Who was Tom Hayden? Wiki, age, death, divorce, children, net worth

tom hayden jane fonda relationship details

Jane Seymour Fonda is an American actress, activist, and former fashion model. Recognized as a film icon, Fonda is the recipient of various accolades including two Academy Awards, two British Academy

Fonda first divorced director Roger Vadim in 1973, then activist Tom Hayden in 1990, and finally, CNN founder Ted Turner in 2001. And the recurring theme in all three marriages, she told Bazaar, was her tendency to fade into a passive role. “I would tend to mold myself according to what my then-husband wanted me to be,” she explained. “But there was always a center to me that they never touched.”

Jane Fonda’s second husband: Who was Tom Hayden?

Thomas Emmet Hayden (December 11, 1939 – October 23, 2016) was an American social and political activist, author, and politician.

Hayden and Fonda married in January 1973, and they had been dating for some time before that, although Fonda’s divorce from her first husband, French director Roger Vadim, was technically only finalized three days before her wedding to Hayden.

After nearly 17 years of marriage, the couple announced their decision to divorce in late 1989 — but with something of a twist on the usual “amicable breakup” that we’re so used to from Hollywood couples.
