Is Michael Gunther Arrested? School Bus Driver Arrested for Selling Drugs and Having Child Porn

Michael Gunther, a former school bus driver hailing from Virginia Beach, stands accused of distributing drugs to students and possessing child pornography. He had been employed by the Virginia Beach City Public Schools since 2018 and was responsible for driving school bus 353, which transported students from Kellam High School.

The Allegations:

According to court records, on September 4, 2023, a concerned parent discovered their child in an unconscious state, displaying clear signs of drug use. Suspecting fentanyl involvement, the parent promptly rushed their child to a hospital where medical attention was provided for undisclosed drug-related complications.

Subsequently, the parent inspected their child’s text messages and uncovered a conversation with an individual named “Mr. Mike.” This person, identified as Michael Gunther, had offered to supply drugs, alcohol, and nicotine vapes to the student.

In response to these allegations, the Virginia Beach Police Department (VBPD) traced the text messages to Gunther, leading to the issuance of an arrest warrant. On October 5, 2023, Gunther was apprehended and charged with one count of contributing to the delinquency of a minor and one count of providing tobacco to a minor.

Furthermore, the VBPD executed a search warrant at Gunther’s residence, resulting in the discovery of evidence that prompted an additional five charges related to the possession of explicit material involving minors. Law enforcement emphasized that their investigation remained ongoing and encouraged anyone with information to come forward.

School’s Response:

Virginia Beach City Public Schools confirmed Gunther’s termination from his position following his arrest. They emphasized that they were not involved in the criminal proceedings but stressed their expectation that all staff members adhere to the highest ethical standards and behavior in line with their core values. The school authorities conveyed their unequivocal stance against any actions compromising the safety of their students.

The school assured parents that the safety and well-being of their students remained their paramount concern. They pledged to continue cultivating a secure learning environment for all students.

In Conclusion:

Michael Gunther, a former school bus driver, currently faces multiple charges related to drug distribution to students and possession of child pornography. He is presently in custody, awaiting legal proceedings. The Virginia Beach City Public School system has terminated his employment, reiterating their commitment to safeguarding students’ welfare. As the police investigation continues, authorities are actively seeking additional information on the case.
