The Untold Truth of Suzanne Marie Sevakis and What Happened To Her

Suzanne Marie Sevakis (born September 9, 1969) is an appalling young lady who died in 1990 when she was 20 years of age. In the couple of years she remained on the planet, Suzanne was hijacked, physically mishandled, and compelled to fill in as a whore by Franklin Delano Floyd, a man who should resemble a dad to her.

To cover the miserable story all up, Floyd constrained Suzanne to wed him, and when she attempted to take off, he liked to kill her instead of give her the opportunity she wanted.

Suzanne Marie Sevakis’ Folks Separated When She Was As yet A PreSchooler Insights concerning the specific date of birth of Suzanne Marie Sevakis are not accessible. Nonetheless, she was born into the group of Clifford Beam Sevakis and Sandra Francis Brandenburg. Her folks were secondary school darlings when Suzanne was born.

After her dad got back from the Vietnam war, things changed for the family as he felt the conflict wrecked his life. Her folks in this manner got separated.

Suzanne Marie Sevakis as a kid After the separation, Sandra got hitched to her subsequent spouse, with whom she had three youngsters; Allison (born in 1971), Amy (born in 1972), and Philip (1974). Things went to pieces for Sandra and her subsequent spouse. To deteriorate what is happening, a twister cleared her home away.

Her Mom Remarried Franklin Floyd, Who Turned into her Stepfather In 1975, Sandra, who was overpowered with the way that she didn’t have what it took to deal with four kids, went to the congregation to weep hysterically. While she was crying, Franklin Floyd approached her to ask about her concern.

✧ Uma vida roubada: a história de Suzanne Marie Sevakis ✧

— m ⚰️ (@tthetruecrime) January 29, 2020

She let him know that she was in danger of losing her kids. In the wake of hearing her story, he proposed to wed her so he could be the dad of her kids and deal with them, a proposition she merrily acknowledged. The curve here is that Franklin Floyd didn’t present himself by his genuine name. Around then, he was going by the assumed name Brandon Williams.

Indeed, in Suzanne Marie Sevakis’ story, this is Floyd’s most memorable nom de plume, and there is something else to come.

Franklin Floyd Grabbed Suzanne Marie Sevakis While Her Mom Was Serving A Short Prison Term After Brandon Williams (Franklin Floyd) got hitched to Sandra, he became stepfather to Suzanne and her kin. In 1975, Sandra was condemned to 30 days in jail for passing awful checks.

While Sandra was in jail, Floyd took off with her kids. She got back to find the house vacant. She later found two of her kids, Alison and Amy, at a social help activity worked by a nearby church. She was always unable to find Philip until 2019 when a man surfaced saying he accepted he was Philip. After a DNA test in 2020, it was affirmed that he was Philip.

Franklin Floyd dropped the other three youngsters, yet he took Suzanne Marie alongside him.

This choice by Floyd destroyed and cut off Suzanne Marie’s life. Sandra attempted to open a police case concerning her missing kid, yet the police said since he was lawfully Suzanne’s stepfather, she was unable to document a capture body of evidence against him as he reserved the option to accompany the youngster.

He Raised Suzanne Marie Sevakis As His Girl At the time Franklin Floyd seized Suzanne Marie Sevakis, she was six years of age.

He was adequately caring to enlist her in Oklahoma City Primary School however not without changing her name to “Suzanne Davis.”

While growing up, he recounted how he turned into her dad. He persuaded her that her organic guardians had deserted her, and he safeguarded her and took her in as her dad. Suzanne moved on from secondary school in 1986 at Woodland Park, Georgia, yet with the name Sharon Marshall. As of this time, Floyd had additionally changed his name to Warren Marshall.

Franklin Delano Floyd While moving on from secondary school, Suzanne Marie Sevakis was granted a grant to concentrate on advanced plane design at the Georgia Organization of Innovation. Tragically, Suzanne didn’t take the grant since she got pregnant, and her dad (Floyd) didn’t believe that she should attend a university.

As opposed to setting off for college, she moved to Tampa, Florida, with Franklin Floyd, and in the wake of conceiving an offspring, she surrendered the youngster for reception.

Suzanne Got Hitched To Floyd In 1989 In 1988, Suzanne Marie Sevakis had another youngster who is in all likelihood Micheal, her subsequent born. After Suzanne conceived an offspring and parted with the child, she turned into a fascinating artist. As per reports, she did this to bring in cash for her and Franklin Floyd.

By 1989, they had moved to New Orleans, and she got hitched to her victimizer. She moved from being his girl to his significant other at 20 years old.

Franklin Delano Floyd y Suzanne Marie Sevakis

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— (@RelatocuriosoK) November 15, 2021

While living in New Orleans, Suzanne had one more youngster that she surrendered for reception. By and by, Suzanne Marie Sevakis’ pseudonym changed from “Sharon Marshall” to “Tonya Sunrise Tadlock,” and Franklin Floyd changed his nom de plume from “Warren Marshal” to “Clarence Marcus Hughes.”

In any case, in 1989, Floyd and Suzanne moved to Tulsa, Oklahoma. Suzanne changed her name again to “Tonya Day break Hughes” while she filled in as an artist at a strip club.

Franklin Floyd Later Killed Suzanne Marie Sevakis While functioning as an artist at a strip club in Tulsa, Oklahoma, a partner called Karen Parsley supported Tonya (Suzanne) to leave the fortresses of Franklin Floyd and take off. Tonya let Karen know that assuming she did that, Floyd would kill her and her child.

Around then, Floyd joined the Brotherly Request of Police, in spite of not being a genuine cop, and he let Suzanne know that he would find her anyplace she attempted to go. In spite of the trepidation and dangers, Suzanne attempted to take her risk. In April 1990, she ran off with an undergrad called Kevin Brown, who she was in a discrete relationship with, and keeping in mind that eloping, she took her child with her.

That very month, Suzanne was found lying practically inert with regular food items spread around her on a thruway 100 miles outside Oklahoma City. After examinations were done, it was found that she was coming from a corner shop to a close by inn called Inn 6 when she got hit by a quick in and out truck.

She was hurried to the clinic with a huge hematoma around the foundation of her skull and a few other extreme injuries. Tragically, she couldn’t endure the episode. At the point when Floyd showed up at the emergency clinic, he guaranteed that he nodded off while hanging tight for her to get things from the supermarket.

Megan DuFresne, one of Suzanne Sevakis’ youngsters Regardless of living for a brief time frame, Suzanne Marie Sevakis brought forth three children. Be that as it may, insights regarding how precisely her youngsters were born and when are not satisfactory. She got pregnant with her most memorable youngster in secondary school, who she surrendered for reception, and the specific location of this kid isn’t precisely known.

After her most memorable kid, she brought forth a second named Micheal. Micheal was born between 1987 to 1988. From the vibes of things, she didn’t surrender Micheal for reception, and he lived with her and Floyd. Around 1989, Suzanne brought forth another youngster called Megan. Megan was born in New Orleans and was set for reception.

Franklin Floyd Additionally Killed Her Child Micheal After the passing of Suzanne Marie Sevakis, Franklin Floyd put Micheal up for reception. As of now, he thought Micheal was his child. Not long after Michael was put for reception, he was taken into a cultivate home. His temporary parents around then grumbled to the specialists that he was showing crazy way of behaving, was non-verbal, and had restricted muscle control. Be that as it may, subsequent to remaining in his encourage home for quite a while, he gave indications of progress.

By 1994, his temporary parents had the option to begin the reception cycle. In any case, a half year down the line, a paternity test was directed on Michael to learn that Floyd was his dad, however the test demonstrated that Floyd was not Micheal’s natural dad. Michael Hughes killed by Franklin Flloyd While Micheal was in his encourage home, Floyd invested energy in jail. At the point when he got out, he attempted to restore authority of Micheal, however it was denied because of his lawbreaker record and the new discoveries that he was not Micheal’s natural dad.

On the twelfth of September 1994, Franklin Floyd appeared at Indian Meridian Grade School – Micheal’s school. Micheal was in 1st grade, and Franklin Floyd held the school head, Mr. James David, at gunpoint, mentioning to see Micheal. Mr. James took Floyd to Micheal’s group, and Franklin Floyd kidnapped both the head and Micheal yet dropped the vital en route and took Michael with him. Two months after the seize, Franklin Floyd was captured, however Micheal was mysteriously gone.

There was such a lot of hypothesis about what had befallen Micheal, yet it was until 2015 that Floyd admitted to killing the kid. As per Floyd, he shot Micheal in the head to make it quick.

Suzanne Marie Sevakis’ Story is Caught in a 2022 Netflix Narrative The Netflix genuine wrongdoing narrative “The Young lady in The Image” tells Suzanne Marie Sevakis’ story. This narrative got the audience enthralled and left them with miserable responses. Such countless individuals were annoyed by the way that Suzanne’s folks didn’t put forth additional attempts to take her from Franklin Floyd.

The narrative was delivered on Netflix in 2022. Karen (Suzanne’s stripper companion), Megan (her last youngster), and Sandra (her mom) were a portion of individuals highlighted in the narrative. Before the arrival of “The Young lady in The Image,” an analytical columnist called Matt Birkbeck composed a book named ‘A Delightful Kid’ in 2004. This book exposed Suzanne Marie Sevakis’ story.

The book accumulated global consideration and prompted the case’s recovery by the FBI and Public Community for Absent and Took advantage of Youngsters in 2011. In 2014, during a meeting with two FBI specialists, Franklin Floyd at long last uncovered Suzanne’s actual way of life as Suzanne Marie Sevakis.
