I felt when I listened to this song a couple times that he was talking about modern society when everyone is judging everyone else. He says "I have thrown away my vice, Done away with paradise, See what's going on inside my mind". I think this means that he is done pretending that everyone is all okay and like paradise and he needs to show what is really going on so he is going to open up his mind (truth being preached) to everyone. He proceeds to say "Branded like an animal" which is most likely referring to being labeled (possibly by hypocrites). "Deprivating, isolating all that I feel, Leaving me with images I know are not real, Are those words of condemnation that I hear" talking about how they are isolating him, singaling him out as if he is wrong or just attempting to get attention. Words of condemnation is referring to the possible insults being thrown at him. "Why do you cry and shake with fear, I've only had the best dub me insane." I think here he is saying why are you afraid? If I am wrong why does it scare you? Could it be that you KNOW I'm right? :P and I beleive he is being sarcastic when you says that he has only had the best dub him insane. I think what he is trying to say is that they are all being hypocritical.