Did Huell Howser married?

His death certificate listed Howser’s birthdate as Oct. 18, 1945 and said he worked 45 years in the entertainment industry. Howser never married and lived in Riverside County for 10 years, the document said. Howser was a staple of KCET public television in Los Angeles for more than two decades.Click to see full answer. Consequently, who was Huell Howser’s wife?After forty-eight years in television, he’s now retired and lives with his wife in Rialto, California. David Duron met Luis Fuerte while working as senior unit manager at KCET-TV in Los Angeles.Similarly, what was Huell Howser’s last show? California’s Gold Similarly, when did Huell Howser pass? January 7, 2013 How much was Huell Howser worth?Huell Howser net worth: Huell Howser was an American actor who had a net worth of $5 million. Huell Howser was named after the combination of the names of his parents Harold and Jewell. Howser started his career at WSM-TV in early 1980s.
