Is Nikocado Avocado Dead? The Truth Behind the Mukbang Stars Rumors

Nikocado Avocado is a famous YouTuber who is known for his mukbang videos, where he eats large amounts of food on camera. He has over 7 million subscribers across six YouTube channels, and has also appeared on other platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, and OnlyFans. However, in recent years, Nikocado Avocado has also been involved in various controversies and scandals, such as his feuds with other mukbangers, his dramatic weight gain, and his health issues. These factors have led to some rumors and speculations that Nikocado Avocado is dead or dying. But is there any truth to these claims, or are they just baseless gossip? Here’s what we know so far.

The Origin of the Rumors

The rumors about Nikocado Avocado’s death started circulating online in mid-2022, when he posted a video titled “I’m dying” on his main YouTube channel. In the video, he claimed that he had been diagnosed with a serious heart condition, and that he had only a few months to live. He also said that he was going to continue eating junk food for his videos, because he wanted to enjoy his last days. He also asked his fans to pray for him, and to forgive him for his mistakes.

The video quickly went viral, and many fans and viewers expressed their concern and sympathy for Nikocado Avocado. However, some people also doubted the authenticity of his claims, and accused him of lying and clickbaiting for views and money. Some of the reasons why people were skeptical of his video were:

  • Nikocado Avocado has a history of faking his death and other dramatic events for his videos, such as his divorce, his car accident, his arrest, and his pregnancy. He has also admitted that he likes to play the role of the villain, and that he uses his low moments to attract more attention to his content.
  • Nikocado Avocado did not provide any proof or evidence of his diagnosis, such as a doctor’s note, a medical report, or a hospital bill. He also did not mention the name or the details of his heart condition, or how he found out about it.
  • Nikocado Avocado continued to post more videos after his “I’m dying” video, where he seemed to be in good spirits and health. He also did not show any signs or symptoms of a serious heart problem, such as chest pain, shortness of breath, fatigue, or fainting.

The Current Status of Nikocado Avocado

As of 2023, Nikocado Avocado is still alive and well, and has not died or confirmed his death. He has also not addressed the rumors or clarified his health situation. However, he has made some changes to his lifestyle and diet, which indicate that he is trying to improve his health and well-being. Some of these changes are:

  • Nikocado Avocado has lost 90 pounds (40 kgs) since 2022, according to his Instagram posts and videos. He has also shown his weight loss journey and progress on his YouTube channels, where he has shared his diet plan, exercise routine, and tips for losing weight.
  • Nikocado Avocado has reduced his intake of junk food and calories, and has switched to healthier and more balanced meals. He has also incorporated more fruits, vegetables, and water into his diet, and has avoided foods that are high in fat, sugar, and salt.
  • Nikocado Avocado has stopped smoking and drinking alcohol, and has cut down on his caffeine consumption. He has also tried to reduce his stress levels and improve his mental health, by meditating, journaling, and seeking professional help.

These changes have resulted in Nikocado Avocado looking and feeling better, and receiving more positive feedback and support from his fans and viewers. He has also gained more confidence and happiness, and has expressed his gratitude and appreciation for his life and his career. He has also stated that he wants to inspire and motivate others to achieve their goals and dreams, and to live a healthy and fulfilling life.
