Salman’s first son, Zafar Rushdie, is the son of his first wife, Clarissa Luard.
Zafar was Born in 1980 , he’s currently 42 years.
Milan,13-year-old Milan Rushie is the author’s second child from his third marriage to Elizabeth West.
Salman Rushdie’s youngest son is Milan Rushdie.
Milan was born in 1999. He is the only child of Salman and his third wife, Elizabeth West. His parents divorced in 2007.
Milan Rushdie is little known. He prefers to keep a low profile and avoid the limelight.
Salman Rushdie, Zafar’s father, is an Indian novelist.
An Associated Press reporter saw a man storm the stage at the Chautauqua Institution as Rushdie was being introduced and begin punching or stabbing him 10 to 15 times. The 75-year-old author collapsed, and the man was arrested.
Rushdie was flown to a hospital by helicopter, according to state police, who noted that he had suffered an apparent stab wound to the neck. His condition was unknown at the time.
Spectators were ushered out of the outdoor amphitheatre amid gasps. When the attack occurred, Rabbi Charles Savenor was among the hundreds of people in the audience.
“This individual rushed onto the platform and began pounding on Mr. Rushdie. ‘What’s going on?’ you wonder at first. In a matter of seconds, it became clear that he was being beaten.”
According to Savenor, the attack lasted about 20 seconds.
Many Muslims considered Rushdie’s 1988 novel The Satanic Verses to be blasphemous, prompting death threats. Protests against Rushdie erupted all over the world, including a riot in Mumbai that killed 12 people.
The novel was outlawed in Iran, where late leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini issued a fatwa, or edict, ordering Rushdie’s execution.
Because of the death threats and bounty, Rushdie went into hiding under a British government protection program that included a 24-hour armed guard.
Rushdie emerged from seclusion after nine years and cautiously resumed more public appearances, maintaining his outspoken criticism of religious extremism in general.
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