We bring you a story of a stand-up comedian, who gets out of gags and strictly avoids being in a relationship after her failed marital life. This story is related to a comedian, who makes frequent national as well as international tours performing amidst a large number of audiences.
Well, if the bell still doesn’t ring for you, then let us add that she had made her outstanding performance on Netflix Original Comedy Special “I’m Gonna Die Alone (And I Feel Fine)” in 2015, and is now back again with “Just Keep Livin’?” on Netflix from January 3rd this year. Well, by now a name must have hit your memory. Yes, she is none other than Jen Kirkman.
Today, let’s take a step ahead and see how the celeb differentiates her past marital life and present single life.
Jen Kirkman, who is also famous by another name, Southie amid her close ones, will be 43 this coming month. She is a divorced lady who seems more than happy to be single and doesn't even interest in dating a boyfriend and brooding any child, speaking for now.
Jen, who is also a writer got married to a writer/director Neil Mahoney in a concealed marriage ceremony at the Wayside Inn in Sudbury, Massachusetts on August 21, 2009.
She calls her marriage an urgency more than the desire of her and her partner in an interview with Karen Geier for HuffingtonPost.
"Divorce will be a big part of my second book because I’m single again for the first time. I feel like I’m through the looking glass where getting married was never a goal of mine anyways. It wasn’t something I dreamt of as a kid. But as I got older, I started to look to the left and to the right and noticed, “everyone else who is in a serious relationship is getting proposed to.” I feel like I really pressured my boyfriend at the time into marriage. I think he also felt pressure too. “This is what you’re supposed to do.” So, we got married."
The marital life of the then couple couldn't last long, as it lacked proper matrimonial feelings between the two. Indeed, Jen didn't have a sex drive towards her ex-husband, and they remained just friends as explained by the comedian.
"We were really good friends, but I haven’t really talked to him much about it. There wasn’t a lot of communication once we decided to split. I don’t want to speak for him, but I would say that if we had to do it over again, and we were really thinking straight, being honest with ourselves and everyone around us, we may not have taken that step."
Furthermore, she added.
"One of the things I’m going to talk about in my book is the sex stuff. One of the things for me when I wasn’t feeling good about being married was I didn’t have any sex drive at all. Not just toward my husband, but toward anybody. I had completely shut down. When I tried to talk to my married friends about it, they either weren’t in the same place, or they were going through the same thing and they thought that if they admitted it, that would mean they needed to get a divorce too."
Divorce was probably a must case in that scenario, which took a real face on August 25, 2011, during an episode of Chelsea Lately.
Jen made a statement that she was no more in the relationship with Neil and she later confirmed her divorce on January 14, 2012, in an episode of the Pod F. Tompkast.
Today, she lives a happily divorced life and certainly feels proud to be separated and having a career through which a lot know her. In the interview with Karen, she expressed:
"In one way, I’m probably pitied a lot less for being an almost-40 divorcee than being an almost-40 single person. Divorcee implies so many things may have happened. It’s a sexier word. Single implies that you are actively, desperately looking and failing, when it could actually mean so many things. I even find myself making it known that I am divorced. I don’t think guys think that way necessarily. "
She also made her appearance on a comedy talk show with Conan O'Brien called Conan, where she funnily presented her reason being single and not having children.
Caption: Jen Kirkman in an interview with Conan O'Brien (Published on Jun 5, 2015).
As a comedian, a writer, and an actress, Jen has huge followers today. People follow her comedy albums, books, and her shows as well. She has also voiced characters in an animated series called "Home Movies".
All of these works of the artist conclude a surplus net worth of $500 thousand to her.