How old is Cyril Wecht? When is Cyril Wecht's birthday? Where is Cyril Wecht born? Where did Cyril Wecht grow up from? What's Cyril Wecht's age?
Cyril Wecht Born: 1931 (age 92years), Dunkard Township, PA
Is Cyril Wecht married? When did Cyril Wecht get married? Who's Cyril Wecht's married to? (Who's Cyril Wecht's husband / wife)?
Cyril Wecht Spouse: Sigrid Wecht
Does Cyril Wecht have any children? What are the names of Cyril Wecht's children? What are the ages of Cyril Wecht's children?
Cyril Wecht Children: David Wecht
How about Cyril Wecht's education?
Cyril Wecht Education: University of Pittsburgh, MORE
How about Cyril Wecht's party?
Cyril Wecht Party: Democratic Party
What is Cyril Wecht famous for?
During his career, Wecht performed more than 17,000 autopsies. He is a clinical professor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and an adjunct professor of law at Duquesne University.
Is Cyril Wecht still practicing?
During his career, Wecht performed more than 17,000 autopsies. He is a clinical professor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and an adjunct professor of law at Duquesne University.
Is Cyril Wecht a doctor?
During his career, Wecht performed more than 17,000 autopsies. He is a clinical professor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and an adjunct professor of law at Duquesne University.
What are some fun facts about Cyril Wecht?
During his career, Wecht performed more than 17,000 autopsies. He is a clinical professor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and an adjunct professor of law at Duquesne University.