Excell in 1675
- Rogers 1542-, son of William and Matilda England
- Rogers 1446-1507, son of John and Anne Echingham, married to Anne Stourton
- Rohns, with Minnie Bolen
- Rohr, married to Elizabeth Hoffman
- Rohrer 1752, married to Mary Musselman
- Rolfe 1860-1930, married to Francis Ann Bush in 1878
- Rolfe 1750-, son of Henry and Elizabeth Toppan
- Rolfe 1706-, son of Henry and Hannah Toppan, married to Elizabeth Toppan in 1738
- Rolfe 1678-1722, son of John and Mary Scullard, married to Margaret Connolly in 1699
- Rolfe 1677-1752, son of Benjamin and Apphia Hale, married to Hannah Toppan in 1705
- Rolfe 1587-, son of John and Dorothea Mason
- Rolfe 1583-1643, son of John and Honour x, married to Honour Rolfe in 1621
- Rolfe ca 1580-, son of Henry and Alice Will
- Rolfe 1545-, son of Richard Henry and Agnes Butler, married to Alice Will in 1571
- Roll 1862-1934, son of George and Gertrude Jerge, married to Mary Lichter in 1889
- Rolle 1575-1616, son of Henry and Elizabeth Watts, married to Ann Dennis
- Rolle 1542-1625, married to Elizabeth Watts in 1576
- Rolle ca 1530-1601/, son of George and Eleanor Dacres, with Margaret Yeo
- Rolleston, son of William and Lucia x, father of Ralph
Rolleston (de) ca 1245-, father of Ralph- Rollins ca 1740-1812, with Mary Carson
- Romero 1798, married to Mary Lusara
- Romig 1767-1822, son of Joseph and Anna Maria Walbert, married to Catherine Elizabeth Ritter
- Root 1813-1869, son of Eleazar and Lucinda Bostwick, married to Lovina Norton in 1834
- Root 1797-, son of Seth and Tryphosa Warner
- Root 1767-1829, son of Aaron and Jerusha Steele
- Roper 1899-1918, son of Abel Mosley and Rachel Rawlinson, married to Jessie Mae Sheriff in 1918
- Roper 1822-1906, married to Mary Ann Grayson in 1843
- Roper 1788-1845, married to Rachel Farley
- Roper ca 1676-1724, son of Christopher and Elizabeth Brown, married to Anne Lennard in 1718
- Roper, with Anna Bornholdt
- Rose, son of George W. and Sarah Emily Bryant, married to Marine L. Gernis in 1893
- Rosenberger ca 1810-, son of Jacob and Maria Detweiler
- Rosenberger ca 1680-/1749, married to Barbara x
- Rosenkrans 1745-, son of Johannes and Susanna Schoonmaker
- Rosewarne 1779-1835, son of Edward and Honour Bawden, married to Susannah Hosken in 1817
- Rosewarne 1695-1770, son of William and Grace Philips, married to Gertrude Thomas in 1720
- Ross 1885-1931, married to Lillie Louise Henrietta Meyer in 1909
- Ross 1818-1907, with Druscilla x
- Roth 1846-1945, father of Iola M.
- Rowe ca 1804-, son of Michael and Christiana Smith, married to Catherine Stallsmith in 1827
- Rowe 1800-, with Nancy x
- Rowland 1742-1773, son of John and Elizabeth Terrell, with Penelope Clark
- Rowland ca 1620-1690, married to Rebecca Wheeler
- Rowland †1775, with Tamar Sherman
Rowley 1598-1673, married to Sarah Ann Palmer in 1630- Rozier 1758-/1802, son of Henry and Eleanor Neale, married to Sarah Ann Edelen in 1779
- Rozier 1725-1802, son of Notley and Elizabeth Whetenhall, married to Eleanor Neale in 1757
- Ruble 1776-1858..1860, son of Peter and Catharine Wirt, married to Barbara Hunter in 1800
- Rubright 1735-1797, married to Elizabeth Katherina Billman in 1755
- Rudd 1885-, son of Ole and Matilda Hendrickson
- Rudge, married to Annie Elizabeth Hemming
- Rudy, with Ellen x
- Ruff, married to Hannah Preston in 1757
- Rulon 1732-1792, son of David Cooper and Exercise Allen, married to Theodosia Robbins
- Rummel ca 1808-, son of Christian and Elizabeth Sell
- Rummel 1795-, son of Jacob and Margaret Sontag
- Rummel 1792-, son of Peter and Margaret Welty
- Rummel 1766-1831, son of George and Catherine Schedron, married to Elizabeth Berger in 1795, Margaret Shields in 1816
- Rumrill 1743-, son of John and Abigail Chandler
- Runyon, with Lily Crooks
- Rush 1800-1875, married to Nancy Dantzler
- Rush 1745-1815, son of William and Elizabeth Lewis
- Rushton 1847-1873, son of Mark and Rachel Noble, with Ella Van Ornum
Russell ca 1401-1463..1464, son of Stephen and Alice de la Tour, with Elizabeth Herring- Russell 1363-, son of William, father of John
- Russell, with Sarah Adams
- Rust 1613-1684, with Hannah x
- Rutledge 1785-1868, married to Sarah Whiles
- Rutliff 1838-1919, son of John George and Eliza x, with Elizabeth Frances Tillotson
- Ruyle 1715-1790, with Catherine x
- Ryves, father of Arabella King
- S
- Sacheverell 1608-1662, son of William and Tabitha Spencer, married to Joyce Maunsfield in 1636
- Sacheverell ca 1475-, son of John and Joan Stathum, with Elizabeth Isabella Montgomery
- Sachsen Meissen (van) 1256-1282, son of Albrecht and Margaretha van Hohenstaufen
- Saddler ca 1796-1871, with Margaret Card
- Sadler 1819-1869, married to Susan Abernethy
- Sager 1801-1865, son of Robert and Hannah Jarvis, married to Susan M. Nye in 1825
- Salisbury /1741-1821, with Catharine Head
- Salisbury 1365-, son of Ralph and Margaret Cadwgan, with Agnes Courtois
- Salisbury, son of John and Katherine de St. Maur, with Nest verch Cynwrig
- Salter 1642..1649-, father of Richard
- Samson /1604-1684, son of James and Martha Cooper, married to Ann Plummer in 1636
- Sanchez 1902-1902, son of Marco and Luisa Valentina Aguiar
- Sanchez, son of Ben and Lily x, with Loretta Garcia
- Sanders 1827-1896, married to Christina Augstadt
- Sanders 1824-1874, son of Henry Simeon and Orpha Sims, married to Mary Ann Nunnally in 1844
- Sanders 1751-1834, son of Joseph and Mary Lamb, married to Theodocia Blake in 1778
- Sanders 1676-1754/, son of Henry, married to Anna Bates in 1700
- Sanders ca 1645-/1685, father of Anna
- Sandhoff 1860-1909, married to Sarah Emma Patterson
- Sands 1725-1781, son of Edward and Mary Cornell, with Martha Cornell
- Sandys 1605-1694, son of Edwin and Katherine Bulkeley, married to Catherine Sutliff
- Sandys 1520-1555, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Manners, married to Elizabeth Windsor in 1542
- Sargent 1723-1773, son of Timothy and Mary Williams
- Sater 1689-1754, son of Alexander and Sarah Godfrey, married to Dorcus Towson in 1739
- Saunders 1668-/1769, son of James and Hannah Tewksbury, married to Mary Mitchell in 1711
- Savage †/1702, with Elizabeth Walford
- Savidge ca 1765-, son of John and Elizabeth Runyon, with X Christianna
- Saville 1512-1592, son of John and Margery Gledhill, married to Elizabeth Ramsden in 1536
- Saville ca 1498-1558, son of John and Elizabeth Paston, with Margaret Barkston
- Saville ca 1383-/1437, son of Henry and Elizabeth Thornhill, with Eleanor Copley
Saville 1355-1437, son of John and Isabel Eland, with Elizabeth Thornhill- Sawrey 1777-1844, married to Mary Sherrod
- Sawyer 1849-1866, son of William and Caroline Chapman
- Sawyer 1696-1755, son of William and Abigail Lillie, married to Sarah Nurse in 1718
- Sawyer, with Elizabeth French
- Saxton 1831-1898, married to Zilpha L. Bates in 1852
- Saxton 1767-1839, son of James and Sarah Noble
Saye (de) ca 1087-1129/, son of Robert Fitzpicot, father of Elias- Sayward 1625-1679, married to Mary Peasley in 1654
- Scarburgh 1619-1687, son of Edmund and Hannah Butler
- Scarburgh 1565-1617, married to Mary Humberstone in 1583
- Scarsbrook †1773, son of John and Elizabeth Cary, with Martha x
- Scearce 1775-1840, son of James and Henriette Shadrack, with Rebecca Weakley
- Scheer 1846-1911, married to Dora Blume in 1867
- Scheetz 1764-1848, son of Henry and Catherine Rubicam, with Elizabeth Hocker
- Scheetz ca 1742-1793, married to Catherine Rubicam in 1764
- Schilling 1880-, with Ethel Marble
- Schlegel 1735-1811, son of Christoph Friedrich Von Schlegel and Anna Maria Eister, married to Eva Dorothea Keefauver in 1770
- Schmidt 1868-1947, son of Henry and Margaret Harrius, married to Emma Jungknecht
- Schmidt 1832-1919, married to Margaret Harrius
- Schmitt, with Rosella Freund
- Schnebly 1728-1805, son of Heinrich Schneebeli and Barbara Zimmerman, married to Elizabeth Schaefer in 1753
- Schoelerman 1878..1879-, son of Nicholas R. and Sophia x
- Schoen 1879-1954, son of X Barthalamu, married to Laura Ida Bock in 1906, Ethel J. Babcock in 1941
- Schofield 1852, married to Mary Heywood in 1874
- Schoolfield 1700-1786, married to Ann Bozman in 1723
- Schoonhover 1740-1804, son of Henricus Van Schoonhoven and Johanna Decker, with Rebecca Montanye
- Schoonmaker 1802-, son of Hendricus and Anna Sabina Wynkoop
- Schoonover 1775, son of Benjamin and Mary Hand, married to Mary Canfield in 1801
- Schrock 1780-1858, son of Henry and Catherine Hausman, married to Mary Fletcher
- Schrock 1755-, married to Catherine Hausman in 1774
- Schroeder 1815-1895, married to Dorothy Metz in 1837
- Schultz, with Carrie x
- Schumacher 1823-1901, with Sophia Wendt
- Schumaker 1895-, son of David M. and Theresa Aguilar
- Schumhl, with Marie Kitzrou
- Scoonover 1845-, son of James and Thankful Hussey Randall
Scotland (of) ca 1114-1152, son of David and Maud of Huntingdon, married to Adelaide de Warenne in 1139- Scott 1806-1855, son of Daniel and Esther Hickok
- Scott ca 1797-, with Matilda Fairbanks
- Scott 1740-1817, son of Robert and Elizabeth Elliot, married to Agnes Sibbald in 1781
- Scott 1738..1739-1825, with Mary Dean
- Scott 1701-, married to Mary Hurlbut
- Scott 1655-1714, married to Anne Wright
- Scott /1560-1624, son of Edmund and Joan x, married to Martha Whatlock in 1594
- Scranton 1796-1868, son of Hamlet and Hannah Dimmock, with Calista Moore, Ardelia Moore in 1823
- Scribner 1803-, son of Ebenezer and Eleanor Morrell, with Catherine Lydia Saunders
- Scrope ca 1538-, son of John le Scrope and Catherine Clifford, with Margaret Howard
- Scrope ca 1514-, son of Henry and Margaret d'Acre
- Scrope ca 1490-ca 1533, son of Henry and Elizabeth Percy, with Margaret d'Acre
- Scrope 1468-1506, son of John and Joan FitzHugh, with Elizabeth Percy
- Scruggs 1687-1760, son of Henry and Anne Grosse, married to Elizabeth Napier
- Scruggs 1658-1738, married to Anne Grosse
- Scrymgeour Wedderburn 1872-1924, married to Edith Moffat in 1901
- Scudder ca 1626-1661, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Somers, married to Catherine Estey in 1655
- Scudder 1583-1652, son of Henry and Elizabeth x
- Scudder ca 1558-1594..1595, son of John and X Lowers, married to Elizabeth x
- Scudder 1536-, son of Henry and Alice x
- Scudder 1521-, son of Thomas and Alice x
- Scudder 1512-1567, son of John and Margaret x, married to Alice x in 1532
- Scudder 1470-1504, father of Thomas
- Seabright 1882-1929, son of Henry F. and Ida Bell Hall
- Seager 1686-1724, son of Henry and Sarah Bishop, married to Ruth Learned in 1709
- Seager ca 1646-1724, married to Sarah Bishop in 1671
- Seaman 1683-1752, son of Solomon and Elizabeth Linnington, married to Rebecca Fowler in 1717
- Sears 1830-1899, son of Hardy and Dicy Rigsby, with Mary Elizabeth Christy
- Seaton 1684-, married to Elizabeth Todd in 1710
- Seavey 1719-1803, son of Samuel and Abigail Foss, father of Sarah
- Seavey 1660-/1697, son of Thomas and Tamsen x, with Sarah Pierce
- Seavey /1634-, son of Henry and Hellen Baron
- Seavey 1566-, married to Hellen Baron in 1592
- Sell 1836-, son of John and Susannah Stephens
- Sell 1834-, son of Jonathan and Rebecca Jones
- Sell 1828-1915, son of Jacob and Mary Whitmyer, married to Eliza Jane Bankert in 1853
- Sell ca 1789-1834, son of John and Susannah Helmann
- Sell 1786..1800-1818/, son of Henry and Sophia x
- Sell 1777-1849, son of Henry and Anna Maria Pennebaker, with Elizabeth Warde
- Sell 1775-1855, son of Jacob and Christina Hes-Zohn, father of John
- Sell 1759..1761-1818, son of Solomon and Sophia Fischer, married to Sophia x in 1780
- Sell 1755..1757-, son of Henry and Anna Margretha x
- Sell 1740-1797, son of John and Anna Maria Rudi, with Anna Maria Pennebaker
- Sell 1731..1732-/1785, son of Jonathan and Hannah Wyeth
- Sell 1722..1729-1797, son of Hendrick Sellen and Margaret x, married to Anna Margretha x in 1749
- Sells 1895-, son of Peter and Mary Fronia Parker
- Sells 1849-1900, son of Phillip Henry and Louisa Jane Ledbetter, married to Nancy Jane Cravens in 1870, Missouri Belle Winningham in 1890
- Sells 1848-, son of Jonathan and Rebecca Stanfield, with Louisa Hale
- Sells ca 1816-1854, son of Jonathon, with Barbara Swyhart
- Sells ca 1816-, with Anna x
- Sells 1795-1858, son of Joseph Henry Old Henry and X x, married to Mary Ringley Smith in 1815
- Sells 1760..1763-/1824, son of Anthony and Mary Anna Noel, with Elizabeth x
- Sells, son of John Henry and Dora Belle Holt
- Sellwood 1782-1867, married to Sarah Franklin in 1812
- Senter 1760-1832, son of Stephen and Mary Sims, married to Rebecca Avent
- Seton 1894-1974, son of Alfred and Mary Louise Barbey, married to Louise Brimmer Inches
- Seton 1838-1904, son of William and Emily Prime, married to Ann Foster in 1870
- Seton 1774-, son of William and Rebecca Curson
- Sewall 1628-1665, son of Richard and Mary Dugdale, married to Jane Lowe in 1655
- Sewall 1614-1700, son of Henry and Anne Hunt, married to Jane Dummer in 1646
- Sewall 1576-1656, son of Henry Sewell and Margaret Grazebrook, married to Anne Hunt in 1614
- Sewall †1722, married to Elizabeth Lawson
- Seward 1674-1734, married to Mary Huntress in 1694
- Sewell 1632-1700, son of Henry and Alice Willoughby, married to Johanna Warner in 1673
- Sewell ca 1601-/1644, married to Alice Willoughby in 1630
- Sewell 1544-1628, son of William Henry and Matilda Ann Horne, married to Margaret Grazebrook in 1575
- Seymour 1834-, son of James and Mira A. x
- Seymour 1808-, son of Moses and Mabel Strong
- Seymour 1780-1837, son of Moses and Mary Marsh, married to Mary Ledyard Forman in 1807
- Seymour 1640, son of Thomas and Anne Anderson, married to Elisabeth Tregonwell in 1688
- Seymour 1626-1653, son of William and Frances Devereux, married to Mary Capell in 1648
- Seymour 1612-, son of Edward and Dorothy Killigrew
- Seymour 1539-, son of Edward and Anne Stanhope
- Seymour 1514..1516-1578, son of John and Margery Wentworth, married to Barbara Morgan in 1539
- Shackelford 1764-1842, son of Francis and Eunice Terry, married to Nancy Crump in 1803
- Shackelford 1702-1780, son of Henry and Frances Gatewood, father of Francis
- Shackelford 1672-1723, son of Roger and Mary Palmer, married to Frances Gatewood
- Shank ca 1829-, with Elizabeth x
- Shank 1758-1836, son of Michael and Magdalena x, married to Anna Magdalena Reiff
- Sharp 1789-1823, son of Thomas and Mary Treadwell
- Sharp 1772-1824, son of Henry and Lydia Morgan, married to Rhoda Beauchamp in 1815
- Sharp 1737-1800, married to Lydia Morgan
- Sharp 1729-1772, married to Mary Gray
- Sharp 1659-, son of William and Hannah x
- Shaw ca 1819-, father of James Henry
- Shea 1797-1845, with Ann Rossiter
- Shears 1816-1882, son of Henry W. and Maria Brown, with Mary Benson
- Shelley 1540-1623, son of Henry and Ann Sackville, married to Barbara Cromer in 1578
- Shelley 1496-1565, son of Edward and Joan Eden, married to Ann Sackville
- Shelton 1738-1799, son of Thomas and Ann Pollard, married to Eleanor Ray in 1758
Shelton (de) 1225-1286, son of Ralph and Catherine de Illegh, father of John- Shenk 1817-1876, son of Jacob Shank and Frances Miller, married to Susan Brenneman in 1838
- Shepard, with Tabitha Major
- Sherburne 1709-1767, son of Henry and Dorothy Wentworth, married to Sarah Warner in 1740
- Sherburne ca 1688-1760, son of Henry and Sarah Wiggin, married to Mary Larrabee in 1709
- Sherburne 1674-1757, son of Samuel and Love Hutchins, married to Dorothy Wentworth
- Sherburne ca 1666-1738/, son of John and Elizabeth Tuck, with Sarah Wiggin
- Sherburne /1611-/1680, son of Joseph, married to Rebecca Gibbons in 1637
- Sherer 1804-1881, married to Anna M. Bear in 1837
- Sheriff ca 1906-/1993, married to Laura Mary Shaner in 1930
- Sherman 1773-, son of Nathan and Lucy Tisdale, with Sarah Mitchell
- Sherman 1730-1805, son of Jabez and Jedidah Hawes, married to Ruth Akin in 1749
- Sherman 1724-, son of Eber and Martha Remington, with Anna Higginbotham
- Sherman 1705-1729, son of Philip and Hannah Wilcox Smith
- Sherman 1637-1695, with Cecily Farrar
- Sherman 1545..1547-1610, son of Henry and Agnes Butler, married to Susan Renee Lawrence in 1568
Sherman 1511..1518-1590, son of Thomas and Jane Waller, married to Agnes Butler in 1541- Sherrington 1518-1581, son of Thomas and Katherine Pyrton, married to Anne Paget in 1539
- Sherwood 1793-1857, son of Nathan and Joanna Noble
- Sherwood 1790-1854, son of Asahel and Phoebe x, married to Saloma Cook
- Shewell 1765-1844, married to Mercy Hazen in 1790
- Shiffer 1783-1867, married to Elizabeth Frey in 1809
- Shinn 1810-1891, son of Daniel and Mary Whiteman, married to Harriet Walker in 1837
- Shinpaugh 1814-1874, married to Susan Letsinger in 1832
- Shipley 1783-1833, son of George and Sarah Welsh, with Sarah Scott
- Shippee 1720, son of Thomas and Sarah Place, married to Zerviah Brown in 1743
- Shirley 1588-1633, son of George and Frances Berkeley, married to Dorothy Devereux in 1615
- Shively 1762-1821, married to Elizabeth Green
- Shofner 1795-1859, married to Millie x
- Shofner 1755-1847, son of Johann Michael and Anna Margaretha Vogleman, married to Chloe Hart in 1780
- Shook 1821-1870, married to Elizabeth Nicholas
- Shook ca 1817-1876, son of Valentine and Nancy Risher, married to Susanna Bowers in 1846
- Shoptaugh 1774-1836, son of John, married to Rebecca Reznar in 1797, Mary Frazure in 1835
- Shore, father of Catherine Ann
- Short 1652-1706, with Anne Sewall
- Short 1651-1706, son of Henry and Sarah Glover, married to Sarah Whipple in 1674
- Short 1642-1675, son of Henry and Elizabeth Bridham, married to Miriam Ingram in 1662
- Short 1614-1675/, married to Elizabeth Bridham in 1638
- Short 1601-1673, married to Sarah Glover in 1648
- Shoup 1767-1850, son of Sebastian and Maria Margaret Teagarden, married to Barbara Amanda Fluck in 1795
- Showen, with Elizabeth Stickler
- Shrimpton 1604-1666, son of Thomas and Katharine Turner, married to Eleanor x
- Shriver 1841-1898, son of Joseph and Henrietta Jane Cansten, with Sarah Van Lear Perry
- Shuart ca 1770-, with Rachel DeGrow
- Shuey 1781-1843, son of Johann Ludwig and Anna Maria Loesch, with Catherine Hanger
- Shuler ca 1761-/1834, son of William and Elizabeth Tyson, with Elizabeth x
- Shumaker 1851-1896, married to Trinidad Escalante in 1887
- Shumway 1821-1886, son of Henry and Olive Billings, married to Lydia Blackmere in 1851
- Shumway 1794-1868, son of Nathan and Isabel Thayer, married to Olive Billings in 1818
- Sidenberg 1844-1925, with Marie Brooks
- Siepman 1860..1861-, father of Helen
- Sill 1786-, son of Andrew and Helena Talcott Dorr, married to Abigail Dimock in 1818
- Silsbee 1613-/1700, son of Henry and Mary Randes, married to Dorothy Eaton
- Silsbee 1577-1645, married to Mary Randes in 1602
- Silva, son of Manuel and Annie Kamaka'Iwa Poe McCandless
- Simcoe 1788-1851, married to Ann Boughton in 1808
- Simmons 1766-1824, married to Susan Michael
- Simpson 1822-, son of Moses and Permelia Wyatt
- Simpson 1703, son of Joseph and Hannah Lewis, married to Sarah Johnson
- Simpson 1638-1692, married to Abigail Moulton
- Simpson, son of William Barnham and Mary Anna Harrison Coleman
- Sinclair ca 1575-/1622, son of John and Jean Hepburn, with Janet Sutherland
- Sinclair ca 1549-, son of George and Elizabeth Graham
- Sinclair 1528-1601, son of William and Elizabeth Keith, married to Janet Lindsay in 1547
- Sinclair 1459-1513, son of William and Christian Leslie, married to Margaret Hepburn in 1488
Sinclair 1373-1422/, son of Henry and Jean Haliburton, with Egidia Douglas
Sinclair 1345-1421, son of William and Isabella Graham de Strathearn, married to Jean Haliburton in 1371
Sinclair ca 1192-/1215, son of William and Agnes Dunbar, with Katherine de Strathearn- Singleton 1620-1680, son of Robert and Mary x, with Susan Newman
- Skaggs 1724-1809, son of James and Rachel Moredock, married to Mary Thompson
- Skiles 1773-1857, son of Henry and Mary Creighton, married to Elizabeth Hamilton in 1802
- Skiles 1749-1829, son of John and Mary Henderson, married to Mary Creighton
- Skiles 1699-1750, son of Thomas and Naomi Bozman, married to Catherine Harmon
- Skinner 1776-1853, son of Joseph and Mary Bromley
- Skinner, married to Aurelia Lyon in 1810
- Skipwith 1589-1655, son of William and Margaret Cave, married to Amy Kempe in 1609
- Skipwith 1539-1588, son of William and Alice Dymoke, with Jane Hall
- Slack 1790..1793-, son of William and Alice Woods
- Slagel 1765-1860, son of Christian John Schlegel and Marie Nancy Klepsattel, married to Margaret Kraemer in 1814
- Slawson 1744..1745-1804, son of James and Elizabeth Howe, married to Mary Osborn in 1767
- Sledge ca 1780-ca 1840, with Elizabeth x
- Slingsby 1601-1658, son of Henry and Frances Vavasour, married to Barbara Belasyse in 1631
- Slingsby ca 1560-1634, son of Francis and Mary Percy, married to Frances Vavasour
- Slye 1675-, son of Christopher and Elizabeth x, with Lydia x
- Smail 1804-1882, son of Jacob and Anna Maria Frey, married to Sophronia McKissick
- Smeltzer 1825-1895, son of Michael and Susannah Rhodes, married to Elizabeth Yoder in 1851
- Smink 1837-1910, married to Anna Catherine Kauffman in 1859
- Smith 1880-, son of James and Sarah Jane Elliott
- Smith 1840-, with Catharine x
- Smith 1839-1909, married to Elisabeth Hunter in 1866
- Smith 1826-1890, son of Henry and Lucille Melville
- Smith 1821-1895, married to Sabina Remaly
- Smith 1798-1874, married to Louisa Stone in 1824
- Smith 1794-1874, married to Lucille Melville in 1825
- Smith 1777-1839, son of Mark Nicholas and Rebekah Dawson, married to Sarah Parks
- Smith 1770-1837, son of Henry and Jane Spencer Arthur, married to Susanna Smith in 1794
- Smith 1745-1828, married to Elizabeth Metcalf in 1768
- Smith 1727-1792, son of John and Margaret x, married to Amy x
- Smith 1724-1784, son of John and Sarah Scott, married to Alice Hill in 1753
- Smith 1724-1772, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Emmons, married to Lucretia Moore
- Smith 1720-1789, married to Jane Spencer Arthur in 1756
- Smith 1714-1787..1789, married to Sarah Crosby in 1734
- Smith 1705-1756, son of Joseph and Hannah Tidd, married to Mary Smith in 1738
- Smith 1682-1773, son of Thomas and Abigail Rice, married to Hannah Blodgett in 1704
- Smith 1680-1743, son of Samuel and Sarah Clark, married to Deborah Pratt in 1702, Mary Adams in 1708, Ruth Barber in 1730
- Smith 1679-1766, son of William Henry and Martha Tunstall, married to Anna Shepard in 1705
- Smith 1673-1735, son of Henry and Elizabeth Cooper, married to Hannah Lincoln
- Smith ca 1665-1701, married to Mary Brooks
- Smith 1632-1676, son of Henry and Judith Cooper, married to Elizabeth Cooper in 1657
- Smith 1619-1687, son of Thomas and Ann Sayer, married to Hannah Gorges in 1638, Ann Jackson
- Smith ca 1610-1681, son of Thomas and Frances Sanford, married to Ann Pynchon in 1639
- Smith 1607-1683..1687, married to Elizabeth Turner in 1630
- Smith ca 1600-1647, married to Judith Cooper in 1623
- Smith 1597-, married to Dorothy x in 1618
- Smith 1588..1599-1648, married to Dorothy Cotton in 1635
- Smith, with Sarah Crosby
- Smith, married to Sarah Adams in 1713
- Smith, with Tabitha Churchill
- Snelgrove ca 1815-, son of Benjamin Harrison and Catherine x
- Snelgrove, son of John, father of Freeman
- Snell 1777-1852, married to Catherine Bidelman
- Snively 1801-1890, son of Henry and Mary Heavenor, married to Sarah Hershey
- Snively 1763-1841, son of Hans Konrad Schnebli and Mary Elizabeth Schwartz, married to Mary Heavenor in 1794
- Snow 1725-1770, son of Joseph and Bridgett x, married to Miriam Rust in 1750
- Snow 1707, son of Ebenezer and Hope Horton, married to Rebecca Berry in 1736
- Snowden †1725, married to Parnell Lakin
- Snyder 1854-1949, married to Frances Doral Goforth
- Snyder 1842..1843-, son of Lorenzo A. and Amanda Martha McAfee
- Snyder ca 1801-1860..1870, with Maria DeForest
- Snyder, with Mary Breneneman
- Soane /1622-, married to Judith Fuller in 1642
- Sober 1588-, father of Thomas
- Somerby 1612-1652, son of Richard and Mary Fawkener, married to Judith Greenleaf in 1645
- Somerset 1792-1853, son of Henry Charles and Charlotte Sophie Leveson-Gower, married to Emily Frances Smith in 1822
- Somerset 1744-1803, son of Charles Noel and Elizabeth Berkeley, married to Elisabeth Boscaven in 1766
- Somerset 1707-, son of Henry and Rachel Noel, married to Frances Scudamore in 1729
- Somerset 1684-1714, son of Charles and Rebecca Child, married to Rachel Noel in 1705
- Somerset ca 1629-, son of Edward and Elizabeth Dormer, married to Mary Capell in 1657
- Somerset 1577-1646, son of Edward and Elizabeth Hastings, married to Anne Russell in 1600
- Somerset ca 1496-1549, son of Charles and Elizabeth Herbert, married to Margaret Courtenay in 1514, Elizabeth Browne
- Somerville 1853-1892, son of Samuel Wilson and Jennie Grant Beasley Farish, married to Mary Mercer Long in 1880
- Sonn 1844, son of Hess and Henriette Rothfield, married to Eva Childs in 1880
- Sontag 1840-1911, with Eva Steffen
- Soper ca 1640-1695..1696, son of Thomas and Anne Mitchell, married to Sarah Wattles
- Sorrels 1848-, son of John and Grace Popejoy
- Sothill ca 1409-1493, son of Gerard and Joanna Salvain, married to Anne Boyville
- Sothill 1360-1430, married to Joan FitzWilliam
- Sothill 1338-1410, married to Eleanor Moseley
- Sothill †1506, son of John and Elizabeth Plumpton, with Jane Empson
- Sothoron 1732-1793, son of John and Elizabeth Donaldson, married to Mary Margaret Bond
- Souther 1810-1882, son of John and Lydia Nichols Lincoln, married to Eliza Phipps in 1833
- Souther 1712-/1784, married to Juliann x in 1740
- Southmayd 1836-1873, son of Erastus and Clarissa Rice, married to Orlena Beckwith in 1865
- Southmayd 1812-, son of John and Ruth Baker
- Southmayd 1789-, son of William and Desire Clay, with Clarissa x
- Spalding 1747-1816, son of Basil and Catherine Green, married to Nancy Anne Elder in 1773
- Sparhawk 1854..1855-, son of Noah and Maria Baker
- Sparhawk 1766-1813, son of Ebenezer and Abigail Stearns, married to Lucinda Lamb in 1795
- Sparks 1696-1755, son of Richard and Margaret Ann Hamilton, father of George
- Sparks 1684-1768, son of Henry and Martha Barrett, married to Hannah Lamson in 1709
- Sparks 1646-1694, married to Martha Barrett in 1676
- Sparrow 1765-1840, married to Lucy Hanks in 1791
- Spaulding 1706-1792, son of Henry and Elizabeth Lund, married to Lucy Proctor in 1725
- Spaulding 1703-, son of Andrew and Abigail Warren
- Spaulding 1680-1720, son of Andrew and Hannah Jefts, married to Elizabeth Lund in 1703
- Speece, with Margeratta Kraus
- Speed 1777-1824, son of James and Mary Spencer, married to Maria Smith
- Speers 1777-1820, with Rachel Tackett
- Speers, married to Harriet Hemings
- Speiden 1868-, son of Clement Coote and Ellen Douglas Norris, married to Harriet Utterback in 1895
- Spencer 1620-1652, son of William and Penelope Wriothesley, married to Dorothy Sidney in 1639
Spencer ca 1392-1476..1478, son of Thomas and Dorothy x, married to Isabella Lincoln in 1417- Spencer, son of Jude R. and Content Rathbun
- Spicer 1867-1939, married to Annabelle Thurston in 1888
- Spiller 1670-1740, married to Sarah Moore in 1693
- Spinke 1621-/1695, son of X, married to Eleanor Edwards in 1663
- Spinks 1947, married to Stephanie R. Lough in 2005
- Spitler 1833-, son of John and Susannah Raub
- Spitzer, with Catherine Wentz
- Spohn 1787-1872, son of Adam Phillip and Catherine Binkley, with Barbara Fry
- Spottwood 1610-, married to Jean Bulkeley
- Sprague 1835-, son of Norman and Laura Perkins, with Mary Augusta Dickinson
- Sprague 1808-1891, son of Silas and Sarah Crofoot, married to Louisa C. Walker in 1833
- Sprague 1769-1791, son of Joseph and Phyllis Jillson
- Spratt 1650-1686, married to Isabella Dudley in 1673
- Sprenkle 1740-1814, son of William and Anna Catharina Ehrhardt, with Catherine Imler
- Spring 1720, son of Henry and Keziah Converse, married to Sarah Winship in 1743
- Spring 1692-1756, son of Henry and Lydia Cutting, married to Keziah Converse in 1718
- Spring 1662-1749, son of Henry and Mehitable Bartlett, married to Lydia Cutting in 1685
- Spring ca 1628-ca 1697, son of John and Elinor x, married to Mehitable Bartlett in 1658
- Springfield 1791-1836, son of Thomas H. and Laodicea Langston, married to Levinia Smith in 1813
- Sprinkle 1772-1830, son of Henry and Anna Mary Nunemaker, married to Catherina Loesch in 1794
- Sprinkle 1745-1823, son of John Michael and Anna Margaret Miller, married to Anna Mary Nunemaker in 1764
- Sprissler 1889-1963, son of Karl Charles Spriessler and Helena Lena May, married to Caroline Isabella Dunn in 1910
- Squire 1558..1563-1649, son of William and Margaret Mar, married to Charlotte Mackrell in 1586
- Squire, married to Judith Vodden
- St. Arnould 1846-, married to Mary Ledyard Seymour in 1901
- St. Clair 1660-1723, son of John and Catharine Sinclair, married to Barbara Grizel Cockburn in 1680
- St. George /1581-1644, son of Richard and Elizabeth St. John, married to Mary Dayrell in 1614
St. George 1223-1317, married to Alice de Brentville
St. John ca 1545-1598, son of Alexander and Jane Dalyson, married to Jane Neale- St. Louis 1847-, with Louise Chartrand
- St. Quinton 1606-, son of William St. Quintin and Mary de Lacy, with Mary Stapleton
- Stacy 1656-1689, son of Robert, with Mary x
- Stacy 1640-1702, married to Hannah Ingalls in 1673
- Staffelbach 1885-1976, son of William H. and Clara L. Gilliland, married to Alice Clifford Edgerton in 1912
- Stafford 1817-, son of Joseph and Susannah Hopkins
- Stafford 1501-1563, son of Edward and Eleanor Percy, with Ursula Pole
- Stafford ca 1479-, son of Henry and Catherine Woodville
Stafford 1454-1483, son of Humphrey and Margaret Beaufort, with Catherine Woodville- Stafford ca 1425-1471, son of Humphrey and Anne Neville, married to Margaret Beaufort in 1458
- Stahl 1778-1845, son of Michael and Esther Kensinger, married to Rachel Mann in 1805
- Stallsmith 1810..1811-, son of Franz and Margaret Puffenberger, with Elizabeth Scheitz
- Stambaugh 1814-1892, son of Henry and Catherine Brillhart, with Leah Denlinger
- Stambaugh 1789-1854, son of Johan Heinrich and Susanna x, with Catherine Brillhart
Standish (de) ca 1316-1396, son of John and Margaret x, married to Joan de Worsley in 1331- Stangle ca 1895-, with Ann x
- Stanhope ca 1612-1634, son of Philip and Catherine Hastings, married to Catherine Wotton in 1628
- Stanley 1640, son of Peter and Elizabeth Woolfall, married to Elizabeth Keyse
- Stanley 1531-1594, son of Edward and Dorothy Howard, married to Margaret Clifford in 1554, Jane Halsall
- Stanley ca 1515-1598, son of James and Anne Hart, married to Margaret Stanley in 1563
- Stansbury, with Ida Gilpin
- Stanton ca 1758-, son of Joseph and Mary Gardiner
- Stanton 1719-1798, son of Henry and Mary Hull, married to Alice Borden, Hope Borden in 1750
- Stanton 1701-, married to Sarah Scoville in 1736
- Stanton 1688-ca 1751, son of John and Mary Clarke, married to Mary Hull in 1707, Lydia Albertson in 1745
- Stapleton 1857-1903, son of James Carter and Nancy Susan Salyer, married to Frances Ludena Salyer in 1877
- Stapleton 1572-, son of Robert and Katherine Constable, married to Mary Forster in 1599
- Stapleton †1679, son of Bryan and Frances Slingsby
- Stark 1798-, son of Henry and Elizabeth Kennedy
- Stark 1762-1807, son of James and Elizabeth Carey, married to Elizabeth Kennedy in 1791
- Stark, son of George Henry and Margaret x
- Starkweather 1826-, son of Rodney and Jane Starkweather
- Starr ca 1771-1830..1840, married to Martha Elizabeth Chism in 1796
- Staub, with Hannah Mary Haines
- Steadman, with Mary Fletcher
- Stehle ca 1765-, son of Ulrich and Anna x
- Steinbeck 1885-, son of William and Mary Trinece, married to Gladys J. Jenkins in 1920
- Stemen 1775-1855, son of Christian Stehman and Hannah Bear, married to Mary Beery in 1794
- Stephenson 1802-1875, married to Mary Ann Sanderson
- Sterling 1795-, son of Isaac and Margaret Sally Jones, married to Abigail Murch
- Sterry 1836-1909, son of Elisha Yarrington and Adeline Parmelia Lockwood, with Mary Jane Hill
- Stevens 1709-1789, son of Henry and Elizabeth Fellows, with Elizabeth Jones, Sarah Babcock in 1731
- Stevens 1681-1749, son of Henry and Elizabeth Gallup, married to Elizabeth Fellows in 1708
- Stevens 1656-1699, son of Henry and Mary Buckminster, married to Joanna Leek in 1677
- Stevens ca 1644-1726, with Elizabeth Gallup
- Stevens 1611-1690, married to Mary Buckminster in 1651
- Stevens, with Susannah Larmar Stateler
- Stevenson 1703-1775, son of Edward and Mary King, married to Jemima Merryman in 1735
- Stevenson ca 1698-/1748, married to Ann Curlett in 1720
- Stewart 1749-1840, son of William and Eleanor King, married to Elizabeth Pakenham in 1793
- Stewart 1636-1683, married to Margaret Renshaw in 1656
- Stewart 1495-1547, son of Andrew and Margaret Kennedy, with Janet Stewart
- Stewart 1418-1480, son of David and Margaret Dundas, married to Marion Ogilvy
- Stier 1781-1847, son of Jacob and Margaret Barbara Mullerin, married to Ann Burgess in 1812
- Stiffler 1782-1861, son of Jacob and Anna Catherine Meyer, married to Nancy Hoover
- Stigerwalt ca 1849-1853, son of Joseph and Margaret Riegel
- Stiles 1785-1866, son of Dorus and Sally Barker, married to Salacia Avery in 1819
- Stiles 1704, married to Hannah Townsend
- Stiles 1664-1747, son of Henry and Elizabeth Wilcoxson, married to Sarah Parsons
- Stiles 1629-1724, son of John and Rachel x, married to Elizabeth Wilcoxson in 1663
- Stillman 1784-, son of Joseph and Elizabeth Maxson
- Stillwell 1795-1866, son of Christopher and Lavinia DeGroff, married to Ann Bogart
- Stinchcombe 1782-1848, son of Daniel and Sarah Guest, married to Susannah Cook in 1808
- Stites 1662-1748, son of Richard and Mary Underhill, married to Hannah Garlick in 1694
- Stocker ca 1812-, son of Amos and Mary Day, with Sophrona C. Leonard
- Stoermer 1872, married to Etta Tyler Fritz
- Stokes 1808-1887, son of Whitley and Mary Anne Picknall, with Letitia Bland
- Stokes ca 1795-, son of John Henry and Nancy Patience Alford, with Rhoda Dowling
- Stokes 1624-1665, son of John and Sarah Blinkhorne, married to Elizabeth Casse
- Stokes 1603-1665, son of Henry and Amy Burles, married to Sara Sanders in 1627
- Stokes 1566-1637, son of John and Joan x, married to Amy Burles in 1596
- Stone 1777, married to Mary Roxburgh in 1803
- Stone ca 1566-1601/, son of John and Mary Hanham, married to Margerie Church in 1585
- Stonehill, with Agnes Baldwin
- Stover 1741-1798, son of Abraham and Sarah Vollmer, married to Anne Kline
- Strachey 1737-1810, son of Henry and Helen Clerk, married to Jane Kelsall in 1770
- Strachey 1707-1765, son of John and Elizabeth Elletson, married to Helen Clerk in 1736
Stradling 1423-1476/, son of Edward and Jane de Beaufort, with Elizabeth Herbert- Straight 1763-1858, married to Anna Powell in 1786
- Straight 1677-1732, son of Henry and Mary Long, married to Hannah Tolman in 1697
- Straight 1652-1728, married to Mary Long in 1676
- Strange 1695-1746, son of Alexander and Anne x, married to Mary Liptrot in 1724
- Strangeways 1634-1670, son of James and Alice Kay, married to Margret Mitford in 1650
- Strangeways 1556-1615, son of Richard and Isabel Thwaites, married to Grace Millot in 1586
- Strangeways 1506-1544, son of Giles and Joan Mordaunt, married to Margaret Manners
- Strangeways 1452-1504, son of Thomas and Eleanor Tailboys, married to Dorothy Arundel in 1482
Strangeways ca 1337-, son of Thomas and Alice x, with Isabel x- Strater ca 1813-, son of X, father of Marietta
- Stratton 1771-1873, son of Henry and Sarah Hampton, married to Martha House
- Stratton 1735-1799, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Elam, married to Sarah Hampton in 1753
- Street, with Catherine Carlton
- Streible ca 1862-, son of William and Mary Elizabeth x
- Streing ca 1695-, with Elizabeth Combs Kissam
- Streit, married to Juliann Weller in 1827
- Strickler 1756-1830, son of Henry and Mary Boehm, married to Ottilla Erisman
- Strickler 1750-1816, son of Henry and Anna Beidler, with Anna Rhode
- Strickler 1729-1796, son of Conrad and Barbara x, married to Mary Boehm in 1754
- Strickler ca 1726-1792, son of Heinrich and Susanna Stauffer, married to Anna Beidler in 1749
- Stricklin, married to Betsey Baldwin in 1822
- Stritch 1857-1942, son of George and Bridget Connely, married to Ellen Martin in 1886
- Strobridge ca 1761-1842, son of William M. and Sarah Montgomery, married to Zilpha Thomas in 1785
- Strobridge 1722-1795, son of William M. and Margaret Henry, married to Jean Gordon in 1749
- Strode (de) ca 1350-, son of Hugh and Beatrice Button, married to Elizabeth Brent in 1385
- Strode (de) ca 1275-1349/, son of Hugh, with Matilda de Beaupre
- Strunk, with Almira Simmons
- Stuart 1545-1566, son of Matthew and Margaret Douglas, married to Mary of Scotland in 1565
- Stucker 1854-1858, son of Henry and Frederica x
- Stucker 1822-1885, married to Frederica x
- Studebaker 1826-1895, son of John Clement and Rebecca Mohler, married to Susan Studebaker in 1852, Priscilla Kreighbaum in 1873
- Studebaker †1846, married to Catherine Caton in 1843
- Sturdevant 1825-1910, son of Joel and Diana Capron, married to Welthea Ann Tuttle in 1853
- Sturdevant 1800-1888, son of Abijah and Polly Penfield
- Sturdivant 1706-1772, son of Matthew and Sarah Anderson, married to Margaret Bolling
- Sturgeon 1745-1839, son of Henry and Letitia Rice, with Jane x
- Sturgeon ca 1713-ca 1797, son of Samuel and Margaret Rodgers, with Letitia Rice
- Sturwold, with Mary Bissing
- Stuttard 1831-, son of John Stoddard and Elizabeth Hewitt
- Stutzman 1826-1881, son of Paul and Mary Troyer, married to Nancy Beery in 1872
- Suddeth 1745-, son of Henry Sudduth and Mary Latham, father of Elijah
- Sudduth 1716-, son of Robert and Dinah x, married to Mary Latham in 1744
- Sudduth 1645-1732, son of David and Marie Southwood, married to Sarah Elzey
- Suder 1789-1875, with Christina Shultz
- Sudweeks 1815-1900, with Sarah Ann Sweet
- Suggitt, father of Jane Annette Suggit
- Sully (de) 1284-1336, son of Henry and Marguerite de Beaumez, married to Jeanne de Vendome
- Sully (de) 1253-1285, son of Henry and Petronelle de Joigny, married to Marguerite de Beaumez in 1282
Sully (de) 1224..1225-1269, son of Henry and Marie de Dampierre, married to Petronelle de Joigny in 1252
Sully (de) 1185-1250, son of Archambaud, married to Marie de Dampierre in 1224- Summerour 1759-1836, married to Elizabeth Whitener in 1784
- Summers 1671-/1745, son of Henry and Sarah Gregory, with Sarah Woodruff
- Summers 1651-1713, married to Sarah Gregory in 1668
- Surber 1798-1848, son of Adam and Ruth Hubbell, with Nancy A. Whited
- Sutherland ca 1360-/1434, son of Nicholas and Mary le Cheyne, with Margaret Mureff
- Sutton 1809-1885, married to Catherine Ashbaugh in 1832
- Sutton ca 1567-1599, son of Theron, with Sarah Tilden
- Sutton 1510-1537, son of Robert and Elizabeth Boys, married to Margaret Hussey in 1524
- Sutton 1510-1558..1559, son of Thomas and Catherine Basset, with Alice Hall
- Sutton 1445-1492, son of Robert and Elizabeth Stanley, with Alice Byron
- Suydam, with Lucy Goodwin
- Swan ca 1610-, married to Joan Ruck in 1640
- Swarthout 1791-1864, son of Anthony and Elizabeth L. Lockwood, with Mary Wixon
- Swartz 1808-1882, married to Sarah Beery in 1829
- Sweet 1861-1922, son of John, with Anna French
- Sweet 1662-1749/, son of John and Elizabeth Jeffrey, married to Mary Andrews in 1681
- Sweet ca 1660-1704, married to Elizabeth Walker in 1687
- Sweet 1660-1728, with Mary Andrew
- Sweeting 1688-1758, son of Henry and Martha Cole, married to Esther Brown in 1708
- Sweeting 1668-1728, son of Lewis, married to Martha Cole in 1688
- Sweetser 1710-, son of Benjamin and Elizabeth Phillips
- Sweitzer 1792-1844, married to Elizabeth Holbert in 1815
- Sweitzer 1780-1852, son of George Ludwig and Anna Kratz, married to Ann Elliott Bowman in 1818
- Sweitzer 1771-1807, son of Simon and Anna Barbara Shunk, married to Mary Kugler in 1799
- Swenson, with Josephine Loveland
- Swinebroad 1793-1845, married to Elvira Donna Vance Boone in 1823
- Swinney 1800, married to Malinda Graves in 1825
- Switcher, married to Rebecca Livermore in 1761
- Switzer 1737-1798, married to Chloe Smith
- Sydenham †/1427, son of Richard and Joan Dalingrigge, with Margery Whitton
- Sydney 1529-1586, son of William and Anne Pakenham, with Mary Dudley
- Sykes 1743-1813, married to Grace Birch
- Symes ca 1609-, son of John and Amy Horner, with Amy Seymour
- Symmes ca 1852-, son of Americus Vespucius and Frances Scott
- Sympson 1800-1857, son of William and Mary Rebecca Clendenin, with Elinor Barbee
- Sympson 1735-1806, father of William
- T
- Taft 1780-, son of Seth and Jemima Angell
- Taft 1737-1812, son of Peter and Elizabeth Cheney
- Taggart 1819-, married to Mary C. Walker in 1844
- Tailboys 1325-1369, married to Eleanor de Boroughdon in 1337
- Tally 1778-1862, with Mary Brooks
- Tamblyn 1712-1763, son of Thomas and Joan Auger, married to Constance Tamblyn in 1737
- Tandy 1686-1741, son of Henry and Priscilla Watson, married to Frances Forrest in 1716
- Tandy 1660-1703, son of Henry and Rebecca Napier, with Priscilla Watson
- Tandy ca 1628-1691, married to Rebecca Napier
- Taplin 1780-1843, son of John and Catherine Lovewell, with Melinda Huntley
- Tarboton 1806-1881, son of Thomas and Catharine Maltby, married to Elizabeth Thompson in 1837
- Tate 1712-1793, married to Sarah Netherland in 1732
- Tawney 1780-1844, son of John and Hannah Sieple, married to Elizabeth Emmitt in 1799
- Taylor 1851-1930, married to Janet Thomas in 1877
- Taylor 1824-1931, son of Thomas and Penelope Richards, married to Arminda Eastman in 1851
- Taylor 1823-1891, son of Angus, with Emily Still
- Taylor /1806-1855, married to Catherine M. Sloan in 1833
- Taylor /1793-1886, married to Isabella Gunn in 1823
- Taylor 1779-, married to Elizabeth Barnes in 1810
- Taylor /1765-, son of Thomas and Jane Rowley
- Taylor 1757-1829, son of Thomas and Caleb Mary Pierpoint, married to Mary Hillary
- Taylor 1755, son of Henry and Temperance Peterson, married to Rebecca Tyron in 1798
- Taylor 1737-1781, son of Ethelred and Patience Kinchen, married to Temperance Peterson in 1758
- Taylor 1733-1813, married to Rhoda Williamson in 1769
- Taylor, married to Lydia Hatch in 1650
- Teed 1792-1866, married to Mary Bigney
- Teeters 1770-1826, with Elizabeth Stanton
- Tempest 1824-1890, with Mary Kirkham
- Temple 1739-1802, son of Henry and Jane Barnard, with Mary Mee
- Temple †1740, son of Henry and Anne Haublon, with Jane Barnard
- Temple †1757, son of John and Jane Yarner, with Anne Haublon
- Terrell 1730-1798, son of Joel and Sarah Elizabeth Oxford, with Anne Dabney, Sarah Dyer
- Terrell 1705-1760, son of William and Martha Susannah Waters, married to Ann Chiles
- Terry 1732-1784, son of Champness Daniel and Christian Bibb, married to Margaret Catherine Bibb
- Tew 1729-1780, son of John and Sarah x, married to Elizabeth Hathaway
- Tew 1654-1718, son of Richard and Mary Clarke, married to Dorcas Paul, Sarah Paul in 1695
- Tew 1581-1674, son of Nicholas and Alise Pyme, married to Ellen x in 1604
- Tewksbury /1719, son of Henry and Grace x, married to Mary Main in 1740
- Tewksbury 1694-, son of Henry and Hannah x, with Grace x
- Tewksbury 1664-1723, son of Henry and Martha Copp, married to Hannah x in 1689
- Tewksbury 1621-1705, married to Martha Copp in 1659
- Thacker 1663-1714, son of Henry Chichley and Eltonhead Conway, married to Elizabeth Mary Payne in 1690
- Thayer, married to Ruama Darling in 1834
- Theisen 1858-, son of Casper and Christine Schmitz, married to Emma Kerl in 1884
- Thom 1861-, with Flora Steward
- Thomas 1856, son of John and Elisa x, married to Jane Morgan in 1874
- Thomas ca 1811-, married to Temperance Palmer in 1849
- Thomas 1809-1891, married to Catherine Agnes Collins in 1836
- Thomas 1770-1843, son of Henry and Mary Ditch, married to Mary Owen in 1790
- Thomas 1758-1837, son of Owen and Mary Polly Hardin, with Rachel Stillwell
- Thomas 1737-1817, with Mary Ditch
- Thomas 1699..1702-1763, son of David and Abigail Wood, married to Ruth Nelson in 1726
- Thompson 1725-1763, son of Thomas and Mary Henderson, married to Mary Ann Lawson
Thompson 1569-1648, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Mansfield, married to Dorothy Ann Honywood in 1590- Thompson, married to Della x
- Thorn 1796-1885, son of Henry and Prudence Noyes
- Thorn 1759-1856, son of Isaac and Edith Crandall, married to Prudence Noyes in 1785
- Thornburgh 1734-1804, son of Walter and Margaret Beeson, married to Rachel Moon in 1758
- Thornton 1753-, son of John and Lucille Watson, married to Anne Sykes in 1778
- Thornton 1582-1606, son of Henry and Margery Laughton, married to Alice Clark in 1606
- Thornton 1558, son of Thomas and Agnes Page, married to Margery Laughton
- Thornton ca 1530-1556, son of John and Lettuce Newenham, with Anne Wilmer
- Thorp 1809..1810-1832, son of Charles and Hannah Caze
- Thorpe ca 1602-1672, married to Anne Martyn in 1640
- Thrasher 1718-, son of Joseph and Mary Watson
- Thrasher 1653-1703, married to Deborah Southwick in 1674
- Threlkeld 1398-1452, son of William de Threlkeld and Margaret Bowes, married to Margaret Thornburgh in 1425
- Thwaites 1488-1520, son of Edmund and Ellen Constable, married to Agnes Constable
- Thwaites ca 1430-1480, son of Thomas and Alice de la Haye, father of Edmund
- Thweatt 1718-1795, son of James and Judith Soane, married to Obedience Giles
- Thweatt ca 1680-ca 1726, son of James and Mary Lee, married to Hannah Stanley in 1709
- Thynne 1675-1708, son of Thomas and Frances Finch, married to Grace Strode in 1695
- Thynne 1615-1680, married to Mary Coventry
- Tibbets 1635..1640-ca 1713, son of Henry Tibbetts and Elizabeth Austin, married to Sarah Stanton in 1661
- Tibbetts ca 1685-1765, son of Henry and Rebecca Medbury, married to Phebe Waterman in 1738
- Tibbetts 1676-/1727, son of Jeremiah and Mary Canney, married to Joyce Otis in 1699
- Tibbetts 1669-1702, son of Henry Tibbets and Sarah Stanton, married to Rebecca Medbury
- Tibbetts 1596..1600-1676, married to Elizabeth Austin in 1626
- Tice 1776-1850, married to Sarah Clinard
- Tichborne 1757-1821, married to Elizabeth Lucy Plowden in 1778
- Tillery 1705-1795, son of Job and Mary Colwick, married to Catherine Zimmerman
- Tillery 1651-1698, son of John and Rebecca Yarnell, married to Mary Wascole in 1675
- Tillinghast 1734-, son of Joseph and Mary Paris
- Timberlake ca 1629-1705, married to Mary x in 1654
- Timmerman 1737-1807, son of Jacob Zimmerman and Anna Margaretha Schütz, married to Maria Margaretha Bellinger in 1768
- Titcomb 1764-1856, son of Henry and Mary Titcomb, married to Abigail Whitmore in 1798
- Titcomb 1723-1785, son of Joseph and Anne Smith, married to Mary Titcomb in 1746
- Titus 1723-1767, son of John and Sarah Pearsall, married to Sarah Birdsall in 1747
- Tobias 1764-, son of Christian and Catharine Filkins
- Todd 1783-1829, married to Harriet Davis in 1812
- Tolar 1789-1867, son of John and Ann Nancy Thames, married to Catherine Magee in 1812
- Tolles 1768-1855, son of Henry and Hannah Clark, married to Phila Worcester in 1793
- Tolles 1736-1810, son of Henry and Deborah Clark, married to Hannah Clark in 1757
- Tolles 1694-1772, son of Henry and Dorothy Thomas, married to Deborah Clark in 1728
- Tolles 1669-1751, married to Dorothy Thomas in 1693, Mary Goodsell in 1728
- Tolman 1709-1762, son of Henry and Hannah x, with Mary Slack
- Tolman 1679-1759, son of John and Elizabeth Collins, with Hannah x
- Tomlinson 1759..1762-1837, married to Mary Elizabeth Fleming in 1783
- Tomlinson 1606-, son of George and Mary Hyde, married to Alice x in 1638
- Tomlinson, son of Thomas and Elizabeth x
- Tompkins 1844-1921, son of John and Cornelia Kilbourn
Tonge 1550-1615, son of George and Helen Lambton, married to Okand Watson- Toomer 1738-1799, son of Joshua and Mary Bonneau, married to Magdalene Mary de Rossett
- Toomer 1687-1739, married to Henrietta Raven in 1708
- Totman 1790-1841, son of Henry and Elizabeth Hopkins, married to Laura Brooks in 1821
- Totman ca 1760-1788, son of Henry and Hannah Ingersoll, married to Elizabeth Hopkins in 1783
- Totman 1724-1820, son of Henry Tottingham and Eunice Wyman, with Hannah Ingersoll
- Tottingham 1692-1728, son of Eliah and Mary Palmer, with Eunice Wyman
- Tottingham 1608-1679, married to Anna x in 1646
- Touchet ca 1519-1563, son of George and Elizabeth Tuke, married to Elizabeth Sneyd in 1548
- Touchstone 1780-/1828, father of Henry Empson
- Towles 1757-1842, son of Stokeley and Margery Ballenger, married to Alphia Tucker in 1782
- Towles 1645..1652-/1721, married to Ann Stokeley in 1668
- Towneley 1480-1531, son of Lawrence and Joan Banastre, married to Grace x in 1509
- Townsend 1786-1865, son of Henry and Edith Stiles, married to Sara Townsend in 1811
- Townsend 1744-1789, son of John and Tabitha Young, married to Edith Stiles
- Townsend 1725-1808, son of Henry and Elizabeth Titus, married to Anne Wright
- Townsend 1700..1705-ca 1761, son of Henry and Eliphal Wright, with Elizabeth Titus
- Townsend 1680-1709, son of Henry and Deborah Underhill, with Eliphal Wright
- Townsend 1649-1717, son of Henry and Ann Coles, with Deborah Underhill
- Townsend ca 1626-1695, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Mansfield, married to Ann Coles in 1648
- Townsend 1565..1568-1625, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Periante, married to Margaret Forthe in 1590
- Tracy ca 1519-1551, son of William and Agnes Digby, with Elizabeth Brydges
- Tracy 1431-1501, with Alice Baldington
- Trafford ca 1489-, son of Edmund and Margaret Savage
Trafford (de) ca 1359-1396, son of Henry and Margery de Ince, married to Elizabeth Radcliffe in 1385
Trafford (de) 1324-1386, son of Henry and Agnes x, married to Margery de Ince in 1349
Trafford (de) ca 1299-1370..1375, son of John, with Agnes x
Trafford (de) 1255-1334, son of Henry and Loretta x, married to Margaret x
Trafford (de) 1225-1288, son of Henry and Christina x, married to Loretta x in 1249
Trafford (de) 1200-1254, son of Richard and Margaret de Massey, married to Christina x in 1224- Trammell 1817-1881, son of Nicholas and Sarah Gentry, married to Julia Ann Thurmond in 1842
- Trask ca 1628-1689/, son of William and Sarah x, married to Mary Southwick in 1650
- Travers ca 1610-1648, son of Samuel and Elizabeth x, married to Bridget Fitts in 1635
- Treat 1649-1681, son of Matthias and Mary Smith, married to Sarah Andrews in 1673
- Tredick †/1785, married to Elizabeth Martin in 1738
- Trefethen 1734-1797, married to Phoebe Kalox
- Treloar 1750-1802, son of Bennett and Jane Gluvias, married to Mary Pryor in 1774
- Trent /1700-1750, married to Catherine Jones in 1714
- Trent 1650-1701, son of Henry and Mary Alexander, married to Elizabeth Sherman in 1672
- Trent ca 1624-, with Mary Alexander
- Treswell 1658-1731, married to Martha Ring
- Trevett 1694, son of Richard and Martha Jackson, married to Sarah Ingalls
- Trotter 1833-, son of William Broadus and Lyddie Gaddy, with Salina Gaddy
- Trow 1836-1904, son of Thomas and Sarah x, married to Sarah Sterling McMullen in 1857
- Trowbridge 1797-1859, son of Samuel and Clarissa Raymond, married to Charlotte Purdy in 1829
- Troyer 1766-1870, son of Michael David and Magdalena Mast, married to Veronica Kauffman in 1790
- True 1674-, son of Henry and Jane Bradbury, married to Abigail French in 1699
- True 1646-1735, married to Jane Bradbury in 1668
- Truman /1714-1755, son of Thomas and Sarah Briscoe, married to Ann Magruder in 1734
- Truman 1713-, son of Joseph and Mary Shapley
- Truman 1686-, son of Henry and Jane Smith
- Truman /1629-1696, son of Henry and Alice x, married to Jane Smith in 1683
- Truman ca 1604-, son of Edward, married to Alice x in 1629
- Trumbull 1875-, son of Hugh Homer and Mary Ann Harper
- Trump 1899-1900, son of Frederick and Elisabeth Christ
- Trussell 1695-1745, son of Henry Treswell and Martha Ring, married to Hannah Weed in 1714
- Tubbs 1898-, son of Frank and Ellen Kelkoist
- Tubman 1760, married to Mary Elizabeth Sothoron
- Tucker 1828-1912, son of Richard and Mary Ann Squires, married to Patience Tucker
- Tucker 1713-ca 1787, son of Henry and Frances Tudor, married to Anne Butterfield in 1738
- Tucker 1713-ca 1794, son of Henry and Phebe Barton, married to Elizabeth Ricketson in 1733
- Tucker 1680-1725, son of Abraham and Mary Slocum, married to Phebe Barton in 1704
- Tucker 1676-1734, son of St. George and Jane Hubbard, with Frances Tudor
- Tucker 1658-, son of Henry and Sarah Turner, married to Jehrida Seymour in 1688
- Tucker 1652-1728, son of George and Frances St. George, married to Jehoidden Seymour in 1674, Elizabeth Bridger
- Tucker 1619-1694, married to Martha Barlow in 1651
- Tucker 1611-1687, son of George and Mary Darrell, married to Sarah Turner in 1640
- Tucker 1609-1687, son of George and Elizabeth Stoughton, with Sarah Turner
- Tucker, with Mindwell Cook
- Tudor 1491-1547, son of Henry and Elizabeth Plantagenet of York, with Agnes Blewitt, Mary Berkeley, Katharine of Aragon in 1509, Anne Boleyn in 1533, Jane Seymour in 1536, Anne of Cleves in 1540, Catherine Howard in 1540, Katharine Parr in 1543, Elizabeth Blount
- Tudor 1457-1509, son of Edmund and Margaret Beaufort, married to Elizabeth Plantagenet of York in 1486
- Tuetken ca 1868-, son of Wilke Jansen and Anna Friedericke Gellermann
- Tuff 1772-1835, married to Elizabeth Hall in 1792
- Tufts 1649-, son of Peter and Mary Pierce
- Tuggle 1768-1852, son of William and Anne Nash, with Margaret x
- Tuggle 1727-1804, son of Henry and Mary Godbey, married to Ellender Conolly
- Tuggle 1699-1733, son of Henry Tugwell and Mary Baskett, married to Mary Godbey in 1722
- Tugwell 1670-1743, married to Mary Baskett in 1692, Elizabeth Baldwin in 1710
- Tuller 1810-1840, son of Elisha and Elizabeth Case, married to Mary Wilcox in 1833
- Tunison ca 1847-, son of Paul Voorhees and Elizabeth Van Vliet
- Turner 1882-1942, son of George W. and Mary Polly Gross, married to Polly Potter in 1908
- Turner 1811-1893, with Ann Steed
- Turner 1774-1821, son of Lewis Ellzey and Theodosia Payne, married to Sarah Baker in 1807
- Turner 1757-1829, married to Rachel Stovall in 1777
- Turner 1714-1752 Henry Harry
- Turner 1698, son of Thomas and Martha Joyner, married to Mary Elizabeth Wilkinson
- Tuthill 1715-1793, son of Henry and Hannah Booth, married to Phoebe Horton in 1738
- Tuthill 1690-1775, son of Henry and Bethia Horton, married to Hannah Booth in 1714, Phoebe Youngs in 1717
- Tuthill 1665-1750, son of John and Deliverance King, married to Bethia Horton in 1688
- Tuthill /1612-1644..1650, son of Henry and Alice Gooch, married to Bridget x in 1626
- Tuthill 1581-1618, son of John and Elizabeth x, married to Alice Gooch in 1605
- Tuttle 1874-1936, son of William Valentine and Catherine King
- Tuttle 1834-, son of Silas and Susan Allen
- Tuttle 1831-, son of Remington and Lucinda Hartwell
- Tuttle 1818-1879, son of William and Lucella Steele, married to Laura Penrose in 1848
- Tuttle 1814-, son of Joseph and Mary Rose
- Tuttle 1812-, son of Ephraim and Lois Hitchcock
- Tuttle 1791-, son of John C. and Clarkey x
- Tuttle 1733-1820, married to Phebe Beach
- Tweed 1790-1834, married to Mary Sterry in 1822
Tylden ca 1260-1313/, son of Henry and Phillipa Botelor, with Alice x
Tylden ca 1235-ca 1293, son of Richard de Tylden and Gertrude de Frodsham, with Phillipa Botelor- Tyler 1931-1931, son of Lyon Gardiner and Susan Harrison Ruffin
- Tyler 1715-1777, son of Francis and Sarah Rebecca Walker, married to Alice Strother in 1737
- Tyler ca 1660-1729, son of Henry and Anne Armistead, married to Elizabeth Chiles in 1683
- Tyler ca 1614-1672, son of Lawrence and Dorothy x, married to Anne Armistead in 1658
- Tyree 1914-1974, son of Noel Byron and Stella Susan Bacon
- Tyson 1791-1871, son of Joseph Nash and Elizabeth Sturges Levering, married to Susan Schultz in 1814
- Tyson 1775-1855, son of Henry and Sarah Walton, married to Catherine Heckert
- Tyson 1742-1817, son of Cornelius Sellen and Barbara Pennebacker, married to Sarah Walton
- Tyson 1719-, son of Mathias and Barbara Sellen, married to Magdalena Custer in 1740
- Tyson 1702-1766, son of Reynier and Maria x, married to Ann Harker in 1735
- U
- Uihlein 1896-1997, son of August Edward and Wilhelmina Geiler
- Ulmer 1771-1833, son of Johann Adam and Margaret Ann Legrand, married to Mary Margaret Langley in 1789
Umfreville (de) 1267-/1329, son of John and Alice de la Hurne, with Isabella x- Updegraff 1768, son of Harmon and Barbara x, married to Margaret Gardiner
- Upton ca 1627-, son of Henry and Mary Clotworthy
- Upton ca 1592-, son of Arthur and Gertrude Fortescue, married to Mary Clotworthy in 1622
- Urbanowicz, son of Joseph and Mary Woiswillo
Urtiaco (de) †ca 1321, with Sibyl x- Utterback 1819-1898, son of William and Margaret Fencer, married to Ruth Simpson in 1843
- Utterback 1725-1798, son of Johannes, with Anna x
- V
- Vaden 1694-1747, son of Henry and Elizabeth J. Archibald, married to Martha Fowler
- Vaden 1663-1724, married to Elizabeth J. Archibald
- Van Bibber 1661-1736, son of Jacob Isaacs and Christina x, married to Catherine Ann Bougard
- Van Buren 1808-1879, son of Lucas M. and Jane Vosburgh, with Elizabeth Van Valkenburgh
- Van Dyke ca 1818-, son of Gerrit and Sarah Johnson
- Van Kirk 1785-1840, son of William and Deborah Watters
- Van Kirk 1740-1798, son of Henry and Dorothy Morgan, married to Sarah Van Kirk in 1770
- Van Kirk ca 1700-1776, son of John and Alsey x, married to Dorothy Morgan
- Van Meter 1726-1803, son of Abraham and Eliza x, married to Martha Margaret Moore in 1756
- Van Meter 1718-1778, son of Isaac and Annetje Wynkoop, married to Rebecca DuBois in 1740
- Van Meter 1695-1759, son of Joost Jansen and Sarah du Bois, married to Sarah Elwell in 1727, Mary Fetters in 1738
- Van Metre ca 1717-ca 1793, son of Jan Joosten and Margaret Mollenauer, married to Hannah Pyle in 1756
- Van Nostrand 1822-1883, married to Elizabeth Ketcham
- Van Ornum 1781-1868, with Maria Marsh
- Van Strattum ca 1868-, son of Arthur H. and Mary S. x
- Van Verth 1824-1914, with Mary Anna Behrens
- Van Vleet 1818-, son of Jacob and Elizabeth Stow
- Vander Haar 1862, married to Jennie Van Dalfsen
- Vanderburg 1863-1927, son of Lee and Emma Jenkes, with Annie Lena Davison
- Vandercook ca 1836-, son of Robert H. and Sarah A. Stewart
- Vandercook 1785-, son of Cornelius and Maria Mandeville, with Lydia Jeffers
- Vanderslice, married to Catherine Sassmannshausen in 1750
- Vane /1613-1662, son of Henry and Frances d'Arcy, married to Frances Wray in 1640
- Vane 1588-1654, son of Henry and Margaret Twysden, married to Frances d'Arcy in 1612
- Vane 1560-, with Margaret Twysden
- Varnadoe ca 1748-1840, son of Leonard Vernadeau and Sarah Hutto, with Elizabeth x
- Vassall ca 1550-, son of John, with Elizabeth x
- Vavasour ca 1445-1499, son of Henry and Joan Langton, married to Joan Gascoigne
- Vavasour ca 1402-1453, son of Henry and Margaret Skipwith, married to Joan Langton
Vavasour ca 1365-1413, with Margaret Skipwith- Vearncombe, with Jane Milton
- Venn 1725-1797, son of Richard and Margaretta Maria Ann Ashton, married to Eling Bishop in 1757
- Vere (de) ca 1471-, son of Richard and Isabella de Greene, with Isabella Tresham
- Vereker †1691, son of John and Editha Bennet, married to Mary Connell
Verney ca 1530-, son of John, with Margaret Clarke- Vernon ca 1686-, son of George and Catherine x, with Anne Pigot
- Vernon 1615-1702, son of Edward and Margaret Vernon, with Muriel Vernon
Vernon 1441-1515, son of William and Margaret Swynfen, married to Ann Talbot in 1467- Vernon, son of Henry, with Penelope Philipps
- Vernon, son of Henry and Muriel Vernon, father of Henry
- Vernon †1592, son of Henry and Margaret Swinnerton, with Dorothy Heveningham
- Vernon †1569, son of John and Ellen Montgomery, with Margaret Swinnerton
- Versluis, with Sophia Begyn
- Vincent 1793-1851, son of William and Jane Thomas, married to Sally Michell in 1816
- Vincent 1635-1722, married to Mary Matthews in 1657
- Vincent, son of John and Elizabeth Fry
- Vizzaccaro, married to Marie Nowlan
- Vogelsang 1872-, son of Herman and Gertrude x
- Vose 1663-1752, son of Thomas and Waitstill Wyatt, married to Elizabeth Babcock in 1686
- Vredenburgh 1797-1863, son of William John and Mary Walcott, with Almena Seeley
- Vrooman 1768, married to Jane Wilsey in 1799
- Vunk 1792-1882, with Elizabeth Reese
- W
- Wadleigh 1666-1733, son of Robert and Sarah Smith, married to Elizabeth Gilman in 1693
- Wadsworth 1782-1830, son of Elijah and Rhoda Hopkins, married to Mary Ann Bradley in 1811
- Waggoner 1820-1875, son of Daniel and Eva Lopp, married to Juliann Johnson in 1840
- Waggoner 1758-1823, married to Sarah Sally Brewster
- Wagner, father of Lena
- Wainwright 1796-, son of Henry and Lucretia Greene
- Wainwright ca 1771-1827, married to Lucretia Greene in 1795
- Waite 1822-, son of Henry Matson and Maria Selden
- Wakefield 1817-1880, son of John and Delilah Loving, married to Martha Jane Farmer in 1837
- Wakelee 1684-1744, son of Jacob Wakeley and Hannah Peet, married to Sarah Frost in 1711
- Wakeley 1684-1744, son of James and Hannah Chauncey, married to Rachel Stratton in 1706
- Wakeley 1620-1689, son of James Wakelee, married to Sarah Burt in 1649
- Walbridge ca 1774-1831, son of Henry and Martha Reed, with Lydia Strong
- Walbridge 1738-1818, son of Amos Wallbridge and Theoda Porter, married to Martha Reed in 1762
- Waldegrave 1661-, with Henrietta FitzJames
- Waldrep, son of Homer W. and Joanna Catherine Dowling
- Walker 1890-1974, married to Dorothy Schneider
- Walker 1844-1890, married to Susan Bond in 1868
- Walker 1816-1850, married to Elizabeth Cummings
- Walker 1802, married to Caroline Cooper in 1824
- Walker 1797-, married to Elizabeth Lewis in 1818
- Walker 1746-1815, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Betty Ellis, married to Susannah Martha Lucinda Jeffress in 1769
- Walker 1729-, son of David and Mary Munford, father of Freeman
- Walker 1701-1740/, son of Henry and Ruth Kendall, married to Mary Baldwin in 1722, Elizabeth Frayle in 1737
- Walker 1690-1766, with Agnes x
- Walker 1679-1719, son of Israel and Susannah Baldwin, married to Ruth Kendall in 1700
- Wall ca 1670-/1712, son of Thomas and Mary x, with Elizabeth x
- Wallace 1836-1916, son of John and Martha Ross, married to Nancy Ann Cantwell in 1863
- Wallace 1718-1788, son of George and Anne Margrethe Gerdtsdatter, married to Karen Ringholm
- Wallbridge 1751, son of John and Hannah Killam, with Sarah Fowler
- Wallbridge 1727-1809, son of Henry and Mary Jewett, married to Anna Safford in 1750
- Wallbridge 1696-1727, son of Henry and Anna Amos, married to Mary Jewett in 1722
- Wallbridge 1664-1729, married to Anna Amos in 1688
- Wallis 1791-, son of Caleb and Hannah Groves, married to Hannah Smith in 1821
- Wallis 1744, son of Samuel and Elizabeth Bird Plunkett, married to Juliana Everett in 1769
- Wallis ca 1723-, with Elizabeth Paul
- Wallop 1630-1679, son of Robert and Anne Wriothesley, married to Dorothy Bluet
- Wallop 1568-1642, son of Henry and Catherine Gifford, married to Elizabeth Corbet
- Wallop ca 1538-1599, married to Catherine Gifford in 1567
- Wallwork 1711-, son of Henry and Mary Sydal
- Wallwork 1672-, son of Roger, married to Mary Sydal in 1704
- Walmsley 1671-1759, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Rudd, married to Mary Searle in 1699
- Walston 1768-1849, son of William and Mary Pryor, with Mary Gay
- Walter 1727-1793, married to Lydia Tuttle in 1748
- Walters, with Anna Blessing
- Walton 1764, married to Mary Greenwood in 1797
- Walton 1719-, married to Alice Worthington in 1750
- Walton 1710-, son of Lawrence and Margaret Smith
- Wandling 1816-, married to Diana Sprague in 1836
- Ward 1758, married to Charity Sanders in 1775
- Ward 1666-1733, son of Henry and Remember Farrow, married to Ruth Bayley in 1694
- Ward ca 1635-1715, son of Samuel and Mary Hilliard, married to Remember Farrow in 1660
- Ward ca 1564-1642, married to Eleanor Buxton in 1589
- Ward 1516-1562, son of Robert William and Margaret Capell, father of Edward
- Wardell 1800-1884, son of John and Eleanor Martin, married to Mary Newby
- Wardlaw 1495, son of John and Elizabeth Bethune, married to Alison Home in 1531
- Wardlaw ca 1437-1513, with Margaret Lindsay
- Ware 1728-1801, son of Nicholas and Mary Elizabeth Taliaferro, married to Martha Patsy Garrett
- Ware 1725, married to Anne Mundy
- Warford 1741-1784, son of Joseph and Elizabeth Banner, married to Elizabeth Van Hook
- Waring 1744-1830, son of Michael and Elizabeth Scofield, with Hannah Ferris
- Warne 1791-1865, son of John and Susanna Eckel, married to Charity Stiers in 1816
- Warner 1562-, father of Dorothy
- Warner, with Arvilla Rubert
- Warren 1764-1828, son of James and Mercy Otis, married to Mary Winslow in 1791
- Washburn 1813-1889, son of James and Elizabeth Countryman, with Elizabeth West
- Washburn 1721-, son of Benjamin and Bethiah Kingman, married to Sarah Battles in 1740
- Washington 1820-1881, son of Allen and X Rebecca, married to Sarah Newman in 1837, Priscilla Bowlin in 1847
- Washington 1765-1812, son of Lawrence and Susanna Washington, with Sarah West Ashton
- Washington 1727-, son of John and Catherine Whiting
- Washington 1722-/1748, son of Henry and Mary Bailey, married to Elizabeth Storke in 1743
- Washington 1694..1695-1748, son of John and Anne Wycliffe, married to Mary Bailey in 1720
- Wasley 1793-1864, son of Francis and Hannah Scott, with Ann Tool
- Waterman 1782-1854, son of Zebulon and Sarah Hamilton, married to Lucy Morgan in 1801
- Watkins ca 1811-, with Cynthia Sprague
- Watkins ca 1660-, son of Henry and Katherine Pride, married to Mary Crispe in 1680
- Watkins 1637..1638-1715, married to Katherine Pride in 1658
- Watkins, married to Elizabeth Hudson in 1781
- Watson ca 1814-, son of Charles and Lucy Rice
- Watts /1617-/1670, married to Elizabeth Saunders
- Watts, son of Samuel and Elizabeth Ayer
- Way 1759-1815, son of Paul and Mary Macy, married to Charlotte Anthony in 1778
- Way 1680-ca 1746, son of William and Persis Witt
Way 1576-, son of Henry and Edith Denslow, married to Elizabeth Batchelder
Way 1550-1590, son of Henry and Mary Gallop, married to Edith Denslow in 1576
Way ca 1530-/1589, son of George and Agnes Symes, married to Mary Gallop in 1547- Weaver 1801, married to Margaret Snider in 1828
- Weaver 1780-ca 1842, with Sophia Snider
- Weaver 1773-1821, married to Abigail Griggs in 1796
- Weaver 1761-1829, with Susanna Ross Crane
- Webb 1771-1858, married to Hannah Waterbury in 1796
- Webb 1768-1840, son of Nathaniel and Zerviah Abbe
- Webb 1750-ca 1845, with Susannah Cock
- Webb 1668-1713, son of John and Susanna Cunliffe, married to Mary Hurlbut in 1695
- Webb 1610-1660, son of Alexander and Mary Wilson, with Dowsabel Smith
- Webb, married to Elizabeth Mark in 1761
- Webb, with Ollie Carden
- Webb, son of William H. and Susan Babbitt
- Weber 1752-1827, son of Christian and Magdalena Rutt, with Maria Huber
- Weber 1736-1826, son of Henry and Magdalena Maudlin Kendig, with Eva Wenger
- Weber 1690-1745, married to Magdalena Maudlin Kendig in 1719
- Webster 1786-, son of Samuel and Huldah Skinner
- Wedding 1786-1854, son of Thomas and Mary Catherine Moore, married to Christina Reynolds in 1812
- Weeks 1762-, son of Nicholas and Rhoda Craft
- Weeks ca 1683-/1744, son of Joseph and Hannah Reddocke, with Susannah Alling
- Weeks, married to Martha Jane Kyzar in 1897
- Weiler 1820-1890, with Sarah Biehl, Sophia Sherk in 1849
- Weishar 1836, married to Margaret Fritzel
- Welch 1788-1861, married to Sarah Page
- Welch, with Isabelle x
- Wellesley 1773-1847, son of Garret Colley and Anne Hill-Trevor, with Charlotte Cadogan
- Wellman ca 1789-, son of X
- Wells 1805-1878, son of Shipley and Dolly Randall, married to Sarah Caroline Daggett in 1827, Mary Prentice in 1861
- Wells 1771, married to Ellen Stewart
- Wells 1770-1845, son of Abner and Mary Case, married to Mary Hulse in 1791
- Wells †1760, son of William and Elizabeth Tuthill, with Patience x
- Wenger 1753-1819, son of Christian and Eve Graybill, married to Anna Huber
- Wentworth 1647-1684, son of Thomas and Agnes Bellingham, father of John
- Wentworth 1558-1593, son of Thomas and Grace Gascoigne, married to Anne Hopton in 1585
- Wentworth 1448-1499, son of Philip and Mary de Clifford, with Anne Say
Wentworth 1426-1482, son of Roger and Margery le Despencer, with Elizabeth Howard- Wenzel 1889-, son of Frederick and Mary Tauer
- Werdehoff 1805-, married to Charlotte Juergens in 1842
- Wertz 1753-1824, son of Hendrig, married to Mary Ann Oster in 1778
- West 1690-1745, son of Robert, married to Susannah Fulgham
- West 1680-, son of John and Mehitable Bullock
- West 1603-1628, son of Thomas and Cecily Shirley, married to Isabella Edmunds in 1625
- West, with Esther Hammond
- Westcott 1801-1878, son of Joseph and Esther Richmond, married to Almira Browning in 1824
- Weston 1789-1866, son of William and Isabella Moores, married to Apphia Mann in 1811
- Westphal 1851-1927, married to Wilhelmina Horony
- Wetherell 1703-1778, son of John and Susanna Newland, married to Dinah Wetherell in 1738
- Wetter 1852-1903, married to Wilhelmiina Louise Hounke in 1877
- Wharton 1420-1500, son of Thomas de Wharton and Anne Margaret Lowther, married to Alice Conyers in 1451
- Wharton (de) 1345-1440, married to Elizabeth de Musgrave
- Wheeler 1850-, son of Franklin G. and Minerva Bartholomew
- Wheeler ca 1850-, son of Harry and Drucilla Bouton
- Wheeler 1794-, son of Benjamin and Acheah x
- Wheeler 1719-1798, son of James and Elizabeth West, married to Rebecca Millard in 1742
- Wheeler 1657-1727, married to Ann Emperour
- Wheeler 1634-ca 1696, son of John and Agnes Yeomans, married to Abigail Allen in 1659
- Wheeler 1612-, son of Richard and Elizabeth x
- Wheeler /1608-, son of Henry and Elizabeth Seeling
- Wheeler 1604-1644, son of John and Elizabeth Bread, with Ann Lindsey
- Wheeler 1574-/1614, son of Thomas and Jone Goodman, married to Elizabeth Seeling
- Wheeler 1503-, son of Thomas and Joan Buckingham, with Isabel Allen
Wheeler 1482-1564, son of John, with Alice Sugar
Wheeler 1433-1470, son of Henry Wheler and Joan Robyn, married to Mary Elizabeth Cole
Wheler 1416-1470, with Joan Robyn- Whelpley ca 1620-/1662, married to Sarah x in 1640
- Whicker 1490-1547, married to Margaret St. John in 1519
- Whitaker 1793-, married to Elizabeth x
- Whitbread 1601-1656/, son of William and Elizabeth x, married to Elizabeth Farnell in 1625
- Whitbread †1727, son of William and Lettice Leeds, married to Elizabeth Read in 1717
- White 1810-1835, son of Henry and Rebekah Smith
- White 1803-1880, son of Dyer and Hannah Wetmore, married to Martha Sherman in 1830
- White 1790-1874, married to Frances x
- White 1782-1840, son of James and Sarah x, married to Rebekah Smith in 1808
- White 1770-1823, married to Mary Logsdon in 1797
- White 1763-1822, son of Henry and Eva Van Cortlandt, married to Anna Van Cortlandt in 1785
- White 1732-1786, with Eva Van Cortlandt
- White 1724-1802, son of Daniel and Sally Bowling, married to Celia Bryant Page
- White 1690-1738, son of Henry and Damaris Page, married to Ruth Keaton in 1727
- White 1654-1713, son of Edward and Martha x, married to Mary Weeks in 1677
- White 1637-1712, married to Damaris Page in 1681
- White 1631-1672, married to Mary Croshaw
- White ca 1506-, son of Robert and Katheryn Welles
- Whitehead 1810-1885, married to Elizabeth Jenkins
- Whitehead ca 1681-1744, married to Mary Rushton in 1706
- Whitehead, married to Elizabeth Lewsey
- Whitener 1787-1864, son of Henry and Catherine Schell, married to Elizabeth Mary Bollinger in 1812
- Whitener 1752-1811, son of George Henry and Maria Katharina Mull, married to Catherine Schell, Anna Sarah Schell in 1781
- Whitfield 1590..1597-1657, son of Thomas and Fortuna Mildreda Manning, married to Dorothy Sheaffe in 1618
- Whiting 1772-1851, son of Ebenezer and Anne Fitch
- Whiting 1730-1797, son of Henry and Anne Beverley, married to Humphrey Ann Frances Toy in 1762
- Whiting ca 1674-1744, son of Henry and Apphia Bushrod, married to Anne Beverley
- Whiting 1640-1694, with Apphia Bushrod
- Whitlow ca 1730-1783, son of James and Edith Cox, married to Ann Mealer in 1753
- Whitman 1701-1749/, married to Ruth Sprague in 1732
- Whitmire 1770-1857, son of Michael and Catharina Radlecker, married to Nancy Charlotte Reese
- Whitney 1841-1906, son of James Davis and Hannah Pugh
- Whitney 1812-1856, son of Stephen and Harriet Suydam, married to Maria Lucy Fitch in 1850
- Whitney 1791-1864, son of John and Ann Fox, married to Lucy Grumman in 1810
- Whitney 1736-1811, son of Josiah and Eunice Hanford, married to Eunice Clark in 1761
- Whitney 1680-1728, son of John and Elizabeth Smith, married to Elizabeth Olmstead in 1710
- Whitney 1619-1672, son of Thomas and Mary Roach, with Sarah Salmon
- Whitsett 1730, son of William Thomas Whitsit and Elizabeth Dawson, married to Mary Jane Mebane
- Whitson 1625-1669, son of Christopher and Jane Hernaman, married to Rebecca Foster
- Whittemore 1833-, son of Alvin Fosdick and Elizabeth Pratt, married to Eliza Kingsley Holt in 1857
- Whittemore 1813-1905, son of Timothy and Anna Harvey, married to Lucy Watts Brewster in 1858
- Whittemore 1797-1860, son of Amos and Helen Weston, married to Eliza Ann Cutter in 1828
- Whitworth 1880-, son of James Wyatt and Elizabeth Jane Beckmon
- Wick 1771-1845, son of Lemuel and Deborah Lupton, married to Hannah Baldwin
- Widdifield 1779-1868, son of Henry and Martha Wilson, married to Phebe Randall in 1805
- Widdifield 1743-1815, son of John, married to Martha Wilson in 1779
- Widdrington ca 1478-1518, son of Ralph and Felicia Claxton, married to Margery Percy in 1492
- Wiggin 1685-1748, son of Thomas and Sarah x, married to Hannah x in 1731
- Wiggins 1839-1910, married to Mary Jane Dee
- Wiggins 1767-, son of Henry and Lydia Shute, married to Betsey Clark in 1797
- Wiggins 1740-, son of Simon Wiggin and Susannah Sherbourne, married to Lydia Shute in 1765
- Wigglesworth 1866-1945, married to Olive Gertrude Belden in 1895
- Wiggs 1650-1711, married to Katherine Luke in 1680
- Wight 1632-1680, son of Thomas and Alice Roundy, married to Jane Goodenow in 1653
- Wilbanks 1803-1875, with Anna x
- Wilbanks 1769-1818, son of Richard and Priscilla Hewett, with Elizabeth Sanders
- Wilbore 1765-1837, son of Elijah and Phoebe Wetherell, married to Hannah Wetherell in 1787
- Wilcox 1801-1885, son of Charles and Sarah Kibbe
- Wilcoxon 1905-1984, married to Sheila Browning in 1936, Joan Woodbury in 1938, Heather Grace Angel
- Wildermuth 1743-1784, son of Johann David and Anna Maria x, married to Anna Mary x in 1773
- Wilfong 1766..1770-1843, son of George Michael and Sophia Catrina Veitheim, married to Mary Elizabeth Simmons in 1791
- Wilkes ca 1791-, son of John de Ponthieu and Mary Seton
- Wilkins 1651-1737, son of Bray and Hannah Way, married to Rebecca Baxter in 1677
- Wilkinson 1829-1889, son of John and Priscilla McMichael, married to Mary Dinsmore
- Wilkinson 1588-1669, married to Mary Watkinson in 1613
- Willard 1703-, son of Henry and Abigail Temple, married to Abigail Fairbanks in 1726
- Willard 1675-1755, son of Henry and Mary Lakin, married to Abigail Temple in 1698, Sarah Nutting in 1710
- Willard 1655-1726, son of Simon and Mary Dunster, married to Mary Lakin in 1674, Dorcas Cutler in 1689
- Willes 1727-1796, married to Ruth Edgerton in 1764
- Williams 1787-1871, married to Nancy Ann Paxson in 1812
- Williams 1771-1833, son of John Chester and Lois Dickinson, married to Dorcas Wright
- Williams 1769-1853, son of Joseph and Martha Parrott, married to Nancy Herring in 1792
- Williams 1740-1819, son of Roger and Ann x, married to Ann Lightfoot in 1761
- Williams ca 1717-/1750, married to Abigail Avery in 1738
- Williams 1699-1751, son of Thomas and Mary Lowell, married to Deborah Davis in 1726
- Williams 1669..1670-1750, son of William and Arabella Thompson, with Margaret Boardman
- Williams ca 660-, married to Sarah Black
- Williamson ca 1633-/1699, married to Catherine Weeks
- Willis 1722-, son of Henry and Anne Alexander, with Elizabeth Gregory
- Willis 1704-1762, son of John and Esther Brinton, with Mary x
- Willis 1691-1740, son of Francis and Sarah Lewis, married to Anne Alexander in 1714, Mildred Lewis in 1726, Mildred Washington in 1733
- Willis 1690-1744, son of William and Mary Titus, with Phebe Powell
- Willis ca 1628-, son of Richard and Jane Henmarsh, father of Prudence
- Willis 1628-1714, married to Mary Pease in 1655
- Willoughby 1817-1877, son of Henry and Charlotte Eyre, married to Julia Louisa Bosville in 1843
- Willoughby 1780-1849, married to Charlotte Eyre in 1815
- Willoughby 1579-1649, son of John and Frances Hawe, with Elizabeth Knollys
- Willoughby 1517-1561, son of Edward and Anne Filliol, with Anne Grey
- Willoughby ca 1445-1529, son of Robert and Margaret Griffith, married to Margaret Markham
- Wilmot 1613-1658, son of Charles and Sarah Anderson, married to Anne St. John in 1644
- Wilsey ca 1775-1836, son of William Wiltse and Hannah Denney, with Sabrina x
- Wilson 1865-1908, married to Mary Emma Deardorff in 1895
- Wilson 1812-1875, son of Winthrop Colbath and Abigail Whitam, married to Harriet Malvina Howe in 1840
- Wilson ca 1750-1812, married to Rachel Paschall in 1774
- Wilson 1730-1799/, son of Henry and Abigail Asher, married to Elizabeth Adams in 1758
- Wilson 1721, son of William and Rachel Child, married to Priscilla Gover in 1743
- Wilson 1710-1778, son of Robert and Jane Lee, married to Sarah Jane Hull
- Wilson 1690-/1769, son of Michael and Mary Hammond, married to Abigail Asher
- Wilson, married to Nova Kennedy
- Wilson †1689, married to Mary Metcalf in 1642
- Winchester 1682-/1750, son of John and Joanna Stevens, married to Frances White in 1705
- Windsor 1562-1605, son of Edward and Katherine de Vere, married to Ann Revett in 1590
- Winegar 1789-1845, son of Ashbel and Margaret Blackman, married to Hannah Masin
- Winfree 1740-, son of Valentine and Martha Graves, with Judith Walthall
- Winfrey 1767-1849, son of John and Mary Turpin, married to Sarah Thomas in 1794
- Wingfield ca 1435-1494, son of Robert and Elizabeth Goushill, with Elizabeth Rookes
- Winkle 1779-, son of Henry and Ann Maria x
- Winkle ca 1755-1810, with Ann Maria x
- Winslow 1771-1849, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Phelps, married to Elizabeth Needham
- Winsor 1803-1889, son of Thomas and Wealthea Sprague, married to Mary Ann Davis in 1832
- Winstanley 1675-1728, son of James and Annie Judd, married to Abigail Dickinson in 1700
- Winston 1560-, with Dionysia Bond
- Wintering 1872-, married to Anna M. Dinckel in 1892
- Winterode 1816-, son of Henry and Elizabeth Shively
- Winterode 1792-1866, son of John Henry Winteroth and Margaretha Schobert, with Elizabeth Shively
Wintershall, father of Robert- Winthrop 1609-1639, son of John and Mary Forth, married to Elizabeth Fones in 1629
- Wirick 1790-1848, son of Valentine and Catherine Ann x, married to Elizabeth Kellie in 1808
- Wise 1800-1869, son of Adam and Susanna Bryan, married to Rachel Ann Russell in 1818
- Wise 1688-1775, son of John and Abigail Gardner, married to Mary Wade in 1725
- Witham 1695-1777, son of Thomas and Abigail Babson, married to Rachal Baker in 1733
- Witham ca 1643-1702, son of Thomas, married to Sarah Somes in 1665
- Withington 1696-1780, son of Joseph and Deliverance Leadbetter, with Mary Brock
- Withington 1589-1666, with Elizabeth Smith
- Witt 1862-1943, with Albertine Alwine Boelter
- Wolcott 1834-, son of John and Hannah Stults
- Wolcott 1782-1812, son of William and Rebecca Goodrich
- Wolcott 1670-1747, son of Simon and Martha Pitkin, married to Jane Allyn in 1696
- Wolcott 1643-1709, son of Henry and Sarah Newberry, married to Abiah Goffe in 1664
- Wolcott 1610-1680, son of Henry and Elizabeth Saunders, married to Sarah Newberry in 1641
- Wolcott /1578-1655, son of John and Agnes Joan Crosse, married to Elizabeth Saunders in 1605
- Wolcott, son of Henry and Jane Allyn, married to Abigail Cooley in 1716
- Wolcott, with Abigail Cooley
- Wolcott, son of Alexander and Frances Burbank, with Mary Almira Starr
- Wolf, father of Mary Agnes
- Wolfe (de) ca 1858-ca 1893, married to Florence Mabel Kling in 1880
- Womack 1709-1790, son of William and Susanna Trent, married to Martha Puckett in 1731
- Wood 1818-, son of James and Rebecca Marshall, married to Frances A. Thomas
- Wood 1777-1850, son of Daniel and Margaret Turner, married to Elizabeth DeMille in 1797
- Wood 1726-1806, son of Henry and Mary Tinkham, married to Lydia Benson in 1754
- Wood 1687-1752, son of Samuel and Rebecca Morton, married to Mary Tinkham in 1717
- Wood ca 1683-1758, son of John and Mary Peabody, married to Content Thurston in 1715
- Wood ca 1640-1691, married to Hannah Yokley
- Wood 1614..1620-1670, son of John Atwood and Joan Coulson, married to Abigail Jenney in 1644
- Wood 1575-1635, with Isabel Godspeed
- Wood 1553-1590, married to Margaret Dennys
- Woodard 1817, married to Delia Christopher
- Woodcock 1805-1867, son of Marquis and Susannah Simmons, married to Catherine Simmons in 1825
- Woodcock ca 1740-1819/, son of Thomas, with Eleanor x
- Woodhouse 1664-1702, son of Henry and Sarah Keeling, married to Amie Spratt in 1689
- Woodhouse 1640-1687, son of Henry and Mary Judith Carter, married to Sarah Keeling
- Woodhouse 1608-1655, son of Henry and Frances Gerunye, married to Mary Judith Carter in 1629
- Woodhouse 1573-1637, son of Henry and Ann Bacon, married to Frances Gerunye in 1606
- Woodhouse 1546-1624, son of William and Anne Repps, married to Ann Bacon in 1564
- Woodis 1625..1626-1700, married to Elenor Hopkinson in 1651
- Woodrow 1740-1789, son of Simeon and Jane Wells, married to Eleanor Cowgill
- Woodrow ca 1710-1778, son of Simeon and Catharine Fenn Wood, with Susanna Forman
- Woodthorpe ca 1863-, son of John W. and Harriet x
- Woodward 1720-, son of Henry and Hannah Burroughs
- Woodward 1680-1741, son of John and Anna Dewey, married to Hannah Burroughs in 1703
- Woodward 1670-1734, married to Mary Garrett in 1689
- Woodward ca 1646-ca 1686, married to Mary Godfrey in 1680
- Woodward 1607-1686, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Tyson, married to Elizabeth Mather in 1639
- Woodward 1542-1621, son of George and Agnes Mitchell, married to Alice Weeden in 1574
- Woolery, with Eunice Hawn
- Woolsey 1797-1858, son of Henry and Sarah Ann Woolsey, with Polly Summers
- Woolsey 1767-1848, son of Benjamin and Margaret Teller, married to Sarah Ann Woolsey in 1784
- Woolsey 1761-, son of Henry and Abigail Lyon
- Woolsey 1734-1811, son of Richard and Sarah Fowler, married to Abigail Lyon in 1754
- Wooster /1737-1815, son of Thomas and Sarah Hawkins, married to Elizabeth Twitchell in 1762
- Wooster 1569-1613, son of William and Joan Blackhead, married to Agnes Kingham in 1593
- Wooster, with Rebecca Baldwin
- Worden 1798-, son of Benjamin and Sarah Frost
- Worden 1675-, son of James and Mary x
- Workman ca 1748-ca 1820, married to Mary Scribner in 1769
- Worley 1835-, with Martha Caroline Judy
- Wormeley 1588-, son of Christopher and Elizabeth Hogge, with Margaret Conset
Worms (of) 1016-1056, son of Conrad and Gisela of Swabia, married to Agnes de Poitiers- Worrell 1729-1811, son of Thomas and Elizabeth Morley, married to Piercy Fisher in 1756
- Worsley 1613-1666, son of Richard and Frances Neville, with Bridget Wallop
Worsley (de) ca 1295-, son of Richard and Joan x, married to Alice de Radcliffe
Worsley (de) ca 1240-1304, son of Richard and Maud de Wardley, with Margaret de Shoresworth- Wray ca 1618-1666, son of Henry and Elizabeth Gore, married to Lettice Galbraith in 1648
- Wray ca 1591-1652, married to Elizabeth Gore in 1617
- Wright 1874-1930, son of Charley Dane and Lucy Facim, married to Virgie Ann James in 1896
- Wright 1864-1917, married to Mary Jane Barnett in 1884
- Wright 1700-1771, son of John and Mary Stevens, married to Esther Adams in 1725
- Wright 1697-1750, son of Henry and Mary Dawson, married to Eleanor Sprigg
- Wright ca 1660-1742, married to Mary Dawson in 1685
- Wright 1630-1715, married to Mary Newey in 1655
- Wright 1424-1509, married to Anne Whitebread
- Wright †ca 1677, with Elizabeth x
- Wriothesley 1573-1624, son of Henry and Mary Browne, married to Mary Elizabeth Charlotte Vernon in 1595
- Wriothesley 1545-1581, son of Thomas and Jane Cheney, married to Mary Browne in 1565
- Wrottesley ca 1461-, son of Walter and Jane Barry
- Wyatt 1753-1823, son of John, married to Elizabeth Redd in 1787
- Wyatt 1690-1732, son of Henry and Alice Bradbridge, married to Mary Wynne in 1725
- Wyatt ca 1680-1743, son of Richard and Sally Peyton, with Elizabeth Dandridge
- Wyatt 1647-1705, son of George and Susannah R. Baynham, married to Alice Bradbridge
- Wyatt ca 1460-, son of Richard and Margaret Bailiffe, with Anne Skinner
- Wyche 1683-1735, son of Henry and Frances Edwards, married to Frances x
- Wyche 1647-1714, son of Henry and Ellen Bennett, married to Frances Edwards in 1681
- Wyche 1604-1678, son of Richard and Elizabeth Saltonstall, married to Ellen Bennett in 1644
- Wykes ca 1530-1559, son of William and Alice Batten, with Ann x
- Wykes ca 1405-, son of William and Katherine Burnell
- Wyman 1803-1891, son of Jonathan and Abigail Nabby Adams, married to Prudence Berry in 1835
- Wyman 1762-1837, son of William and Margaret Holmes, married to Sarah Tuttle in 1793
Wyman ca 1344-1411, father of Joan- Wythe 1701-1755, son of John and Dianah Hayward, married to x Cary
- Y
- Yale 1802, son of Waitstill and Sarah Hover, married to Dighton Payne in 1823
- Yandell ca 1737-, son of Henry and Agnes Mears
- Yandell ca 1717-1755, married to Agnes Mears in 1737, Susannah Hunt in 1754
- Yanney 1749-1830, married to Elisabeth Margaretha Klein in 1776
- Yarborough 1715-1793, son of Thomas and Mary Whitehead, married to Martha Robinson
- Yarbrough 1741-1794, son of Henry Yarborough and Martha Robinson, married to Elizabeth Betsy Murray
- Yeager 1808-1879, married to Elizabeth Mountz
- Yeagley 1797-1884, married to Phoebe Lincoln in 1824
- Yeary 1730-1799, married to Elizabeth Croxdale in 1760
- Yelverton 1728-1799, son of Talbot and Lucy Pelham, married to Hester Hall in 1757
- Yelverton 1664-1704, son of Henry and Susan Longueville, married to Barbara Talbot in 1689
- Yelverton 1633-1670, son of Christopher and Anne Twysden, married to Susan Longueville
- Yelverton 1566-1630, son of Christopher and Margaret Catesby, married to Margaret Beale
- Yelverton 1526-1601, son of William and Anne Fermor, married to Bridget Drury in 1556
- Yeomans 1669, son of Edward and Mary Button
- Yerks 1803-1878, son of Harmen and Susanna See, married to Julia Ann x
- Yingling ca 1785-, son of Abraham and Elizabeth x, married to Barbara Young in 1808
- Yoder ca 1840-, son of Jacob and Elizabeth Meyer
- Yoder 1787-1866, son of Henry and Catherine Detweiler
- Yoder 1774-, son of Abraham and Maria Sell, with Elizabeth Meyer
- Yoder 1756-1829, son of Yost and X Holly, married to Catherine Detweiler
- Yoho 1752-1845, son of Johannes and Susanna Catharine Lau, married to Catherine Baker in 1773
- Yonge 1805-1883, son of Philip Robert and Mary Letitia Atkinson, married to Mary Amanda Harrison in 1832
- Yonge 1749-1789, son of Henry and Elizabeth Bellinger, married to Mary Powell in 1768
- Yonge 1712, son of Francis and Elizabeth Richmand, married to Elizabeth Bellinger in 1745
- York 1540..1550-, son of John Yorke and Ann Smyth, father of Edward
- Yost, married to Sarah Conaway in 1823
- Young ca 1874-1957, son of John William and Elizabeth Holden, married to Catharine A. Dewhurst in 1893
- Young 1800-1846, son of Henry and Salomea Sarah Pfeiffer, married to Mary Whiteside in 1822
- Young 1792-1874, son of Alexander and Ann Slawson, married to Mary Hyde in 1817
- Young 1775-1854, married to Elizabeth Morningstar
- Young 1761-1825, married to Salomea Sarah Pfeiffer in 1786
- Young 1749-1795, son of Stephen and Marjorie Foster, married to Millicent Townsend in 1777
- Young 1737-1820, married to Marytje Litcher in 1759
- Young 1710-, son of David and Anne Doane, married to Elizabeth Higgins in 1732
- Young 1690-1767, married to Abigail Corson in 1712
- Young 1672-1706, son of John and Abigail Howland, married to Sarah Snow in 1695
- Young, married to Lena Anna Fischer
- Younger 1810-, son of Henry and Ruth Gatch, married to Nancy Adams in 1831
- Younger ca 1775-1829, son of Joshua Logan and Elizabeth Lee, married to Ruth Gatch in 1793
- Younger 1746-, son of John and Sarah Kennard
- Youngs 1825-1888, with Mahalia Bowers
- Z
- Zabriskie 1788-1857, son of Christian and Elizabeth Morgan, married to Nancy Newgin in 1822
- Zehringer 1838-1918, son of Fabian and Barbara Droesch, married to Margaret Cashman
- Zellers ca 1750-, son of Hans Jacob Zeller and Magdalena x, married to Margaret Kershner in 1773
- Zerfass 1826-1894, son of Abraham and Hannah Knause
- Zimmerman 1842-, son of Reuben and Susan Brinker
- Zimmerman 1805-1866, son of Peter B. and Maria Catharina Braucher, married to Elizabeth Steelsmith in 1830
- Zorn 1759-1826, son of Henry and Elizabeth x, married to Ann Sobeski in 1785
- Zorn /1735-ca 1800, son of Nicholas and Anna Catherina x, with Elizabeth x
- Zufelt 1810-1887, son of Anthony and Bethia Rowley, married to Julia Ann Dillabaugh in 1833
- Zwilling 1812-1861, married to Julia Ann Howald
- d
- der Cook (van) 1818-, son of Henry S. and Margery Lester
- des Champs 1795-1867, son of Jean Ezechiel and Georgiana Grace Burnaby, married to Anne Antoinette Evelina Thursby
- l
- la Pole (de) ca 1470-1523, son of Ralph and Beatrice Babington, with Ursula Twyford
- le Bihan 1582-, married to Jeanne le Dissez in 1609
- le Bruyn 1416-1461, son of Maurice Bruyn and Elizabeth Retford, with Elizabeth d'Arcy
- le Despencer ca 1341-1406, son of Edward and Anne de Ferrers
- le Grosvenor ca 1183-, son of Robert and Alice x, father of Ralph
le Scrope 1418-1459, son of Richard and Margaret Neville, married to Elizabeth Scrope- le Scrope 1373-1415, son of Stephen and Margery de Welles
le Scrope 1312-1392, son of Geoffrey and Juette de Ros, with Joan x
le Scrope ca 1271-1336, son of William and Constance de Newsom, with Margaret de Ros- le Strange 1441-, son of John and Alice de Beaumont, with Catherine Drury
- le Strange 1432-1485, son of Roger and Jane Beke, with Catherine Drury
- le Strange ca 1419-, son of John and Alice Beaumont
- t