Bob Lind's net worth is projected to reach an impressive $20 million by the year 2024. Originating from Maryland, Bob Lind made a name for himself as a prominent Folk Singer. Known for his soulful melodies and thought-provoking lyrics, he has captivated audiences with his unique sound and sincere storytelling. From his humble beginnings to achieving significant success, Bob Lind's talent and charisma have propelled him to financial prosperity in the music industry.
Folk singer and songwriter who released the international hit Elusive Butterfly in 1966.
He became interested in the guitar and folk music while attending Western State College in Colorado.
He also wrote numerous novels and screenplays. He inspired the character of Dinky Summers in Women, Charles Bukowski's novel from 1978. He wrote for satirical tabloids Weekly World News and Sun for eight years.
He was an only child and remained a bachelor for most of his life.
He wrote hit singles for many artists, including Nancy Sinatra, Petula Clark, and Johnny Mathis.