Bill Wallace, a renowned children's author hailing from Oklahoma, has amassed an impressive net worth of $17 million as of 2024, according to estimates. With a career dedicated to captivating young readers with his enchanting storytelling, Wallace has become a household name in the world of children's literature. With numerous best-selling books under his belt, his artistic and imaginative writing has not only brought joy to countless young readers but has also contributed significantly to his substantial wealth. Bill Wallace's enduring popularity and financial success are testaments to his undeniable talent and unwavering dedication to his craft.
An American author, he is known for children's works such as A Dog Called Kitty, Danger on Panther Peak, and Snot Stew. He won the Nebraska Golden Sower Award.
He graduated from the University of Oklahoma's writing program and subsequently earned a degree in Elementary Education from The University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma. His fourth-grade students inspired him to create "real" books, because they loved the stories he would write for them as rewards for good classroom behavior.
The Chickasha, Oklahoma elementary school where he served as both a Teacher and a principal was renamed The Bill Wallace Early Education Center in his honor.
His wife, Carol, collaborated with him on seven books. His forty five-year marriage lasted until his death in 2012.
He and Beverly Cleary are both known for their works of children's fiction.