Hans and Timbi Porter were one of the most popular couples on the reality show Port Protection, which followed the lives of people living in a remote town in Alaska. The show, which was later renamed as Life Below Zero: Port Protection, showcased the challenges and joys of living off the grid in a harsh environment. Hans and Timbi were known for their adventurous spirit, their love for animals, and their strong bond as a couple. But what happened to them after the show? Are they still together or have they gone their separate ways? Here is everything you need to know about the fate of Hans and Timbi Porter.
Hans and Timbi met in high school and fell in love at a young age. They shared a passion for nature and adventure, and decided to move to Alaska to pursue their dreams. They settled in Port Protection, a small community of about 100 people on Prince of Wales Island. There, they built their own home, a greenhouse, and a farm where they raised chickens, ducks, geese, rabbits, and dogs. They also ran the Port Protection Wilderness Lodge, where they welcomed guests from all over the world who wanted to experience the Alaskan wilderness.
Hans and Timbi were featured on the first two seasons of Port Protection, which aired from 2015 to 2016. They quickly became fan favorites, as viewers admired their resilience, resourcefulness, and romance. They faced many challenges living in Port Protection, such as harsh weather, predators, isolation, and limited resources. But they also enjoyed many rewards, such as stunning scenery, fresh food, close-knit community, and freedom.
After the second season of Port Protection ended in 2016, Hans and Timbi did not return for the third season, which aired in 2018. The show was also rebranded as Life Below Zero: Port Protection in 2020, but Hans and Timbi were still absent from the cast. Many fans wondered what happened to them and why they left the show.
According to reality blurred, Hans and Timbi decided to leave the show for personal reasons. They wanted to focus on their family and their business, and they felt that being on camera was too intrusive and stressful. They also wanted to have more privacy and control over their lives.
Unfortunately, Hans and Timbi are no longer together as a couple. They separated in 2018 after being married for over 20 years. According to stardom facts, they divorced amicably and remained friends. They also continued to care for their animals and their greenhouse in Port Protection.
Hans still lives in Port Protection, where he works as a carpenter, fisherman, hunter, and guide. He is also involved in the local community and helps out his neighbors. He occasionally posts updates on his Facebook page, where he shares photos of his adventures and his animals.
Timbi moved to the Anchorage area, where she works as a nurse. She is also an avid traveler and has visited many places around the world. She has a blog where she writes about her travels and her life. She also posts regularly on her Instagram account, where she has over 10k followers.
Hans and Timbi may not be together anymore, but they have left a lasting impression on many fans who watched them on Port Protection. They inspired many people with their courage, creativity, and love for nature. They also showed that living off the grid is possible and rewarding, if one is willing to work hard and adapt to the challenges.
Hans and Timbi are still living their dreams in Alaska, albeit separately. They have not forgotten their roots in Port Protection, nor have they lost their spirit of adventure. They are still pursuing their passions and making the most of their lives. They are still Hans and Timbi Porter: The Truth About the Port Protection Couple.