Pablo Francisco Talks On The Ideal Girlfriend But Is He A Married Man Now? Talks About How He Steppe

By LRU Writer | On: May 23, 2017Pablo Francisco Talks On The Ideal Girlfriend But Is He A Married Man Now? Talks About How He Stepped Into Comedy

Calling Pablo Fransisco "FUNNY" would be an understatement as he is such a genius when it comes to making people roll on the floor laughing and holding on to their dear stomach. Although his fans and admirers love him for who he is in his profession, they would also like to know about his personal life and the romantic aspect of his life. 
Getting to the point, is he dating and has a girlfriend, or is he a married man? What type of women does he like? These are the kind of questions that often pop on his fans' minds, and if you are wondering that too, then you have come to the right place.

Talked About The Ideal Girlfriend But Is He Married Yet?

When you are a man, you mostly talk about the kind of woman you want to date and have a romantic affair. You don't go out there and date anyone just for the sake of it, and the same is the case with Pablo as he too has spoken about the kind of woman he would like to have in his life as his girlfriend.

Belonging to a Latino family, Pablo has always been very fond of Mexican women as per his words, and that leads us to know that he is attracted more towards Mexican women than some other women.

Caption: Pablo Fransisco speaks about the Mexican women. (Uploaded on August 10, 2008)

The way he presented the whole thing might be a bit hilarious, but he himself said that he likes Mexican women. 

Now that we know what kind of women he likes, the main question is, "Is he married in his life?" Well, thus, far, the man has been adamant about not opening up about his marital life, and as a result of that, no one can stake a claim that he is a married man and has a wife in his life.

So let us pause and see if the comedian reveals any key details related to his marriage plans and marital life.

Furthermore, the people often call him a gay as he has not presented a female partner in front of the public. But the man has not bothered to speak about his sexuality and has not come out as a gay which is why we might want to wait for some official confirmation from Pablo to reach any major conclusion regarding his sexuality. 

Pablo On Marijuana Legalization:

Comedians are people who say things in a hilarious manner, and a lot of people tend to take it as a joke. But we all know that sometimes, the words that come out of their mouths are from the heart and no joke.

Pablo spoke about marijuana legalization during an interview back in 2014.

In the interview, he said,

You know what, though? It's a hot wild west. There's a lot of hot ladies out there in Denver. People there are educated like nobody's business. It's cold, but I think that some of the best comedians come out of Denver. It's a fun place to be. Marijuana's legal now? I can walk up to a cop and say, "Hey cop, check out my bag of pot?"

Moreover, when the interviewer said, it'd be dicey as the cops are still cops, he continued,

We'll see what happens. There's no better place to run it through than Denver. Lots of responsible people there. We want the stoners to come on down and start the party at the Pablo show. I know it's kind of a strange area of town. [In a movie-trailer voice] It's a biker town. It used to be a ghetto. Used to be a 'hood. 

The words might be a bit controversial, but the man certainly spoke his mind out.

Moreover, Pablo has been quite a successful person in his career, and the people love watching him even if they have to pay a hefty amount of money. As a result of his prolonged dedication in his career, he has been able to accumulate a huge net worth of $5 million.

Stay with us for the emerging updates on Pablo Fransisco!
