Dustin Dollin, a renowned skateboarder hailing from Australia, is anticipated to possess a net worth of approximately $1.5 million by the year 2024. With an impressive career spanning over several years, he has established himself as a prominent figure in the skateboarding community. Known for his fearless style and exceptional tricks, Dollin has gained immense popularity both locally and internationally. His dedication and passion for skateboarding have contributed to his success, leading to lucrative endorsements and sponsorships, cementing his financial worth in the industry.
Professional Skateboarder from Australia who appeared in the Tony Hawk video game series and rode for Baker.
He grew up in Australia, but moved to West Hollywood, California in 2012.
He had a YouTube series called 7 Day Weekend in which he chronicled his party lifestyle.
His family members are natives of New South Wales, Australia.
He has appeared in the Tony Hawk skateboarding video game series.