Mark Knopfler is a British singer, songwriter, musician, and record producer who was the lead guitarist of the rock band Dire Straits.
How old is Mark Knopfler? What is Mark Knopfler’s age? Mark Knopfler is 74 years old.
How tall is Mark Knopfler’s height? What is Mark Knopfler’s height? Mark Knopfler is 1.83 meters tall.
What are some of the popular songs by Mark Knopfler? What songs is Mark Knopfler known for? Mark Knopfler is known for several songs. Some of them include Sultans of Swing, Money for Nothing, So Far Away, You and Your Friend, Walk of Life, Brothers in Arms, Tunnel of Love, and more.
Which music groups is Mark Knopfler a part of? Mark Knopfler was the lead guitarist of the rock band Dire Straits.
Which school did Mark Knopfler attend? Where did Mark Knopfler attend school? Mark Knopfler’s educational background is not known yet.
Who are Mark Knopfler’s family? Mark Knopfler is married to Kitty Aldridge. He has four children Issy Knopfler, Katya Ruby Rose Knopfler, Benji Knopfler, and Joseph Knopfler.